Wingham Times, 1891-10-02, Page 51, 4 THE ANCHOR HOUSE" Our shop is literally plucked from cellar to garret, with seasonable and fashion- able now fall goods, We cannot even attempt to give a deeeription of them, but we extend a most cordial invitation to all intending purchasers to pall upon us and so afford us the pleasure of dis- playing our goods and describing their many bxcellent qualities. Stacks of new Boots and Shoes froth the best makers in Canada, and our prices are hard to beat. When you want Sugars, you had better bring a grain bag along, for we are still selling 18 pounds of granulated,20 pounds of coffee and 22 pounds of yellow for a dollar. °r- Our Teas are daily sounding our praises. GORDON & McINTYRE. The Big Brown Anchor. East Wawanosh, The 0ounsil met in the Council Room, Sept 26th. Members all press ent ; minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The Clerk stated to the Council that in accordance with the amended School Act of 1891, statutes of Ontario, chapter 55, section 109, sub sec 2, it will be necessary to raise this year from the rateable property of the township for school purposes, a special rate of $966.25. Moved by F Anderson,seconded by Mr Robertson, that by-law No 9, 1891, for the levy- ing of $966.25 by equal rate for school purposes for the current year, author- ized by the Ontario School Act of 1891, be now read and passed—Car- ried- Sari,pel McBurney reported re, garding a dangerous hole dug out on con line near his pretnises,cons 10 and 11, and regnesting that immediate action be taken to have the same filled up. Stir Shiell was directed to look after this matter as soon as practicable. The following accounts were handed in and ordered to be paid, viz : John Coultis, sr, 48 rods wire fence, lot 36, seyh iu the township, which showed trite high moped in which the deceased Was held by all, He was another victim to that dreadful disease, con- sumption. --Mr John Brunsdon,owing to the extra heavy summer he has had, is getting up but very little show work.—Word has been received from W T Brunsdon that he has disposed of all the goods taken to Manitoba, to good advantage. Will's a hustler and don't you forget it. church needs the penteeostal power that there may be in. a moving, among the dry bones.—Billy's bear bas sue., eumbe(t to an over dose of beer,turnod up his toes and gave up the ghost. .Poor bruin has had an upleasant life of it since he took up his abode bare. "Billy" wept many tears of sorrow over his departed friend, and as a last memento to We camas,held a areal Irish wake in the inner charnber,when the pipe of peace wis passed around and a little of Paddy's Eye Water, Billy said than if he wps dead himself there would not be as many come to see him as paid their last tribute to his bear. Just so, Billy. No doubt some would be pleased to have a bear die every' week. Whitechurch. Harvesting is now over. It has been delayed by wet weather, in con• sequence of which fall wheat seeding is also late.—Quite a number took in the Toronto and London fairs, and report thein equal, if not a tittle better than, last year.—Master Thomas Hen- derson, who has been ill with inflame. tlon, ` has not yet recovered,—One night lately, a stone ur some hard substance was thrown through.Mr J Campbell's window, breaking a pane of glass and scattering the fragments all around. It is supposed to have been done by some ball players who were passing at the time, on their way toWin ;hale.—One night recently when Mr W E Finnen was returning from church, he got out to open the gate, the horse ran away, smashing the buggy considerably, but the horse was not injured.—Rev Mr Geddes, whos has been conducting revival ser- vices at Calvin, the past two weeks, brought thein to a close Sunday night. last. Londesborough. Mr E Bell, while at the Western Fair, purchased another first-class Berkshire pig. Ned is bound to keep a No 1 article.—Mr Gee Johnston is home and is highly elevated, the stock he has been taking care of sweeping everything before it, both at Toronto and London. N,e' also says that a colt owned by Chas;Ruddle and sired by Andrew Lamnlon is far ahead of any- thing shown at Toronto, — We are sorry to record the death of Mr A Callender, who was buried last Satin's day. Hit was a member of the , Can- adian Order of Foresters of this place, who taplrned,out in a body to pay the last riespects to the departed brother. It "(as one of the largest funeraln ever church was occupied by Mr Young, of Clinton, on Sunday of last week. The pastor, Rev W T Campbell, was un'. able to ollioiate on account of an. accident he met with when away the previous wesk,.