Wingham Times, 1891-10-16, Page 3'T"k'2ANC COLUMN. ycT1:n De Tee Y. .W. 0, T, u, What It '>fioir*ti Do. The money paid' for one glass of beer would pay for one loaf of bread, The money paid for oife glass of whiskey would pity for one pound of beef. f The money paid for two glasses of beer would flay for peck of potatoes, The money paid for two glasses of whiskey would pay for one pound of coffee. The money paid for'three glassesof beer would pity for a quarter of a pound of tea. The money paid for three glassos of whiskey would pay for a dressed fowl. The money paid for four glasses; of beer would pay for two dozen of eggs: , The money paid for four glasses of whiskey would pay for three pounds of butter. The looney paid in one mouth for two glasses of beer a day would pay for a ton of coal. The money paid in one month for two glasses of whiskey a day would pay for a suit of clothes. The money paid in one year for three glasses of beer a day would pay the rent for a small suit of rooms fur one year, The money paid in one year for three glasses of whiskey a day would pay for an outfit of Household furai- . ture. e The money paid in one 6 year for four glosses cif, beer a day would pay for a carriage. The money paid in one year for four glasses of whiskey a day would pay for a horse and harness, --Wooster Herald. It Saved His Liffe. GLttTLE6M11,—I can recommend Dr row- . let's Extract of Wild Strwberry, for it saved my life, We have used it rn our family when required ever since, and it never fails toafire all summer complaints. TtRANCIS WALSH, Dalketh, Ont' Boys, Don't be Cheated. Boys, would you like to be cheated? No, you would not. Then be careful, Not only' keep l}sharp lookout that others do not ohelifiyon, but be very careful lest you 'cheat yourselves. There are hundreds of boys who are trying to persuade themselves into the belief that tobacco and beer are good for diem—that it is smart to chew tobacco, to smoke cigars, to hang around saloons, and drink beer ; but, oh, bow woefully they are cheating themselves 1 • Would you like to smell like . an old strong pipe? Would you like to beg man walking around with your mouth and beard all besmeared With filthy, stink, lug tobaccospittle i Would you like to be a loathsome, blear eyed, bloated drunken old beer drinker, No, you would not, But there are ia' great many snub men in every city and town - Once' they were nice clean, bright. happy boys like you are. How did you become so degraded, loathsome, and filthy I Why, when they were boys' like you, they cheated themselves into the belief that it was at' nice, amart, manly thing to chew, smoke, abd drink `beer, and '''`now they are what they. are. Boys resolve to he a little to smart to cheat yourself like that. The most senseles-, stupid cheat is the boy who cheats himself hi that way. Don't do it boys, don't, • Owing to the nnpreeoaentsd demand for plate glass,it line advanced Considerably in price. Messrs McCausland ,;€ Son;Toronto, fortunately made a contract before the advance for a very considerable quantity, and are thou 'enabled to offer their patrons this season a decided advantage in price, the quality beiu4superior to any ever pre- viously imported. There is 'a transcendent power in example. We reform others uneonse, iously°when we walk uprightly. vet. Many Va at a. %A jE have used De troavler'a txtract .of M Y Wild Strawberry for many years in our frmily and Mid it an excellent medicine for all forte of summer complaint. Um A Valens, Valens, Ont. Fowler's Wild 1itrawberry, Ieriee 350 sold by all dealers, i?'Q1 tae #opatliy clic*. Homely women are always more en. tertaiuin than pretty specimens of the fair sex. The later rely on their beauty to otirry them through the world, and it generally does until they get married, when it commonly fails thein, The homely girls, Knowing she has no beauty to 'rely upon goes to work and improves her mind; ehe learns sgme accomplish- ment, becomes a clever artist or pianist, reads a good deal and so learns to con- verse readily and well. She is better company than the little girl, for tho beauty does not think it worth her ° trouble to be entertaining as she has spent all har efforts in trying to look pretty. The beauty may make a good wife, but the chances Ilse that she will learn nothing after marriage and so Will Soon become dull and uninteresting, The ugly girl, with, little brains, stands as fair a chance of getting a good hus- band as her pretty sister and a much better prospect of having a happy home. ® unbearable Pain. Dalt Sir,,—1 suffered for three days very severely from Summer Camplaiut, wad could get no relief, but kept getting worse until the pain was almost unbearable, and I was very weak. After everything else. had failed I tried lar Fowler's Extract of Wild Stawberry. The first dose gave re.. lief, and it did not fail to cure me. to tI T GLiYNN, Wilfred, ant. Estray !!;stray, There are a good many estray animals in the country, and if parties receiving then! -would adhere to the following sug- gestions they wouldoften be saved a great deal of trouble and annoyance. The law provides that a person taking up any stray stook shall give notice four times in a weekly newspaper, if one is publish- ed within the section whore the estray stock was taken up, and send a notice containing a minute description of the animal to the clerk of the munioipality in which he resides, who is supposed to keep a register of all estray animals; and if the property is not galled for within three weeks after the first insertion of the notice the finder shall so before a justice of the peace and make oath to the finding and advertising, If the property is not claimed within one year, and should not exceed fifty dollars in value, it then be- longs to the party taking the same up; if over fifty pollars it shall be advertised by the justice and sold, and the excess of all expenses shall be paid over to the county treasurer. Any person taking up any ostraystock and neglecting to cause the same to be advertised and appraised shall be liable to a Sue of twenty dollars' The estray law applies also to any ether personal property which may be found in like manner. Is simply epidemic. Influenza.; Wilson'& WildCherry will cure it safely and quickly. Get the genuine, in white wrappers only,. and use it as directed for Influenza. There is no ,fit search after truth which does not, first of all, begin to live the truth which ib knows, Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind, of human or anlne's, cured in 30 minutes by Wo od. ford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by W. B. Towler, The trotting horse is not confined to the traok, but is useful on every hand, On the road he is great; on the farm: he does the work of a mule, plowing, har- rowing and hauling heavy loads. in cities he pulls butcher oarts,milk wagons buggies, carriages, omnibus and express wagons, and is found indispensable in many other places where nothing but fast harness horses can be used, Horses •that make trotting race horses are about one in every hundred, and the man who breeds a common mare to a trotting -bred horse and fails to get a 2.20 performer need not be disappointed, but has some assurance of a nice roadster that will be worth three colts from a scrub horse. What could a good roadster he sold for? It would be safe to say $300, while a scrub would sell for $100, and perhaps a good deal less, and cost the same amount to raise. -1 entuoky Stock Farm. —Tho '. mnss will bo sent to new sub- scribers from now till the let of January, 1892, for 25 cents. DESTROYS ANO REMOVES WORM S OP ALL KIND IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS "SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT HARM THE. MOST All hien, young, old, or middle aged, Tubo0 find themselves nervous, week or exhaust•- ed, who are broken dawn from. excess or overwork resulting in many of the following symptoms' Mental depres. Bion. premature old age,: loss of vitality, loss of mefnory, had dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission, lack of energy, pain ill the kidneys, beadstke, pimples on the face or hotly, itching ur peoular sensation about the scrotum, waisting; of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will