Wingham Times, 1891-01-30, Page 8popular 'f'rWetipt1ons roe ateiy. ovmpettedect. .Pore IjrzIv and Chemicals a tvecialtp, ••K4:14111 tins otY'ollotAlfi<itiM,i'drtioort,S;poi(,reu,,- -.dlpeck+ofaw,et%slN.yyrla,�.ock- aFFt`Ifl t, a`t AI$ ni• -tn4 tet) A1ID Till IA SOWN V1CAET 10041. NEWS; -.Farmers, read ¥ •sBra'Cuilcbr*at,Oreeu ti OQ's advertisement in tin:tissue, --The town bell w e placed in position ca the new tawu hall ou Friday last. Depnty-Bseye S r lain Goderich this, week attending the tatty .Couuoil meet lug. --The pulpit of *coupled by Ifr Sap day last. e Baptist church a vas e,; s etudeut, on Sun. k —The, attendance at the carnival on Tuesslo evening wit: goon, and ererytbing ; ts, sed of well. = 'onductor Suid= preached in the Atetlaediet o'hurch in , wit uu Suually hilt(, rnarnin anal evening' < ' R9eve t1204.euxie still confined. to his Laine by illusaq,.but e are gla'rl to learn that he ie on the ((rend ,..Tho annual Meet: .,.1?riiss Association will +ski the 13th and 1.Lth `. g of the,, Canadian 9` held in Toronto, February. rritc beLpheioiw aft ben di`ots of Wing, w �t will give a gra :d :ball;, iu the town In i, au i'nesday ave fug next, February• o a3tt rite, x pouts.. the g 1 u ti4jlxt a alta„ aver radia, ever Where nb shade* n't rtbly night Matta*, the Heart with t urhta of caret eau titans garland • i4 Nie tandt+eapawide the stream of : ice (loon atm, Bathing enteral( aborea with gtttdosea where the tr e of life doss grow. Crowne ell duzal • g,robea of aplextdor given by a conque iug king, To h blood•wash , throng, the ransomed • who with joy id honor bring, 4ua by faith. we se the thotiyar}ds.who as. t,emble (retied;( , e throne, I n tltat'tiost ie 8lfrla f:txtsea'y,sioging sweet the l lad new an , Pew the days ((ince a among us trod this; sinful, earthly Rut the augel alai eyed, °A:lfred, come,. behold the et lull And he hailed wi , resignation Lite great herald of tate sky, ; pow b•Cylhispere f, "mother, kiss me, kissme, tietw bed e X die,,, aw, Lock my brother and mg sisters, there is '= • princely clrb • e for you, 40d by Nita volt • u behold them, Beaus holds each cro ta: in view, will meet you at t o portals, for the gate ,is left ajar, Xou will know the °evenly city, 3'eaus ie thb beicotl star • From the everlasti ed kingdom, .foth the angel cohort > a+zte, Brighter far than • tiiiebuq' radiance !lash., ed transcend ng lieaveutytame. . And they lingereclose beside hitn tillthe sinter spirit ed, Left its earthly ,>mple voiceless, pale and rigid, cold au, deed: 'Upward, upward s the cohort, claimed the bells ou Zi is iS all, , • Sweet the harps. t e stirring anthem rang (through the h aveitly hall, .Strength exulting over weakuese, grace triumphant o et sin, Through the grtte ' cf everlasting, • to the reahsntt4e08ute in. Mettlall''lreIn 'ratsoeCompanies. folioxving i • a summary of the bYtatnese done an standing;of the sev. eral Mutual Fire +surance llcrepaniee i00 this district for the year. 1889, as show by the Olio 1 report itt the:In: Opt etor, which bas `esti mune to baud:: The Culross comp: ty had 443 policies in "force, coveting a risk of 8602.025., Its assets tttxtount. to $54.472.81 ; It O011et7tt'On :sees erste X834 26, and piaia hoz ruualsgeniei t . expenses .$176,- 3. The Howick', co •, patty had 2,317 ethics ill fw1'ce, covering a risk of �,3.189.303. Its a .eta ` inuountefl° to 1.45!783 ; it"collect ed in :assessments 2,BO7,adc] paid in losses 0,520.: the e5tpoiis"e of riinllaa Ment were "$1,Q83. npllir West Foe. loth company had 2.0170" policies tit: 'f. 'be, covering ..au iltsnraIce•of ;$.7,;68..168 lte'` assets amounted to' i6'. 