Wingham Times, 1891-03-13, Page 4ws1et the Ensit ;'NT"
b'bin' . Xa an expreetiv+nt terns, so lila to
�, ;ettitliait . iM,4ar,.k inert.n ith it,for it harmonizae plop*
t ver.*u d t1rd tokip^and dust of birth to 1 axtaly: thour eurroundtrega at than prix
cleared away, X t is tlaid nay earliest opy ent moment; particularly in, the Drees
por$'tinity to Wait $04' for a renewal' of ewe depar tinseixt.
*riCET .r your nonildene'4; `•
Call'.L L • l am deeps grr of ul to o very orae who
opp. Brunswick
W ngham
a. .
,F410A, i', MAB011 13, 11391.
A.s ave. expected, East Huron has
returned Dr' ilacdonald with a largely.
increased tnefority. Had the time not,
been so short, there is •no doubt but
Dr. Dzacdouvid's majority would have
1seh 'much larger than' it is. The
'lsibi3ral policy ' of unrestricted' ° reci-
procity is one that commends itself
to the farirt'ers and laborers, and will
be.. adopted;. by the :people in the
near future.
IT ss reported that Mr Peter White,
M P for Rgufeaw, will succeed Hen
1 Joiin'O it Minister of Agricul•
sc elep'; ri af' Vest • Huron have
spglten4,with no tapaertain sound as to
free trade'w th the United .Staten,and
returned the old veteran, Mr. M. 0.
Cameron,.' witlr a.very, targe majority. A
r iSouth will
THE LiberalsMc
f 4 Grey at 11
hold a convention at Durbagn to -day I tart
oDntributedtow my' election, by vote,. In-
fluence or work. But while cordially
thank-ing Ara, for their valued and ap-
preciated services, 1 am under special
obligations to many of my friends,
To the speakers, who so ably assisted
me on the public platform; to those who
so skilfully organized the "Plan of Cam-
paiga" ; to the executive workers, w1 o
so eiieotually carried out eyery detail
of the organization; and to those who
so kindly came from a diet/Mee to record
their vbtes for ine, I tender my deepest
gratitude and sincere thanks.
X•cordialiy thank my political oppon-
mats for the great Courtesy they have
shown, rne during the campaign, both at
nay public meetings anti in my goiieral
interoduree with them. .
am now, by the will of the majority,
alt representive ,` of Beet, I>1 urou 'for
a . ther Parliament; and while honored
wi h that position.I will endeavor,to the.
b=:tof my, humble ability,. to discharge
duty in` to skint of `fairness and im-
ielhty, Mway's keeping in,vview the
d of my i,
> coolie of any service 'to my cons
eats — Litierale and Conservatives
e—in transacting any business with
administrative departments at Ottawa
ill afford, me much pleasure in plan-
�!'eeivioes attheir disposal;
have the honor to be, gentlemen',
gamble and obedient a rvant,
A' •r• MkCDONALD..
ingha , March 9th, 1891. t,,
r and MrsPearson aod: Mr John.
wen, of Stanley are 'visiting
r Wylie'a.—Mrs John A Fortune
or the Prairie Province Tuetiday,
li, 3rd. --Miss Mabel Reddaway
a fA v days visiting relatives in
far the purpose of nominating a. can.
didate to contests, the riding in ' the
Reform interest, owing to the death
of J H gnuter; M P' P.
Tne majority for Sir John Magdon-..
aid's Government cannot be stated
& f nitely, but is somewhere about 30.
There will likely. be recounts 'in kg
era( close:cnastitnencies, and it is ex-
pected that these will result favorably
for the, Liberals..,"
ITHis been :.found `that Mr Nag,.
wood, y recentl .'electe'c "to tate Ontario
Legislature for North Perth, owes his
election to bribery and general comp
tion- A petition: has • been filed
gainst his return, and the case Will
be deaid'ed in the election court at an
arly date.
Ina Dominion Parliament bas been
nuitnoned to meet on Wednesday,.
�•ril•29. After a. Speaker hes 'beer,
geeted .._'the.Houso df ,.Commons will
ri'oorn until the following day, when
_lb , . e de-
he speech from the Throne wil
ivered by His Exeetieney tine Gover,
nog'-(;<eneral. `1!lie'nes8ton is expected
o be a short one -not likely more
Ilan two months.
Art John; LivXNasTox, of the Mato-.
of flax mills, succeeded . in polling
otes in four Ridings: on election da.
. :Y
tire tdtvnship, -lest week.— Mr John adjournment. Members. all present.,
Green, jr, has returned front Austra- The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of
lia, iter an absence of four years. last meeting lead;