The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-15, Page 6you are cordially invited to visit us at the newly renovated Albion Hotel We feel sure you will enjoy a snack or full course meal in "The Pump Room" and your stay in the comfortable, airy rooms. •••••••"-W.0,,W,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.....,......,.., THE ALBION HOTEL BAYFIELD PHONE 2 The Albion Hotel Opens Saturday The camera fails to do justice to the neat and comfortable "Pump Room" of the ancient and hon- orable Albion Hotel. Come in and have a snack or satisfying full-course meal. You'll be glad you did. (Bulletin Photo) Page 6—Bayfield Bulletin—Wednesday, July 15, 1964 Congratulations.. ALBION HOTEL Welcome To Bayfield Best Wishes for Your Continuing Success The Baylield Bulletin BAYFIELD PHONE 96 • Congratulations... TO THE ALBION HOTEL on it's re-opening under new management TSSETT Gr.:0S. LTD. DAIRY Svpp;iers of Bissets Ice Cream 7 4.1.7 FORD HEIGHTS PAONE 524-7561 BEST WISHES t ol The Albion Hotel on re-opening under New Monogement Suppliers of Building Materials of All Kinds [WHEW HARDWARE and LUMBER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES -- CANADA PAINTS AND VARNISHES BAYFIELD PHONE 3-R-3 Mr. and Mrs. E. Robinson, who ptin:hased the hotel a few months ago from Mrs. Alma Fiday.ett and Miss Ellen Mac- Kay, daughters of the late Hugh MacKay who died a few years ago, have done a thor- ough job on the renovati.-ns, and the old place is now agleam with fresh paint and new tile floors inside, although nothn of the old charm has been lost The fine old bar has been rermished, the straight back --hairs are still very much in evidence in the "Pump Room" and the old time air of leisure and comfort is still present. The "Pump Room" has been open all this week, and by the weekend rooms will be avail- able for those requiring accom- • molation. • Mrs. Basset's grandfather was Edward Elliott who came to Bayfield in 1880. At first he was in the present Little Inn and in a Commercial Hotel in Bayfield. Then he spent four years at a hotel in Brucefield. coming back to Bayfield where he purchased the Albion in 1894. The place has been run atsa. hotel until the present tme Ownership passed to Hugh MacKay, the son-in-law of Mr. Elliott and then to MacKay's daughters. Living there at the time of sale were Mrs. Bas- sett; her daughter, Mrs. Bar- bara Matthews, and her dau- lea,t-rs; and M:ss MacKay. The old registers in the Al- Vigorous new management has polished up the old Albion Hotel, and with extensive re- novatoions, has brought back to life one of the Pine old land- marks of the village. Old Albion Hotel Ready For Guests 4. I)1:),1 shows lots of Clinton names. One list shows the members of a Clinton baseball team, which registered there on Augus 2, 1895: Ed Johnson, W. Ross, Frank Upshall, Percy Fair. H. Ball. George Huxley. BEST W!SHES to the ALBION HOTEL LEWIS BAKERIES LTD. Suppliers of Bread and Rolls LONDON, ONT. 434-5252 • S Bayfield BEST WISHES We ore pleased to hove been chosen to do the plumbing, heating and electrical work in connection with the extensive reno- vations at the Albion Hotel. PLUMBING, HEATING & ELECTRIC TO The Albion Hotel ARNOLD MAKINS Thomas Wheatley, 'Thomas Southoombe and Harry Mason. On the Bayfield team are: H. Elliott, J. Jewett, A. Woods, F. Elliott, J. Whidden, F. Gem- einhart, K. Moot-house, H. Er- win and W. Erwin. Phone 25