Wingham Times, 1891-07-10, Page 2At MutOpmEimes 4:4444,44,4**.m.4444.4.4444.44AAAAAA4A-4,A4,4-444,44,44*44 1it1.1)41, ULY 10, ISO le 1bees AU the Mere; Sir. Tensaw you've lost your heart to Me Aud cell me quite a, charmer, Yon tell ma that mV lover dear Is uothittg but 0, ft‘rrner ; likes to toil in honest boil; I knew it, all bete re, sir, Ana as he its a farmer lad, I love bin. ell the more, eir, I do, indeed 1 I hope you heed, 'ay story told before, sir It you despise the lad I prie, I love him all the mere, sir. You say my lever offers me That I ehull have as your fair bride I from your road If you came from A eot, end more's the pity 1 The pelthees of yore, sit, The haedsome young fellow' colored For each. sweet -rose that rouud it blows I love him all the more, sir. You tell me you would die for me ; -Your love you camuet smother ; Dm sorry, sir, but John and I 'Weald die for one au other.. My farmer boy, he brings Inc joy ;" I hear him at the door, sir t You'd better go; lE your° is , I love him all the more, sir. And what is it1 sbe ashen innocent, I do, indeed 1 I hope you heed lye ' * If yon despise the lad I prize, It is that. I love you and Want you My story told. before, sir; , I love him all the mere, sir, 1 for iny wife. . • —111". '11. ii.Kidalr. 1 It was now Bella's turn to blush.' ------------------ Oh, you mustn't 1 you mustn't 1 ----".............m•F••••• A FAIRMEZ`'S DAUGHTIta i she said.' I did not think of suoli a such an extent that be could scarcely t going to help me pay it ? Now if 1 had stammer out his greeting, brought you up to work in a farm Sit down, said Della, cordially, hoose trod run a dairy, you might. 0; making room for him en the big rustic if you had married that young Itar seat, niond that. came here two years ago,you. This increased his confusion. might. They say he is rich. .. . Thank you, he said, 1 can't stop. Never mincl him, said the girl, I Wanted. to see your father, and I heartily. rii tied a way, • , came through this way as it was so And she did. Prom that evening much nearer. I didn't suppose-:-• there svas no detail of woman's work . i Then he stopped ; for even in his that she did not study and personally confusion he couldn't lie.to her by say- oversee. Olcl Mrs Wetherbee, who had ing he hadn't expected to find her been her father's housekeeper ever there, 'Since Mrs Truax died ten years before, Bella, laughed. remooetrated, but Bella wits deterenin. I can't imagine- where you chine ed, and it.was not on before she from, then, she said, for it is. away found a dozen ways of economiziog. . . ' At length Mrs Wetherbee laid stand it no longer. . See bre, John Truax, she said,. h- dignantly, one day, when Bella pad countermanded one of her orders. Either Bella's goings to run this house or I am. Whichel it he? • D i Why, of courr you're running it, ain't you I said the farmer. Ji . Indeed, she isn't, said Bella, coming into the room at. this moment. I'm running this house now, and I. intend; to keep on. ••••••.****POM*S*, tfr TrUax. hissed his daughter good night he said; never regretted Nhat it 00st for your education, Bella ; but it wouldn't have been worth a hundredth pad as much if it had pot been spent on a girl that is good enough to be worthy of your mother in heaven. A. Inausion in the eity. I house. Ali, no, -Usenet:a Thet oot outraues again but collecting himself, saidin a low, steady voice: Don't laugh at me, Bella. I do went te are your father, but I ca!no this way to dud you and tell you first what it is have to say. • I thing. " . I . You didn't think of it, he said,- with, BY DAVID A. CURTIS, It A as hot. The cattle had sought 1 something like reproach in his voice', the shadiest pool iu the big beet* that 'I I have loved yea all my 1ife,'aud if. I flowedthrough the great south meadow, 1 hadrft• beeti afraid to, I would have, Farmet Trieste had lain down in the I spoken lolig ago. grass for a nap after dinner in the l Afraid T she said, . fields mid his men were by no meaes i , Yes. You seem , so far above Me, anxious ,p wake Itim until the noon always. 