Wingham Times, 1891-10-16, Page 1VOL. XX -•-N9.399
We are reaping the benefit of our picking
and choosing of some three or tour
months ago, We are never so pleased as
when the store is crowded with ons.
tamers, and that is the way it is just now
from morning until evening. There can
be only one reason for all this, and that
is, that we've got the goods you want,and
better still, at prkes that are right, You
come and. reee how far we will spread a
dollar out for you. You know this store's
methodof doing business by this time.
We make it a point never to deceive you,
and thif; we will always stink to. You're
wanting a new Jacket, Wrap or Shawl
maybe. We are showing some beautiful
Shawls and Wraps and•elegant goods in
Street Jackets, latest designs and outs;
Or we will fit you with a regular tailor-
made garment, fit guaranteed every time.,
Now is the time mothers . are Looking
after the little ones feet. See our Hosiery
and Boots that are dependable.
We are showing satisfactory lines .in
Ladies' and Misses' Underwear, all sizes;
garments THAT WILL NOT snRINK. That
means a lot, don't it ?
—Richert", the the of black, has return.
ed to town again his week to visit his
old frie
n n1
s a c
ua' t
� h
n nce
�9t e.
flesh stool of Watson's Gough., Drops,
oeived at the Star Restaurant.
Tao Melienviza,
—In the prize list ofth Belgrave Fail
.Show, Wm Wray was giv n credit for 1st
prize for buggy. It she Id have been Jas
Walker, Brussels.
Stoat boy wanted to learn turning, at
the Chair Factory, lacte Me & Feestatie.
—There will be no ee vices in the
Presbyterian church, W' gham, next
Sabbath morning. Rev Y Hartley, of
Bluevale, will conduct he services in
the evening.
—G T R trains for . Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.30 a m and 1140 a m
via ' V {i} & B Division, and at 6.45 a in
and 3,20 p m, via Clinton and Guelph.
Good connections by all trains.
—Au error was made in a Trues wbe
we said that H Clark as awarded lot
prize for general purpose •earling filly at
Northwestern Fair. It al ould have been
-Having bought out T Mills' business,
I respectfully solicit from the inhabitants
of Winghani and vicinity an inspection of
my stook: Respectfully yours,
Guo E Ewe-
Direct Importers.
The BEAR, October 15th, 1891.
-=Mash for butter and eggs at R A
Grabam's, Market Grocery.
Rev B 0 Pr" et, formerly of thistown,
as beet inst ed as pastor of the Sheri -
dan ohne church iia
a fiat h
-Two good coat makers wanted at
once. Apply to E. C. DT/swamp,
Tailor, Brussels.
—Master Albert No w, of Clinton,
has accepted a situ titin in Mr A L Ham-
ilton's drug stoi:gra is town.
Samuniraalva r,—Iiid Gloves 50 (mute,
Gets Ties 23 ee'tsi Fancy Handkerchiefs
5 cents, Silk Handkerobieis 25 oeuta,,at
iVL 11 Roixnoe's.
--Ours W 3 Fairfield as isiturned to
town, and having pug lased a residence
On Minnie street; sl will move inti it in :.
.w days. f
—Fresh bulk oysters, just arrived, at
the old reliable Star ltestuarant."
' Jae Moifnrvie.'
—Dr E'• G MoCasey, fro Ciucinnati,
Ohio, gave es a ;all on Mon ay. 'The doc-
tor is an old 1 ast Woman sh boy, and we
were glad to learn that. is meeting with
grand success in his astern home. He
returned ti his be on,T'tiesday.•
--F,rst-ohiss Georgian Bay Shingles
and Lath, forlisle, cheap, at McLean &
Bon's slaw mills. Witgliare.
oCoinrt Maitland, No 25,',anadtan Order
f Foresters, will have eiir anniversary,
sermon preached in4'lie ethodist church,
Wiugliatn, by the Rev Sellery, M A,B D,
on Sunday, Ootober 5th, as 11 a.ri, Um-
bers will meet. tutu . e court loops -at 10.80
a m.
—Cigars end lee Cream at the Eclipse
restaurant; Also, confectionery of all
. + Binds. T, 0, Srnman°.
