Wingham Times, 1891-11-13, Page 1)I and. let ani, .• er' res, Inds Isles ret care - td ra the is or t - always CON., ETT et of ODS ns, &c 5, &C. ter DE- perienced aosition effort Is - [E PRE - kirk ?. S. M., :STs a1, says :— and prop- 1 men, for ase of cou- nt)." • ouse, says: .. Sinclair -"Dr.- Sin - 9 and drop- orought cin Duxes, at the gingham, d, 1891 eirable :0ES, s, &l.,. Lely competition Bargains, its. iPt• Tntia owned ta. [ wish to WOW unding country im with anything ninety low pricer MALTY. ars north of the ,TIN. riliiam Rfdd iccount, will to ma at once, in my hands 1ELANDS. .t 7G r VOL. XX --NO. 43 •WINGUAM ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 189IR 'Bargains,bargains! We use the words simply to encourage your thought. If diirectio ,, we try to turnu idea of . your attentin ion to this store. We think we've got the best bargains. The other stores think the same. But you all know the old Baying, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating," and this applies to this store's bargains. We can safely leave it in your hands. We're not afraid of any amount of comparison. Flannels and Underclothing need no pushing just now. They're shoving themselves off, because the prices are right, The Ready -Made Clothing stock is complete and are most likely goods. Now is the time the weak spots are felt in Boots and Shoes, We've got what you ' want—dependable stook and makes. Don't forget we've got a full line of 'Crockery and Glassware, though you don't see it, We had to move them up to the second flat to make more room. The Groceries are all full and solid value. The demand for that $5o. Tea is as great as ever. —Rev Mr Shaw, f Wroxeter, occupied the pulpit in the thodist church, Sun- day last. —Fresh bulk oysters, just arrived, ab the old reliable Star Restuaraut, Jos MaRety:E, e Histogeuetio Medi*. in town on Thursday bring the above men* —A. physician of t pine Association, wa of last week, repres tioned assooiation, —Cigars and Oysters et the Eclipse restaurant. Also, confectionery of 'all kinds, T. 0, SrARuzNct. ---The machinery t the salt block is undergoing repairs his week. The pipes are being repaire from the well. to the block and everyth g put in first-class working order. —For first-olase tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remember the place, only two doors north of the old stand and between Ross' book- store and Z alsted & Scott's bank. 'yey.L"- ORR & HISCOCIiS, Direct importers, The Bus -u, 'ovember llth, 1891. LOCAL NEWS —It you are wanting anything in dell, go to W T- YATES. —The Dr HutohSon mentioned in last week's issue is a s n of Mr M Hutchison, of Goderieh. ILA- 'large .assortment of pipes. just are rived, at the Star Restaurant. Jut MI*Et+.r vra. -Rev 5 Sellery% M. A, B D, preached Educational berm{ns in Fordwloli last Sunday, // --Money to Loan at low interest on Real Estate—Private funds only. Towriiit. - Bev J B Matinee , ;of Latham, and Rev W WatsonS'. , f the Congregational church here, exaha ged pulpits last Sab- bath. -Half a ton of Pelee Island grapes just arrived at the EclipserestaTCS ura3tPLiNo. his town, lies been e great it ptement & 0o, of Toronto ngliarn and locality, —We clip the fol forth Sun : "A fe doctors was called to examination, proved After much questioi caused by her beau day eveniug. —G T 11 trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 0.30. a m and 11.10 a via VI? G & B Divisfou, and at 6,45 a m. and, 8.20 p m, via Clinton and Guelph. Good .conuectiousbv all trains. —Chaplain Searldp, of Auburn Prison, er a lecture in the ext Tuesday evening, of the Ladies' Aid be one of the richest a Wingham audi wing from the Sea` days ago tape of our see a lady who upon to have a broken rib. ing she said it was queezing ber on Sege ' • —Mr T H Ross, of appointed agent for firm— Massey -Harris and J3cantford, for New York, will deli Methodist church, i under the auspices Society. This will treats ever offered --Cash for good butter and eggs at It A. Graham's, Market Grocery. —On Friday of last we k, Mr W Ii Mc- Quarrie, son of Bev misfortune to injure his foot ball, in Toronto, 'wi club against Osgoode --A fresh stook of confectionery at the ence. See particulars in circulars. -1 am showing the best value in tea, dinner and toilet sets that has ever been shown, in. Wingham. ; W. T YATES, The Grocer. —The Blyth corresjondent of the Huron ,;trews•.Record gives t 'e fallowing ,gompliw esteemed townsman. Clarke, of Wingitam, u officiating in the e for the past two excellent and profit. occasions. bQuarrie, had the oolawhile playlet; the Vniveraity Il club. —The material is on th ground for a r n new sidewalk in front of ! he ne bank. Wnrvrr;v,—A. comps ss rut girl. Apply at once to 1%Ev nnuEa, eburcli Messrs Bell's and G rist, Green :& Co's furniture factories enow working over time, so Its to be ble to #Il the large number of ordersat have come in of late. WANTnn, --Sery general housework,. irientary notice of ou Mr li C Clarke :. Mi a lay reader, ha's be English Church h Sabbaths, preachiug able discourses ou b Star stattrant. JAs Mottevin. rialto accepted the tendert to:.laim by, Baptist ohuroh, of arae oaf the"eervieee Rev Wm i !cGreg3., l so unanimously: the congregation of t1i this town,, and took of on Sabbath last.