--•Blyth talzdard ; Mr Geo Powell and bride arrived home from their wedding tour on Tuesday morning. They esoaped a warm re-, oeption from the young folk who ex,• peoted them home on ,Monday evening and who, bountifully supplied with salt and rice, hied to meet tlleni at the station, con 6, $7.20 ; John Gillespie, Whites church, 50 yds gravel, $2.50 ; Wing. ham ?tun Council, 39 yds gravel, per Jas Cochrane, pathmaster, $1.95 ; Charles Campbell, 15 yds gravel, per s John Stein; pathmaster, 75 'cents q John Anderson, con 6, 45 yds gravels per David Cook, pathmaster, $2.25 ; Wm Carr, 60 yards gravel, per Alfred Carr, pathmaster, $3; John Redwonc , 45 yds gravel, per G Garrett, path... master, $2.25 ; Thus Nicholson, Auburn,35 yds gravel,per John HaHe. pathiaster, $1.65 ; George Daley, p0 yds gravel and damages, per Esai,as. Pearen, pathmaster, $3.50 ; Joseiah Gc.11ey, Morris, 42 yds gravel, p)er John Salter, pathmaster, $2.10; Wpm Deacon, gravelling and repairing cell vert, side line 33 and 34,coft. 11, $17',.- 50 1t._50 ; Wm Mason, sr, ditching at lilts 40 and 41, cons 4 and 5, $45„19 , Its Grillespie, gravelling on eastern bour-,d. ary, north end, $100 ; George Naylcir,. gravelling and .brushing on westein boundary, lot 28, Con 9,$54.67 ; Ban,' McBurney, grading on sideline 33 and 34 con 16, $4 ; Ierh Parks, repairing culvert and washout on western bound; ary, con 3, $30,20: Thos Ross, 5776 feet rookulm plank for cglvert, lots 39 and 40,00n 8,$5,15; Robt Johnstons digging ditoll on sideline•33 and 34,. eon 2, $2,50 ; George lteid, can 9 100 yds gravel, per John Bone and Jamefq, Wightman, pathmaster, $5 ; Richard McCummins, vravcl for sidewalk est' Belgrave, $10. The council then a,1. journed till Tuesday, 3rd flay Of November next. s„ 7 I'eeswatdi' 'The Cosgrove family aro to give ant entertainment in the town hall, under? the auspices of the 1 0 h', on Monday! night. Mr John Ohaptnati had r� severe attack of cholera morbus an'1 cramps, He is able to be arotvad, again,—Masers Delights and Millh?nY who have gone to British Ooluinb f" have we tire pleased to Ito, r, arrived all right and snoutedwat'k' Mr Million works at life trndy. 'J' I are in New Wostinitiister,--.«Mr KO `e' moved over Mr Win Tuwler's 46tsAr more, wllioh Will be more ctniven. to his place of busintiss,•-- We pro ' r he gets it on the exhibition grotinds. why it is that; there is not tt Yo ,18 is a monster of its kind, measuring People's Society '111 connection 0 feet inoireumferenee and 22 inches the Presbyterian church. Truly, °"'�g s.- 1 he pulpit of tho Methodist HAVE YOU any intention of taking a Business Course This Season ? µ..1.1.i, ......,o..- •••=....a. .0..0..,..,.,i,.® =S' 80 The Fnneot Buoilless gollege OF LONDON would like to correspond with you. ' CATALOGUE FREE. J. W. WESTER.VELT, Principal. UCH BTTEL Thank You! THIS .ZS THE UNIVERSAL TESTI- MONYof those who have suffered from CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, COZJGHS, COLDS, OR ANY FOR.IU OF iVAST- ING DISEASES, after they have tried S EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES —Of Lime dead Soda.— IT IS ALMOST AS PALATABLE AS MILK. IT IS A WONDERFUL FLESH PRODUCER, It is used and endorsed by Physicians. Avoid all ° imitations. or substitutions. Sold by all Ih.ujgists at 80c, and $1.00. SCOTT de BOWNE, Belleville. FACTS FOR - WIBd&HADA -PEOPLE who are not particularly anxious to have to call in an under- taker•to think about. NOTICE. All parties indebted to William Ridd, either by note or book necount, will please call and pay the sante to me at once, as thehave been placed in nay hands for co lection. tOhIN NBELA.NDS. Wingharn,. June 18th 1891, Executors' Notice to Creditors.. rn1it Creditors et Catherine Turner Smith, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, who died on er about tho twenty.eighth day of July last past, and all others having claims against her estate, aro hereby notified to send by post, pre- paid, or otherwise deliver to It. Vanstone, Wlughain, Solicitor for the undersigned Executors of the estate and effects of the said deceased, on or before Op 21st day of September, A. D. 1801, their christian names and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of tbeir accounts, and the nature of the securoties (if any) held by them; and in default thereof,and immediate- ly after the said 21st day of September, A. D. 1891, the assets of the said Catherine Turner Smith, de• ceased, will be distributed amongst tbo parties en- titled thereto, having regard. only to claims of which notice shall have been given as above required and this notice being giver, under the provisions of Revised Statutes of Ontario, chap 110, see. 80, the ):reenter, will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to pny person of whose claim notice shall not have been received ry them, or their said Solicitor, at the tirne of such distribution, 11. VA\er0Oi, JOAN A. MoEwe,r, 1 Executors. Solicitor, RrotbARD Hooa, j D ated at Wingham this 2iith day of August, 1801 I have boon a great sufferer from female weakness of long standing, and have been treated by several phsicians and also beon under Tortreatment onto General Hospital, and all failed to pure me. I saw a medical book explaining the Histogenetic System, and resolved to give it a trial. 