Wingham Times, 1891-03-20, Page 2t
ti -set Canada.
..a u , Iqd: all •b,►t alt marryh'tt•14 � •..,..,� ,�,.....,� . , - .;. .��---.
0,:e' vr1)t11. people it, sae K�t to u1:1W uty .grattali" 10 Ow Wind 1ttltad pre oul,y afar' j l soft d euli
!Lacs are fra.en debt' and poverty Mese rim /telt maid aeetued tat thin)(; kraft'', ,• X f
,sulk g I Have l uan'itla feu
dank lil:tl.tkiruug;h to � tarn . tt; pointy, r p Gene
, engin Il'. i refuaa+u' slug' there wee. tavlll+stU►u • ww;uug;.
t t ft ,l114tt ,A ` ' ilUl knew efts a,lttit 4u 1tla,
u The r+flkllfie•
utW. Ile book
` 1 w � 11 lau'l toot ivies tut
. •°"` It f trxe•t the s' rite, heals/int
y the
al1� rluugcut • ! ?�tyo .l
Alf 1T44AMtt W; 44,4.
01 .'shads, loud ut say_ baithplrwe, I love
"tilt ; . '
lila k, laud once, excelling in bottle array.
',four slants were vgttitrltauu ou tela: rets held
et valor,
o'• +++phare( by footmen they fled
ptit away, '
/our daughters are graceful, of e,trth are
the fattest,
7'rn' peets:woy slug of tore beauties
peerless in beauty, surpu$siug the
Their e,sea tar outrtvut the bright morn-
ing star.
'zotr rotate, to .oeeau your laud is extends-
Tour wnodlaud and volleys ore fair to
:Your Vast river rollts buck the tide of the
Ii�eflectiog'the suubeonws with :radiance'•
Tour ' lakes are Iiko seas, far blood are
'Their wild flowing billows rush oft to the
Their breakers, like rooks confusedly hurl-
• ed' lain.
Or dobe is of ruin on some lonely .p
iVia ova's great torrent,. like thuuier belt
Thera dying iu murmurs o'er. moorlaud
The foam at Its base, like suow-mounds is
'Whilst vanished in mist, whilst flouted
by spray.
1 t0, s�att a vvk�i!H� t Itws vt'ilttt turi;ht hsapjralt. is olio 1 d yvur 'oh l hove Lrru sural, ithu,sLeaa
1 - g Shell never i alts t+ , >; r oil I tau u
� u iw a e t1114ka
t d
w0, � � � � d f 1 AL iskig.
u swt8e a .. i soli yuur'chNt k 3sr pale, and s aubaed grand-
duI ,' di* wf4a to hull;
tIi elle fr4ot that e' ,adult .
brow, greed lever patltlata
h1a forLntxe. dill dLirngttll cants la1 tar.
le *tome to .front the dairy' five } Alt l it Wss hard to hear --hitter utuilil,,,ye are 1;4121 t!r1a t ill, elthet • w' t.,c b,+ult U+1 tier lirr+b trate tto hero ttl1.
eaa afte4: tate bdirt! wee g;Jlia,, 11'id ; Litt now thttt'H IVt4H na letslp;for ��ti, I t�tlt ctrl' rituuglli, said I,. 1 ..-. , . 1p gIl'ttt)tirtt ata rat+lt
Irl t'e'll q � � 11J W N a 1,4421 ►1tle
there. 1 (Malt 1 it. 1 tou,c the ring, frons lily bosogl` She looked at we westtully.