1, ani more afraid than ever hour was well over. N'orshere around t new, but I had to speak. You are a the farm was there any evidence' of lady of education and elegant mienneris activity, . The sun was too pitilessly i and I' ea only a farmer, but I love you,' fierce to brave lightly—so it seemed. , Stopi she said. quickly; ' My fath.. * * 0 * * * What liaa Change d you so, darling said Guy Raymond, tenderly. You ine once. Ien not chaoged, said Bella, I've found out that I was Inietalsein You tired of me, and"only catni. back to woo.thp ctethoresse not the woman. P. never 'Weed a man like that. I 'Ted an ideal, and I thought you were Wet. When I found out you were nob, 3. of us have been breetliog in the pas will the haphazard methods ot ma g, many of is have practised heretofore any longer mutt the demand of the tiay.— Earner .Tohn in Um CanadianZv stook, ana Farm Journal for June. Ahd keep on she did, in spit!! of her father's coaxing and. Mrs Wetherbee:s angry scorn, Mistakes were plenty for a time, but the same mistaie never occurred twice, and. it was notJong be- fore the farinei fohncl the chaige was fer more valuable one thad he •had dreamed it could be. One night, late in the winter, father know I did not love you. It was a•severe blow to Guy R ye mondee pride, but there was no ens peal. He went away cursing his own hilly, and so made room for a beeitee nam, and ib is certain that , shy as ihe wits,Harry Man -lining found that out in 1-1011IT TO KEBP 1-114ALTH• Weer Won= ABOUT PRIMES TRAY YOU »o NOT MYR. One of the best ways to keep iu good health isnot to thiuk or worry too much • about it. If yea feel strong and wellidon't imagine that some insiduoue disease may be secretly attacking your constitution. Many people are *like the inexperienced traveller who ttuxiously inquired about the Symptoms of eeasiekneee, and bow he should know when he had it. Ouo gener- ally enower when be is sick, and frequently many. supposably alarming symptoms , prove, upon investigation, to be either per.e featly natural occurrences or et very alight importance. Eat and drink -what you desire, as long as it agreesyith you. Your stomach knows pretty welt what it cam digest. Plain, simple food is destrable,as a general thing, but the luxuries of the table, in modera- tion wilt do no harm: Alcoholic, beverages are not dt for habit- ual use. They are turn medicines, and should only be used like any other mai,. oines—under the'advime of a physician. As a regular beverage they eau dope gaod,but will almost certainly do harm, Take.)all the sleep you can get, but re- mtember that the necessary amount varies greatly,lor different persons. Some must sleep at least nine hours,vvhile others thrive under six. Wily don't rob yourself of what you really need. The "midnight oil" is a terribly expensiveillurnivant'to burn either for purposes of labor or etudy. Always treat a common cold wit13 great. respect. Ninetymnine times out of 100 it will get well anyway, but the 100th cold Bat just as the day seemed` tolave ; er a fanner, and he is my , ideal of time. . It's sometimes said patenteneei ines aro for the ignotant, The doctors f ster this idea, The people, we're told, are mostly ignorant wherts he comes to medical science. Suppose •they are 1 What a sites man needs is not kifowe ledge,bura cure, and the meditsiuefthat Tares is the niepicine for the sick/. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis overy cured the do believes and the don't be- lieves. There's no hesitancy about it, no if or possibly. it says— I can euro you, only as I direct. Perhaps it feels occastounely. The makers Hear oft it and daughter sat in the little sitting- when it does, because they never ,ep room, the father peering eve): his ac- the money when' the'medibine fait . to • . 1 testa principle.. (We beg the doctors, reached the climax of unbearable heat, :what a man should • be. Don't say there came from the farm house door, only a farmer, but, Harry, • and her a tail, slender. girl, who looked as cool voice sank, don't,speak to me of— as a woodland stream. Dressed all in ;love, That cannot be. -white, with no ornament excepting a i May I not hope.i he said, dejected.: tiny bow of ribbon at her throat, end' ly. . „ carrying a huge light blue parasol over ! No, yen must not, ' her head, he stepped daintily acmes " Then there is some one tilse ? r n the road, and, climbing the loW stile ' YOU (night not td ask that, hut 1 I think 'that by getting thdse two t opposite, sauntered slowly down to there is. notes'extended, I won't have fo mod... where a pleasant grove. gave promise . * * * ' *. 