52; i`i collected in H`' a Ea•f3 t asmerlts 413 ' and paid lit inoses es , � r ,911 ; the'expeti es of manttrement amounted t$044. T 1<dre are .58 -of these purely inutu 1 „cornpilriies in the Province ; tllt,ir Otal assets :.decant to $3,754,(36(1; LIh .y liitve (31,000 poi. icios in t'oi.e -, cover g an inaulaiica, of $184,946,603. lin . he yt'uir tt:3 iiad, 1-88.'), they; coiled a. in r.ssessuients $125,6I2, and the' • total income front; all 'source> .'ntno uted to '3280,46ti They haiditi to sass,, $150,060 r in general expenses. ,48,187 in agent's nom nribhXoila, 1',022, aiicl in low, arbitration and ivisiou ,court only $2,677. The tot 1 income of all the companies for th, year amounted t0• $280,468, and the total expenditure awouuted to $271, .05.. All the cosh'- panics seen] to be tnnaj;ed with grt.t?.t care and rigid " oco.owny, cnusidoring ;the amount' of w -k .done.:'lti nil f th se . e � companies i sgFaxlee-is liven at as hear the actual est ars it call be got, and 'One company as no appreciable advantage ' over' he otlie:rs, The ttttiij1u.'t a'tlirklaselve halve the mauaue- taieiit'nf the w1nile, t itd the company is just what Eley make it, Nearly the wlidth far'n`i . nuance tet tho' conn try 'is :now dorie ' il)eai eoinpaiiiies, and they have hoe tlle'lihenrh of sitv-.; ing to the peopli3 wi imeixso sura of:, money. --1 .knanin C eo xtan.—Sa,turdty night aitoy boss Goode 6o,. 1rxdiet .JSine bILa,a . p lit tti.,lcblotot Ghuwle,Oovesalialtesiery lcuteu v.ad site' Tduudkerchtefs ,.C�en'tb;SIL •a,,,ps iU14.6, 71; OINa,na76, eskitis ries.10e ut t b c Ire( fiacial w i' be •held'on Tues;. l:. +i' llie ] iii It b fu title uad'. a . „Canadian tin r oresterm''.r' tris by the:memhers : •'surd ifieir friends. A trod prodrxnxme' is beim psn,'pare t • Witat a :Cough. 'i11 you heed' he warning? The signal l.erh;Lpt, of t1 ore' a: +pros eh tat that.mora tar mble disear,e Consumption., Ask your' selves can afford •" e1 e5 if you tai a <rd the sake of ' r r 1 !3 run �' r 't tv t 60ct u t the risk and d u for it. .1,4;0. ,know from ekpet a ice (that. t5}xxtoll'ts, .Curt, will eine • your cough. It never faith, Journalist e'.tiniterpriee. The Dominion I narrated, in its enlar. -Oa iota improved f In, should be a weekly 0)rin all iCauacil • n ,h mea,' The.eriter- l:risiug publi..hers, who seek ° to greatly iuOr¢<[�e the•eitcul ticu• of thein journal, tind,atl<aa to iudn•• their subscribers to ciativate. the habit o careful reading,have. deet upon (LMSchetne hat will be of mutual beueilt. "]hey wil , during tire' next (six mouthis,distrxbut- oyer $i3,OOO in prizes fi)r :au 'w rs: to quoit ioris,. sine . material far -wit ba i of a in hp tit current n�uitibera of too journal itaey. lie urate`ze is 11750 in gold. There ar 1b0 pro. lir all," Oil receipt of 12 cent 1t • st4the publi?ili.. ere (Teta t alitstos itho' dub Co, $font• real) will seed at satto popy and al. par. •tioulats. atif epuka,tion of lith. - 'uriuiou Tlludtra is an ample guara;n, tee that faith tvill kept with subscribers, ons a. zr. , F". W fi• sh, , lately of Blyth, was. le town 051 Pride , et, Cr Tar ner,along with Mr.:obi t Tap err,.af L towel Nigh DSet ool teachings ff, has :estfablislied a- lxhtts bank in he village" oaf ,Arthur; ughi has gbxle.there reside.. john =:. at*tt4, of Neopett'a Manitoba, is visiting :'riends in Wtingh s „ enol vlcihity..Mr. s:*so::I.:lahoktve11, of: t urnbeerry,rho spent .,1 months Manitoba, ' ie 5otzio tit , .. MZ rthn ' odds and wit», . of . 4 « vylt orth, apextt .S , day iri town,. Mcg, 4 a ,,t t. Elliott (vas Vidztli friends tend itt Lister 1, lootwook..S4tr,Oeo. ;a4Notufroytal Bitifelo is visiting friends in hart. •lam', r7 1Vfaaon i8 Immo from a ss..l w, d.= $impsot, travelling •, i r'.tiro O. �..4 Ali Uai'h'tra2'�', 'Itirlala 4. atrfi,, 11W ,,'...ifiaszadtwas a ttj7trtj'this t!t 174 p r A; Ceod Alt oil .. ip ,415Cents per .t COLLA f SKIRTS, TIES, 20 C e Cent, Oft Underclothing 5 - per -cen off; bought direfe, from the Manufact rers which.