sant her o he Lea Gsre
and lt,id G ++u 4ay pulnt, tincl,tlieit told Gilt . ye'tl tell ►14ti your oil, 1 uetg;ltG I ut b,•f', w•4;liar' a 'fact wl� 41 or ttir 4t+N14yl�ut A
wll 'hek of ole £ole a (Igoraaf he collie• I to bt: wed.,
,e our elle caws tlleul it loss Evan I,'ui;ke's cud; zilat ,I, tHh ye a cut's, sate sa1d. •
wits a keyholit to Gl d tr to 11itn. pg: ud UuU l'is't= wsa uo pure fur t14e in this (refs by au oflrr alk hub 'laud, I akig,arrai
a I. have a uesss1 a heard lead p.liglLCed tit trot �7;. Lav "t'nttdttt er efby b,rami/,iuthe kerstruth,
them. h,:ped + g,rarldtn to na ;,e tiled Ina a deceitful werld,autI 1 couldn't oI1en Iny heart to, .,
thfrie I I a,rd .raudfather looked as siki,gtte unto►. tbu the daya rolled by'skid ut the ling grali,ie hgtd St.•lwit
' wHlxc 1 � ii'otu ,n LrranL,t,n.J u! 4itr.t':.IgH.atunarag,u
`1`hat . D, ttfo pad s hatgfou elstt to ( f anti 1 was ones on lay marriage eve, { y
Lhiulc of. ltl burtutles left( rose up•,u ttlou;ir his'hart would break,were
He t1na Ob, 1 would :'lave ilokie tauytb ng for , atld G•raue►r oud Uurt'th; Plum wish (� ,tituiumtt l seat u,y pruwasrit +u
tau , the er , but r' dtdn t ill Us t
nt ehoutdcoutas thele---auythiu;'rat g;L%U up U1 Grub busy with left! tteddgui rubes, elft( tltou,�h ur�rrsee l+:sae Lca(;(c
when ut pelt yral s p l;ive., 1 ' it were lay bltruud they were tsut k.iug,
fou ut'$ iL. pearly to arty 121 would be That
ni let 1 ".kissed his ring; and ' aG, mates'', I it„atn, tf,411I 1, hill{ , 0,;2111 +744',•1' eau it[•'-
founU. ( W
. • s n `pr°1yNd llzavell tllst Ila tv:vulcl 0,u,, a lite And ono u1r11t file pain iu my Iraar'G (ucktec ueuu'a Uruakly, s:, :Jr; 1 a,u. ;,ts tstl
AU tills titue Gvan Lot.l,H and 1 0,i . ' 1. at;,l.
o' atth other, always. in the morning it Was g one grew too treat, and 1 -went out atuoek I „
t,eNll as f`oud as avrt t e the purple heather 012 toe weer, end I O.hen as I looked' oil the ricllait(what
there l nelt duw-u uu+ier i:lie stars skid ' faded out t't toe S quirt..3 feet-,
ut I est
prayed to be taken from ,tt4e world ;
fur how eau 1 itv4 wtthunt 3 , x44 ? 1
tasked. t
l spoke the worsts aloud, and then
Baran' to my feet 1>(1;11ffriglht, for there
at my side was an,eilibtl hltle tigaure,
and 1 begs•( a oil that at first 1 iii +light f'Val,lty.
earthly. "k et .it was but ,5'uuten Jt:ullle . Many a 1►igher and a fairer .. have
who had colloµ ed hop, bw lass to give. 1. bold. 311ua tv:,a p,e110
WW by do you call ttor your true love ere you Aum we.
luaul lul5,
,And far to the westward your vast plain
Tr,td1tiou still t ells uta the red men lived
.,'117here tribe against tribe oil warred ou
the prairie,
Till the'white men forced thein to leave
iu despair.
/our mountains are lofty, rocks towers, in
And htgh'ou their summitseterual snows
T»e nature of verdure bioulns on the lowoll
volleys. '
The fragrance sweet scenting the breath
of the sky. '
Columbia's forests are tall and majestic." • Traversed by toe hunt -swim, hone a
lone cove,
The f;..ld Miming sands axe washed by the
Aug swift flowing .torrents sweep down
to cue .nave.
awl he came as often, as before to talk
with grandpa op the winter u.gfits ;
mid still every little 1,,1nle our lead -
lord, Squire Turner',' would drop in.
and sit in his lazyway, watching me,
knit 'lar spin. Once pr twice he was
Unshed with wine and over bold, for
he tried to kiss tne. iiut Squire or
no, 1 boxed his ears. for hie pains,
and I o softer than I could help
ribbon and Ali, from my utak. 1 looked
fur it high and tow. but found uo sign
Of it. And 1 l egan 1,0 fear that the
loss of that dear ring was a sign that 1
would never warry Vaal' 3 o':ke.