0 * gage the ferm, and don't need over of as mneli oomfort as could be found - Farmer Truaes harvest was blight; five hundred to start with this ,spling, on such a day.. ed: Misfortune:after misfortuue bad and some ot that I can get credit" for The men, though a furlong off,could followed so fast through the year tbat 1 wnt have to borroV over twIp hun- see her plainly*, hs losses had eaten up Ids Strad' .ac• • dred in cash. I guess 1 can dci that eo good. Suppose the) doetore went on counts again, and Bella was squiet as before. This time she was s wing. Well, partner, said Mr Truax, at length, things are not. so as they might be. ' They had talked together em busi- ness so often, and he, had fund his daughter's practical sense so 'etalueble, that he bad corn,e to call her leis little partner. It, wes a joke at fist, but seeing how proud the girl was of the word, he Used it often, .• • That's good, said Bella, what de you don It wciuldn't do!) Choking, sneezing and every other form• of catarrh in•tee'head, is radicql- ly cured by Dr. Sage's Oatarrh RemetTy. Fifty cents. Sold by Aruggists eveiy- wlrere. • Well, said 0116 of. them threwing ctimulations of money and forced him but I shell have to go to the bank to, out the renierk as if lie were talking to to borroW largely, so that it was with morrow.aain. ' the hills and addressing no one in sorry fece that he sat, one morning That's tacky, said • Bella, ediling, particular, I h else Truax is satisfied, in the winter,•poring over some books but feelieg a big lurnp in her t roat He's kept that girl in a city school five ' and papers. Bala was reading on the that almost choked her. Horse Breeding, I have just had given. me the report of a sale of Canadian:bred horses in Lon - dop Surely the prices, ranglng from if negl?cted, may lead to broneletis,pnen- venni& or consumption. It is the beat to • take no such elaances. If venue sick euough to need any mod' eine at all, beyond the simple remedie familiar to 311, you are sick enough to nee the attendance of a physician. 13y all means take as much exercise as,' you can, and be in the open air, as much as possible. OutdOor life is the natural (tont ditien of mankind, and the more one can' have of it the better, Fresh air, sunlighb, good and sufacienti food, pure water, outdoor exeroise, tem- 1, 4 perance iu all things and a cheerful die - $210 to ' .$670 for Canadian -bred ones ; e ,position are the chief remedies 10 nature's; mean a profit to somebody ; and' if the/ dispensatory, and are worth more than all' markets are of such,*an extent as the the drugs and medicines of th3 shops. Dr" ores show them to be --and r belie Holmes has truly paid that if nine tenths of , they are—thon by breeding to meet thi all medicines,. patelit, proprietory and market, and ending our surplus here ' otherwise, in the world ware poured into stock to it, we shall in a large measur the oceau, it would be all the better ,for have qualified the desired effect of mankind and all the worse for the fishes; t McKinley, Esq, when he got in sech and the best physician can do little with - heavy irnpoet .on our output, thinkin , out good nursing, and thus aid ruttur&. in throwing off disease.—[Monthly Bulletin,. Owing to the unprecedented demandifor ' plateglass it has advauced considerably in price. Messrs WIcCauslatid & Son ,ToroutO, years now and she is a lady. I wonder other side of the table, and the room Why is it laity 1 asked the far .what he's going to do with her now. was (inlet, when soddenly the old man in surprise. She can't do any work untied the , sighed. Because, said Bella, throwin house. He wants her at home but What is it, peppy? said 13ella, ,piece of paper on the table, and r h. 