Wingham Times, 1891-03-13, Page 77471,
la>r'+tif'tlf The moo* .is
.eteented *Wemintwhite
ace in one be*
drawn by t►'1K
rihi/ a
a tall
h, ltudlhe Ilio o
the outline of to b
le moon,
tate Vitt» in Mlle moo
11 VO ,jetlisrred the writ
d iu punishment is carve,.
(that is tite rays) of the
,Iontitlaee until the whole
►u is cut away and only a:.
left. The moon implore
aye pity on him and leave
0 his ubildren. The sea
quest and the moon grows
tle piece until at last it is
In. Then the sun begins
the old man of the moon
as Yue-le0, incl, itoldu
of marriegea among
his hands. The: future''
1 wife Bre tied together try.
a,lken cord, which is Daly
death. This must be the
honey moon.
meta .legend. says that the
of the night and hnshlintf
fell in love with the moria'
id wherefore he was eleven,
ent as we see him in tile!
n myth is told about a mast,.
t for the isle in whish there
th. He took up his el,ode
n, but after - a hundrrd.
had elapsed death came.
A furious. struggle ensued,()
ion proving vicierious the►
liken up to the sky and now
star neer the moon.
ri'ZPER NCE COLUMN, mind to take any two of her dear' ollild-
x,>tyvcxan se T. W. o, r, rI, rent away lop such pleasure, and leave
the othere in loneitnessat home,
At 'eel, oho eat the telt in a row on one
as • I side of the room, and dancing aoroee
at rep't o f the West Lon'. from the other,side with tight eh at eyes
;iso 0.1!1",: i` �lzl'v flu;glt • Pri‘e ebe grabbed two dolls, and bold,h
f•ti ims,1,43:trosig l rtiik�;, f , Laid xeso1utely bellied her till else re&ciserl er
curse, we gsw�.ti,ot Jfliiad words luotlhej .a room ; then ebe tossed thew on
yaid ran away.
.no weal.' t el:oaAli to dNsefihq the ex*, th
MersPringlo looked in surprise, and.
,..; . -*t ,A, a" al►e lu4neta.ity of the rtiistrluvf'not without a smile, at the two that
which it works day by day. No Dorothy 'lead brought --they were .the
f hristain whe know, an we kiiow Xndiau Boy end•OM Neu.
what the London liquor !rade is really A few days afterwards a merry party
ticAux,'couh1 either reuiaue iu it. ter setoff for the White Mountains.
tort it far a sin Besides Dorothy herself there were
a3'1 ' single day, Papa and Mamma. Prindle, Dorothy's big
!low Jam Mo rill, preaching iu brother Frank, and her grown up sister
l,Lugent square I,ul#ety, said; '1'lie+re is Alice, Unole, Charlie and Aunt Olive,
igot l bough o$ piled pith among its.. to Grandma, Nurse Dora and Baby hlax,
ttllut the svlij>iitry situps onSuuduy, 1 Thor arrived at the great hotel, in
*tough tin* we could do to a `uauutl, Bethlehem late at night, and. Dprot»y
was eo very tired and sleepl;•thekshe didl
if we "rti united. w° euuld so go not miss her usual; bpdf ellow, Anna
before Parliament that if there is si,ay Louise. •
IIhrist in .it it would ield, and re- i The nex,tl h hrning its T anima Prindle
#Bond, end answer; hut title puWiu,vgagl.unpmiltting her trunk, there was at
1e 1,0 wlieu one ttiie s. find clfildrNu l;a►ook at the door, and in walked Unclog
ie h 1'r l,utsl re d for owl eyes' is Charlie, Aunt ' Olive, Grandma, Nullae,
ii �, to .lotit a Haig y
!,tie aslgazehnetit of heaven and the. joy two. dolls.
If hell. Oh, I forgot my children I cried Dom-
thy. jumping up.