The days passcid oil and lie never
cable near toe.
011, it was cruel iu him, 1 thought
t.1 hold such anter for a Hilary word
be had provoked, whet. I st>utcctit that
either. f he must know I laved lilt'' so.
.�ind grsndma would scut e y
j ' • is t c l look at
1"could not help hie coming, dct pe (1 (1 knaiv why ►�pvt'), and �;rsudpa
help seeing flim when he canny,► , It sighed, and moaned, t ins talked of the
did not deserve that Evan should b
work -hots'. And i' thou;;lit 1 sllauld
au:,;ry with res. X3ut he was. Eli, 8ale of grid aruoug; theta. d
high axed Mighty, alld spoke as though? of a ,gong the ssiu to me,. 0,t
wooikes the ";quire could mean no day
`� to so poor f►
place as seems that your sweet, heart is not over
goodileley ccilutnt, I fond of you, nor over-aatuua to see.
this schoolmaster's. oft.
Ile wade ins angry,, and 1. spoke y
A l Canada., land of my birthplace, r` love
"Olay Ulna ipotenee guard you irpui centre
to .shore, . • •
May honor and +rorth be your banner up --
h f tech .
Aotl trlr, ow. Uniiott Jack your flag ever-
Why not I said I.
up. i q *he," has lee" been .Lis month
the S airs would
For list matter
: bash?
e glad to have me proulise to marry
ion said 1. lee chinas more of w�a iusy, doo.btless, said 1, will' a
smile,thou;jh I tb6aght my heart would
111ay be you'lilre,llitn Let
1 didn't say that,. replie
bad temper and jialously. s
me over foul r4 another..
may never have a Ltist,sud
scold sue.
]for lie had been scolding me, uo
outer name for it., ' Well, Evan was
wroth with Inc midi with him—not
heart deep, though, I thought—and .
did not sae hint for more Wall -a week.
T was troubled utucll,thougn. [ knew
he would coma: rotlud ataiu, and may
hap ask trey pardon, Vol:, before you
are wed you can bring ,your lover to
his senses.
So I did not,fret after Evans ab-
sence. nor quite snob Squirts Turner,
who liked rile fore than H'.'er. But
one night g;randfuther came in and
shutting the door, stood between
grandma -alma and kite, looking at ate,
and so strangely that we both gt,rew
frightened. At last he spoke:
I've been to the Sgairta'a, said he.
Fur the first time 1 lead to tell 'biro 1
could pot pay the rent %Date due.
1 npened my lipe.' Grandtpaultna's
'land covered theut, (xrcttuclpu crew
ale to hilt!.
Thoti.'rt .young lass,sai,d he,aild'tLpy
are richt to null thee ',ratty• Ukuld
-G ukd'st like the Squite well
enough to wed blue
Eh 'I cried grandma. Sure, you're
not, wnnderir,g'r
Sgnire Turuer asked ale for this lies
of oars to -night. kit all wrirfiett in:
the world there is. btxt one lie loves
ani be should his wile, and that is our
1(learnt •of gulden'tinge and white
d, 0,i• Bat You're goin1 w� if him, maybe.
Carer! make d
1 pray.I
who will
sow the stg;ht,Weselduul H, a tufts than
cher Il, a tlletuuta^t► bi i'fele nan44 til.
