The Huron Expositor, 1971-02-11, Page 9- Area Councils SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS All Types of. • CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPFN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON Inquiries, are invited = TelephOne Numbers: EXETER 2354620 CLINTON 482.9421 SEAFORTH: ,Contact Willis Dondes Or Bill Pinder 527.1382 Bus. 527-1150. 'trip 'HURON' EXP.051wyg;, sEAPCOrTit7. ;WTI ?irk 44. , • , Rates and salaries established by Hullett Township for the present yeer are: -Fence Viewers, $6.00 per trip plus ...in.-per-Mile; Live- stock Evaluator, $6.00 per trip plus .101 per mile; Deputy Re- turning Officer $13.00; Poll Clerk $12,00/ Polling HdOth 07-.00; *Pit Run Gravel .0t4 per cu. yd., Crushing Gravel .114 per. cu. yd.; Trench Inspector $6.00 per trip,. plus .101 per mile; Ditch Commissioner $6.00 per trip plus $2.00 per hr. after 2 hours; Labour $2.00 per hr.; Grader Operator $2.30 per hr.; Wingman $2.00 per hr.; Road Superintendent $2.50 per hr.; Clerk-Treasprer $4,000.00 plus 500.00 mileage -(subject to review in,July) Councipors $50040 plus Meeting expenses outside the Township`;` Reeve, $600.00 plus Meeting expenses outside the Township; Welfare Officer, $6.00 per trip plus .100 per "mile; Pound Keepers, $5.00 per im- poundment plus expenses; Ta" Morrts Morris Council held its Feb- ruary meeting in the Township Hall' with all members present and Reeve Wm. Elston presid- ing. Resolutions adopted included: - That a grant of $150 be given to Brussels Medical-Dental Centre. -That membership fee be paid to Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves -That Wm. Elston be Morris' representative on Midwestern Ontario Regional Development Council. • - That we authorize Ontario Hydro to install new mercury vapour lights in Walton, Morris to accept cost of 11 - 175 watt mercury vapour lights. • - That Thos. Miller be al- ternate representative to Brussels, Morris and Grey Rec- reation Committee for Morris. - That we -advertise for warble fly inspector and warble fly sprayer, same to • be in by noon, February 27, 1971. Accounts approved for pay- ment included: Roads $5,708.86 and General $1,282.09 for a total of $6,990.95. Wawanash y.. Collector, 2% commission. Appointments to towiiship Motions adopted included: - That we authorizeThe Clerk offices include; to open a Municipal Drainage Bank Account. • Fence Viewers,Le-prpe, R. 'Trewartha, J. Taniblyn, E. - That we refer the Petition, of Donald Pickard,Charles Bran- Lapp, John Buur, Stewart Dale; Ditch Commissipner - Clare don, anti W.Earl Collins to Henry Vincent; Tre nch Inspector - Uderstadt and ask him to con- George Haggett; Labourers - tact each person involved. Hired by Road Superintepdent; -That we appoint Hugh Flynn Grader Operator - Arthur Way- as representative on the Mait- land Valley.Conservation Author-mouth; Wingman - James John- ity for the years 1971-72. ston; Livestock Evaluator - -That we defer decision on Joseph Shaddick; Poll Clerks & the building permit of John Rap-Deputy Returning Officers - To son for one month. be chosen by the clerk and ap- -That we set the Road. Super- proved by Council; Welfare Of- intendent's rate of pay at $2.50 ficers - Clare Vincent; Clerk, per hour. Treasurer - Clare Vincent; That we' appoint Hugh Flynn Auditor - A. Harper; Solic)t- as delegate to meeting concerning or - A. M. Harper; Solicitor - the Hayfield River Conservation Donnelly & Murphy; Pound Keep- Area. ers - Thomas Leiner, Ed: -That we appoint Clare Vin- Watson, Wm. Livingston, P. dent as representative to the On- Gibbings, F. Nesbitt, G.Howatt; tario Drainage Association meet-Tax Collector - Clare Vincent. ing and pay our $15.00 member-At the inaugural meeting the ship.