The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-15, Page 4. . PRIMITIVES . . . PINE FURNITURE . . . ART GLASS — CHINA — BRASS . . . LAMPS — JEWELLERY trbe Vine Room Ontiqueg Oar!, ffilsinger 101 nest irt.--ooner,14.-0) phony 324 777:, Jowett's Grove 1—Ca m ping and Tenting Facilities —Picnicing —Large Children's Playground —Beautiful Private Beach Every Wednesday and Friday Nite There Is DANCING in the Spacious Pavilion To The Top Music Bonds 1 Mile North Of Bayfield On The Old Highway • '7/r'';' GIFTS P4/dance° E. A COMPLETE LINE OF GIFTWARE Lamps — Appliances — Fixtures 52 The Square Goderich Tolonial Traft CANADIAN HANDI Goderich North on Mill Rd. off Hwy. 8 *use CRAFTS 524-6290 • I Zite Bayfield, Ontario Next Door To The Library • China • Hand Weavings • Linens it • Estate Jewellery • Silver t y • Gifts Zile Paine (6uilb SWIMMING F I S H ING PICNICS PIPER'S DAM Reasonable Rates Open 10:00 a.m. Closed at Dusk N. on Mill Rd. off Hwy. 8 — GODERICH — Ph. 524-6290 3Bennt5 steep CHINA - GUNS - PINE FURNITURE REPAIRING and REFINISHING FURNITURE 45 Waterloo St. — GODERICH — Tel: 524-8717 S Bob Hope wants Rita Hay- worth to do a drama In his series. On July 19th at 5 o'clock on ABC former President Eisen- hower will review the Republi- can convention. PHOTOGRAPHY u CJ El • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • ADVERTISING • CONSTRUCTION II U D ART ELLIOTT 32 EAST ST.. GODERICH 524-8562 Where To Find Antiques, Unusual Gifts 1964 Village Guild Has Great Variety In Fine Gifts Page 4—Bayfield Bulletin—Wednesday, July 15, The Village Guild, housed in a typical colonial Bayfield house, offers an amazing variety of gifts. You are cordially invited to drop in and browse about. (Bulletin photo) With articles gathered from 24 different countries, variety is perhaps the best word to describe just what the Village Guild offers to its many visit- Started in 1947 by two sist- ers, Miss Rhea and Miss Marg- aret Kruke, the shop is now run by Miss Rae Krouke with the assistance of Miss Tina Charlton. Outstanding among the main gifts displayed are Irish linens. English china, and old silver. There are also some excellent hand weavings done in Bayfield itself by Miss Marion Watson. as well as many other objects ranging from stuffed animals from Germany, to beautiful round candles from Quebec. Now in its 18th season, the Village Guild is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. throughout the summer months. Television Views (By William Whiting) Two groups have offered the CBC $36,000 for the "Pearson" film. It only cost the public $35,000—so come on boys, sell it. The people have a right to see it! CBS did an excellent docu- mentary recently on the Great Republican conventions. Films showed some dramatic mom- ents, such as the 1952 Taft- Eisenhower battle, and the convention, including the fam- ous "smoke-filled room" where Harding was nominated. Ex- cerpts from speeches made by Collidge, Dewey, Hoover, Hard- ing, Landon, Wilkie and others were featured. It will be the Democrats' turn August 19. Prediction: "Bewitched" a show that will start on CTV in the fall will show up in the top five in the ratings . . . and chances are that "Bewitched" will do for witches what Bev- erley did for the hillbillies. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Young. Stratford, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Rivers at their home on How- ard Street; also with them on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Ray Rivers and family! London; Visitors last week included Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Monteith of Lakeside. (.0 .4_ on MacRae WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER 166 The Square Goderich FINE CHINA — GIFTS REPAIRS FURNITURE -- CANADIAN PINE CHINA -- GLASS Agnes Middleton 104 TRAFALGAR ST., GODERICH 1 Block North of Gooderham Playground — Phone 524-8829 HAND CRAFTED, ORIGINAL CANADIAN JEWELLERY BY 1-ledy Hill See These Unique and Fascinating Bracelets, Eearrings, Necklaces, Rings and Pins in the "Gift Corner" at Galbraith's RADIO & TV 1 Rattenbury St. — CLINTON — 482-3841 Perry Como will do the first of seven Music Hall specials next season from Detroit on October 29. Subsequent pro- grams will come from St. Louis, Boston, Hollywood & Chicago.