11i y littk� Agatha .laver roved n1t', 11e
said. Alt, ice 1 'l'he ue++s is MIA --
thought lata did. 'lots �owaa of
new 1 she said ; ye sent plot fine ye
for sake u tee young t ,mire,
"low dare y uu f,3;llew and watoii
wet t
Liinna be vexed, ;she said. dust
hide a wee, and answer what 1 speer. • George has not bailed yet.
it's for love of yw1, Orr 1'v'e beau ye I lit:.! haul better tttttu 14+1( ever
waste like thettsnr►w wreath in the sou dune before that night when ,l toll
sill' WO Sguirelwoed ye. 11 as it your 'granule that I would tient r weed liirn,
will the ilia tb4t loved the ground ye Ell ! but 1ee was fit tb be'$ )(jag.—
trod on should have. his ring agent 'I the grandest, k}indegt,. best 4 living
Whitt do yon'neat' ? said 1. men Asha r?tip a1ytiy with the break
1'li speak gin Those u>y• place, said of the. xnorro ( and never stopped tilt
Jennie. 1 rude with the mistress to he reached L,ivieylaliol and foniid ;van
young 1)r.Louke's place past the moor, Locke just ►:reai:y to set foot upon the
and there sale tigl►ted and gave hind a; Golden Uleorge• ,annd told Lim a tale tt►at
And then,, ktud and geutle,ae t0, .ouglls.
I had snit grieved h1tu, ler gave u,ti hep.
tlrtl4 a►.d sAWnte auroea tthp 'hour, hull
at gate paused and whispered :
Beat rest, Agatha. Tin: Gulden,
t', made his heist light and sent luta. bask
to sue. lieliven blb!,s hill) l
An.d`who was it that seetal'igrand-
father the tt ,eed of glia that made that
cottage his town, and who epok,o aided
word to tee gentry for yoeug pr.
Locke that Lelpedthiiu into practice ?
Stili uo one hut Squire Tumor, whonflk
we taught Mar 4htldren to pray for
every uiteat. For ve were married,
and in a few years had boys and girl*
at cur knees; and when the eldest was
nigh two, the thing 1 needed to make:
we quite happy ;bappt,ne11*stud frons
far over the sea, Where be had been
three twelve months, Bantu thu,sg114re,
with the bonniest t idy thateser t:lushed
beside hltu,aUd the:hall bad a mistress
at lust—a `mistress who loved the
squire as I loved Evan. .
Eli 1 but it's an old story. .She that. ,•'
�y here ? sa.
She went to door and ! ring, uud what slit said I know uot,
to a v""1ltultau who sirt-there— hut it turned hind the tiut o' death,audj
he said : • there's alas, a drop o'• trip
!fluid ill w wuutan 'gin she is false.
A.ud he turued to the wall and cot'ci c1,
bis ryes, and your graulue rode hone.'
There, itis all 1 ken--wull it do 1 t
Ay, Jennie, tans' 1; heaven blase;'
And had 1 wings on tiny' feet f could
not have twice to the uuttage door;
country,5. h u 1 < 1 stood brforo icy g;rauumother,.
&tee. There's motley to he made there. l
tiT0 D.Y.
'1 sat'spinniitt; at my little wlieei, in
etre sun, for 'toe aatl,c.itt day was role',
Wn.ttl. T heard seine one. winstliitg; ;
31)11, looking, up, therm W u V''UU
:Squtre Tarlier, with liis ar't's folded,
1)u toe gate, lookiieg user. 1Vbbu he
Courlrt My eye lee l+ar2grted, 1 blushed,.
11113.1 arose and tutlde !]tills courtesy.
lir was -11 handeouae gentleman the
yq:aire, and the hued trout whittle be
'soiled the ggsuve sliitulnered iu. this sun
'.With 1,)et,rltt tt11d atttttneirib.; otntt lee
was bouuy to look at with los flair
',)list' spuel gold Ili the (�eitotter •bun -
When I courteeied lie Lowed, mak-
his carts dance over his sU,,ttiders,
and said he,. I've spoiled one pretty
*n(;ware that 1 eoold have look et all
day, I've made another its peett), bU
1..! not grieve. Wm)/1 while10 ?
