Wingham Times, 1891-10-23, Page 7Mats for the Gftolr. IOU user on the hands 'anti pare fipples with a silver plated knife and leo stains will be left, hold sliced potatoes fry and taste better by sprinkling a teaspoonful of flour ever them while frying. When bleak specks stick to your doughnuts after they are fried, put a large slice a raw potato ut the fat. A11 the spooks will , adhere to. the "potato. In bottling catsup or piokles,hoil the corks, and while hot you can press theta into the bottles, and when cold they are tightly sealed. Use the tin #oil from compressed yeast to cover the corks. For Bream toast, after toasting your .bread and buttering it, pour enough hot milk over it to soften it, and then pour on it half a teacup of cream ':Chis is delicious to anyone, but parti- cularly tempting to au invalid, The flavor of a young roast chicken is greatly improved if you place inside it a piece of fresh butter the size of a *.ttinut, and with it a bouquet of par- sley and a small onion. If you like you may also add the giblets to it, spridided with salt. *If food is to be kept warm for some one who could not join the family at the regular ineal,.do rot set it in the oven 'to dry up, but on a covered plate set over hot water, or, better still, in separate covered dishes set in a pan of hot but not boiling water. Hot cakes, pies, etc., need' not he removed from the pans in which they are baked, if precaution is taken to set them up on small supports, so that the air can circulate under them. This ectually prevents the moisture from steaining in the bottom of the pan. GOldwfn Smith.. Goldwiu Smith is opposed to Sir Charles Tupper in many ways, but doubtless both would agree that no better remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, heads ache, kidney troubles, skin diseases, etc, exists than Burdock I31ood.Bitters,the best family medicine known. Preserves and Jellies. .Tellies and preserves should be kept in a dark, cool and dry closet. If you have, no dark closet,wrap news papers about the preserve, jars .adieu they are put away. Handle the jars. earefuliy when you have occasion to move thein, for it often happens that a mould forms on the top of the fruit,whiclf does not 'do it any harm, but rather helps to rotect it, if not mixed in it by care less handling. When you are stinted in closet room you can place strong sheets of pasteboard—parts of old boxes—on the top of one layer of tumgiers of jelly or jars of fruit, and set another row on these. P,efore storing the jai's` in the closet wipe them oarefuliy with a wet cloth. Rinse this cloth frequently in hot water. It is a wise plan, when putting up jellies, Lo cover each tumbler with a round piece of plain white paper, and then tie en a thin layer of cotton batting. • Amvicrl TO nLO ureas.—Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sink child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth ? If so send at once and get a bottle of 'Mrs, winslow's Soothing rite" for Children Teething. Its value is inealcul- le. It will relieve , the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery arid Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation,. and gives tone and energy t0 the wrhole system. "Mrs, Vin. slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best emale'physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sato by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mas. WINSLow's SOOTHCNo SYRUP- ,,Pd take no ether kind The sex which is first in the Sunday segool and last in jail, which is most strongly represented et church and at prayer meetings, and at Missionary meetings, and most feebly represented in the liquor saloons and tobacco shops of the laud, which does the least of the world's preaching and the tnost`of its practietngh which lneikes a poor figure in a battle between Christian '*'aliens, and it splendid figure in a bat- tle between right and wrong—sueli . a sex forms it very large part of the •;power that makes for righteousness, To turn this purifying stream away from politics is equivalent to asserting that politics have no need of righteous I.toss -it C,onoh.i lion not warraflted by the facts. So says the October num ber of Wives and Daughters. The Sweet Face at ache Window, She lit}stied up to• the ticket window in the Mioliigari' Centras' railway station and knodkea ilupatiently at t'ho frame for the busy man behind the bars to wait on iier`at once, What do you ask fora ticket to Cincinnati, she inquireu, when he appnared. I don't ask anything for one, he replied buavely. Why, it isn't a free ride is it'1 she asked with surprised expectancy. Of course not. You have tickets, haven't you'1 Yes. madam, They ars to Cincinnati, aren't they. Yes, madam. Can I get one ?" Certainly, madam. How inert is it? - Seven dollars and' a quarter, mad am. 