Wingham Times, 1891-07-17, Page 7Penis of Thought. Some people caii see the rip in other k folks' clothes but not the tear in their oWn." Is not life full of opportunities for learning love.? Every min and 'every Woman every day has a score of them. The world is not a playground it is a solioolrootu, Life is not a holiday, but an education, And the one eters nal lesson for us all is how better we can love, As flowers oarry dewdrops, ti'emb- ling on the edge of their petals, and .ready to fall at the first waft of •tile wind or brush of bird, so the heart :Should carry its beaded words of thanksgiving, and as the first breath of heavenly flavor,let down the shower perfumed with the hearts gratitude, As a rule in life there is but little •of what is called luck ; and, if the eases of individual success or failure in life are carefully studied, it will be found' that neither good nor bad luck dead anything to do with tlleai, but that intelligence, ambition; energy, application, and courage rnade the successful man, and. the lack of all or Sortie of these thing was respon.• aible for the failure of the unsuccessful one. Not the good that we have done but the good that we ought, to do, should Have our attention and interest. No one of us has done so well as he might have done; therefore there is no cause for satisfaction in looking backward. Everyone of us has something before IP him, that is well worth his doing ; hence there is reason for dead earnest- ness, lest another duty be neglected in it's season. ADvicE'TO Morales'.—Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth'? If so send at once and get a bottle of ` Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value's incalcul- able. It, will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. it cures Dysentery and Diarrhma, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation. mrd gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Airs. yin- elow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world.' Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "MRs. 'lWINSLow'S SOOTmse SS:it:p ..ori,talm"no other hind Strangers. The man who enjoys being in debt. The marl who is as -quick co honor old age as beauty. The pretty woman who has to stand alp in a street car. The landlord who won't accept rent today because it is telt due until to: a morrow. The kitten who does not like to chase, its own tail ,has no other iulportants, business. The gril who doesn't fall in love with the first man who snakes love to her. . The eosin .who would have won at the races if, etc., etc., etc. • The livery horse that goes as well away, from home as when headed for the stable, . The fat woman who c•sn wear a ' blazer gracefully. The bride and groom who succeeded its acting just.like old marrierl folks. The thin'sphool girl who is sprry when she has to ltingthen her dresses. The boy who would rather go to a Prayer meeting than to a surprise party. The maeried man who has sewer flirted, iaeeer does flirt, and never will flirt. The wife wh'1 reedy th inks her sins. band is. perfect, It is said to be an actual £act that sore Scotehneen can live on Ayr, In selecting a wife eschew the fir. eign•fznisliod article. Choose the home iu ade. For Influenza or "La Gripre" Wilson's Oompouud Syrup of Wild Cherry is a sure and safe remedy. There isno better merit - eine ne forhe cure o1'. Influenza, Brbuohitis, Coughs, Co1ds,Croup and kindred diseases. Get the genuine in white wrappers. In order to see dant the big tiands•keep to their work, the little second -baud is always on the watch. `tie' CITY flE?AWANT for PINE APPLES, • ORANGES, LEMONS,, BANANAS, '1'OMATdES, FRUIT OF ALL IXI,NDS, CONFECTIONERY, ALL KINDS, ALMOND NUTS, WALNUTS, . a PEA NUTS. Owing to the unprecedented domayad for , plata glass,iit has advanced considerably in price. Mosses "McCausland c2 Sou,Toronto, fortunately made° ts, contraet before the advance for a very.considerable quantity, and are time enabled to offer their patrons this season a decided advantage in price, the quality being superior to any ever pre- viously imported. • Head quarters—A pillo et. A rising titan•- •'I'he llfiloenist Annoying bills—The mosquitoes. Vegetable philosophy--Sai advice, .Forced polite11ess-Mowing to nee aessi ty}, A very had ,judge—Tela dials who FANCY BISCUIT OF ALL KINDS. tries bit friends. • elate Flours—Frena 0 a. is. to 5 p. m. Bow is it -»-is flip shamrocktheeiilne nag as Artificiail stone t A Large Stook of Canned Goods : TOM &TOES, PEAS, CORN,' SALMON, LOBSTER, CHICKEN, TURKEY, CONDENSED) COFFEE, CANNED PIGS FEET. FIREWORKS OF ALL KINDS. R. HILL. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATIiIC. ALEX. SAUNDERS, G-ODE1�iCH_ LATEST. METHODS Particular attention paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specifica ions care- fully, prepared. - Repiring Prom ply a end- ed o. Three Tr ins 'Diiy. . Telephone No. 28. Correspondence Solicie d. GOOD V4001_ WANTED. 6 , HIGHEST PRICE PAID AT THE WU CHAM TANNERY W. J. ,CHAPMAN. f6EVRY P60WS, I have much piein ro in anouncing to the farming publio that 1 am agent for these Celebrated Plows and other A!Lt;a1 I�plemants, H L TED &SCOTT T AI.TERS.. Josephine Street • - - - ' , Winghant, Ont REPAIRS KEPT • ON HAHW, The Otd Stand on Victoria Street will still bo 1TEADQUA.RTERS FOR Sewing Machines, Organs, Washing Machines and Wringers. Give nae a call and inspect Goods. J. B.- Cummins. Wingham, April 17th 1891. J. A. $IALSTED, J, W. SooTT, Mount Forest. I Listo'el Deposits Received and Interest Allowed. Money. Advanced to Parniers,and Business linen, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Salo notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges, Special Attention Given to Col looting A.ocounts and Notes, LOOK HERE! I have in stock a full line of FLY " NhTS, • • WHIPS, BRUSHES; ' CURRYCOMBS, &c., ARNESS double and single, light or heavy, made to order, in the latest styles and of the best material. TRUNKS, VALISES, HAND BAGS, crzc„ in stook and will be'sold cheap. • ,Repairing neatly an;u promptly done • The patronage of the public solicited, and satisfae" ion in work and material guaranteed, m'Shop—One door south of T. A. Mills, store. C. KNECHTEL Wineham, June 15, 1801, agora* In Canada -"Tia 1Mlerehnfxte' Bank of Canada. LUMBER, Dressed and undressed, West Huron Wooley Mills, We wish to infori a the public that we have these Woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and will this boason give special attention to CUSTOM STOM ,WORK in all it branches, and will keep in stock a class of firet•olass goods, such as • Tweeds," Flannels, Etoffs, ' Blankets, Sieetings, Stocking Yarns, &c., &c., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex- -change for wool. Customers from a distance can have their rolls home with them the same day. It i'Highest market price in cash for Merchantable Wool. LATH, SHINGLES, • • STAVES, BARRELS; CEDAR POSTS, WOOD, &C., Always on hand,and will be sold cheap. MILL—Adjoining G. T. R., on Shuter Street. McLean & Son, Wingham, Ont. Piso's Remedy tordatarrh is tho Best, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. sty. 1,:m Sold by druggists or sent by fnall,5ec, E. T. Mazyltino, Warren, Pa., U. S. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON1 Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car toad Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivefed to any part of Winghanz. 1 A'orders ley hall promptly attended to. GEORGIC 'Tl•IOM$ON, Wlnbl'am P. INGLiI'S & CO'Y., winghane BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. McLnvensts IIADGn Ravine purchased the Custom Business of Messrs McCormick & Co, wish to intimate that they have opened out in the shop two doors south of T A Mills .Store, winghane. Boots and Shoes made to order from the Best Stook on short notice. Repairing neatly and promptly done. The patronage of the public solicited, and all work guaranteed. McLAUGHLIN & laAUGH. MATTHEW MSLER, HARNESS MAKER, has on hand a large stock of HORSE BLANKETS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, WHIPS, TRUNKS