Aures TO Mortxab.-;fro you disturbed at night What does . tbis mean r asked Mrs
'li,p broken of your rest a slukuhhd guttering' end
grying with psis et Gutting Tuoth r 1t su stud et Prinule, itt astonishment,
�dee end g et u battle of '•airs. Wluslow'it Southl„g I It mean l answered Uncle. Charlie,
yrup 'tor 4hildrou'1"eotlilllt;. its s'alun is iucul:ui. � r
.pule. it tt ie relloa the pour little atnle[.,r with a laugh and a pinch' at Dorothy's
immediately. Depend upon it, '»,others;• there Is no
r�+�ia,ako snout it. It uutua LIpontury and llierrlawa, Cheek, that your stn ll daughter has be-
Wau•,+tes sue Sto,naoh turd Buireta; ourus Luted Volie, uilded everyone of us into takingone.
vacua thq mass reclaims rola saaitioa. end ghee f;'
etre anti onergy to thv a'itale eyater... ,' Mr". wen.. of her numerous family in our trunk, be-,
1puw'a Soothing Sirup" for children teething is
pleasant to the mate and is the prescription of ons of cause her mamma could take but two,
rho eldest and beat female physicians 141111 ntir,ett in and Jane Maria or Luc Anna or Betse
00 United States, wails for dale by alt druggists Y Y,
tl,rout:huut ,hu world,, Inca aeeutt•11ve cents 'a, or Polly would fell so doleful if she welts
bottle. he sura and k for "Buis.;w,esl,oWa
*ao*u,ne axis. ...0t , rye ether kh,dto be left at home. ,zio, as we unpsiekEul
I obr trunks we happened to meet in the
Her. Tv' Dolls. hall with our babies
No, Dorothy, said Mrs. Brindle, L why, Uncle Charlie, amid Dorothy, in'•
Yr is itot snake room in.our tru48 for terruptiug, with a puzzled look, Ihaveu't
your tun dolls, i will try to take! tw:o, any Jane Marie or 141,0* or Polly ; 1 only
gave you the twins,' Mid • their named are
h)nd the others you will have to, leave Rosa Evelyn and` Violet• -Blanche, and, she
aJ.t Motile. added, I.think it Was a very nice way: to
Only but just two l sighed Dorothy. get tIgem all here, don't you mamma, when
I,:have been tell. every one of thein i you.00uld not take Daly but just two?f,
kclipital way! said oarnine, laughing.
what nice tunes they would take up'
1,!1 the mouutakias,'and hog' I would
'hake thele till`ta ride and everything,
and I.have heard you say ynuilaelf that
it isnot right to disappoint ,children
" —(} .liiimhiia Frindiel Du.rotlgt
fa, with a,wa\l.
Oohne, don;tt cry, girly ; said, meta-
;igua, cherrily. 1 do not believe if one
of your childr,u will know the diger-
erreif she stays at home all summer,
tgio you need not blind ou that account.
And l think yes can be very happy
with two: ; I willitake any, two you may
i t,00se,. so run and make up you mind
'which it
Dorothy ran away to het play -room,
salters ber ten dolls were quietly Glass-
iiig the warm June day.
But it was so hard for Dorothy to
There pretty Maud Elise, the
little lady from if ranee, Who could
wltik about the ffpor Or stanch, still
Without falling.
There was otd,llttle Indian boy, that
liiole Italpir aentifrom Oregon.
Thre were the.tieautiful twin babies'
with the long wtijtedressesand opening
4,tt1e caps, and black; Dinah,; their
nurse, who could duttoetht funniest jig
you ever saw.
There was the dear little chirp doll
that belonged to„ mamma when she
Wee a girl, aud;the bisque dolly, with
the sweetest face in the world, ata least
$o Dorothy thought.
There was old l+ tnh.poor Old Nan,
who had lost iter,: hair, part oft her
mode, two 6ngere,and•a toe—how could
Dorothy leave 01,d ?Ian at home i.tShe
felt that it would be too cruel.