—Rev ?Jt J. Totten will ve an un-
reserved auction sale on ' etober 27th,
fron lot 24, mon 8,:Turnber ,(near Wroxe-
ter). He will offer ter:' ale his farm (22
acres), £aria stoele all ,implements; also
a :Wait -1g lot ohr t tdriastreet, .Wing-
e'sTizei old eliable Star restaurant is
still talehigthe,lead,: Jae MMrtfiex,vie.
r Joho,err,wha f
•;,ion theEalipso Zvsstuara�
retitrnet1 from. Londeer.
erly carried
in to*ia, has
id kine accepted
,e,itufititaii a with lessr Orr &
Ilaaagi of• the Bear".. We are vie
e d' to we cotne it form
tan t 1� -
p or towrnsman S
and i ateily te'Amita again. vie
.1-rair ng bought out T 4 Mills' business„ eo 7
I reapectfullysoliCit from the inhabitants. mom
of aughath and vlcittity an inspection of :g
my stack,. „ Respectfully yours,
Geo le Biro. Rve
detestable sneak thief et tared the stable . sere
of Mr 1t Matildoo and t ok into his ems-
sessiou a;, s5 of single li moss sati part oft NV
anotlteri;et. 1'heso 7e tv theft,: are b ..
1 v .
camhig too ,e Nttmon it our towu inud if the torr
••pettici+eornmlttieg tl mite:Ina are net salt'
stain lodged in Dicks n thistle by the loosl, #or
rieliee there wibl3•iat to be a professional alai
caiM is 06'imv
—The contract for the e talon of the
new block which H W C : eyer, Q C, in•
fends erecting on Josephin street has bee -
le • The brickwork to • gentleman in
Execryr,and be woodwork o Mr T Large,
of Listoldt�61. The work b s been commen-
ced and we I pushed a g as rapidly- as
the weather Al permit.
—For first-olass tailoring and cheap
gents'furnishings, tryWebster &
Remember the place, only two doors north
of, the old stand and 'between Ross' book-
store and Halsted & Scott's bank.
—Mr Thos Soo ,, of Huron township,
was visiting in to u last "week: Mr Scott
ie (Me of theft. m w;to have made their
mark in this: worl 's goods and is now live
ing retired. He i highly respected in the w ich he lives and we would
be glad of a visit rom him at any future
time. He left f r his home on Monday.
—Mr W J' Johnston has opened a new
custom tailoriug establishment, one doer
north of D Sutberlaud's stove and tin
shop, and is now prepared to give the rea-
sons of Wingham and surrounding country
satisfaction in every thing. that may be
intrusted to his care. Coatnuakers wanted
sit once,
--Instructions have b n given to station
agents, road, masters, ection Bosses and.
employees of tail ads generally, to
thoroughly oarry out the laws regarding.
cattle running at urge, and thab 'is to
impound every co horse, 'sheep or pig
found running at arge within one half
mile of any Dross' g: in eity,town,village or
country; and ' prosecute the owners
thereof where ey persist in violating the
—Great bargains at Dore's Carriage Fac-
tory to clear out the balance of buggies on
hand to make room tor cutters and sleighs;
also, a lot of extra fine one said two seated
road carts to be sold at bottom prices. Call
early and seduce a bargain. Remember the
stand, opposite the Exchange Hotel,
Wingliam, Out.
—The County Counci will meet in
Goderiob, on the 20th of this month.°
The principal busines will be to appoint
a clerk to take the pi a of the late Clerk
Adamson. Mx John urgess, Who is the
efficient clerk for th Township of Turn -
berry, is, we believ , a candidate for the
same:' We know ohm our own know-
ledge that Mr Batt *ees is well quelitled
for the position a d that he would acquit
himself to the sa isfaction of the county
at 'large; and w hope that the County
Fathers may se their way clear to ap-
point Mr Burg s,as we feel sure they will
never regret t it choice.
i?xnsT CONt41 ao rtONAt C Itnrtoir,
an�n�.— l�v WV
nisch .
It , Pastor, Sat-
es each Sunday at 11 a. tn. and 7 p, 1n,
abbath shoot at close of Morning Ser.
e.. R. ver Meeting every Wednesday
.8d nvm. Seats fret. Strantgers wpel-
e, on Sabbath, October 18th, Morn.
A tettnon' to Ailing people, "'The
at valuable article in the world,"
ning subject,. .Ari old tittle hero
his plan" In tli.s ttftornoon* at
Iver Wingharn school 1t6titie, 3.30, 'a
fee will bo held,
Oh,. What a Cough,
ill you heed the wvarniue 7 The signal
zaps of the sure approach of that more
dile disease Consumptiou. Ask your
et, if you eau afford for the cake of
g .5lki.,te run this risk awl do nothing
t. We know from experience that
oh'i, Cut-► will entre your cough. It,
its. c tie
.c1 ti __
--A Christian Endeavor
formed in conpection wit
tional church of this tow
—Rev J A 1 I4aohli
water, will preach n
Methodist church, mol
—The agricultilra
the Queen's Hotel,
been recovered.
