The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-08, Page 5_—.114.•PoNs'asi".°. silk dress with plain blue linen jacket, matching accessories and corsage of blue tinted car- nations. VERNA'S Beauty Salon GODERICH 67 West — 524-7131 Bon Voyage Supper Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scotch- mer entertained at a bon voy- age buffet supper at their home on Keith Crescent on Saturday evening for their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, who lett on Wed- nesday, July 8 for Prestwick, Scotland to spend a holiday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan Elslip in Glasgow. They will tour Scotland with Mr. and Mrs. Eisiip, then go on to England where they will meet friends, Mr. a n d Mrs. Marshall Griffiths from London, Ontario, and take a motor trip through France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Ger- many. They are returning home late in August Among the guests present were Dr. and Mrs. Moore His- lip and Julie, Royal Oak, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Chris Klaudi, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Burt and children, Joanne, Karen, Jeffrey and Ronnie. London, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder and children, John, Cathy and Marylleth. TWO BRAND NEW 3 Bedroom Cottages 3-pc. bath, modern kitchen. CLOSE TO LAKE. Make us an offer! ALSO 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE, 2-pc. bath. Close to lake. 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE. Large lot. GOOD LAKE FRONT. LAKE FRONT LOTS $1,500-$2,500 FIRST ROW LOTS $1,000--$1,200 EVERITT LAUCKNER REAL ESTATE ADAM FLOWERS Bayfield Woollen Shop Phone 83 Don't Miss Our Specials Every Weekend GROCERIES — FROZEN FOODS KEN FERGUSON Main Street BAYFIELD Phone 11 • YOUR MENU DREARY? Why not try some tasty, fresh-caught whitefish or perch for a refreshing change. Caught fresh doily. Sold pan-ready! SIDDALL'S FISHERIES "VHEY DON'T COME ANY FRESHER" BAYFIELD HARBOR PHONE 29 BAYFIELD Tel: 10 Main St. 6-oz. Jar RED FRFOESE 89c INSTANT Did You Know? Goderich Community Credit Union 524-7931 That the security of Free Life Insurance is added to the security of Saving ... and of Borrowing j at your Credit Union? Clinton Community Credit Union Limited 482-3467 4 RASPBERRIES Place Your Order With RALPH CORNISH Bayfield 57r11 Pickers Are Needed—Apply Immediately To Above Address FOR CANNING . . . COME AND PICK YOUR OWN FRUIT at 30c Per Quart. Bring Your Own Berry Boxes Act Now As The Season May Be Short ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE BOOKS : : STATIONERY Greeting Cards Gifts Grumbacher Art Supplies WEEKEND SPECIALS Ladies' Dominion Rubber Kedettes The Popular Summer Shoe $2,95 up SEE THE WIDE SELECTION AT HOVEY'S GENERAL STORE SUPER KEM-TONE 20% OFF S Wednesday, July 8, 1964—Bayfield Bulletin—Page S This new store of Siddall Fisheries was made necessary by the increasing number of customers they have each year. Their grand opening took place on Sunday, June 28. John Sturgeon, manager of the store, felt assured that busi- ness was picking up considerably with the operation of the new store location. The assortment of fish taken each day averages somewhere around half a ton. To whet the appetite of all, lake trout, whitefish, perch, yellow pickerel, herring, and smoked fish are available fresh daily. Commercial fishing has long been an important industry for Bayfield. ( Bulletin Photo) Bayfield Industry Expanding With New Retail Fish Marketeria McLaughlin—Cluff Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms, Detroit, are visiting his broth- ers in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cameron, Detroit, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron at their home, 'The Open Gate'. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Atkin- son had their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- . ald Pence, Stephen, Robert, Rochester, Rochester, Mich., staying with them over the weekend, accompanying them were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunt and children, Robert and Pat- ricia, Rochester, and Mr. Hunt Sr., of Macon, Georgia. James Higgins, Toronto, is spending a two-week vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Off To A Fine Start! You are probably going on holidays soon. How does your present car stack up? If there's any doubt in your mind .. "TRADE-N-SAVE here . . . '62 FORD Fairlane "500" Sedan. '61 METEOR 6 Two Door '60 FORD Fairlune "500' Sedan. '59 METEOR Sedan. '61 STUDEBAKER Sedan. '59 STUDEBAKER Sedan. '60 NASH Rambler Sedan. '60 DODGE 8 Polaris Two- Door Hardtop. '57 PONTIAC 6 Two Door. '56 BUICK 8 Sedan. '60 ENVOY Sedan. '62 ENVOY Sedan. '59 CHEVROLET Biscayne Sedan. '61 CHEVROLET Bel Air Sedan. '62 CHEVROLET 8 Biscayne Sedan. '62 CHEVROLL1 6 Biscayne Sedan. '60 OLDSMOBILE Sedan. '61 OLDS. F85 Station Wagon. Others Are Corning In. If What You Want Is Not Listed or Now on The Lot, Your In- quiries Will Be Welcomed. LORNE BROWN MOTORS LTD. Yuur Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile K. Envoy Dealer Ontario Street — Clinton Phone 482-9321 J. B. Higgins at "The Maples" Bluewater highway. Thirty people attended a re- union of the Denby family, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brandon. Among those present were: Mrs. Noreen Swayzey, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Denby, St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Denby and family, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Julius Piekarz and family, of Port Credit; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Babin and family, Buffalo, NY; Miss Jeannine Denby, Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smyth and family, and Miss Sharon Den- by, Brampton; Mrs. James Sage and guests from Dwight- Heisey, Fisherville. Reid Gathering Held At Seaforth The seventh annual picnic of the Reid family was held on June 21 at the Seaforth Lions Park. A programme of races and games was conducted by Mrs. Jack Mustard and Mrs. Ken Mercer. Winners were: Kick the slipper, Mrs. George Cantelon. Races: 8 and under, Linda Carter; 8 - 12, Barbara Keys, (boys) Ervin Keys; Mrs. Bruce Keys was proven to be the mystery lady by Mrs. Fred Mulholland. Mrs. Ken Mercer conducted a make believe TV program in which many took part. Those present were from Cl- inton, Varna, Woodstock, Tavi- stock, Brucefield, London and Seaforth. The man who discovered the telegraph in 1847, Samuel Finley Breeze Morse, was a world famous painter. (Continued from Page One) in a blue lace dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. She was as- sisted by the groom's mother, Mrs. A. F. McLaughlin, who wore a yellow printed silk dress with matching accessories and a corsage of yellow and white carnations. Attend From Afar Relatives and guests attend- ing the wedding were from Cal- gary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Hunts- ville, London, Bayfield, St Thomas, Clinton, Stratford and Kingston. For her wedding trip to New York and Jamaica, the bride donned a blue figured French Lots of people know a good thing the minute another fel- low sees it. Any fool can criticize, con- demn, and complain . . . and most fools do. Social News