!'hen there was, Alma Louise, the big
4o11 that Dorothy always slept With,
the unprecedented demand fee
t has advanced considerably. le
pre McCausland & Sou,Torunte,
made a contract before tie
ar a very counidesable quantity,
1e enabled to offer their lit,trosa
a decided advantage iu price.
beiug;superior 1a any ever pre-
Madly Maar for the Cow.
it • Heard. says , • Xt.' May
small matter ft0 discuss,
dairy herd should, be fed'
hree-timet a day, yet if twice,,
, as many believe, it is that
mall'a matter. • No doubt '•'
nee could be cited on either
:h, taken alone, would see
the question. 1f a cow is
in two meals, or if her two
t void of proper nourishrn.ent,
1 hill paucity., Abe edaitieu
1 feeding may increase t:o
ilk or add to her weight of.
here is no. doubt . that cows,
so theywill. do about all
capable of doing hv either
tree. •meale a day. Ifotb Sys-
e been practised, and it cttn
s said that where is very muck
e so far as the cow is concern
t can take • her food in We
r in three, according to the
nee of the feeder, and rri1 '
either way if the fond is suf.
n quality .and quantity. it is
convenience to have our stock
ned to the two:meul systerll
teoially convenient in the win,
an, whevi the days are shore
Battle are taking but little
In a cold barn, possibly,
night need to be eating mint
gime to,get food enough to keep.
but dairy men have no use for
ens for their cows, $taidr.*
be so waste that Vex ezceraii e
t of hay and grain will be re -
for tua
te-forma nta ig animal heat,
cow has a stonh:gcll , Made Eta
large quantity of ooaree, par-
lassticated food that cash be re'.
itod at leisure. • With) confided
earn, we are usualiy satisfied
tip `meals for average daily atogk
ly acseptlthle to the co* sed
as proltaiile to the owner es
nettle. We have been saurprieaed
how trickly the +lows wenitl
th•e2wselves . to the twa-ia ltal
r, and would I%e acrd ahfw
noon when parsons dim
eratter- 4xit not
alt *sm.
young, old, or nhlddloii(ted, who find
1telnselves nervous, Week or exhaust.
ecl, who ars broken down from axolotl
oroverwork. g
ov wa
resulting a 1
, r u ting. in many of the
following symptoms: lifental depres.
Ilion, premature old age,, loss of
vitality, loss "of memory, had dreams,
dimuess of eight, palpitation: of the.
heart, emission, leek of energy, pain
in the kidneys, beelike, pimples on
that face or body, itching or peeular
sensation about the seiroteth;, waisting
of the organs, dirzutess, specks before
the. Ryes, twitching. Ofthe, muscles,
eyelids and elsewhere, beellfgtuess,
deposits in the urine, loss of will
power, teu4ernee of the scalp and
spine, weak and flabby consoles, desire
to sleep, fa beige to be mated by sleep,.
et►nstipgli:it411, dullness oli hearing.„ loss
of s•eiee, dlgshre for. ,aptitude,, excita-
bility, o,fi't,emper, • sunken eyes sur.
routd'd: with ot4losN CIRCLE, Oily
limiting skin, eta,, are all 'symptoms
of nervous debility that led to inanity
anddead useless cures. lie spring
or vital power having lost its tension
every function wanes in consequence.
Tllos0 who through: abuse committed
in ignorance may be perwanentely
cured. Send your address for book
on all diseases peculiar to ratan.
Address M. '1'. LUBAN, 50 Front St.
E., Toronto, Ont''"a3ook,s Sent free
sealed. Heart disease„ gibe symptoms"
of which are faint. spell*, purple lips,
nptuhneas, paipitetion, skip beats,
rfpt flushes, rush of. blood to the head,
dgtl pain in the heart with brats
strong, rapid and irregular, the seePed
heart heat quicker than the first, pain.
about the . breast ..bene, etc.,: eau.
positively be cured: ;ANn cure, do pay.
,Fend . for book.. ,Address M. V.
LUBON, E(SS50 Front Street East,
Toronto,: cet.
Frank and Alice, each carrying oneer
Dorothy could net see auything very ftlpuy
about., it.
But you did not bring your. Jtrenols,d.tlly
after q, did you? said mamma, ruuuing
her eyes over the array at Dorotl y'sdeet.