` W extend tolls Mo - Gregor a hearty 4velc e. • • 1'irsteclass Georgian Bay 'bbineies and Lath,, for sale, cheap, at McLean & Son's sate krill's, Winghrtm.. week, a weather tower of the . new building a more The workmen are de laying the Moors, es, lathing, eta, t : '`1 wanted, for ply to a VDI .Ca oa. Ed rel St, Wingham. —The Listowel town ed a by-law to have the town bell rung at 9 p m, and all boys oder 15 years of age found on the stree : unaccompanied by their parents,. after at time, will be taken in charge by th. constable. How would a law like that ork in Wingham,? ME•riienIST ()$linen,' 72Ie8A]r,.—ReV S Sel. lers, B D, Pastor, Services every Sabbath at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sabbath School aud Bible Class at 2.30 p m, General Prayer meeting every Wednesday eyeuing at 7.30 o'clock. Young People's Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday November 15t "Plunger and thirst. "Con • ing" thecosta' ouncil has pass- —Mr W J Johnston has opened a new custom tailoring establiehmeut, one doer north of D Sutherlaud's stove and tin shop, aud is now prepared to give the citi- zens of Wingham and surroundfug country satisfaction in every thing that may be intrusted to his care. Coatmakers wanted at once. k'IRST UONGRECiAuIONAL OHIJR0114 WIIYGHAM.--W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser- vices each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School and Bible class at 12.30. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday. at 7.30. p. in. Seats free. Strangers wel- vember 15th.. Morn - tam Service and its ng •people,"Something rials." Evening sub- er for his church." Mr A Burkhol� this town, for Messrs to, shipped this wee oars of peas and five besides two cars i The farmers are br lively, owing, no do prices they are get market. — On Friday of la'.t Vane wee placed en'th bank,, which gives 11 fiuielietivappearsace. eow busy ons the in teotiug the liot air pip --le your watch or thick needs repairing go to W 11 Wallabe, watchmaker and jeweler. nekt door to post office. —Our Scotch reader will find in another eoluum of this inane recipe for making • a "haggis". „it is up n St Andrew's night, which comes upon e 80th of Novemb that the:haggiais i the greatest damned. in Scotland. Morning subject, ' Evening sabject, er,' grain buyer, of Coffee & Co,Toron- per C P R, five f wheatfor export oats for New York 'ging their grain in ibt, to the favorable ing on theWingham —Mr L Lattimer iu Loudon to wo likely move his fa r 5 Gracey oto a gentleman ome teats of black --Wingham has for ,grain this y Wit). The buye are paying the hi going. The buyers 1 ling and Burkholder buying for Messrs Cr -We are pleased that Dr Godfrey been pursuing his Scotland, for sora ing honor to his Mater, Toronto cessfully passed al Royal College of P1 Edinburgh, and, al of Physicians and S examinations were v in each division 12 e were pluoked,be an oat triumphant. mented by the Pr College of Physician high stand ,taken. Loudon and is exp in ,1 anuary to res his profession. Neoreseammeemeen WHOLE NO. G036 as aooepted a situation i Public Zetiool at his trade and will The regular month] ily to that city sbortly. Public Sebooi 13oard w card. meeting of the s held on Tuesday urchased, thio week ` evening last, Preston -Messrs Thos Bell near Paisley, a hand- I (ohairmau), I): M Go don, Thee Abraham, oarses for his hearse, Wm Moore, E 0 Ola 'lie. The minutes of e of the best markets I last Meeting were res • and approved, The ar in Western 00- 1 Principal'sreport of atte •anee for October are numerous an1 was as follows ,beat prices that are re Messrs Clegg,Sper• he latter of whom is fee &' Co, Toronto, o be able to anuouneo of Belgrave, who has studies in Edinburgh, time past, has been do - country and his Alma nivereity He has enc.- --having cpened'.a custom tailoring es-, tablishment in this town, one door north of D Sutherland's stove and tinsbop, I beg to announce that 1 guarantee every suit, that leaves my shop to be a perfect fitand warrant them to be built by superior workmen, only, Give us a call. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Charges as cheap as the cheapest. Coatmakers wanted at once. V¢ J JonssTort. —The Clinton Neta last week greatly impr have been widened to t a new heading has been one used for the past n the paper has been gi type, all of which adds pearanoe. Bro Holme the Nets Era to the f newsy journal. The T success. come. Sunday N ing subject, Chri dark days." To yo about writing ma lett, "Christ's pra -A. fresh stock of Watsou'sCough Drops, just received at the Star Restaurant. JAS MCKssvin. WA1'ran.