� . ans,n the o.dx- Ary way, a, disoou , of about 30 p cent. 644 ti ' ;Call in and ee us, and if our +G ods are .not ,as represented, bri back, and we '11 refund your money. QUARANTEE Te a good, plain, honest word. You know What ti Moan% so do we. .Take Gloves, for ixtatarlce, those we Itromtsnd here in February are in. Rid (+loves in all sizes, both black and color. wtd. We Guttta.rx811 thele, That weans tont if you buy a pair and they don't prove to bo first-class in every x'espeot, you may bring them hack and got your 'money or a nese pair. 1s that plain enou.gh'Y We've had the biggest season in Tweeds and Shxrtiu <h ;we've ever had. 3oveusber was the bi;;ncst month we ever had, up 'to- that date. December (vas Trager still; .but ,yunuary (and you know it's a slack auonth) was the biggest of all. leo pro- , Tose to place February on the Top, and 430 far we're doing it. Thera must be a cause for all his, au<l if 1;i wore you 1 would iu'c(uire into it before ''1bought my spring suit. Everybody knows we keep. •Groceries, 'but we wart you in particular to remora - bar t'and steep on remembering it. Our Spices arra Pure. our Sugars aro right and ! o •are our Teas, not forgetting the notorious 3 Oester, Iforo's another GuA'SAt?T1t5: If you have a dollar or more to invest itt any- tbing,Tf E BEAR has to sell we guaran-. - tee togive you the BEST VALUE for 1Y that dollar and every dollar that anyone to pays for his goods can give you. pl of `(e ('r tern Itf a1 on cion at t urs the topi the: rat by alit ,,.,, 'us ..rye,. i n •y..�xiv+. O Ii C. 011R, .. Direct Importer. ,'rit,tt Bull, Fob. 6th, 1891. ry Tia'< III laced a Saw Gfili conne• ction with out Fur hart. • ,.: �. F ,, hard. , �? � .. a Fa�,tini3�, w� `be, ".Frr,lntxtrtata.tl3a.1: w: wtlt 7l all kinds of 1data alyd.a ft ,g y o Tltaber, and will pay' the Highest Prigs !Grp° skiing ,(Wheats l i : r x ci n any r7F)orts to the contiiza y: , ,y � In the first instance we manufacture all our own Lumber Y,' S'^ ' it >:� rtl�rs �`llrniturd, an<�°use, all' tiro refuse••forftiel, giving us the advantage tn:ev*ei respect'. • We*-,--- advertised 44 or _tl� _ _ _ y._ _Qet of T d to. them , , _Ohl -.---.w v 'aF MV'�h so call upon us and see what we will do ftiryou. LOOT( AT OUR PRICES, And .patronize the parties who increased the pricesft ;ot . pop r.,815oTas. 13 r8gT, sat • Elis • ,.,,...4.4404•. .:..36 (i0... ,4444 •«.4,....•,:,$6 50 11lapjar.. ,.aa 7.° 50,.. .....:... .... 8 stack Ash.. 00 <7�5Ua.......;,,r 8 00 13ttstwood -1 50 8 00 Iii ell.., r< Biroh.„ 44..,,...4.. • 7.50 �-.. , \°�• . mooch..... 6 5 „u.a ••4•.44. ai,, ,.•r,•4.44•u,•r.• Q•...«•4,.f•4a,a:, a4 f 00 Notwithstanding the report that we are n ,-, p o no t buying Logs, we !Ire stilt ttu � rr IT1t,,, all classes of Jan s ,nth: otter list, as above, and will do. so all through the season. But we do' of - . n you, to bring yourr L� g n offer you _,a cents e trll, to induce U O stf•r other thernhil. mills. ' ,- We des) e rets 1 a,`l tt. E,ush along your Logs and we will n.deavcr to satisfy- t fy- custramers. GILCHRIST, GREEN.CO. *WX NG e7 PLANING JOHNWATT,. Klrfapittd+ttttarer• of-- . BUILDING !ATRIAL of nII indsr The itttecems of t' is Great Chose Cure it *Moat a parallel' !n the .history of medicine. Ali druggists are authorized to loll it on a pie& iti've guarantee ak test that no other cure can sue, cessiOiy" Stands That it may become km*14 PrOprietors1 at in enormous expense, ares tacit Sample bottle Free into eve home u the ked States and Ceaiactts, . Ryan have IA Sore 7,'h -tor Bronchitis, see it, for sire y . 