Wingham Times, 1891-10-09, Page 3`11110 Freckle -Faced Girl. The sweetest L'Aing$. of Earth What are the sweetest things at earth? I oly SUN VN TEII'rAINI'iD A VISITOR wII1L1; Lips that can praise a rival's worth; A fragrant rose that hides no thorn; III.R NA WAS DRESSING, Roches of gold untouched by scorn. A happy little child asleep ; Eyes that can smile though tlioy may weep A brother's cheer, a father's praise ; The ministreisy of summer clays, A heart where anger never burns; A gift that looks tor lie returns; Wrong's overthrow; pain's swift release; Dark Footsteps guided into peace, The light of love in lover's eyes ; Age that is young as well as wise; An honest hand that needs no ward ; A like with right in true accord. A hope bud waxing into joy; A happiness without alloy; A mother's kiss ; a baby's mirth --- Those are the sweetest things of earth. —Emma C. Dowd. Ma's up -stair's changing her dress, said the freolcle-faced little girl tying ber doll's bonnet Strings and .casting her eyes about for a tidy large enough to serve as.. a shawel for that double, jointed young person. Oh 1 your mother needn't dross up for me, replied the female agent of the missionary society, 'nuking a self- satisfied view of herself in the mirror.. ii un up and tell her to come down just is she is ih her everyday clothes, and nob tb stand on ceremony. Ob but she hasn't got on her every-, day clothes. Ma was all dressed up an he, new brown silk dress, 'cause she expected Miss Diamond today, Miss Diamond alw.ays comes over here to show off her nice things; and rna doesn't mean to get left. When ma saw you coming she said: The dickens? and I guess she was mad about some- thing. Ma said if you saw her new dress she'd have to bear all about the , poor Heathen who don't have silk and you'd ask her for mere money to buy hymn books to seu('em. Sa3, dues the nigher ladies use hymn book leave;; Vest Vindsor and Vest Viokhadi you Vitson to do their hair up in to make it frizzy? Veduesclty, Ma says she guesses that's all the Crazy Craycroft naught a crate of trickled good the books do 'em, if they ever .A. crateCriLDH of crickled crabs crazy Oraycoft get any books, 1 wish my doll was a caught; heathen. If crazy Craycroft caught a crate of crickled crabs, Whv, what Where's the crate of crickled crabs crazy you wicked little girl, Craycroft caught ? do you want of a heathen doll ? ir)` Thou wroathd'st and muzzled'et the far>r quired the missionary lady making a fet:Med ox ; and imprisoud'st hits in the mental inventory of the new. .things in volcanic 3klexioau mountain of Pot -o -cat -a• the parlor to get niaterlll fur a homily pet -1 in Coto -pax On worldly extl'avagiLllee• ALMON To MOTHERS.—Are you disturbed at night So folks would send her lots of nice things to wear and feel' sorry to see going about naked. Then shed have• hair to hits, and 1 want a doll with truly hair and ryes that roll' up like Deacon Sliderhack's when he says amenon Sunday. I ain't a wicked girl, either, 'Cause Uncle Dick—you 'know Uncle Dick ; he's been out west and swears awful and smokes all the house—he says I'm a holy terror, and he hopes I'll be an angel pretty soon. Ma'll be down in a minnte, so you needn't take your coat off. She said she'd box my ears if I asked you to' kers Ma's putting on that old dress she had last year, 'cause slie ,said she didn't want you to think she was able to give much this time, and she needed a new muff worse than the quern of the cannon hall islands needs religion. Uncle Dick says you oughter go to the islands, cause you'd be safer there and the natives'd be sorry they were such sinners if anybody would send you to 'em. He never seen a heathen to eat you, less 'twas a blind en', an' •you'd set a blind pagan's teeth on edge so he'd never hanker after any =more missionary. Uncle Dick's awful funny and makes pa and ma die laughing sometimes. 'c'hat's a pretty cloak you've got ain't it ? Do you buy all your good clothes with missionary money Ma says you do. Just then the freckle -faced little girl's ma carne,into the parlor alai kiss- ed the missionary lady on the cheek and said she was delighted to see her, and they proceeded to have a sociable chat. The little girl's ma can't under- stand why, a person who professes to be so charitable as the missionary lady does should go right over to Mrs Dia. Mond's and say such ill'•naturerl things as she did, and she thinks' the mission- ary a double faced gossip.