And welootno, sir, sat( 1, >zixil 1 set
1. (:hair for him, tog 0,w Waal gra)ral-
'1 Tinrt s latuls4rd ; but tilt all taco
•tt trl►uowrorttiafle, tu>` 1. was not used
'to etre ston,pany,
Dame 0oornbs,wlro:had come over with.
1 heard you rightly, she said, you
told hle"Eva'► Loeke and his mo flier
,were waking; weal(, fora voyage.
They're goititw o :Oauadu. My son,
a csarponter-tie a good otie,though 1
saty it�–u.ucle tet& doctor a box fur hist
things. 'lbe old lady dreadtr t11e new
but she goes for the doctor's
treulbling mid white, and 1 said. Oh,
' told:you so, said graudwother: 9' .
don't tell tue,gritu411e, you have cheat -
1 don't believe it,. seid T.
The), se Fold the house, laid gone to ed 1118 laud robb.:dn+e of wy Urut, loge
i k ship and you may by a lie.
take the ' .:aid ')aide Coombs. mY uHuk a$1st grva tt bat's t , Evan. >e
r' �,Cuu I Vt: gut tat uud ho1,q,
Liverpool to take
e up , Did you stFul the troth ring from
find the truth yourself if you. o120U8e to s
1 t• tali falsehoods
it from tne't
fK1 00 chatterbox
a ed my life loltj;—
Omit my neighbors.
And still I would not believe it until
1 bad walked across the moor and seen
the shutter$ fast closed aud tate door
har1'ed',aud not 0,k sign of Life about the
place. Then; 1 gave up hope. 1 went
Lorne all Sale and tretuhling, and sat
down at braudtnanlna's knee.
les true, said 1.
-, lie talked away paying Iiiµ n10r,' 'Dari on Ohristtnas ova, cried grannie.
t• •tilplrtuents than 1 was timed to, for 1 knew the lass would be lucky.
11, r,+ndttiother 4 'ivllct ixr;,Ugh t use leer,' 13'rt. 1 put my Head no grari(lfattber's
1..tti, handsome isfiat ittratsouse does, !flimflam' anti 'lid 'lily. fate, The tr'ut1
' ,•e. beauty 1s lent St l (Wet). ltIONt our 1 toed•,
'` 'fame Fin telliusf C ' ll 1 u and be a rich lady 1
Ike trot d1. la r
,tPi t:iWttitl+. rvwibinr'r oak it G it •t t3 . !t 'Vr ,� ;. a • •
eK 1nut 1 cnutdll't forget Evsn ,-wart l and eye's bright, acid let fuss iutii` a ilttlw
�l,flrw th+t l ware I:'varl l,oc.ku'rt tit, s 1t vvertt�utst out w tIiu and ar,ob
She turned eepet.
True love 1 saint -,she • ypn've brill 1 1 Puleu►bered as girl 1 saw iu her
one true love no4 or -
You have done it ? 1
Written oft your face.
And she looked clown at that uud
fell to weeping.
My own true lo was' breaking his
sad : ht's
poillu, withered m d.. old. And Loma
they up' ueld the vault whertt tate Squire 1,
Lad slept 1 en ,eats to put liar besiderir
hits; 101(1 I've tiuthiug loft of Lvan,
my life and wy tote, but itis memory,
and its emend es if .every hope and
heart, she said. 0,1; y husband and..1
dream of joy 1 over had were put away
And for the sake of so 'false a(izid trader t44uhstonte. And even the
you'll see) our grandfather ruined dud hsct loved for 40 yieara. 1 did it to '
1 " Could I let a girl's fuuey I Golden George, the great strong ship
l ' std rI iu ur arty, anti
Have lees'•
break his heart, geld leave Ape, t111at •
hs d you front r� babe,e widow. I 'welt out turg„ pi y
Ve nitrsc' o , ,
1 looked tit her' s she sobbed, and see him a beggar illi wy old age'? Oh,
found strength tx2 city c • girl, girl 1 ,
Ill thea And then I fell down at her feet
Give pie to whom' you ''W
like a etuu8. I knew nothing for au
save my•own love dors not want nae.• .hour or plate 4 hut then, wi1ei11 was
Ault then l crypt up stairs and sot
down vu my be,d,.weak uti thoullh L head better', and they lett me with J'euuie,1
fainter'. 1 would have th,tnlct:lheaven h'er'e her Ertel! my head and Moak and
fol' torg;etfult►+•s:; just then, but it, way 1 went somas the moor iu the
starlight to where the hall windows
t atttrtt�.