VALISES etc. Which will be sold at bottom prices. HARNESS, double or single, 'node to order short notice, and satishecation guaranteed. d0'A call solicited. SHOP—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton. • 3IATTHEW AMBLER, Wingham, Feb. rib, 1SDO. WINGIJAM MARBLE VYORK 1 Taking" a retrosppect of my thirteen r fourteen years business in %%Ingham, 1 desire most heartily to render my thanks to my friends and the public gen- erally for en-erallyfor too liberal patronage extended to mein the past. I may also state that I am in a position, to offer better inducements than ever *0 those reriuirin}• anything in the line of Granite or Stone Monuments, HEADSTONES, WINDOW SILLS, 13TQNE TEI111IINGS FOR FENCING, Etc I would he pleased to have those,lesirous of pro- curing any articles in my line to call and examine goods, compare prices and leave their oidecs, so that the goods may be secured and prepared early in the season. You can select from the latest designs and obtain the finest woil.inanship at the most favorable prices. blest respectfully, yours WM, SMYTH, Wingham, Ont. Apamphlet of information aadab- street of the laws, showing flow to) Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade, Marks, Copyrights, sent ji e Athlone re1UNI4 tett CO 361 „Brroadway, ewYork. WINGHAM FLOURING NI The undersigned wish to tender their best thanks , for the liberal patronage given to our firm during scveralyears prior to the burning of our mill by in- cendiarism, During the Hast season we have re moddellcd the town mill to the latest approved sys- tem of IIungarian Roller Process aril ling. We be lieve wocan now give better accommodation than ever before We offer Prompt Dispatch, Pair Returns, on QUALITY SECOND TO NONE IN THIS SECTION. And by close personal attentlin to the bnsinese hope to be again favc,red with a trial by all old friends and many new ones. Yours most respectfully, HUTTON & CARR, P, CHAPMAN, ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, ETC. Ori+roe—" Big" Bookstore, RIPLEY, ONT.. Money to Loan on Farrar Security at Low Rates of interest. No commission charged. Wingham 51111, Oct ID, 1580. J. GOLLEY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary C011ega Also Graduate of Dentistry School, Toronto is pre- pared to treat all Diseases of Domesticate Animals in the latest scientific manner, Calls promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary Reno's Oe.n STAND, Wingham Wa,ODUOTS by night will find him at the office. r j, Increase of '�ro f its McCoIIs IS CERTAIN IF THE GENUINE INI IS ONLY USED. BE ENERGETIC BY GIVING IT ONE TRIAL. McCOLL'S WELL KNOWN 0*YI\TID'PL1 CD IL Acknowledged the best in Canada. e.,For Sale by Leading Dealers throughout the Dominion, MADE ONLY BY McCOLL BROS. & CO. - • TORONTO. A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S P I9.S AND OINTM ENT These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Medicines for Family use. 0 Purify the blood, correct alt disle orders no08 the h at LIVER, ViE R,, STOMACH, tis M Go IS, KIDNEYS a t cs AND TROWELS sop ate r111 -1R1. 0I1\71111ViMM.TE" Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores ulcers, and old wounds. FOR 111tONCEIIIS. 5011E THROATS, COUGHS, COLDS, GOUT, R1;L11SiATISSI, or litLAIC SWELLINGS AND ALL .SKIN DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only et 78, New Oxford. Late 583, Oktord Street, London.. and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. U 'I'urhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes. and pots. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. 1 CUBE Fi VTHOUSANDS OF BOT'T'LES. 4IVEN AWAY YEARLY. an When I s> Bury t do not mem merely to stop them for a time, and t infnthem return a ain. IMEAN APtADlCAL0UttU. 1have rnadethe cIbeaseo( e4p.repsF y or lailing Eloltnses a lifer long study. 1 Warrant my remedy bo Ottra tllorat Cases• Because others hryv e f�lked le no n for not now fat chi* a celer a ttentiseand a Pres Itottln I aIllblla ftltmotty. GIVv iw01:4.014081442 l IIM ^i<« ; yr a a►s tr. d a