—Colninhus Sunday News. Try to Repeat 'ilhese. Of all the saws I ever saw I never saw a saw Bow us this saw saws. Up the high hill he heaves a hugli round stone. Amidst the mist and coldest frost, With bear wrists and stoutest boasts, He thrusts his fists against the post, And still insists he sees the ghosts. Theopbilus 7'histle,the successful thistle^ siftbr,iu sifting a seiveful of thistles,thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb. Peter Pringle, the priokley pear picker, picked three pecks of prickly prangly pears from the prangly pear..treos •on the pleas- ant prairies. Villey Vita and vife vent a voyage to and broker, of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and got a bottle of ' Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalcul- able. It will relieve the poor little sufforar immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Intlarnntation, mId gives tone and energy to tho whole system. ' Mrs, %Vin- slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and bestatemale physicians and nurses in. the United Status, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be surd and ask for 'Mas. 1VISsLow'd SOOTHING Srsnv mei take n0 other kind A. man certainly : has little,todo when he spends bis' time trying to break down his prosperous neighbors. The German winds are gleefully awaiting the growth of William's whin. ASTHMLF 'rAIT'S ASTIIAIALENE never 1 /// iIIIVIi9n" falls; send you'address, V and we will mnll Catalonce. DR• TA FT BROS. ROCHESTER, N, Y. FREE Canadian Dept. ISO Adelaide. St. W., TOaosTo, CANADA. Some hind in Paris has boon sold at the rate of $2,000,000 per acre; soma in London for what would net $o",000,000 per acre, and some in. New York for a sum equal to $S,000,000 por acre. 0 For Influenza or "L' a Grmpre" Wilson's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is a sure and safe remedy. There is no better'medi- cine for the cure of Influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs, (Jolds,Croup and kindred diseases. Get the genuine in white wrappers. • A divining rod greatly resembles a designing woman. 13oth try to locate wealth. A Canadian Favorite. THE reason of green fruits and summer drinks is the time when the worst forms of cholera morbus. diarrhoea, and bowel complaints prevail. Ash safeguard, Dr. Fowler's extract of Wild Strawberry should be kept is the house. For 35 years it has been the most reliable remedy. If Eve put on airs, it may be re- marked in extenuation that she had little else to put on. Adam was the first odd fellow, but when he took Eve into partnership he ceased to be of the independent order. TOSEPII COWAN, Corm. Drn Div. COURT, 0e. HURON, . AUCTIONEER, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ComussioNLn Err H. 0. J., ETC. WRUxRTLR, ONT. Vigilant C o. Vigilance is necesniry against uuexpoet' ed attabks of summer c'omplaints. No remedy is so well known or so successful in this class of diseases as yr rowler'a tract of Wild Strawberry. Keep it in the; house as a safeguard. +'FT$p?'S.CURE FOR' THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. GOLD 137 MINION ex: rC,N SUMP T I O N r) A SUBS CURE, FOR BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES Or THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOAOUGII AND PROMPT 15 ACTION, AND TONM A VALUABLE MD TO BURDOCK BLOOD OITTEAS 15 THE TREATMENT AND cuilt OF CHRONIC AND OtISTINAT% bISEASES. WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTIO'1, JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, OR RELIEVE DIZZINESS, DROPSY' FLUOFHEETGHEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, $TQMACE, BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. MILBURN & CO., l''ogrT080NTQ. SANITARY PLUMING AND EATING. ALEX. SAUNDERS, GO D ElRICH- LATEST METHODS : Particular attention paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specifications care- fully prepared. Repairing Promptly Atten- ed to. Three Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. Correspondence Solicited. GOOD WOOL WANTED. HIGHEST PRICE PAID AT TEIE IW��t Kuro� Woale� M�1� WING.HA'M TANNERY W. J. CHAPMAN. LUMBER, Dressed and undressed, LATHS, SHINGLES, STAVES,. BARRELS, CEDAR POSTS, WOOD, &C., Always on hand,and will be sold cheap. MILL—Adjoining G. T. R., on Sinter Street. McLean & Son, Gingham, Ont, We Wish to inform .the public that we have these Woolen Milts in A 1 running order, and will this. season give special attention to CUSTOM WORK in all its branches, and w111keep in stock a class.Of arst•elass goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, Etoffs, . Blankets; Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, &c., &c., (made from pure wool on1)) cheap for cash or ex. change for wool. • Customers from a distance can have their rolls hone with them the same day, 'Iiighestmarket price in cash for Merchantable Wool. IN GLIS r CO'Y., Wingham EBOOTRNt) SHOE SHOP. McLArc,,,, & II:Irolr • Having purchased the Custom Business of Messrs McCormick & Co, wish to intimate that they have' opened out in the ship two doors south of T A Mills Store, Wingham. Boots and Shoes made to order from the Best Stock on short notice. Repairing neatly and promptly done. The patronage of the public solicited, and all work guaranteed. McLAUCHLIN & H AU GH MATTH ER HARNESS' MAKER, has on hand a large stock of HORSE BLANKETS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, WHIPS, TRUN KS VALISES etc. Which will be sold at bottom prices. IIARNESS, double or single, made to order on short notice, and satisfaentiorr guaranteed. 