- Oath of Office was taltep,by Reeve. That we make a Grant of Hugh Flynn, Councillors Joe $200.00 to the Hullett F.O.A. Hunking, John Jewitt, Milton Dale This $200.00 to be used to fin- and Charles Scanlon. Reverend ance the Hullett F. 0. A. Stanley McDonald was present exclusively. and spoke briefly to the newly - That we make a° Grant of installed council. Council mem- $25.00 to the' S.alVation Army. bers as well as the Road Superin- -That we appdint John Jewitt tendent and Clerk:-Treasurer to the Seaforth Hospital Board. spoke concerning the affairs of -That we appointJoellunking, the Township. Waymouth, snow plowing, $267.73; James Johnston, snow plowing $217.77; George Hoggart, Road Superintendent,' $628.32; BP Oil Ltd., Fuel 011 & Diesel Fuel $206.14; Radford's Garage Ltd., Fuel & Repairs, $22.17; Robt. Dalton, snow plowing, $1,928.00;.Radford Construction, snow plowing $2,880.12; Recei- ver General of Canada, deduc- tions, $159.36; Clinton News,Re- cord, Elections $9,10; Huron Expositor, Elections $9,80; , Association of Mayors and Reeves, membership, $20.00; SoCial Assistance $330.00. That we approve the Fidelity The agreement of the Perth Bond for the Clerk-Treasurer County Beard of Education to now in effect. . accept payment of the 1971 Edu- Ken Dunn of Burns Ross & cation levy twice- Yearly• on the Associates discussed a proposed • same dates as 1970 was. con- improvement 'on ' the street ‘111' 'anrreCi yin 'by' Logan Cduncil at front of the Church -tri"Sbrideas-1-6't4ttaIPebiaildrrnieetite boro at an estimate of $13,000. T. Nicholson and G. Jarmuth The proposal was laid over for were appointed Logan Township further discussion and planning, representatives to the Mid-Wes- A request from Hearn Whole- tern. Ontario Regional Develop- sale for assistance in se- ment Council, and L. GOrdner curing an adequate water supply and B. Kolkirian to the Mid- was left to the March meeting Western Regional Tourist Coun- when mare information may be tenders-to crush and available. haul -approximately 20,000 cu. Accounts approved included: yds. of gravel were received and Wm.Berry, Refund on Londes- the contract awarded to R. H. boro Drain $119'.'76; H. Stryker, Jennison Ltd., Grand Bend at Overpayment of /70 taxes $1.04 per yd. Bob Chaffe ad- $211.87; F:Johnston, Fox Bounty, dressed Council requesting a/ $52.00; Municipal World,. grant ' for • the Homestead Improvement „competition to be Subseriptions & Supplies $136.45; Vanderheid Bros., Bid Cheque, held previous to the International $200.00; Skeoch Business Equip- Plowing Match in 1972 and $150 ment, Supplies $18.06; Maitland was authorized. Teleservice, Telephone $1a59; C. General 'accounts amounting to' $1606.36 and Road Accounts Vincent, Salary for January $287.02; Ontario Hydro, Three totalling $11,714.39 were ordered street lights, $685.07; Arthur' paid. e HUgh Flynn, Gerald. McDowell, Ted Mills, James McPhee, Je.nies Glouslier and President of the Auburn- Institute to 'the Auburn Hall Board. That we appoint Joe Bunking and Charles Scanlon to the Blyth Fire Area Board. - That we appoint Milton Date, Charles Scanlon,DoraShobbroolt, Percy Gibbibgs, John Radford, Kenneth llulley, Dolores Howitt and the President of the *.I., to the Lexidesboro Hall Board. Accounts approved included: Receiver General, deductions $150,05; Londesboro Hall Board, . Polling Booth $17.00; Auburn Community Hall,, Polling Booth $17.00; Theo. Flyen, Polling Booth, $17.00; Forester's Hall, •, Polling Booth, $17,00; L. Sheb- brook, D. R.O. , $13.00; J. Pollard, Poll Clerk $12.00; W. Craig-, D.R.O. $13.00; Mrs. C.Craig, Poll