Wingham Times, 1891-01-30, Page 3teibi►tlee ter n et•e Ate
hold' steal ilii finesse
rt to be *watered lett
ally end ' tire lime
ratable t no, when
Mg the le r is neuelt
°twee, or by rettoon of
yes Benet iitarked ex,
once, bat Om phrases
nal the ebhreviattet
Iteepectfully, setae
y sort of sigeatures
uld mean lie ID tatili
make. They have
lit merit Of le 'duet*,
It at leaet serve ara ant
writing. .A.s fen. eut
ears Truly ie prefer-
iideed is the best 'Arty
lie shorter the meau,
le better. ,
ending to a letter iS
Well the fthF110. Sig-
li KWh p0I'S011, TOR):
, but for all ordinary
110 better form than
Phe 'Writer.
eery cures Coughs•seed,
t would Lace to sea
I would like to see
bee children a little
e see servants 10
gable work rather
lee sensible fashion
see babies sensibly,
ately dressed.
see ,people : return
sFe simple meals
see the pretty words
ys given when a
see my sex more
than an bad reading.
eetlthe Irlillenniulxi.•-
doubtful if I wilt ,
)fir dower individue
im as if it had, come,
f us he}p by precept
ing about this de.
ry, Will yetis
ifleet be ktenrovctl,
areal Balletiii
claimed that tattoo
Loved by pricking .
silk. This is a mise
stet and; other's have
ed with variouspree
hops: of some agent
India ink marks
in. Nothing, how-
leen found that will
1 even of the objecte
less, probably, the
immediately follow,
eington University
ria, an experiment
o m presence
ode iia -ores ncr?
the forearm of a
of that city who
3 his death the man
L t0 the students: of...
experiment as they
dead body. One of
ious to 'learn every.
nnected with the
^,cot frornthe dead
)f skin upon which
neared. Beneath,
n in India ink still
it until finally the
After a thorough
ur pose of removing'
lea of flesh remain•
tat th'eereareeentae
rty lx.smatltectict+
!Alia ink mark wito
rola penetrated lie•
(112111n, °rookrery,
by 41 etugptistse
�'; iitttAd�,IA#
'% Inlet fr!
►IY;DIv l3m0 rt WILTED.
SUIOWSO lieu TWO mayor.
giR •inn TOOK 'rein MKT*
(Fla.) la.) oar. Chicago Inter.noaan,
,;the puseaneers brought to
al Cul►a one'' day last week
lily the Plaut steamer was a hancleonie
young scion of a bin eengltr phtlater.of'
Matar,zate whom for couvrnienee we
ni,siy' mention aa Senor Alfredo Vedle,
Ile was ,just from ;college and off for
Imre ,York send Paris to ap+'ird elle
H" purchased a direct ticket to
'piny City and entered.the first class
onaoh of nonf`me, Tito big, r.w•►.ouer►
ccindeetor, when he name through
Bell€+:ting tickets, rayed curiously this
flar-k cotnplexulned Spani'b don, wad,
rntil suddenly reassured by the sight
(d the 1aiter's est—eight hair, toad seed -
tel to be pnokering up his mouth to
eny something.
Whet* the train, rettell fid Pentberkou
Verret a be}utiful,. welldressed octo.
Ibon girl of about eighteeujsutnncrs,
(tittered the car and took a:Seiat direct-
acirnssa from the yout,g Steelierd,
A uod of rec )enition passed between
therm. The;girl seemed to understand
.Spaeaish, and the two were ceuversing.
in that sweet tropical tot}ague when
the cotldur:Lne cause in.
Where'ayer gwiue ?
To Gainesville, she answered.
WeII, git oute'n.this kyr r'; the next
ie fur niggers.
Isn't this a firsteclass coach, sir?
Well, I bought a first-class ticket.
I don't give ur ' what: yer
Bought—yer a nigger. G'it er move
ver. .
' The girl reddened, stammered out
liounething tilat I could not catch,: and
,rust then the conductor felt the
grip of the Spaniard upnu his arm,
Quo guiere,, senor 1 Que iusulto exit
(What do you want. sir; are you in.
bolting this ladv ?)
The cenclnctor trembled alta leaf,
big as ha was, but, pretended Dot to
utidersrand tete interrogator.
The Spaniard sp'ilce no English, hu
believing lie understood the situation
handed his pocketbook to the girl and
told her to pay her fare.