1E st clA ,. the C , o? . t anti re ALLAN .9:`J< LINE W 1 N G H N i'i E, ROYAL 11tAIL ST +1A,MBRIPO. and GLOVE t Xt RXS, CHEAP EXCUESiOUS to EUROPE, trort 1ghtly sallhtt-g from POrtial d 'or Derrk or Liverpool °AB1N 1telie, $4 ,$6Qan4 $6O, Single • $BO. S8l� And 6116 Rotor.), accordant to location of $taterbgma. NO CA'VnIG 0AR1R1E13 XNxl1rtMEDIAtZ, outward 686; ritepald 939: 8iteorAge at lowest rater♦.. A000ihntodatione ttnettrpossod. Arty; 4o ll, AG A, ALL 41•1„ MMbntteat,- k1 N1 it l}AV C , Witt agAtt', °loves In Hook, Goat, Colt, Nnppo, Saranac, SAO -sod that Drlviug Olovos alpmyss iu *took or • mode to order. • , • .: , 4-4.4+4420 afew- Do ►estic BUITaloes,., Don't buy a hobo until You sen'te'r; A tall "took of laid, French and Domootto tttp Hasnss ( mt Sola Vittets yet Stool MAkers, always on Hand. - orders oolloitod, Met,aborooaa be, 8l it f, eta., dressed to et, cc tee ( We have 6Voe 1Oh6OD Net of 1Jry1 Lumber its ons yam. and Nita asp• ply wawa spew of an was. toit'olied, Note6 Discounted Aa_cl• rlyitorto ti ayi gtat to +i o any visa Nabs f_w rtroanriaosood Moir soot Totdd, s q a .Itabie iMCW Ell $ wh'. o rep,stitatiron is wolf kaawrz_ % oris r it OilNtria (e Mai Oeste("FRCC; IMasetrclof ((aerators at wick Write sl tor toll ptrftlowi -.Oysters, raw, stewed or fried, at It Hilt's City re,stauraiit, .....walkerton is utb'iug a the incandes- cent light as well as th are. Over 2(3(1 iacaiitleseent li;,h a Will e, put in at. once. -1£, your watch. or clonic needs repairing, t;sr o, NII Wallace, watchmaker and vela. ilexe door to poet iiffioC, --'f - ,85 c<i a ds' 1 '' . �! �.% , Ix P. tC� � Culross, will 1?9 �tHfxxradet.s4tx itt' tais t itieeu't7 • g 2 t x h i o et to hen om' u • IV real ext. , Y n at 1.80 , 'p.m. • —C tut V„. tin—T+or general irousewo rk Ap.. te►<.37tis J A <AltatUtx,EdwardStteot ieas�s, utt 4 &i 6 Sant of the chai r `i•hfi5ttori•. hiV e'tei mill ards lilted With. :logs, at,nd cannot, t aerefc , par:Masa any snore this season, —Oysters -Raw, stowed or fried, at3as. Maifolvie s Star restaurant. -On Sunday get, MI regular quarterly s•tora.-nentat ser ices £ the Methodist Ohuroh were co note by the pastor, the Bev John Scott, M ,A, .--Por brat -class tailoring Paid cheap dents' furnishings, try Webster . & .Co, At emember the place,`only two doors north of tbedold statid and between Ross' book• store and lJ lsted & Scott's 'bank. —The 33rd B:i into camp the thought ale cam[ *or. Lieut- C>lon .n•otttinued ill-hea to resin. itirc'o K 1 talion (Iuroi.) will go conking snrnt:3er. rt is wille be a a.tdt' iV zz Wina-, id 1 lrclont t oft account of tb, has been compelled (A. 3 Wil on will succeed —.Tho first and second prizes in the easy. Ing ooutest at the Wtoeham fair were both wow by saws made by It IX 8tnith & Co, of kit Catberines.. dtte-A Cline ch Co are sole talents for their sale in *M oshetn. 0141"riday'1 st, itfr Bob Ort, 'oi the ;hear, beiug u ed of some oods,sent'b'. order to Montt.: i, per 0 p telegraph, tit :1110 p m, and b s goods we laid clown at his door by the gent of the minion l lx.. irerha'r,:ompany - at 9 a'eloek ' to, on Sat., urdily. This i Said to be he quickest ;dofivery of goo s ever shade is ;iViughant from Montreal {1. 't B. trains for Toronto and east leave Witsgl am at 0.80 ayna. and 1110 tt,ni via W G dt R Division, and at 6.46 ado, and 8.40 p. m., via Clinton and Gaeljth 4•,otod connections by ail trains. —.The London F ea Press says r DeLee tive ltidelr arrested fakir there on Pei +day, who was setlfu . stnall boxes eoetaltl 'fug etoal• tattles ass. specific lot- cltianiu WOOL 41'ha man uted to leave the eft and was let go. :ft iw believed to he en itt to gang who rtes eeilinx hafts Iraudulen exaxmpoaitiou to p vent the coal oil i jnrnpa from esplo ng and it is though lite wleote pountry 'it being worked oft t,ili ttia'kr,