Oh, xes, replied Dorothy, quietly; aim :•is
le papapg trunk l .
Then they laughed more than ever, and
the story of how ten dolls reached Bethle•
hem was told more: than once that summer
—Emma C Dowd, in Youth•c !Companion
Is eimilly epidena;.a Influenza; Wilaou's
Wild Cheg•ry will cafe it safely au'i quickly,
Get the genuins,iu,white wrappers only,
and use iy as directed for Influenza..
The Ontario government have offer -
ea a reward of $11,000for the appre.
!tension elf the murderers of John
Ileslop, avho was killed, near Iiamllton
a few weeks ago.
ter, -•—=-
An exchange warns its readers
against ipaking love in a field ; says
that potatoes have eyes and that. corn
has ears, and is easily shocked. This
may be sow, butt as wheat hearts are
not always discreet, it is barely, pos-
sible that our contemporary's readers
will fail to melte an oat of the excel.
lent counsel. however, it may, turn-
up and, letfane into the whole sopret.
Study lathe bane of boybppd, the
ailment 01! y,ogth, the indulgence of
manhoadj;and+tee restorativerMf age.
•Wheey,a tnan knows that the cannot
get out. of the mud his next impulse
is to pjh, in deeper, and a woman is
more Sgt
I'or,Ih4uenxs,, or "La'Gnpre" Wilson's
Qompc tc1 Syrup of "Wild Cherrlhia a sure
and w,fp remedy. There is no bjoktar medi.
sine fee the curls of Iufiuenaa, Bronchitis,
Couglgl, Colda,4toup and kihdred dhseasea.
Get the genus;tau white wrappers.
Xt ie teldomothat a man, ever gets
to be wise onougb to know what to do;
*ad treated Wakes Much tefnderuess1 with a large lrtane,
and consideration as if she had been a It is easier, to matnage)..a .switch,
reel little girl, and, last off all, there than a train. This le a faairion note
Wes the darling :t':,1rlyrhairad treasure a "1"43.1ttlllC, loaf tie yAtt please.
lbat came tri live with Dorothy last'
Trainletrriveand depart as foliow$i
LSA!i•lst,` aslu rirq
5:35 a. tai, Fer'Torouto 5i 35 n. in
2:20 p.m'. „ 2:20 p.m
rry� ...... , For TeeaWatet2:20
10:30 p,.ti} .. 10:30 II
(2-R.A;,,L`0` TItefl\'K XV -Sr
Throng)) hoftot1, to all, points In Atuprion-North-
West paclgo,c,pttet, etc:, via the shortest and ail
ppopitniar mutts,: Baggage ,checked through to
dtitltistation. r ot5F5 ,freight rates to all points.
"'RME' TABLE.—�-
wenvp,lvotooAH. d•-: •.,Al1CtVE-AT WiSelEAM.
pia•Toronto, iinclph,Palmverston, kc. 11:30 p.m.
, 10:10 -
3:40 m '" : ,Y an ,
7:25 p' Palin ttaton,tihk d.... - 1015 a.m.
6:46 onlion4io., , 11:00 "
3:40 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
11:10 a.ln... Kincardine, ko . 0:30 a.m.
3:30 p.m • " 11:10 '110.10 " 6:50 p.m
GRA and Gold Medallist of WhitbvCollege,
Har Pupli of Mr.Edward iv'sheraud Mr. J: W. rr
Harrison. ,.Plano, Organ, VoIctl Culture"and Har,
moot'. Ropme in Beaver Block, Wingham.
For partigulare regarding terms, eta, please cattail
lily house; ii ulcer Nr nolo and Pekrick etieute. '
lnsrauo'io. (ttYgn on Piano, n.g�n and Violin,
ACao in Hartnpiil'.
Sn treet.. Realdenoe se walker ' Josephiugl, and • '*trick
Prtiaperty Tor Mikklielmore.
