The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-07-29, Page 7NEWS sasie•wwwwesnewsowsewsowsiowsiewtiow%"""""""i 0 BAYFIELD Phone 11 Main Street Open Bowling 5 PINS — 10 PINS Enjoy Yourself On Our Fine Bowling Lanes—Then "Fresh Up" At Our New Frozen Custard Stand LITTLE BOWL 204 Huron Rd. — GODERICH — 524-9966 ••• Wednesday, July 29, 1964—Bayfield Bulletin—Page 7 VERNA'S Beauty Salon GODERICH 67 West — 524-7131 • Galbraith Radio & TV TV SERVICE PORTABLE RENTALS Electrohome and RCA Victor TELEVISION & STEREO Clinton 482-3841 Don't Miss Our Specials Every Weekend GROCERIES — FROZEN FOODS KEN FERGUSON GOOD FOOD Enjoy Our Snack Bar, Dining Room or Out-Door Picnic Tables BREAKFAST We Specialize In HERE Home-Made Cooking, From 7 a.m. Daily Home-Made Pies, Soups 8 a.m. Sundays And Take-Out Orders GROCERIES -- BAKED GOODS FOR TRAVELLERS and CAMPERS GIFTS -- SOUVENIRS -- NOVELTIES SHELL SERVICE STATION MAYOR'S CEDAR GROVE OPEN EVERY EVENING 21 Highway Phone 17 (1/2 Mile South of Bayfield) `Pr $23.95 Complete Kit From Ideal For Cottages and Homes 1.10 Bag Loose WOOL INSULATION 36 West St. — GODERICH — 524-8532 McARTHUR and REILLY LTD. Clearance of 'Linoleum Tile 9"x9" Standard Guoge — Vinyl Asbestos 10c each EXELITE Fibre Glass Awnings I BENJAMIN MOORE Sillers House OUTSIDE WHITE Only Compare . 5.95 Gallon 1—WEEK SPECIAL. — 1 C. G. C. GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE Division of Goderich Mfg. Sales Ltd. Anglesea St. — GODERICH — 524-8382 SUMMER FASHION SALE 20% TO 50% SAVINGS • SPORTSWEAR • COATS • DRESSES • SUITS • HATS • SLIMS Sale Continues For A Limited Time THE FASHION SHOPPE 1 THE SQUARE GODERICH Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rogers of Montreal, were weekend guests of his sister and her husband, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter and his mother, Mrs. Charles F. Rogers. Jim Higgins, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Higgins at their home, The Maples, Blue- water Highway. Staying with Mrs. Robert Scotchmer from Wednesday until Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. Curry Campbell, Toronto, and Mrs. George Campbell of Leth- bridge, Alberta. Sunday visitors of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter at their summer home were: Professor and Mrs. Dougald Campbell, Kingston. The movie committee of the Pioneer Park Association would like someone to lead the waiting crowd in community singing before the movies each Thursday evening. An accomp- anying instrument, even a pitch pipe would be of assistance. More than 400 peopl eattend- ed the mobile tuberculin test- ing clinic last week, and over 200 availed themselves of the free x-ray service. Mr. and Mrs. L. Makin, conveners, wish to thank all who assisted. Jim McLeod, Toronto, was with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Scot- chmer from Friday till Sunday. Guests over the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. K. Weston and Marcia, at their cottage on the Bluewater Highway were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCormick, London. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mathers of London were visitors at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Logan, Howard Street, on Thursday, July 23. Mr. Math- CTS is Chief of the London Fire Department, and Mr. Logan is finance commissioner and trees- B-I-N-G-0 Every Saturday Night Branch 109 Can. Legion Goderich, Ont. 14 Games for $1 00 SUBSTANTIAL JACKPOT titer of the City of London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ander- son and family, Science Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bis- back, Clinton, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. Borden How- ard, Smith Falls, were guests of his cousin, Mrs. Lloyd Scot- chmer and her family on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Klandi, Woodstock, and Dr. and Mrs. Moore Hislip and Julie, Detroit, were at the family summer home, Wheel-Inn, for the week- end. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner re- turned on Thursday from Clin- ton Public Hospital, and is convalescing at her home on Main Street. Monday night a near-capa- city opening night audience watched a lively performance of William Wycherley's 17th century comedy of manners, "The Country Wife". Those who enjoyed the zestful, bawdy spirit of Fielding's "Tom Jon- es", are certain to love Wycher- ley's romp through the drawing rooms of Restoration London. The director, Mr. Langham, has produced a visually lavish comedy which moves at a pace sufficiently swift to support the rather drawn-out plot. The basic jest of a gallant who pre- tends to be impotent in order to seduce society women with- out injuring their reputation, is typical of 17th century comic plot devices, but it is neverthe- less inadequate. Though it lacks the polished wit of the later Congreve, and the magic and charm of the earlier Shake- speare, Wycherley's dialogue is Bayfield Personals Vacationing in the Jowett cottage area at present are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spencer, Gary and Ross, Rexdale; Mr. and Mrs. John Carruthers and fam- ily, Dundas; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hauser and daughter, Bir- mingham, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reeves and their son John Reeves, Burlington, were guests in the village this weekend. They visited their aunt, Mrs. S. H. McEvoy and on Sunday morn- ing were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Oddleifson at a break- fast party. Tom Logan, London, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Logan. Mrs. Gordon Stewart of RR 2 Ripley, spent last Thursday with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. Walter Erickson and family. Mrs. Lottie Davis and grand- son Kenneth Sturgeon, Hespel- er, spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon. idmirably handled by the ex- cellent cast. No single actor completely dominated the play, but to this reviewer Heath Lamberts as Mr. Harcourt, and William Hutt as Mr. Sparkish, carried the play with their very clear- cut and amusing treatment of the sub-plot. Helen Burns made a wonder- ful Margery Pinchwife, the very unselfconcious country wife, who openly delights in the pleasures London society secretly indulges in. and Doug- las Rain gives a solid perform- ance as her intensely jealous husband. John Colicas, who portrayed such a powerful King Lear, was merely adequate as Mr. Horner, the sly seductor. He seemed to be abated with some of Lear's age, as he failed to keep pace with the spirit of the play. Not the best of an age rich in comedies,. "The Country Wife" is worth seeing if only for the accurate, and often wit- ty, picture it draws of a fascin- ating period. The last of the four plays to be presented at Stratford this year, "The Country Wife" will continue in repertory until the end of the season. .COMING — August 13-19 THURS. thru. WED. Cleopatra BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON "The Country Wife" Delights Audience With Its Zestful Wit, Colorful Sets By GWILYM ARCHER Bulletin Drama Critic