—Appeenticea to learn dress ' making, at ouoe. Apply to Mins JAS Beam-, 2 doors north of`Chisholm's drug store, r; -Rev Mr lil'cQutsrr' occupied the pulpit the 1?resbyteria8 huroh last Sunday, having returned: fro his very pleasant trip though the roe, time pravince4 Ile enjoyed hie trip ver much and retntns to aur midet:•feeling featly refreshed and invigorated. I have added a five and tela, cent ter of useful pieces of laast,..,Call toethem, W T YAWL --At the regular Anoher of Hope Lc held on Tuesday eve rather small, owin state of the weather of business was do was initiated and 42 ship laid on the tab were made by Mr lodge is progressing: grand work in this that before the 1st o be 200 on the memb +rd mune to hand ved. The columns e standard width substituted for the mber•of yeara,and en a new outfit of eatly to its ap- inteuds keeping nt as a readable, lies wishes him 'weekly meeting of ing, the •turnout was to the unfavorable The usual amount e. One new member repose's for meraber- . Forty one of these Alex Dawson. The own. It is expected May Mild, there will rship roll. —Great bargain E. at Dore's Carriage Pao tory to clear oaths betimes of buggies oil bend to make room tor euttees and sleighs; DA80, a bob of extra, line one and two seated roaa Carta to be sold at bottom pricee. Call early tied geoure a bargain. restaernber the stand, opposite the Lifehange Hotel, Wifighttin, Ont. —A. correspondent, 1 draws attention to a. m just now. There is a in the staisment tha application to detac town for munioipal it to Turnberry, be g of the same class of pr would ask for the sam ig no telling where matter is worthy of t ation of all our rate —It is our painful chronicle the sadden d son, wife of Mr Janata valeawho;passed acre from which the wee. rebores. The deceased home 'from London, o week, was taken au train, and was obliged grave, where she went t 'her mother, Mrs Tufts skill ana kind; loving alleviate her sufferings, N ealld not conquer the in spirit quietly Mid peaee Priday evening last, 22 years. The late Mr estimeble young woman whereeyer her genial happened to be. A n ceased's special friends short time before the 'Winghane held an e new Temperance Intl ing of last week, to annivsrsary of the (.1 Clarke was appo the following progra Well tarried out: nstruMental, Misses. k font a distance pees Miss Part * reading Miss Bullatd ; duet, eincere sympethy of Missal Watson, S.0 an address from- Bev , To theIt had upon the no,tio tletrge, reducing it November, lustatit, from one of the fore cat powers in leurope Satin day, the 21st ins to one of the least niportenee. The rine All who have not p tertaluirient was fa. rly well attended and qaested to remennte a very pleasant eve ug wet spent. iItereselves alu exaMinatious of the ysicians and Surgeons; that of the Faculty rgeons, Glasgow. The ry revere. There are ndidates. In his 10 another alone coming e was highly oomph" another column, tter which is re- ention in town ood. deal of force his farm from the UrpC60S and attach ilted, that owners erty in the town thing, and there would end. The uty this week to ise of Tillie Car - marine, of Blue - to that beanie traveller never while on her way Monday of last enly aick on the stay over at Bel, the residence of AII that medical nds could do to s done, but they vitable, and her Ily passed away the early age of Timmins was au ad happy spirit bee of the de- isited the tomb, a urial, and haa the Tale Mr Wm McCly with au attack of We are sorry to Kelly is gradually dreadful disease, o ars pleased Tennant, who has past three weeks, again. terteinment in the Miss jeunie Car with inflammatiou will be able to res achool next week. arson, late of this t low witb an attac mation of the luu entertained for the Dinsley Ho waiting upon him eic east. nt is leie up this week titiantsevt.liat the Rev W rowing worse with that eee that Mr able to be Pe Mrs Gibson, Si Guire, of this toe in Northumberla day, on business, on business Res Monday with frie H Dulmage, of visiting his family F G Sperling ayes on Monday, 1VIcLetin, an Mr have been in Mic weeks visiting r spent a few days i calling on friend ..Messrs Ad an sole, Sundayed erson, of Blyth days this week. The Misses Meyer have returned to tow months in Goder • Robert for the around II, who has been sick is now recovering, and e her duties in the , son of Mr John Pat- wn, is at present very of pleurisy end inflans- , and faint hopes are e recovery) He is at se, and hie mother *is er of jas and Alex Mc- , returned to her home d Co, on Monday last. in Paisley on Tues - Messrs H Buck