ctiety is being
the Cougrega
M A. of Tees-
+�kt Sunday in the
ning and evening.
ifurnace stolen from
mite time ago, has
t was discovered in
Teeswater by Mr f eo Russell,
--Having bought out T A Mills" business,
respectfully solicit from the inhabitants
of Winghaw and vicinity au iuspeotion of
my stook. Respectfully yours,
el Biro.
at the Methodist
venzng at 8 o'clock,
6c, recitations and
ed. The orchestra
liurob Sunday School
f selections.
tech has been appointed
the Congregational
Jof this town to attend the
ventiou of the Sabbath
old at Ottawa, October 27th
Remember the soci
parsonage this (Pride's)I
A programme of tau
readiuga will be rendl
of the Methodist C
will 've a number
--kir Wm Robe
as delegate fr
Sabbath School
Provincial CoI
Scheele to be Ih
to 29th.
—i hay a large number of fine two year
old ste s for feeding purposes, and faxe
niers anting the same would do welt;to
pall me at once, as I intend selling them
all D Srswdrr,
Cattle Buyer, Wingtiarq.
—The five mile foot ra a in thesrink,
last Friday night, betwe n Geo Stewart
and ;no Allenby, was wo by the,3atter in
31 minute The nu er of spectators
was rather small, but t at did,net dampen
the spirits of the man ging committee.
—Having opened a custom tailoring es.,
tabliahmeut iu this town, one --door north
of D Sutherland's stove and tinshop, I beg
to announce that I guarautne:;every suit
that leaves my shop to be a .perfect fit and
warrant them to be built by superior
workmen, :only. Give us a4all. Satisfae-
tiou guaranteed, Charges as cheap as the
cheapest. Coattnakers waited at once.
WT Joaesma.
—The illustrated seriph. .lent to the last
Saturday's Otobe contain:. a life -like pore
trait of -Conductor W E :aider, accompan
ied with the following .marks: "Owing
to the fact that Condu br Snider does duty
on the railways an • also aims to be a
apiritnal guide in the (gurney of life.makes
his name familiar th ;j tghoutOntario. He
was born is Trefalg o. Halton couuty,Ont,
in 1852, went as b lieman in 1870. wap
promoted to a Gond . ollor's position in 1874,
and up to 1886 Bill wife "one of the boys.''
in that years he wife converted, and his
good -.fellowship is noiv of another charac-
ter. though none t e :less hearty. Of his
usefulness there c. a tis no doubt, for be
has preached in arl'y 100 different pul-
pits, from Montr• al to Windor,and always
to deeply Interes ed.bongregations. He is
now ou the Lon
tri Burch & Brace.
_ A large nu., her of our citizens an
people from th surrounding count
gathered toget er at the Temperan
Hall, on Tuesdt , evening, to Bear th
,famous lecturer Conductor W K Snide
Rev S Seliery, A, 13 D, occupied the
chair in his usu. 'pleasing manner. The
$rpt part of the , rogramme was splendid.
ly carried thio gh, comprising instru-
mental selection : by the Misses 'Spad-
ing, which veer , greatly applanded ; a
quartette by+ the 'Glee Club (comprised
of Misses Willie • and Messrs Friend and
Robertson); 'fee talion by Miss J Car-
gill and vocal; s o by Mr Jas 1 Friend.
The second Inas of •the programme was
the lecture by (inductor Snider. The
Conductor,' uli- . coming forward,. was
greeted wit} pplause 'and prolonged
clapping of ha ds. The subject of the
lecture was " fe ou the rail and people
we meet." ' is vtas the first time the
,people in thi locality have had the
privilege of h acing this flyr-famed, prac-
tical leoturer, • nd whiit. -they heard was
far beyond th highest espectatioas of
an iniaginati •mind. Mr Snider's dis-
was extremely interesting
throughout, a d if •he should ever favor
Wiughatn agl in with his presence upon
the lecture p1 tform, he may be sure of
a full house.