3rA call solicited. SHOP—Opposite tbe'Banlc of Ilamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, Wingham, Feb. Cth, 1890. H. ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, ETc. P. CHAPMAN, 'Beautifoui JAS. H. FRIEND, Late of Hamilton and Paris, 1 HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCQER, &C. Would take this opportunity of informing the eltL 'ns of Wingham and surrounding country that having had large esporiencein city work, he Is pI•cparul to do Alannstining, Ralsomining and Wall Papering iR the latest approved styles of plain and dceorative work. Churches, halls or other public or ptivale buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Resigns at moderate rates. OFFICE—" Big" Bookstore, RIPLEY, ONT. Money to Loan on Farm Security at Low Rates of interest No commission charged Graining in Walnut, Oak, Bird's Eye Ma- ple, &c., a Specialty. All orders entrusted to my care done with neatneae and despatch. Orders left 'at Mr. Ross' Bookstore will receive prompt attention, JAS. H. FRIEND. Wingham, April 3rd. •�i� M f v ulL� t, a{I l r J i. P A. pamphlet of informath and F i street Of the laws, shown. 1 )i o Obtain Patents, Cave t Marks, Copyrights, r e• 9.ddress lcilUtlfl w`. OC. . 361 Broady/n.7, 11010 limns. 'r`'• , e;« WINGHAM. FLOURING MILLS1 The undersigned wish to tender their best thanks for the liberal patronage given to our firm during severalyears prior to the burning of our mill by in ccndiarism, During the last season we have re moddellod the town mill to the latest approved sys- tem of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We be lieve wecan now give better accommodation than ever before. We offer Prompt Dispatch, Fair Returns, QUALITY SECOND TO NONE IN THIS SECTION. And by close personal attentlin to the business hope to be again fevered with a trial by all old, friends and many new ores. Yours most respectfully, HUTTON & CARR, Wingham Mill, Oct 49,1189. . J. GOLLEY, VETERINARY SURGEON. . Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Also Graduate of Dentistry School, Toronto is pre - Fared to treat all Diseases of Domesticate Animals in the latest scientific manner_ Calls promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary IlIDD's OLD STAND, Winghara rr:a-Callers by night will find him at the office. In• ease of Profits IS CERTAIN IF TRE GENUINE McCoII's ► + RDINE Oil BE ENERGETIC McOOLL'S Li IN Acknowledged the : est in Canada. I'For Sale by Leading Dealers th ughout the Dominion. MADE ONLY McCOLL BROS. &. CO. - S ONLY USED. GIVING IT ONE TRIAL. VELL KNOWN FR OIL - - TORONTO A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND -IMT' ENT These remedies have stood the test of fifty yearsleti 7 eri milyto ce, and aro pronounced the best Medicines for ZETLAND SAW MILL PILLS GEORGE THOMSON, .Proprietor. Parity the blood, corL talall lisor allso of thelairrts1him, sToMAental to feII les aielf nwellsagAND BOWELS anpar T S!S OINTM.LI1NT Is the only reliable remedy for bed legs, sores ulcers, and old wounds. FOR n11CNCIII1r1, t1(118 Lumber of all kinds, THROATS, COUGHS, COLDS, GOUT, REEUAt'ATISAI, GLA1n1LAIt SWELLINGS AND ALL ORIN DISEASES iT IIAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only nt 78, New ONford. Late 533, Oxford Street, .Lo,don, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. First-class Shingles, I Purlrasers should look to" the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to ,any part of Win„ham. Or Orders by mall promptly' attended O. Itf.bl 113 THOMSON, lvingraul 1'. ICUIIEFIT ITHOUSANDS OF BOTTLES QPYEN AWAY YEARLY. km When 1 sty Coro I do not metU merely to stop them for a time, and Ao them return again. 1 MEAN A R A b I CA L O U R B. I have made the disease of ilapttY or Falling Sloknesti a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Curb Worst cases. Because others have failed is 00 reason for not now Fes eiv(n acute. Sb Once for a treatise and a Free' gBottle of my Infallible Romed y. Give 8x rese DIC,, ()Mee. CCosts eO Ioe, 186 tWEST ADELAIDE ETRcure TS'• ORHRr'►""ss:.►Ki. D. RI.