The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-22, Page 8Let The Classifieds Work For You RELAX — FIND WHAT YOU WANT By reading and using The Bayfield Bulletin Classifieds. Do you know of an easier way to shop or sell? When you make our Classifieds your marketplace, all you do is place your ad and wait for the phone to ring (and ring it will), or sit back and enjoy reading the CLASSIFIED ADV. PHONE BAYFIELD 96 The Bayfield Bulletin BAYFIELD ONTARIO 1 COMBINATION ALUMINUM Screen Doors and Windows Let Us Repair Your Broken Windows And Screens RUSSELL JERVIS 63 Albert St. — Clinton Phone 482-9390 Page 8—Boyfield Bulletin- Wednesday, July 22, 1964 Bulletin Office Phone 96 Ole Vagfirth Buitrtitt Social Editor Phone 38 Seen here is Dave Gower, of RR 1, Goderich, closely examining six paintings of Mrs. Ross Middle- ton, of Bayfield. Mr. Gowers' wife is a member of the Goderich Art Club, sponsors of the Art Mart at Goderich Friday and Saturday. Therefore his experience of judging his wife's works of art, well qualifies him for a tour of the Art Mart. He offered no comment, but we are sure that Mrs. Middleton deserves much praise for her very fine effort. BAYFIELD PERSONALS BAITELD PERSONALS An old school friend, John Sauder, London, spent Sunday with Carl Humphries. If the law were enforced in Bayfield as rigorously as it is in neighboring communities. maybe there would be less reckless driving, squealing of tires, and more safety for children on foot and bicycles, and consequently more peace of mind for adults. Rummage Sale Winners Bayfield rummage sale, re- ported last week, realized $320 for Pioneer Park Association. Prizes donated by local mer- chants were won by: Mrs. Ken Mackie, Mrs. Gor- don Karte, Mrs. Fraser Stirl- ing, Norma Stewart, Mrs. J. Wild, Rosemary Wild, Helen Merrier, Barbara Wild, Gordon Scotchmer, Paul Middleton, Mrs. E. Robinson, John Grigg, Calvin Scotchmer, Peter Downe, Vicki Gallant,' Ann Mc- Conkey, Mrs. M. E. Scott and Paula Tillman. Special thanks go to Hale and Willard Dresser who again donated their servic- es and use of their truck. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fisher, Frank and Larry, St.. Agathe, were in the village over the weekend. Mrs. Robert Scotchmer spent several days last week at Kin- tore, staying with friends, the Rev. and Mrs. Gay. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Parker returned 'home on Monday after a week's holiday spent at Rouyn, Quebec, Northern Ontario, Port Arthur and Fort Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dun- ham, daughter Sandra and Penny Plaford, of Waterloo. were here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murray. Horsehead, N.Y. City, stayed at the cottage of Mrs. P. Mur- ray for the week. Mr. George Cantric, joined his family at their cottage for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hendrick, Birmingham, Mich., are at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gee, Bob, Betty and David, Hespel- er, spent the week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Coutts, Exeter, at Mr. Don Coutts' cot- tage. Mr. William Orr is also a patient in Clinton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pen- hale, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCullough and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Penhale attended the Cur- tis-Johnston wedding in Lon- don on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ben- nett and daughter were week- end guests of Mrs. Bennett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale. Mrs. Bert Faber held. on Sunday evening, a birthday supper in honour of her grand son Ricky Penhale who was celebrating his sixth birthday. Miss Carrie Dixon, of Brant- ford, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. F. H. Paull at "Camborne House" this week. Grace and Maryl Boyce, Gos- hen Line, have just returned from motoring through the states of Michigan, Ohio, Ken- tucky, Tennessee and Texas. They reported a most enjoy- able trip and while in Ten- nessee visited the "Grand Old Opera" and the home of Elvis Presley. David Dewar brought Mrs. William Metcalf from Montreal to be the guest of their mother. Mrs. D. Dewar; he returned to Toronto the following day. Mrs. Carl Diehl and Mrs. W. E. G. Bellchamber were guests on Saturday at afternoon tea hel dat the home of Mrs. Jack VanEgmond, secretary of the Clinton News-Record. The occasion was also an op- portunity for the "out-of-town" correspondents to meet the publisher and the new editor and his wife. Jimmie McMillan, Wood- stock, who has been staying with his aunt, Mrs. Reg. Fran- cis, since the end of the school year, has gone to Woodstock, accompanied by his cousin, Marion. They will return next week. d111. Galbraith Radio & TV TV SERVICE PORTABLE RENTALS Electrohomc and RCA Victor TELEVISION & STEREO Clinton — 482-3841 We spent a very enjoyable hour on Sunday evening with "mine hostess", Mrs. E. Robin- son at the Albion Hotel. The cuisine is excellent, the decor delightful. Two guests at the weekend perused the register and found their parents names entered when staying there in 1913. .George Bell left on Sunday to join the "Pinedale" at Port Credit, after being home on a three week vacation. Rev. and Mrs. H. G. E. Cros- by, Moortown, and two grand- children, Laurel Crosby, and Nancy Barwick, are visiting Mrs. Crosby's sister, Mrs. J. E. Howard. 97 St. Patrick St.—Goderich—Dial 524-7616 PATTERSON 'S USED FURNITIJI1 FLOWER FASHIONS ARTISTIC DESIGNS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Opp. Post Office, Goderich, Phone Day or Nite 524-9674 I Your Summer Things Arc Crisper and Cooler after Cleaning and Re-sizing BLUEWATER CLEANERS 38 West St. — GODERICH — 524-6231 THE FAMOUS LAURA SECORD CANDIES Enjoy the Cool Summertime Assortment CAMPBELL 'S 168 The Square — GODERICH — 524-7532