'1fte tipxt day Squire Tilrner wn:a in were ablaze with light,' and asked the
11111 pa.lar at toy aecepted lover, Ho*
blessed bit was,atid how tate color mune
Welt into rttlxdfathees "face 1 Ancl
l Ii had
i 1 '1 f ik A) lieu ere Mau vv,iltcd ve'V tgi l I the hews was aglow,and only I ,sad. + e g d
housekeeper to 1eet me see the tittire,.
Site atrirted at 1124 for my boldnusa-•••.
ito wonder ---but ca led Lint. Be in a
he story 111 tc' Wilt Wive 0,p K
done w'on't � hit t K►�rtn+in+r, glrurtilte grew so proud geld told and
moment 118 Stood' before me in h:s.
sal veuut rasa, w1(,l1 1118 ei leeks ifuthetl
t, fivy E'""'"'"n°,i.'thitt we'rlt.akernAvOW
togroller, • whom 1 Lt>d loved ao- ui•1il+g. away route mid seated me.
mYe her rlr• t1rc+ 1gltWthorii th>it tine's triluhtened, ith grfandrnammn. frons .erre without a word.
mow , ji n r¢h •
lane. .1 n•var 1 1'i.r, we ntt1s't solei w4 01204 iu our 1 /involve they ell sew 1'netted sad,
,+simst.'fi;r Jomu°its, Out grannto twits'seri live*. rtty rakrt}rl.. •''1"lg!►Bt Krir9t tiekkoll wf ,: .else 14111 isovii
4i1 flail' tergal Irrg' a`Y '1' '1. if ftsitt'Upar• "Alf" t*' t'fl i l'ta whale'' glee tiiU' rid W "Ma tJvwE tlrrl)
Al tot
••=i:. .rayl;
u0, tit 7u
,kgttthe, my to (41. hope no taiselontc<t
tering, yrrit he ,. But :0,r *topped lira,. ginizea for limon, at stone sola
lut:.I°oftr iole, fg8Etire Turner, 1 t Crouse No 3, to to known as laoy
fetPd, `.1 abets a for as ing so well f reef ian Aa at,ken, Bea Jae .1olane
that would tt.n a bnrue my dear fropl
the, 1188 mouldered away at the bottom
of the sea. Alk 1 thick my wedding
ring is likely to';outlast us' all, for I
have it yet, and k sL 111 be 00 tu,uear-
odd old age, 51)4 it
t'au't be long now before 1 meet Evan.
and the rest 1u heaven.
Ninety 1 It's a
Intlnetist kir 'r'xrw (*mire" Wilson's
(lotnponud Syrup of Wild Cherry is a surra
And safe renteds. The 1,4 un better medi-
cine frtrtlle eareiof tnt1•tcnrs, iiroachitiss,
(bagels; f1�,1ds,Oiontatan 1 kiss+lre•.4igeasds.
tet the geuuieelin. white wrappers.
Or Viterlttesd> y evening of last week
tsssocietion cif Patrons of indust'
';vat gr'1r,alSed in T' Benuest, 0
gni vi
„,. `10,iltl
p1 t
Men l
• 1.•I
of ti
,a1 :I