'what's she going to do here, excepato • throwing down her book ing around to clasp her arms around look pretty, heats me. Her father made no reply, and she, her fathers's neck, because you can; get er There was a lite:le pause of silence ',going round tha table, sat oh his knee this cashed. after tine, and then another man and kissed him fondly, spoke.: . ; You are in trouble, she said, and I dou't know, he said, but it kinder you must tell nie "all abont it. seems to me that there'e a good deal in ' 'Tient likely I'd put trouble on your the girl She's pleasant and happy. ' i alfonideis, said the farmer, tenderly, Sos a chipebak, said the first. , ; looking bravely into his^ daughter's Well, she's brighteen a dollee, and ; eyes. , just es good-hearted as she can live, ; But if mother had lived, you would you ought to have seen her takin' care i have told her, persisked the girl. And o' that old hen that got hurt Thum, , you have no one else to help you bear day. I tronblo. Why H110111(1111 I 1 Ylni have A coritemptlions snort was the only 1 been good to me always, why Should thing that followed, and the naeu lay.1 not I be as MUC11 help to you as I till for a, few moutente longer,walting ' meld . for the farmer to awake. i It took seine persuasion, but at Meantime Bella Truax had found 1 length the story +came out. The farm her fasorite nook . in the grove, and I would bave'to be mortgaged heavily. taking the rustle seat her father had i But, peppy, if you hadul spent all made for her, began reading, As she that mobey on exte when I wos ot Oat, sliodedby the ;root trees' arouud , school. Ytlli Vol" 11°I ho so pressed eitelooked tht fairest floweret the unsay possibly, that with the American market taleerr away from. us; we should have to shut up shop ; but the Eueopean mar- ket is a good one, and, if eve trim or breeding sales to take advantage of it, the McKinley Bill will have been ablt- fortunately made a contract before the advance for a very,cousiderable Quantity, and are thus enabled to offer thetr.ptbtrous ing to us mittead of an injury. The class of horsetleat ;seem to catch the Eng* this season a deeided advantage in price, taste are ench as stand from 15.3 to 1611, the quality being superior to any ever $re - of good form. and finish, bay, brown, aid,/ viously imported. _...--- . black in color, -with good, free, open ee- :\ scientific and Sanitary. ' tion, and of the *kind that oan =lie • good use of theirknees ; and good, trot- When the teeth was very voting, ting -bred mares, mated to bang-up Stan- says Dr. Ball, astronomer Royal for dard-bred stallions that have the "non- Ireland, it wen,: around so fast that ernes of transmitting size and finish, as the .day was only three }tour long. ,The earth was liquid these and as it . spun around and around •at that leer- ful speed, and as the :tun 'bads+ ever increasing tides upon its surface , it at i last burst in two. 'The small r part became, the moon, which ha been going around. the e trth ever sumo at ten increasing distance. The influence of the moon now rises tides on de 0 And she could no longer restrain wen us spee a are suitable one to Wee herself, but sobbed and cried•with the kind that will and sell at figures pure hysterics, • ihat will pay the farmer for cost of pro - Why, wha—vrhat is tliis ? @an] the old men, in utmost bewilderMent, What's the matter 1 There, there, don't ery ,• don't cry, Why, 'my pet, wliat is itel Dott't you see' what it lel • said Bella, hugging him, and laughing and crying toeether. Perhaps 1. might, if you would let me look at it, said her father, etruggl- ing to get free from hei. nervous eine now, would yea ? • that beautilied the little glen. At This the farmer would not answor„ least so thought sturdy Harry Manning hut refastd was enough for the girl. as he elm,7 through the woods with a Don't be downhearted, she' said, Step a trifle over eager foe such a day. after she hid trostr-quesi.ioned Ler lactate 1.1eckney stallions should also make a , desirable cross, when bred to our trotting, mares, in the production el a (slags of horses that will sell anywhere at a good round, paying figure. One thing is' sure, there does not seem to be much market fOr horses -under 15 hands,. and that weigh. less than 000 lbs, unless they have speed away above the average, while there is full market ter horses over 15.3 up to f0.1, that weigh from 1150 to 1250 lbs, and oan move along promptly at a four -minute gait, if they ,are sound earth, aprl while there was any 4q1d, to operate en in the moon, the frth returned the compliniebt. ?or euflueeza, or "La Gripre" 'brace. • 1 Compouud Syrup of Wild Cherry sure Igo ordinary °nano would have carried 1 father till he hod %id her all the par% au ordibarritianso hastily, . ,, 1 tical It was surprising how she Good, morning, Harry, site said as understood everything. Don't be ' •Atte drew 111 1111'. ' 1 downehearted. IStortgage