The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-15, Page 2Your Headquarters for BEDDING — MATTRESSES WIDE SELECTION OF COTTAGE FURNITURE BLACKSTONE FURNITURE West St. — GODERICH — 524-7741 Vagfirib %Hein Published Every Wednesday at Bayfield, Ontario by ART ELLIOTT Editor and Publisher DWIGHT ALDHAM AUDREY BELLCHAMBER Associate Editor Social Editor Subscription Rates: Canada U.S.A. $1.00 per Quarter $1.50 per Quarter Advertising Rates on Request P.O. Box 94 Phone 96 GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANERS CLEANERS — PRESSERS — STORAGE Phone 524-8452 35 West Street McARTHUR and REILLY LTD. DELTOX RUGS — 9x12 only Reg. "9N9VII $32.95 CHOICE OF 5 COLOURS IDEAL FOR COTTAGES and PATIOS WALLPAPER CLEARANCE PRE PASTED SINGLE r ROOM 99 C ROLLS 5bC UP LOTS UP STORES IN OWEN SOUND and GODERICH 36 West St. — Goderich — Dial 524-8532 • ONE-STOP SERVICE Let us keep your car or truck in tip-top shape. Prompt, courteous service with top quality Sunoco products and Goodyear tires. U 1:1CI 0 (n i* E A R WESTLAKE'S GARAGE JACK MkRNER, Proprietor Highway 21 BAYFIELD 50-R-2 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment • Phone 524-7251 GODERICH Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Property Manageemnt Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 • AMBULANCE SERVICE GODERICH 425-7401 Oxygen, First Aid Equipment • Page 2—Bayfield Bulletin—Wednesday, July 15, 1964 Welcome Late But Sincere For Subscribers Owing to space considera- tions, it was impossible to run the list of new Bulletin sub- scvribers last week. A hearty welcome to those listed here who have joined the band of faithful readers during the past two weeks: Gerald Weston, Bayfield, Ont. George Aitken, 16 Queen's Place, London. Ont. M. Traxler, RCAF Station, Clinton, Ont. John Hayman, 25 Southwood Crescent, Belleville, Ont. Bill Whiting, Promotion Dept., CKC'O-TV, Kitchener, Ont. Tom Castle, Box 35. Bayfield, Ont. EDITORIAL By ART ELLIOTT The Militia To Fight Again It is good to see that the Canadian Militia will be brought back to its right and reasonable job as a fighting arm of the Department of National De- fence. The men who have served in recent years have had to swallow a rather bitter pill, the rescue role in the event of a nuclear war. This properly belongs in the civilian domain and should be the work of civilians unable or unwilling to meet Army require- ments as to age or fitness. It is to be hoped that with this decision will come the equipment that will put the militiamen on a sound footing. For too many years the militia units have been hamstrung and rendered ineffec- tive by outmoded and scanty tools with which to work. When militia units are equipped to the scale of the Royal Canadian Regiment and the "Van Doos" this newspaper will believe that justice is being done. The loyalty and devotion the militiamen have given over the years has earned them nothing but the best. The Ontario Safety League reminds drivers that cars just don't "stop on a dime". Even at the modest speed of 30 mph a nalert drierv, with good br- akes, needs more than twice the width of the average inter- section to stop his car. Police in a small Arizona town became curious about the many hitch-hikers who were passing through. Checking 100 of them they found that only four were without police re- cords. Eighty-four had criminal records, 1 2others were either juvenile runaways or AWOL servicemen. R. W. BELL. OPTOMETRIST Goderich The Square 524-7661 AMBULANCE STILES FUNERAL HOME Goderich 524-8142 524-8504 • How About That? Perhaps in our old age we are getting crotch- ety, but Arthur Ford's little bit in The Free Press the other day irked a bit. We believe the man is deeply fond of Bayfield and its people, and in return, the people of Bay- field hold him in high regard, as well they may. However, we don't feel that even the tenderest lampooning of our municipal ambitions, or our de- voted citizens is justified. Of course it was a kindly, benevolent, tongue- in-cheek bit, but we are getting a little bored with being held up as quaint characters. As far as the flag issue is concerned, the Union Jack has been a back number for lo, these many years. Brigadier Frederick Clift flys the Red En- sign, and if we guess correctly, will continue to do so for some time to come. The old P.R. man's slogan says that "any pub- licity is good publicity as such'. 'If this is the case we are indebted to Mr. Ford for continuing to put Bayfield "on the map". At the same time we re- serve the right to be less than enthusiastic as to how he goes about it. Kip White, 112 Anglesea, Goderich, Ont. Fred Miller. RR 1 Goderich Bill Duncan, 28 Elgin Ave. E., Goderich, Ont. J. P. Elliott, Apt. 402, 73 Cehill Dr., Toronto 3, Ont. Arnold Makins, Bayfield, Ont. W. C. Heine, 647 Hillcrest Dr., London, Ont. A. S. Charlton. Box 37. Bayfield Miss Phyllis Adams, Bayfield, OM. J. G. Grime, 76 Speedville W., Guelph, Ont. Lloyd Scotchmer, Bayfield, Ont. R. Hartman. Bayfield, Ont. Chas. Scotchmer, Bayfield, Ont. James Adams, 57 Kingston St., Goderich, Ont. J. J. Murphy, 64 Maitland Rd. N. Goderich, Ont. S. T. Whiteman, North on Mill Rd., Goderich, Ont. Rev. Bruce Eaton, Bayfield, Ont. J. W. Brown, Bayfield, Ont. Ken Arkell, 1536 94th Ave., Dawson Creek, B.C. Thos. Arkell„ 100 Bleasby Rd., 8 Mile Claims, Brisbane, Queensland. Australia. Clayton Edward, 202 Anglesea Goderich, Ont. A. E. Lewis, 24 Emerald Crescent. Toronto 14, Ont. Dr. J. R. Leitch, 27 Nelson St. E., Goderich, Ont. John Hayman, 25 Southwood Cresc., Belleville, Ont. Margaret A. Hall, 140 Charles St. West, Toronto, Ont. Edward Pongravz, Cottage 17, Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, Ont.