1 consulted Dr. Rear, who prescribed these remedies, assured me they would cure me. I had my doubts, but was determined to try once more. I took treatment two weeks, and am utterly astonished at the results. I.nm nearly wellhead no language can describe how thank- ful I am that my life is spared. This testimony is voluntary, and I give it hoping that hundreds of day sex may try the medicines and receive'the same rnar• ellous good that I have. They are good to take, and, unlike any medicine I ever took before, leave no bad effects' MRS. J. FAWCETT, • 102 John Street, Toronto. Brussels. d G Skene, merchant; is this week moving into his new store, and A R Smith will move next week. -14 'W Fatrow spent last Sunday in Bluevale. —Several of our sports took in the tournament in Bluevale on Saturday. —Thos Knechtel bicycled to Seafortb and return on Sunday last.—Nine of our young men were up before the J Plast week, being accused of obtain- ing and drinking liquor on Sunday. Five of them were acquitted and the remaining four wero postponed . on account of some of the witnesses being absent.—A .R Smith is in Toronto this week purchasing dry goods. He is goings to hustle things this fall.— Dixon Seale, who has Been a sefferer :for long time from consumption, died oh Sunday and was buried on Wednes Amy, the remains being interred in •Brussels Cemetery.—Mr and Mrs A •Lowery spent last week - visiting in .London and St Thomas,—Miss Mabel Jackson, of Erie, is visiting her home in Brussels this week R R Farrow, wife and family, of Ottawa, spent a few days last week visiting at Post- master Farrow's. R R is a soli of our postmaster—Miss Helen Tinsley, of Hamilton, iv visiting at, Mr N Mee Lauchlan's, I was attacked with congestion of the\liver and in. damnation of the kidneys attended with excru- ciating pains in my side and back. Could not lie on either side— could scarcely breathe. The slightest movement caused agonizing pain. Nothing gave me relief. I sent for Dr. Rear,knowing ho had cured my daughter of a dangerous illness with IIistogonetie Medicine after she had been given up by four skillful physicians. In one week my pain was gone and liver and kidneys acting es well as ever. The cure isconi pieta. It acts the most like magic of any medicine I ever tools. I sincerely hope that the suffering ladies of Toronto and elsewhere may try the superior merits of the pure and tasteless medicines. My object in giving this testimony is purely through simpathy for the sick and dying. MRS. McOLLOUGH, • 001 Adelaide St. east, Toronto Elytn. The Duncan property,adjoining the salt works, was sold the other day to Messrs Gray, Young & Sperling, for a good figure.—Mr Mr J 0 Fyfe, V S, of Cinoardino, has bought the practice of 1 r T Wilson, V S, of this town. Mr Wilson has removed to 13elgrave.---Mr Richard Sellars has a pumpkin that is. going to give hila some trouble before Our representative will bo at RATTENBURY DOUSE, CLINTON ON Wednesday, October the lth 30.a. m. to 4.30 p. m. for the convenience of Wing. ham patients. Consultation Free. NEW BUTCHER SHOP. GEO. SHAW Wishes to intimate to the people of Winghant and vicinity, that he has commenced, the Butchering 1311511108 egeln, and has opened out inthe oldStand a few doors North of the Lrnnswick House. Where he will keep a frrall stuck et BEEF, PORK, And tiler Idea which he will sell cheap. Meats delivered to any port of the town. rho Patronage of the public ollcited. GSD, SIUW NOTICE. All parties indebted to E. R. Talbot, either by note or book account, will please call and pay the same to me at once, as they have been placed in my hands for collection. JOHN NEELAND, Wingham, June 18th, )891. SEND FOR FREE BOOK EXPLAIN. ING° SYSTEM. 'Iiaogenho Medicine R00fn, Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond street, Lon- don, and 10 Yonge Street Market Toronto, Mention Wingham Times, ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. EvERY WEEK. Montreal and Quebec, nib Derry or Liverpool. CABIN, $5O to 580. According to Steamer and location of Stateroom. intertucdlato"and Steerage at low rates, NO ChT'TLE CARRED: STATE I snr.vlcn or ALLAN LINE STEAMSIIIrS. LINE. NEW YORK AL' 'GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. CABIN, 536 and upwards. Return, 503 and upwards. Steerage at low rates. Apply to I]', le A, ALLAN, Montreal, nr HENRY D#'fVtS, Wtru IIA8t. F E NELL. After waiting on you for eighteen years, I have sold out my business to GEO. E. KING, as most of you are aware. GEORGE is well and fa- vorably known to you all, and I most respectfully solicit for him the liberal patronage you have bestowed on' me in the past. Farewell to my old cus- tomers, T. A. MILLS. JLL M & ('l`! 0 *9 WINGHAM FOUNDRY, MANUFACTURERS OF THE BOYNTON , HOT AIR FURNACES. These wood furnaces are the best in the market to -day, and will be sold at rock bottom prices. wrimmeermatawrawronveam BRASS WORK and FITTINGS, PIPING, &c, Mill and General y �yene, ralR�epairt; attend- ed ed, to p �p�V1. iptlyi JAS. MURRAY & CO