The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-22, Page 9We Specialize In Famous CHINESE FOODS And TAKE-OUT Orders ESQUIRE CAFE The Square 524.9941 GODERICH KITCHIGAMI TOURIST CAMP • Family Picnics • Tenting • Cottages Only 5 Miles North of hayfield, Hwy. 21 Tel: 524-6494 [ For delicious Meals stop at . . . THE CLUB GRILL Kingston St. — Goderioh We Specialize in Steaks, Southern Fried Chicken and Take Out Orders Phone 524-8168 • I • ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Entertainment Nightly In The T?MBERLANE ROOM Dining Room and Banquet Facilities MODERN MOTEL UNITS Fully Air-Conditioned • Prop., Bill & Doug Fleischauer - Phone 482-3489 • SEE SUMMER CLEAR-OUTS CHESTERFIELD SPECIAL LODGE FURNITURE 33 WEST ST. - - GODERICH — 524-7521 THANK YOU! Our sincere thanks for a warm welcome on our Official Opening last weekend. You are cordially invited to visit us at the newly renovated ALBION HOTEL MR. and MRS. ELLWOOD ROBINSON Proprietors Bayfield Phone 2 • MAITLAND COUNTRY CLUB GOLF CLUB and GREEN FEES DINING ROOM Licensed Under The LOBO) BOB DEORKSON—PRO. North Harbour Rd.—Goderich Dial 524 9641 • ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE BOOKS : : STATIONERY Greeting Cards Gifts Grumbacher Art Supplies 33 East St. — Goderich — Next to Post Office AT PARK THE SQUARE—GODERICH THE Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. NOW PLAYING—THUR., FRI., SAT., July 23-24-25 "Lassies' Great Adventure" In Color Starring Jon Provost, June Leck and Lassie MON., TUES., WED. — July 27-28-29 Burl Ives, Millie Perkins and Robert Walker In a new and refreshing nautical comedy "ENSIGN PULVER" — In Cinemascope and Technicolor — •• .0 N. • • I' e THUR., FRI., SAT., — July 30-31-August 1 ELVIS PRESLEY Glenda Farrell & Pamela Austin Tell what happens when a missile base invades hillt,ilh territory "KISSIN' COUSINS" — Scope and Color — Coming—"HONEYMOON HOTEL" Robert Goulet and Nancy Kwan ...eatoutl rROVE 77,j1N for good food \ CI Come and Enjoy a Refreshing Snack at our Drive-In Restaurant • Intercom for the Cars • Patio Service • ICE PHONE I 6 For Prompl- Service On Take-Out Orders Casme Drive-In North of Bayfield on Hwy. 21 at Bridge Zbe 7Little 31nn BAYFIELD, ONT. The Little Inn offers you a delightful holiday at moderate prices. For a delightful change of atmosphere and a delicious dinner at modest rates, bring the family here! Sunday Brunch Sunday Brunch is a pleas- antly informal buffet lunch in the Main Dining Room, from 10:30 to 1:00 p.m. — Choose your time . Take your time! Vie little Inn BAYFIELD, ONT. Please phone 8 for reservations to avoid disappointment. Amusements Dining Spots Camping As The World Wags On Wednesday, July 22, 1964—Bayfield Bulletin—Page 9 Bayfield Keeping In Step With Times (Continued from Page 4) this move for Hayfield's incor- poration. In addition a Rate- payers' Association has been formed with Brig. Cliff as pre- sident and Mr. Ortliond as treasurer, the chief object of which is "to foster projects which are in the interest of the village." There is a well- founded rumor that another Ottawa brigadier is proposing to retire in Flayfiekl, and old- timers are wondering what will happen with two brigadiers in their midst. Incidentally, I should add that Stanley Town- ship is not very happy over the possible loss of Hayfield's taxes. • • • In the past I have often called Hayfield the Peter Pan of Canadian cities — a city which has never grown up. It was laid out as a city by The Canada Company in the 20's of the last century and was for a time headed to be chief lake port and capital of Huron County, but it was by-passed by the railway and became a forgotten isolated, fishing vill- age until someone discovered its beauty as a summer resort. Now the railways are folding up and Hayfield is coming into, its own. • • • Incorporation as a village is not the only sign of progress in Hayfield. A newspaper has been started in Hayfield called The Hayfield Bulletin. It is the ambition of all newspaper- men to some day own their own newspaper. Arthur Elliott is a wandering Huron Count‘ Old Boy who has been in news- paper work in a half a dozen Ontario and Quebec towns and cities and now hopefully has returned to Hayfield to achieve his goal. I thought first that Mr. Elliott, who is editor and publisher, might be an emis- sary of Lord Thompson of Fle"t, who is always on the lookout In his empire-building for fresh fields to conquer. I have not spoken to Mr. Elliott. but his friends assure me that he is completely independent of 1,ord Thompson. * • • The old Albion Hotel, the :oldest hotel in Hayfield, dating back to its booming days, has been purchased by a Stratford citizen who is remodelling it. Another of the big moves is the location of the library on Main Street. A former fish store has been remodelled for this library. The ambition is to make it the cultural centre of Hayfield. just as Dean Kent plans to make London Public Library the art, historical and musical centre of London. In- cidentally, it Is perhaps fitting that The Bayfield Bulletin is occupying the former library building. • • • Hayfield may not become the capital of a new Cotnmon- wealth, even if most of the old residents object strenuously to hauling down the Union Jack, but I warn Goderich, Clinton. Exeter, Seaforth, Wingham and other rival Huron County cen- tres that Hayfield is on the move. (London Free Press) awe HOTEL —50 ROOMS PRIVATE BATHS —EXCELLENT FOOD in our DINING ROOM —PRIVATE BATHS 92 SQUARE—Dial 524-7337 GODERICH •