'Well, why didn't you say so at firs she snapped as she tools out he money. You didn't ask me ? Yes, I did. I beg your pardon. I say I did. I asked' you what yo asked for a ticket to Cincinntati. And I said I didn't ask 'for one. Weil, what did you say that for? Because 1 didn't want one. But I did, , You didn't say so. I did, 1 tell you. I asked you ask, • ed --- I beg you pardon, he interrupted, but you will have to stand aside and let ttie others at the window. She moved out, but not until she had jammed her umherella into the roan behind her, and he gave the ticket clerk a cigar in sympathy. t4 r u Suggestions. An oyster shell in the tea kettie will Prevent the forodation of crust on the inside. Another use for oyster shells is to clean the fire brick of the stove. Lay a number of them upon the top of the hot coals, and when the fire hurns dawn it will be found that the clinkers have scaled oil the bricks Bed elothes should often be exposed to the direct rays of the sun. It gives theta a sweetening that is promotive of quiet rest and sidep. To remove rust from knives cover the blades with sweet oil for a day or two, and theta rub them with a luinp of fresh lime. Rub cold tallow from a candle an to an ink spot ; allow it to remain 24 hours, and then wash as usual. Pro- perly done, this method is sure. —The TIMES will be sent to new sub- scribers from now till the lst of January, 1892, for 25 cents: —The TIMES will be sent to new sub- scribers from now till the lst of January, 1892, for 25 bents. r' NO:1ciiN! SNOB 3238112.- '3NI31031Y MIMI as mos OU .1.838 3R1 h iQ4 S,.0S d Lickfr )) M. D. M. A., L, C. P. S. 0„ M. C. I'. S. bl., S'ZG2AL2ST, TORONTO. Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says ;-- "After spending all my money and prop- erty to no purpose on medical igen, for what they termed a hopelesscase of con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair eared me." Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: "When alt others failed, Dr, Sinclair cured me of fits." W. "McDonald, Lakefield, says ;---"Dr. Sinclair cured Inc of Catarrh," Geo. Howed,Blyth, says :--'Dr. Sin- clair cured ane of heart disease and drop- sy, when all others failed," Diseases of piivatt nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION I'REE, Dat. SM OLA,it will bo at the QUEEN'S 1.10EL, Wingham, oz WEDNESDAY, OCA`. 280, i89I. THE KEY To HEM 'Bo els{ Kidneyclogged anti Liver, a rgipt{ off gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all, the impurities and foul humors Of the secretions; at the same time Corr resting Acidity of rho Stomach curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero- fula, .Tettering of' the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility ; alt these and many other nhnilar Complaints old to the happy iu$uenceof BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Sale by aEb.Deaders, TJIJLBURN&CO,,Proptietors, Toronto. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. ALEX. SA.UNDERS, C3-03:)ERI01--1. LATEST METHODS Particular attention paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specifications care- fully prepared, Repairing Promptly Atten- ed to. ' Three Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. Correspondence` Solicited. GOOD , WOOL WANTED, HIGHEST PRICE PAID i+ AT THE WINOA AM TANNERY W. 7. CHAP , AKIN. LUMBER, Dressed and undressed. LATHS, SHINGLES, STAVES, BARRELS, CEDAR POSTS, • WOOD, &C., Always on hand,and will be sold cheap. MILL—Adjoining G. T. R., on Shuter Street, lVlcLean & Son, Winghani, Ont ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE"THOMSON; Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and CCdar Posts. Car load Orders WOOD delivered IWingliam. to" Orders by Mail promptl 01.0 a Specialty. any part of attended to. GE tff0101SON, VVIsrMaru i'.' FOB grim BEST VALUE ORDERED CLOTHING, VATS, WEBSTER'S CAPS, COLLARS, Cheap. for KAS ;. -----AT---- W E B S*T E ."1�� ' S SHIRTS, CUTS, &c, nicely assorted stock of Has removed to E: F. GRtster's c ld stand, where be has a large an Watches, Crakes cre.wellery, Silverware alai Which he is selling away down in price, and have you call and take a fool;. through his" Stock. will he pleased to Repairing a ` Decialty t'All work warranted and done promptly. Ed• Dinsle —, -- Mason's Bloc k HE IS NOW A HAPPY ?MAN'.' The Oil he was using was very poor, And caused language most obscene But he stands a chance for heaven Since he used McColI's LARDINB, . Which 'is the finest Machine Oil in Canada. Has no equal. All leading dealers sell it. Ask for it and see that you get it. The Genuine Lardine.is manufactured solely by McCOLL 'BROS. & CO. - - - TORONTO. 'fit TI EJIR �! RENOWNED , CYLINDER OIL is still in the ring and is now more popular than ever. Give it a trial. You'll use no other. A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILES AND OINTMENT These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Medicine Eantiily use, TIM . Rut Purify the blood, correct ail disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND DOWELS amp •r invaluable in all complaints incidental to rernsles of alt ages. • M Ri OXItT -.Ic.NrT Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers; aid old wounds. von BRONCHITIS, sonTHROATS, COUGHS, ('OLDS, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GLADULAIt SWELLINGS AND ALL SKIN DISEASES IT HAS -NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late GBS, Oxford Street, London. and sold by all Medioino Vendors throughout the world. t'Purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. tf the address is not 688 Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious, I CUR i+e them return seat . 1 MEAN A epilllgey Or COM Meknes* a h worst eases. See* a others have failed once for a trilatise • d lt'Fre. Settle of Post Orate. It to s you nothingg�tor a trial, Mor iielhooIt• Olt ISO t111E11' ADE1411 yI WEN ■ merely to st ADICALCURE. Iha -long study, twain. no reason for not Ihf's.lfiglei d It will cure :&REL OF BOTTLES YEARLY. Curb Ido not to em for a thee, and of , e the disease of t my 'needy to Cure retelv • arum. S tr Adydretlt Es tet gkA14;�!*c