Clerk, $12.00; J. Flynn, ,D.R.O. $13.00; E. Snell, Poll Clerk $12.00; W. Young, D.R.O. $13.00; L. Watt, Poll Clerk & Booth $29.00; Mrs. E. Jewitt, poll Clerk $12.00; K. Preszcator, D.R.O. $13.00; C. Vince& R.O. & Supplies $54.53; Clarke Con- struction, Pollard Drain Pymt-r- V4-$800.00; W. Powell, Error Re- fund on Tax Roll $10.00; Ontario Hydro, Street Lights $104.86; County of Huron, Tax Collecting $545.90; Salvation Army, Grant, $25.00; E.H.Uderstadt, Gibbings Report. $2,000.00; A. Waymouth, Plow Operator $90.93; J. Johnston, Wing-man $65.30; G. Hoggart, Road Superintendent &' Supplies $ 130.52; R. Cook,Wages $8.10; K. Cook, Wages $8.10; Dom. Road Maph.Sales, Grader. %Repairs $122.15; B.P.011 Ltd.,. 'Fuel Oil $24.20; R. Dalton,SnoW Plowing $686,00; G.Radford Con- stn., Snow Plowing $1,370.63; T. Dilizer, Furnace Repairs $10.65; Radford's •Garage, Fuel & Re- pairs $ 14. 00;Ont.Farm Drainage, Membership $15.00; Hugh Flynn, Welfare Trips $60.00; Hullett Township F. of. A., Grant 1971 $200.00 Smiles . "Another new dress," bellowed the husband. "Vi/here will I get the money to pay for it?" "Whatever my faults, dear," cooed his wife, "you can't say I'm inquisitive." "Well, sir," said the waiter as he placefilkthe hot bowl of -soup before the customer, it certainly looks like rain-, doesn't it?" The customer 'looked at t14, bowl and sniffed slowly, "You're' right," he said' grimly, "but it does •smell a bit like soup." Outside as snOwsqualls the snowdrifts higher, inside the members of the llosyltal Auxiliary listened happitY to stories of Nassau where the temperatures were in the 80 degree range. Mrs. W. C. Bennett spoke of her holiday to the beautiful island at a meeting held_atthe Hospital Tuesday night. She had returned to Seaforth on Sunday to find the town recovering from the effects of the recent store which she hiad been fortunate to miss. Mrs. Bennett, vice president of the Auxiliary, presided for the meeting. Sales in the Gift Shop and from the cart were-higher than usual in February due to the storms. Miss Dorothy Parke reported tickets were sold out for the Auxiliary Dance at the Legion Op February 27. 1. Miss. Alice Reid won the mystery prize. OBITUARY JOSEPH P. MILLER , There passed away at his home, February 1st, in Dearborn, Michigan, Joseph P. Miller, after a long ilness. He is survived by his wife, the former Martha Flannery of Seaforth, also three sisters, Mrs. Louise Deziel of East Grand Forks, Minn., Mrs. Margaret Cariveau and Mrs. Lilley Jeffrey of Grand Forks, N.'Dakota. The funeral was held from Fuerfeld Funeral Home, Thursday morning to St. Martha's Church at 10:30 a.m. Then to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Pall- bearers were Roy Burton, Leo ,Tschirhart, Victor -' Dantzer, Ronnie Jeffrey, John and Cyril Flannery. EVery week more and more people diScover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositormo Want Ads. Dial 527- SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for • DIAMONDS, WATCHES tIVVELLERY, FINE CHINA ,FTS for EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-027(I The new Huron County deunell Liaison - Committee from the Huron County Hoard of Education consists of vice-chairman John Broadfoot, Dr. A. B Deathe and Mrs. Warren Zinn. This new committee hopes to- meet soon with the committee of county counciLappointed-roleal with the school board concerning matters Of mutual concern. one of the most pressing dis- cussions will centre around the library facilities in the county. During the February 8 meeting in Clinton, Dr. Deathe expressed a desire to work with the County Council on the question of libraries. Dr. Deathe said he Ralph Goren, Campaign Chairman for