On Tuesday last, Joliu St
President, and Jas Turnbull,
the Bank of Hamilton, paid
agency np ofiieial visit, to io
bank building in process of
invitation, a number of •t
of the town met these
at the Brunswick ]:Ions
e busi.
two g
, dorm
noon. Mayor Clegg was.eailed
and in a neat speecb,, drew
the cordial relations that' h
istecl between th Tiau11 and
men of the town) Was pleas
that the business of the,Bank.
directors of the Bank in erec
handsome buildiug•'aa ' was
construction here, and tru
prosperity that liad attende
She past would continue
hort speeches, in the same's
also made by Messrs' Neelau
(R), Homuth, Towler, Sp::
Ilona, Meyer and other
Stewart replied in, a neat
ilial he was pleased that t
tweerj, the Bank, its local
townapeople had always
and pleasent)As to the ne
said that Wrngham the
in which .t1 building l ad bee
the"Bank for its own b' isin
the. Bank had just in c urs
a building,in Hamilton fo
and Wiugtram agency wi
building' ae".soon as the hea
able to occupy its new
directors were well satisfie
nese of the Wingbam age
empbasizingtheir appro
creditable building ereote
Cashier Turnbull also sal
to the Wingltani agency
and the meetuii,'t•was bro
Mr B Willson, who thank
men of the. town` for their k
in reference to hies, and als , tbankee the
President and Cashier for th : kind refer -
eines they had made as to
rt, Esq,
shier, of
t the neve
'on. On
ass men
the after.
the chair,
ttention be
always ex•
he business
to know
staled the
ng suchen
course of
ed that the
the Bank in
i • the future.
rain, were
8, llioindob
ling (R C),
each, stating
relations be.
agent and the
een so cordial
building, be
first branch
erected by.
a, and, in fact,.
of coustruetion
the head office,
I .ave its uew
office will be
emises. The
with the busi-
y, and felt like
in having a
in- the town.
a few words as
nd its manager,
t to a close by
the business
d expressions
the way the
business of ills agency luau .sen managed.
district Meet
The quarterly district
triot No 24,10 G T,was 1•ie d at Kinbure.
on Wednesday,. the 14th i . s . About 40
delegates were present fro ,l the different
lodges. District Chief•:mplar W F
Brockensli'irei presided. he credential
and resolutiovr'committee . reports were
read and adopted. The.:ecrel;ary's re-
port showed a censiderab : gain in mem-
bership for the' past guar, •r. The treas-
urer reported, ;estimating the available
funds for the winter's , tupelo at 8150:
The executive,.; commit ee will meet
at Blyth the second wee in November
to prepare a programme for the coming
winter's work • It was re olved to present
lodge initiating
embers prior to
ion committee
d .of Rev E W
, and R Elliott,
e were present
, and the Misses
he next quarterly
ll'ingham on the
eetteg of Dis-
d a beautiful banner to th
ry the largest'nutiber of
ce May 1st, 1892. y' A, rest
e was appointed,': compos
Silkier ,Hughes, D. S.iir°therlan
all of Winglian. The
from Witighgin,Rev E
73rookenshire and Do
Baintotr and Bisbee.
meeting wit Y be held i
4th Tuesday in Janu
A 't'yp ' of Canadian'aeauty.
A Type of '•anadian Beauty. A Study
from Life, is he title of ani oil painting
executed ape Tally by the celebrated. artist,
VL t•
W Forst , It of Toronto, C A oro ata for
+ r ,tli°
Christmas nt tuber t•f the Dominion. Blues
tinted, Thi parotin ; is conceded to be
one of Mr li', 'stet's bent works, and will
form ono of ie four stleudid aupplements
to be given away with the unrivalled'
Ohrzetmea u tuber which the publisbera of
the 1)orninia a Illustrated have How hi I.•m
lilts F G Sperling returned on Satur-
day front a four were' visit to friends in
Whitby, Blyth and Seaforth..Mies Lida
Youhill left on Sat rday for an extended
visit to her broths s and sisters in Win-
nipeg..Master Jas :lock Sunday ed with
his parents near rcnnybrook,,Mrs Dr
Gillies an (laugh er, of Teeswater, were
visiting at ,Mr W iter Green's this week.
..Mr Geo Hugh°, returned front his trip
to Liverpool,wit cattle, oe Friday last,
..Mr Geo Town, ho has been working
in Illi T Bell's f tory for some time, left
on Tuesday for Chicago, 111..Goderich
i n l r
S g a H WV 0 eyer,Q 0, of Wingham,
was in town on day last week, .Mr and
Mrs R Orr, and children, intend leaving
on Tuesday forew Mexico, to spend the
winter..htiss actio )Fisher is visiting
friends ie L' .and G4nanoque and
taking in the b:autiea of the Thousand
Islands of the ',tLawreneo.,Miss 1 l Tilt.
who lute been isittng° friends in Wing
hath .and vicini y for the past week or
two, returned t n Monday to her, horse in
Listowel .Ml• : Maorioo Beckwith,of
Clinton, is visi ing friends in town..Mts
P, C SIparling Alen Orr and Jas Me.-
testday 111 Lucknow..Mr
it tvifel gag sees
ret''°i'ItimA'. � a.iir i. .