pawer, tengerues of the scalp end spine, weak and flabby innsoles, desire to sleep, failure to berestedby sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excita- bility of temper, sunken eyes sur- rounded with LEADEN ciltar,r, oily looking skin, eto,, are :ill • symptoms Of nervous debility that led to sanity and dead useless cures. J.'he spring or vital power lieving lost its tension every function wanes in cotisequeu0tl.. Thast, who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanentely cured. „end your address for book on all , diseases peculiar to elan. Address M. T, LUBAN, 50 front St, "E., Toronto, Ono. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, •alpitation, skip beats,, not flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the Heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, path about the breast bone, etc:, can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LIlBON, 50 Front Street Eaat, Toronto, Ont.' O. Y. it, TIME TAME, Trains arrive and depart as follows:' SAWING 5:35 a. tn. • .. , .....For Toronto 2:00 p. to 2:00 p.nr...... ...... For Teeswater 10:65 p. m " TRUNK .R'Yd A. 0, STRATIIDEE, AGENT, W150E/01. Through tickets to all points in America—North• West, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to ,destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. ----TIME TABLE. • tEAVE WINO:IASM. Aantvi. AT wls011Aai. 0:30 a, nt,Totonto. Guelph, Palmerston, &o. 3:31 p.m. 11:10 " a.1, " 10:20 " 5:20 pan, " " Clinton, " 7:35 " Palmerston, Mixed 10:35 a.m. 0:45 a,in London, &c 11:00 " 3:20 p.M. ARRIVING, 6'85 a. in,. 2:00 p.n1 10:55 II 11:10 a,ln...... ,, Kincardine, 8cc) 7:30 .m. 8:31 p.m „ 10a.ur. 10.20 " 7:10 p.m NOTICE. T A. DIILLS. having disposed of his stock of 'general goods to George E. Icing, hereby notifies alt persons indebted to him that all accounts must be paid at once. Winghain, September17th, 1801. T. A. DILLS, D A !I I 'IS OFFERING I ON RS-z1V_C P_ AT VERY i OFFI —OPPOSITE THE ' RKET, W OnAM OCTOBER 4'rn, 1888 QPER T'Y RATES. T Property ror Sale in Helmer& The undersigned offers for sale a desirable pro petty in the village of Bottum, consisting of a good dwelling house, office, stable and driving shed,'with one acre and a•half of land in Connection. Splendid garden, with nil sorts of fruit trees. will be sold at a bargain. For particulars, apply to FREDERICK coon, Beimore. BANE OF H2.MXXATON WXNGIA1V,t. 6 Capital, $1,200,000. Rest, $600,000. President—Jobs STUAW'r. nee-President—A. G. lfass.r. DI1a'EcToRS 101N Pa00T011, CHAS, GURNEY, GEo Roam, A, T Woes, At f, LEE (Toronto). Cashier—S. TC1tlinULI'., Savings Balnir—ifours,10 to 31 Satttrdays,10 to 1. Deposits Of Mi and upwards received and interest allowed. Special UeDOsits also received at current rates of interest, Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and Odd I3, WILLSON, AGUNr, ilfliiY'EIi, & Di:CI? INSON, Solicitors. a, sib O '.I'YI,L`+ 7i77Dl:TC ,i,f ' Please inform yeur readers tliat t have a posltive remedy for the above f t - lsease. By Its timely use t :elands of hopeless cases Lave been permanently cured, Y l,y' i glad to send two bottles of rrty remedy WEE to anyef_ your readers wire havo c•,, r trn ttof If they u111 send 11111 their Eitpress and Post (Mite ,Address, Respect/011fA. SLOCUM� fill.C, ISO West- Aar,laid l St.i, TORONTO, ONTARIO. WINgHAM MpTTNEW AMBLEIII FlOUflING uARNEss,IqKWR, • The undersigned tender theft hel�otrona o given ur firm thanks 8cverai,vcare prior to the burning of our MIR by to condiarlein, During the last season wo have re moddelled the town mill to the latest approved sl's• tent of Hungarian Roller Process mil link. We be ilevo Ve, can now give better acoommOdatioa than everbofore. Wootror Prompt Dispatch, Fair Returns,, QUALIFY SEcQND /'O NONE IN THIS SECTION, And by close personal attention to the business hope to be again favored with a trial by all old irionusand many new ones. Yours lnosb respectfully, HUTTON tit CARR, Wingbam 51311, Oct 20, 1880. JOSEPH' COWAN, CLERK 9T3i DIV. OOpuT, Co, 151711011. AUCTIONEER, ISSUE OF', MARRIAGE LICENSES Coasanssiossn is 13, C.. 