and ,were in town Monday, E W Hughes spent ds Listowel -Mr etroit, was in town n Blytb on business s John A and. Fred igan f5. the past three atives Mr 52 A Mills Goderith, this- week. •ies, of Brussels, was in town on Wednesday. Win Hingston, of Brus- town ..Mr John Pat - was in town for a few report from Mr D read. The sollool is condition, and the tea to the usual standar far above it, HO the in Inspector reconameud tion of the aatisfact school generally, th allowed the day as holiday. I M Gordon, emend that the report received and filed, taken ou the reco specter, as to a holid Carried.' On motion ed by Thos Abraham, Ross, In, for stationer for supplies, and glazing, frosting th ordered to be paid. read from Miss hi second department, increase her salary duties imposed. Th struoted to vvrite Miss. atta Warming her th would be donsidered four registers ow' ed by the Beard. On ✓ was referred to the ommittee, with power ting to $34,was ordered Warman and Secretary a pay the teachers and ✓ the past month. On bb, the inspector,was a very satisfactory hing staff quite up and. in some eases peetor says. The d that in considera- ry condition of the the teachers be after Thanksgiving wag; moved by D d by B Clarke, f the Inspector be and that no action be mendittion of the Ina y on the lath inst— he accounts of Alex Priced, t 6,04, for windows, &o, were communiCati(311 was Intyre, teacher of the sking the Board to account of the extra, seeretary was ie.. be communication, her coramuuication t the next meeting r for a furnace and 069 grave lined with elot and beautifully Celebrate the 2811t MI SlIndaY, to the Win ham cemetery was npowder Ploe• Me the largest that has b it.,ie, this' locality for ionise time, which hews the esteem iu the Was exceeding 1,Whioli the I:lei:eased .thi her bereaved hus. band were held. Thor were teeny friencla ut: .The bereaved .g friende have the o 'atter of Purribetry. the Tax Colleeter foe b ht Kernaat's hotel, y, the 1.8th day of a or Dluevale, on al to reeeive taxee, lie taxes are re - the d ana govern • —The Novena der, the first o issues, containfi tithe of bandsorn an unusual: variet ladies, misses and It also contains a costumes. the first parlor amusement tioe in the, deta knitting, ereeheia articles ho furniture ilia kitti winter menthe is jperei tes:: tlr ort,Oyt t o costs 15 dents ; it with which to t rater Priblishing Street West, Toro after a sojourn or three • he three notable winter me charming illustra. Evening Toilettes, and of seasonable styles for children of both sexes, ovela exhibit of dolls' a series of papers en nd. continued Wetted. of garment -making, Ana lace-rneking ; -the se.decoration series on ge variety of ether sub. women, The mirober is a most suitable one lel order to TM Dalin- 0. motion, the matt the Management to set. The accou for painting, amen to be paid. The were itatliorized. janitor's salaries f motion, the Boar To the Editor of the es. Sir4—A matt r of 'Vital importance to our town was referred to in your local news last week., I refer to the applica- tion of.Mr Crowe Willson to have his town for municipal d to the township 1 think our Town ns of the people's ppose Mr Willson's are good reasons why - ation should not be e are placed. before proper shape, it is vernraent would pass y Mr Willson. The .ibed in the town ie eing the smallest An ot wrongly inform*.., ot land used • owed to be witis n, all the owners rt • d would; it can fairly' - for withdrawal al o become the fa est would be hltit ocoupies the :lir moil, to 'whom the at lad meeting', ns. I trust some vith this subject : farm taken from. th purposes and attaoh Council, as guardi interests, should application. Ther granted, and if th the Legislature hardly likely the the Bill asked for area of land coin small enough, no the county, if am ed, and if one piec farm purposes is a drawn front the too propertY of that ki bo presumed, a,ppl and our prospects most town in tho position of t town in the west, a (Allots will jealousl of the residents in tion of its size. Th nate° of the town matter was referr will be awaited with by many of the eiti2 one more able to de may take the matter in the Times. Olt, IN at a cough, Will you heed the werningfi Tile signal .perhaps of the sure approtkeli tdukt more tertible disease Consumption, Ask vour- ael4ferif you eon efford for the sake of ,v4 50c., to eitu the risk and do uothing for it. We know froid experience that - 01, tufo your cough, It rievor Uverybody Viirniture has touched bottonn prices. Now is the time to purchase. Anyone wanting to etart house or to furnish rooms will find it, worth, their while to Goods direct front our largo manufactur- ers here. No freight expense. Bedroom suits front it10.50 up, sideboardieloungss, parlor suits, chairs, chrome) and oil. plc - tures. Picture framing a 'alt