R'AE.1 SS . Ammo
hoe oa bend a la►yfe ateglt of
HoRsh: Rl.ANEL+Ts,
The undersigned offere.frir tale a,desirabte pre
ppertg in 0,0 village of Behnore, Consisting of a good
dwelling house. otice, et0ii"o, and driving shed, with.
one aro and a•half of lanij.'iin oonneoton. $ lendid.
gardyn., with ail sorts of Wilt trees. " Will be sold
t a bI Sain. For particulars, apply to:
PBEDEltipc tools
Iheinao. o',.
' QUitR.yCAMDs.
VJla$E5 ate„
Which will be sold At bottom priapi,
HARR:MS, double orsio,glp, tegdt, to order on;
short notice; and. eatiatpo°tion guaranteed!
STA call selioltedi
op --opposite the .Stank of Aamiltoo,
atrnam, Feb, Oh, 18ao.
P, 011APHAN,
BOK 4F1�.M,'i'QNi,:
wt I N G3 A, S'
Capital, $1,000,000:.Itestx :0,000.
P 4pldenta--JOlut °TOAST:
VVco-Yi,\e11i1tht-A. o' Aw34si;
I411 PYOofAil, o,lla,ett C3aa,lWQleAT
Cashier•• -3. TU1 itht3Ls...
BriellegehAnult houre,l jto 3 ; SatUrdaye,10 to
e , DppO 2I, ;0101 and upws, t received and interest
peoRl ttwi �lt received at current
elp ee of intik
d,i feel grite10' I the 'United states
bpaght and sold
i3,t i,r,Lt$Oit', Ataxy.
liptEli & DICIK' •tz,
Oriented, and.who had euoh beautiful .i -- - r-= -
',owns and hate, beside" a real,,fur cloak
a iiti a tiny watob and:chafe.
Meat could Dergtby do? What could- eitiSt
. Ivey little mother do eels h,. IRO* klieg •
c#1,emzettenees f
i t was a sorrovriili setae fie kilipd 4►earfr
ti ring little Dote *y.
*1 eftlw d, rN**b M {taiihlfi,
O r4ca-.0 Riir" EGeirelore,
Honey to Loan on Farm Security at Low Rates of
interest, 140 commission charged,
*lett Ft. Widgiven t Qui
for t troilism given to du
sev.ergi ape aothe hlrntog .of edir,. tfxrfs
eendfar . • *rink' the , alit 8011$04 ws. bar re-
raoddelled the tow„ mill to the latestepprere4 spr.
tem of tiungartan itchier Praeeae We be
hove wean now ;die heater accontuiodWien ttma,
everhafore Wooffer
rrompt Dispatch;
Pair Rituals/
QxALITY st:como TO:NON,E 114111 4S,
And by olo,o personal attenttui"th 11Wii,
hope tp v,
be 'again with a ti W 'h41411$
rte e ata many now once.
'Pouts most respectfully,
ATingha,n 5111L Oct 29. 1820,
J. GOLIllEy,
Honorary Graduate of Ontario •Veterinaryf�cl,fl e,
Also Graduate of Dentistry School, . Toren cicalae,
rared totreat all Diseases of Domesticate An16ieli
In tho latest scientific manner,
Calls promptly attended to, Office and'k eArglry,,.
R1nD•s 04n STAsR, wiosSisr,
TCaitere by night will find hire at the of
GO TO----
'Cheap for SSH.
En. DISL:E1 ;
Has removed to E. F. GArster'a old stand, where be has a large emit
nicely assorted stock of
Watches, Clocks, J'cwiil;Rlery, SlIvervraFe
•• b
Which he is selling away down in price, .anti will ant pleadedft1'a
have you, call andtake a look through his Stock. •
:Hepa,iring a .Specially
tjarAll work warranted and, tlonmipiw?Ilitptrly,
E4.k Dirisl'e;v, Mason's MOdk.
1:. • •;i;
-•A eegre 1p R It 7iobfrieen4 manniaaWXerete gt—
■,/�`jY■- rr •'#,ice r�� C+4N '; ... Liux .
rs It rn
Landed i
S AND %trml,Yatl
.,..,M .,
RN 014