the annual Huron- Perth Christmas Seal Campaign has announced that the 1970 Cam - paign raised $33,265 • for Research, Education and Re- habilitation. He expressed appreciatioh to all supporters, volunteers and postal workers for the co-operation that had con- tributed to the campaign. Mrs. Edith Brothers, Strat-/ UCW Has Meeting Unit "1 of Northside U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs.Graham Kerr with sixteen ladies present. . Mrs. G. McKenzie had charge of the programme. Mrs. Van Rooijen was the guest speaker and told of their experiences after coming to Canada. ,The March meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Hoggarth and' Miss Ruth Cluff. ra felt library Service could--be cov ordinatecl for the betternient_O 41. , Dr. DeathealsOreCenlinended that no library building projects be undertaken at 'any of the schools in Huron County until it was decided whether or not the county school board' and County council could co-operate on a library venture. Mrs. Zinn was also appointed to attend the Ontario Institute For Studies in Education Workshop next month in Windsor providing Ur-m=00110n is still available. ford, Mrs. Edith Fisher, Mitchell, Mrs. David Schenck, Seaforth and, Mrs. Beryl David- son, Sebringville attended the semi-annual meeting of the Ontario TB and Respiratory Disease Association in Toronto recently. Mrs. Davidson, Program Di- rector for the local group addres- sed the delegates- at the meeting. Her topic was Rehabilitative Programs for the Chronic Pul- monary Disease Sufferer." • East Wawanosh council held its February meeting in the • grave Comniunity Centre Room With 'Reeve'Roy Pattison presid- ing-and all 'the members present. ild,adOptecl'inClUded rf3)9°- Pat ' Robert e haitei• "be " appointed to the Huron County Zdhe Organization for MODA. - That the Membership fee of $15.00 be paid to Ontario Farm Drainage Association and that Mr. John Gaunt, Township tile, drain inspector, if attending con- vention be paid convention expenses of 455.00. Wm. Empey of the Huron County Health Unit met with Council to discuss the dump situation. Application for a certificate of approval for the East Wawanosh Township waste disposal site was made to the Huron Co. Heath Unit and to the Department of Energy and Re- source's Management. Road Accounts of $5,677.04 and General, Accounts of .$9,007.74 were approved. Hu!lett Sets Salary Sc Township Clears Grader Purchase Councillor Joe Flunking was appointed to preside at the February meeting of Hullett council when Reeve Hugh Flynn was absent through illness. Motions adopted included: - That we renew subscrip- tions ofihe Municipal World for 1970-71. - That we pay membership fee of $20.00 to the Association of Mayors and Reeves for 1971. The Tender of Dominion Road Machinery Co., at $30,607.50 for a new grader was accepted sub- ject to approval.,of Department of Highways and other tenders were- Wabco Ltd $30,900 andcrothers EQuipment Ltd $31,867. - That we review- the ap- plication of John Rapson for a building permit at the March meeting. Logan ALL PURPOSE ONE BIN HOG SUPPLEMENT SMITH SPECIALS FOR 950 2 19-oz. tins $1 Aylmer Choice-Peas, Corn, Wax Beans, or Green Beans ' VEGETABLES 6 10-oz. tins $1 Tot-all" Kitchen Garbage BAGS 3 pkgs. of 10 $.1 Ballet Bathroom TISSUE 2-roll pkg. 240 Elimarr Pure Instant COFFEE, 6-oz. jar E. D. Smith's Cherry PIE FILL Thursday - Friday - Seturday Chase and Sanborn COFFEE, reg grind, 1-lb. bag 930 Premium Red Sockeye SALMON, 7%-oz, tin 550 Bayer ASPIRIN TABLETS, btl. of 100 570 SCHNEIDER'S SPECIALS For This Week Country Style ' SAUSAGE Foil Wrapped BACON Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLL "lb.