3',, ,lino, WitoxarnR, ONT. fAPAIAN, ISSUER OP mUBLI 0NP10E-.0 nig" B RTI Money to Loan on F interest. No commis n nh, CENSF.S, NOTARY ANCElt, Ere, ONr, achy at Low Rates of • ELOOT ' iD SHOE SHOP. DICLAi1CJILi$ , HAUan Having purchased the Custom Business of Messrs McCormick &Co, wish to intimate that they have. opened out in the shop two doors south' of T A Mills Store, winghaur. Boots and Shoes made to order treat the Best Stook on short notice, Repairing neatly And promptly done. The patronage of the public solicited, and alt work guaranteed, McLAUGHLIN & RAUGH �. GOLLEY, VETERINARY SURGEON. iionorar;y Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Also Graduate et Dentistry School, Toronto is• pre, Fared to treat all Diseases of Domesticate Animals in the latest scientific) manner. Calls promptly attended to. Office and Infrmaty RIDGE OLD STAND, Winghau; 6a,Catlers by night will find him at the office., Beautify Your Homes! iJ.As, , H. FRIEND, Late of Hamilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN ANDORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, Would take this opportunityof informing the citizens of wingham and surrounding- country that hating had large oxrerieace in city work, he is prepared to do Alstonstining raisomining and Wall Papering in the latest approved styles of plain and decorative work. Churches, Trails or other public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at moderate rates. Graining in Walnut, Oak, Bird's Eye Ma- ple, &o., a Specialty. All orders entrusted to my eare done with neatness and despatch. Orders left at Mr. Ross' Bookstore will receive prompt attention. 3"AS. H. FRIEND. Wiugham, April 3rd. Apamphlet of information and ab- stract of the laws, showing flour to Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, OODTy�rigbte, sent free Manse MUNN & 00. c 361 Broadway., vt.v Now York. „F✓? y s HALTED & SCOTT has on hand a large stock of 810515: BLANKETS, CUE IMAMS, ORVSlil'.S, W81125, TRUNKS VALISES etc, Which will be sold at bottom prices. IIARNESS, double or single, mado, to order .011 short notice, and satisiseation guaranteed. 10A. call solicited. SHOP—Opposite tho Sauk of ISain1lton. I4ATTBEW A111i31Ett, Winghaln, Vol), Ith, 1800. t'e •g;0 lls, Woolen i to inform 1 running that a.nd Wilthese • season :;ire special attention to CUSTOM WORK. in all its branches, and will keep in stock a class of 3lret•class goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, &Of's, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, (made from pure wool only) oheap for cash or ex• ehaneofor wool. Customers from a distance can have their roils home with them the seine day. 4 'Highest market price in cash for bborehnntable Wool. XNGL:IS & iCO'Y., wint;ham ';Re' CITY �CSRAUfi9ilT fox PINE APPLES, ORANGES, - LEMONS, BANANAS, TOMATOES, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, CONFECTIONERY, ALL 1INDS, ALMOND NUTS, • WALK CUTS, • PEA NUTS. FANCY BISCUIT OF ALL FINDS. A Large Stock of Canned Goods : TOM. ATOES, PEAS, CORN, SALMON, LOBSTER, C.HTOKEN, TURKEY, CONDENSED COFFEE, CANNED PIGS FEET, FIREWORKS OF ALL'•q��KINDS. R. HILL, LOOK HERE! I have in stuck a full line of 13:A_ .'�T:J ,S_ 1 FLY NETS, HIPS, BRUSHES,. CURRY<COMBS, &o. Josephine Street • - - • ' - Windham, Ont, J. A, 1t ai ssi:D,I. J. W, Seorr, Mount Ferest, Listowel Deposits Received and interest • !lowed. Sonet' Advanced to F€trmers and Business Mere, On long or short time, on ' endorsed notes or collateral security, Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Speoi'al Attention Given to Orl- lectmg Accounts and,N'otes. Atrerxte in Canada—The itforehattts' Stank YF1ARN) S\ double and single, limit or heavy, mode to order, in the latest styles 2,trd of the beet material, c TI IINXCi3, VALISES, BAND BAGS, zto„ in stock and will be sold cheap. Repairing neatly anti promptly dolls 'Elie patronage of the public solicited,and satisfan .di Canada., ion ill warts and material ttuatanteed, it Rltop-One door south of T. A. brills' store. 0fflce,Itolrrs..Froin 0 a. m. to 8 p. In, I A. E. SMPV i • c.ICXE"ciII' tt, i AlreOt, Wingham,,Iufne 1; , 1801,