'WHOLE No. t032
in eitfrn on Wednesday..r R Collier, of
the Advance staff, is vi tingat his home
in Erin this w eek...A(r • s avis was visit-
ing friends in London . few days this
week..Detective Lucwas in town on
tJ Fluety, of the
lends in Belfoun-
Wednesday, .4/aster
Advance, is visiting f
tain this week.
Western asleaciation of
The fall meetinga of t , e Association
were held in c%Wingham, o , Tbesday and
Wednesday, Oct 6th and ia. Pastors find
.delegates from points as ar as Sardis on
the west, Hamilton on e eastt London in .
the south and from . ointe well north,
nanny or these respoudi g. Setae failed to
pat in au appearance, eceuse they were
away iu the niotberland, o through press
of other work. Precisely at 3.30'oh' Taos-
day.,the opening prayer me ting was be-
gun in the- Congregation: ohurgb, the
pastor taking fer,bis them,: Psalm 29; 11.
Streugth must be asked f.r--sought after
and used in order to •o effective work.
Just as this service was veil over the dele-
gates ,came in fro na e 3.30 train and a
business meeting was eld, routine busi-
n,iss being disposed of in'a lively manner..
Rev Jas Webb, of Ga . frasxa, the,r•read a
paper on "How she 1 we beet help our
churches in districts • " In albappy mama
ner, he advocated int visitation, getting
acquainted, cultivating .e social side of
our nature and being iuformed of the
several difficulties of th •• various fielda, in
order to intelligent pra er on the rbehalf.
'A lively discussion t place upon the,
points raised and the Mae proved all too
short at the disposal f this part of the
In the evening, the aster led the ser-
vices, being assisted by Rev C B Bolton, of
Paris, when Rev B B ' illiams, of Guelph,
preached a powerful sei ou from Ezekiel
37; 1-9.; ,applying the thought with skill
to the ministers prese • t and encouraging
them to labor on io bop; and confidence.
At the close the COMMA] won of the Lord's
Supper was celebrated, the pastor being
assisted by Rev T T D ley and Rev las
Webb, A large numb: attended this ser•.
Wednesday rooming, a prayer meeting,
conducted by the Rev t Bolton, proved a
rich spiritual • feast, ev:ryone with hope
and courage speaking .rd praying of the
Lord's bountiful deal ngs and continual
presence. Hearty sin ng and no flagging
helped to make this . eeting a decidedly
helpful one and the ti e was struck for
the day. After busi Sas of about three
quarters of an hour, •,,ev Sohn Morton, of
Hamilton, gave an ad rase on "The pros-
pects of Oongrege,tio . alum in these west.
ern parts of Onta 'o " Looking at the
subject in a calm and straightforward
manner, he reviewer t. e position of affairs..
and showed good ju, . meat in the forecitst
of the future. The was ample roomfor
thought abd sigus 'f,a mind balanced by
long observation r •ning through his re -
markt; was helpful and healthy. Justice
could not be done h e address by an attempt
at reproduction..:'ousiderable discussion
greeted this pape , + n d the hour for closing
came all too soon
In the afteruo..., a Service of fraise
was held from 2 �a to 3.15, enjoyed by all.
Rev John Mort • as delegate from Inter,
national Comic] .f London,) ngland kind-
ly gave a shorts etch of them meetings
and in a grapbi miner brought the most
impressive se • t es before the audience.
A general disc •:`on thee took place upon
various topics, 'until 5.30, when an ad-
journment to t p vestry ware carried out,
An ample supy of the things thiit perish
gladdeiied the -yea aucl satisfied the palates
of many. A 1 early retial two hours were
spent until th °vetting meeting.
At the eveu •ng meeting, short addresses
were deliverby Rev Messrs Bolton,
Gerrie, Daley' Watso;i and Dr Macdonald.
The service o song was under the leader.
ship of IItr W nI :llabertsen, whose choir
was ably assited by ,Mr ,I II Friend, and
the 1liasas + V Mann. whose kin. 4s„pn
these oceaSi.tie demands more a
:passing note; f praise and thauke...%The
homes and arts of friends of other .b
nomination, •ere opened to our visiting
brethren an this deserves grateful wog-
ion. Att other the :,aeetings proved
helpful,and innttlatna ', t,:e friends going
away with the feeling that the meetings
had been goo'. The nws .c+,:utionia to inset
next spring , i Stratinr,i. All the meeting,+
pea +., the put'ilio and