-590 lb. 690 lb.590 MODEL 25-C-85 Contemporary 25-Inch Color Consolette In Walnut or Scandinavian Walnut veneers. Full power transformer IMPERIAL chassis,. TRUCOLOR picture tube with Mark V phosphors. Color-Lbk.automatic tine tuning. Tone control, Video peaking control. Lighted channel indicators. One 4-Inch speaker. 33'/a" X 2133/4 " X 191/4 ". ChOstmas Seals Raise $33,265 MODEL MS-55 Distinctive 3-piece modular stereo system in Scandinavian Walnut veneer cabinetry. Ultra.100 Solid State amplifier 'tuner, Garrard SL-558 record changer: Diamond ,,. Eight speaker omni-directional air suspension sound system: two 8", woofers and six tweeters. Record storage compartment, VALENTINE SPECIAL Only $429 suer CLEANER No Smoke, No Odour. HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 - "Feliforth MODEL 19-C-93 Big screen portable In Walnut finish cabinet with rigid carrying handle. 85% Solid State chassis. Rare Eiirth Phosphor 19-Inch picture tube with 172 square-Inch viewing ,area. 3-stage I.F. Color-Lok autdmatic fine tuning. Automatic color purifier. VHF dipole and UHF Loop antennas. Extended range 4-Inch speaker. 23" X 16"X 20". could nOtCOMprehend two see- Mrs. PON she. was.. crate sys tems 4k- he particuly 'l.nt.9TeSt04 .1n gie • ;county one for tho schools and. 4,,Spect of moral and religi ous one for the public. He-Paid eihmatimi In the *chool,*;:and Saltt she would enlarge. oriher.PeUagq during committee. of. the whole ' came O: Whel1-the press Is not. Jul attInda,liFe, , . . In Othet"busine**, the board, learned that the two solicitors; apPginted by the members will have .separate duties, D. Pali QC; Exeter, will-dO,tho solieitei's work and Pat!, Murphy QC Goderich Will be, the hoard's, legal consultant. in lay term's,,, explained Director.Education John Cochrane, Mr, Halt Will do, the paper work and: Mr. hotphy, will give advice, MODEL 16-C•42 Compact portable In Walnut finish cabinet wifh hide-away- carrying handle. Rare Earth Phosphor 16-Inch picture tube with 117 square-inch screen. Slide-rule UHF channel ' indicator. 3-stage I.F. Automatic color purifier. VHF dipole and UHF loop antennas. Frpnt-mounted 4-Inch speaker. 201/2" X 1§3/4 " X 161/2", Aor y y 4.1 2-4 HOG CHOW for farm mixers PURINA' FARM BLEND HOG CHOW is a base mix supplement balanced 'completely with high levels of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. When) mixed with grain it provides maximum nutrition for all market hogs weighing over 50 pounds; .and sows, too. Buy in bulk, store in one bin and save several dollars per ton. PURINA FARM BLEND (H.M.C.) HOG CHOW is specially formulated for the hog man who wishes to feed High Moisture Corn. MILTON J. DIETZ RR4., Seaferth - Phone 521-0608 PRODUCE - Indian River White or Red GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 49 California Juicy = Size 115's LEMONS 5 for 330 Texas SPINACH, 10-oz. cello bag 230 • FOR ADDITIONAL- SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS. THURSDAY Smith' Phone 527-0990 1,k FOOD MARKETS 41 Free Delivery Only $549 moon. 25-C-116 Contemporary 25-Inch Color Lowboy In Walnut or Scandinavian Walnut veneers. Full power transformer IMPERIAL chassis, TRUCOLOR picture tube with Mark V phosphors. Color-Lok automatic flne tuning. Tone control. Video peaking control. Lighted channel Indicators. One 4-Inch speaker. 395/8" X 2894" X 185/a". GINGER TWO LOCATIONS zurieti ' ,MODEL 25.0.07 costerssorary 25-Inch full base Color Console on castors In Distressed Antiourt Walnut veneers. Pull power trans. . former IMPERIAL chassis. TRUCOLOFLpIcture tube with Mark v phosphors. Color-tok ' automatic fine tuning. Tone control, Video peakingi control,. Seaferth