the farm, • lite di.In't smile. lie colored. Al' and 1 will help you pay the mortgage. was check for two hundred and arid good lookers, It shotdd be no great and safe remedy. There term betts medi- eine tor the curb of Influenza, Bro order el coinnsatum for the Oanadiat, breeder to , fifty dollars, payable to the • ptoduers horses of this stamp every time,. Cl'ug118' calaselroup end kindred di epees. Mies Bella, Truax. Get the genuine in white wrappers. gh he was plainly delighted to, Mr 'from( laughed, it they use the good judgment possess - .Where on earth did Here is an illustration dime }Ledo° ,,, tili3 °mil° frtull I i ed by the average dmadian farmer, and ' there as never a time, at least such is politeness from Lady hutTerin's joiten- . 1 Canadian breeder required morp thau ell : A Judge Who Isms a very bad shot 1 ever before to study out how boot to 'had been out for a day's sport, olid on , breed to meet the change of market ; and his return the man who went out with 'From wha—at ? . 1 MY Publishers' I"yodui4.not cols° ill cannottholp thfitilting that Canadian him 't In ow was asked ; Well, how did the you didn't, you dear old thihgt And ;wit& ouuuot agora to breed. anything hags' 911°°4 Ice'dol ? Oh, be reoplie.d, , armor, tom On arm to Prince telwarcl •• I'd vvritten a novel, did you dieb't know it was a success, a, but the very beet, of thelribe he selects tttio, Jtidge 11110t, hentifillly. Nit God you 1 And you i nf I hld AM. ' aft his °holm The day ot breeding tt '1,was very tearful to the birds. Are you class of hones -which. we evpeot to soli , . other one almost done 1 It would take* pages to toll the. eon. workVs nuitketiii ready to pay us f, 006r venation that followed. But when over for, and they are not the kind many i said iti t From my publishers, said ;ray impression, than just now, when the , proudly. fun mi. iter,ha was embarrassed to Why Why, Pussy, how ott earth are you ' for SOO is gone, end, to be in the swim,' We sotaotimeo congratulate ourselves glad we can only no breed the kind that the et the moment of .waking front troubl- d deem ; 111 may be so after/death,' Hawthorne. • 1 F , TEMPERANCE bONDucYsO BY not "---"""---"--"*."----"Yea'n. flay° to 4y' 41Y uro 0, You stand on t h You're learning your p XJA lies out Your fut YoublolY:ave to fill p10 You're nii You'll have to avoid Your fathers will pe And if you'd be trusts 3.1 lfjnoyandwoanthoxioi I If you would have pis And bask m Prospe If you would enjoy ro If God's benediction !, That priceless, but You'll have to avoid You'll have to avoid t Or sorrow and shait And Povefty's crust y And Poverty's rags Your future will end i Your life be cut off Unless you avoid th Bothbody aud soul. w tenpin Listen to these . from Aorfchstoisjahloperlirwe great cause of p When I hear of a f and ask the :cause— the gallows and as cause, the ans.ver- ask myself in perf why do not men p thing 1 • Alcoholic liquor Christian nations' e of the pagans of Afr by those benighted term which in obr shame water. In the cause of ,te stance, the wpinen righb • side, They work for it, they children They do live it. They do es cause but vote for the most efficient m along any measure, e they fall short of the ou this point when d right to say zo ne the polls. It +has b there are women of 1 actor wile would vol interests of .the co respect, bub • they between, and in esti smell cities these woi like to appear amor and Work for that w backing among VON. bow well the sopbis convince votera-of t policy demands their destructive measure; emnsortirdheo 9wdo i‘nv v tithin JI, imperil the .safety of 'We believe that v and wrong for one use is equally hermit] another to sell far his We believe that the is an iniquity, and legally right ti thing the nation becomes a sins and infamy of o It is not drenkenrie national eel; deurtke. outbreak of human v petite ; 1118 licensing of the imperial power meut with which Got 011 whieli bis judgm arc often told that • differ in opinion alesan and proltihition ;as e that good people differ stealing or treasofl. organized expression.° on earth,. It breaks monuments and teach To protect and perpol God, to ruin Men, am o Me State by aiding worst enemies. 1%0 eternal life, is Ohristain, yet we lice to make drunicaids, oar coffers, their si their greed into govei is made possible b Ohrittaill