The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-22, Page 5EDWARD FUELS SHELL —FURNACE OIL —STOVE OIL —FARM GASOLINE —DIESEL Fast Delivery Dependable Service Phone 524-8386 EDWARD FUELS 202 Anglesea, Goderich BAR-B-0 Shoulder Steaks Ideal for the lawn barbecue . SPECIAL 49c lb. BAYFIELD Cold Storage Hwy. 21 Phone 77-R-5 Don't Miss Our Specials Every Weekend GROCERIES — FROZEN FOODS KEN FERGUSON Main Street BAYFIELD Phone 11 Bayfield Briefs Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Murray of Horsehead, N.Y., were guests for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murray at their cottage on Jane Street. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Elliott and daughter Lori of Virginia- t own. Ont., were overnight guests of Art Elliott of Bay- field last week. Robert Hampton of Toronto is spending the week at the home of Gordon D. Scotchmer, Bronson Line. • PATTERSON'S USED FURNITURE For COVTAGES and HOMES Admiral Refrigerators, like new 9 cubic feet, with deep freeze 2 Smaller Refrigerators for cottage 97 St, Patrick St. — Goderich — Dial 524-7616 I Television Views Wednesday, July 22, 1964—Bayfield Bulletin—Page 5 n HOW SAFE ARE THESE STEPS? For the residents and visitors near Pioneer Park who may want to walk down to the Bayfield beach, the stairway at the Park is the most con- venient means by which to do so. However, these 127 steps are not fit, they are old and constitute a hazard to all those that use them. Upon examining this wooden structure, one will find the following: 1. The stairway has been wrenched and de- formed sideways in its over-all construction. 2. Many of the individual steps are severely sloped to the side or down at the front, some have both faults. 3. Boards are missing. 1111.111011114. Boards are rotting. 5. The nails are coming loose. 6. The handrails are very unsteady. A prominent citizen of Bayfield recently stated that the stairway was originally built incorrectly, with disregard to the cliff's erosion. According to old survey maps, within the last century the cliff has worn away 200 feet. The Pioneer Park committee has tried to pre- vent this erosion, being only partially successful. Perhaps it can be explained what stresses are acting on this wooden framework, but how will it be explained to someone that has been killed be- cause of it? If expenses or other considerations do not favor the immediate rebuilding of the steps, at least a sign should be placed on them warning all who use them of the danger involved. • JENNY LIND CHOCOLATES 4 lb. Assorted Chocolates FREE with each 1 lb. box — $1.50 2e4catt RIECK PHARMACY GODERICH D R UGSI 14 The Square Dial 524-7241 I NOW OPEN The New Drive-In at The WILDWOOD MOTEL Try Our Delicious Tender "Flavor-Crisp" CHICKEN TAKE-OUT ORDERS . . . . . . FROZEN CUSTARD Cold Drinks . . . Snacks 1 Mile South — Highway 21 — Phone 40 Remember the R i c h a r d Boone Show and Harry Mor- gan? Well, he's joining the regular cast of NBC's new "Kentucky Jones" series which stars Dennis Weaver. He'll play Weaver's friend. There have been complaints about Channel 13 Kitchener not signing on until 3:30. . . What's with you guys in Kit- chener? Former President Eisenhow- er may have ruptured the Re- publican Party at the GOP convention by not making def- inite statements about the nominees. However, it was a lively affair—not dull or de- feated as expected, and once again television was there to report the action—and there was plenty of that Paul Peterson's girl friend in the "Donna Reed Show", Janet Landward, signed for numerous appearances in the 64-65 series. (By WILLIAM WHITING) That's fine Mr. Ouimet . . . give the Canadian television audience back to the American networks. Alphonse Ouimet, head of the Canadian Broad- casting Corporation asked Par- liament to set up the CBC sim- ilar to the BBC in England. Well, that's all we need. The CBC and CTV networks in Canada have been successful in obtaining most American-pro- duced shows on a pre-release basis. It was a big struggle for Canadian television stations to get big audiences, because American stations were over- flowing into Canada for four years before the first station went on the air. Now, we have Canadians watching Canadian channels and the CBC proposes to wipe this out. Let's hope that Mr. Pearson and Parlia- ment are not going to listen to this should-be-retired Al- phonse Ouimet. • • • • • • • • • KENWOOD BLANKETS BENMILLER BLANKETS HUDSON BAY BLANKETS JOHN S. BROWN'S — Household Linens from Belfast Ireland PETER SCOTT'S — Shetland Wool and Lamb's Wool Sweaters for the Ladies GLEN CREE Mohair Slumber Throws These and many other items of interest to American and Canadian tourists at F. E. HIBBERT & SON 160 THE SQUARE GODERICH