Ohe hauled it back; thanking him
Kahis gal,antry, displaying at the
scan e time her ticket and check.
His eyes flashed fire; his oluteh up
on, the gentle Ace's arin loosened ; he
tbrece his cOat open, displaying the
brace of glittering revolvers that hung
in his belt, and quickly pointed to the
door.. ti
The conductor took the hint,
It.was afterwards learned that the
young octoroon, though a resident of
New Orleans, is the wife of a wealthy
+,'Young Cuban cigar manufacturer of
Middle Florida,
Hie rattero wrong End.
(1,4' New York Sun.
. There was a big .buzz -saw boxed
and ready to go on shipboard at one
err the South Street wharves the other
day, when a eolored;nnan was noticed
around it, and e} eing it with the great.
eat interest,
It isn't running, finally remerked a
shipping clerk.
I kin see det much, was the, ready
Then what are you afraid of ?
1 isn't 'fraud of 1lutiiu'. Ize einn,ply
sorter anxiotus, ,
Ever see ono of those things, ire
Can't say as I have.
',then what are you auxious about ?
.persisted the roan.
See sere, boss, said the other as he
retreated a.step or tweet lost Iny,fitdder
when 1 was only :z baby.
I lost elan pose he walked up to de
wrong efid of a bee, an' I (loan' reckon
togit cotehed in dersanle way. When
I see anything wid teeth to it I either
rwhy oil or dodge behind.
f) of el'i3ry 100 btr`'ps perei41g
tbtoU 1l ;no - pit:.. eitnvat) 41.4)1' flea
Automata cult tr sen epee
sharp' fanner ea to town last
week with a load .of rt4, *bleb he
eat& The buyer .suo1 `�.e ieesedn to
suspect that tyre *dr something
wrong with tie oats and !eon rec'ean«
iug thrill found that they •contaiuett
nh'tut fttur the to the bushel of sand,
The tae11er was promptly notified that
lila Iriok had been discovered and wan
requested to Make atueudn for hies
folly This Ito was glad: ''to doin
order to se ve himself from prosecution,
'eTew•.—Ou Monday evening nnont
7 o'clock the dwelling of Mrs Sher -
loan --familiarly known es ' Granny
Taylor,"—was noticed to be on fire,
halving,. it is supposed, eaueha front
the stove pipe. TI)o old woman 'was
atteinpting to put the fire out and as
She Is ilitil'm as well: as old, there is a
strong probability that had she not been
removed by then. who discovered the
fire, she might have perished. The
firemen were soon nu hand, and after a
little delay its con'egni'nce of the hose
being freeen the water Fes turned cu
and the fire put out, --News,--- ,
(Intended tor last issue.)
John Canspl,ell has gone to Seeforth
to atteud the Cellec;iate Institute,—
der and Mrs Catuphe 1 have goi a to
1�'e'Irsley, oti account of the ii•neesof,
relatives, Quite a number frotn this
part were over at Wroxeter to.' hear
Sir Prichard (Jarwriget's address on
teeriiprivciry,—Farmers ale busy now
hauling logs and wood, They are
pushing work :with all haste, so that'
they may finish while . they have
Amin ,To MoruzRii.-Are you disturbed at night
and broken of your rest by a siekohild suffering and
orytu;„ with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send et
once' and get a bottle of ' Mrs, Winslow'a SoothingSyrup" for Children Teething. Its value Is incalzul-
atop. It will relieve the poor little suiforar
immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there b no
mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Narthex*,,
roe elates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic,
softens the Gums, reduces Inila,mnatfdtit and gives
stun: and energy to the whole systetn. +! Aire. 'Win.
loow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and is tire prescription of cue Of
the oldest and best female physicians Mid nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price twontyilve.oe
bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mas, Wctttowis
Soo.rau ro S)pne' sad take no mbar kind
Ready to Save His Roy..
I'op.'said the small boy,do you care.
if I ga to the circus i
Yes, sir; I do: Circuses are de
morilezing,and there is uotelling what
may happen to you,
But 1want to.
Got your mind made up, have yea. 1
said the eel gentlernan, looking up
from, his paper with an expression of
interest that was momentarily quick-
ening into enthusiasm.
Yes, sir, said the boy with score
Nothin' will change ye 1'
No, sir (with growing confidence.),
e Ef I didn't give you the money
1 R^
you'd snide" Ili under the tent, all'
maybe get arrested, wouldn't.;ye 1
Yes, sir (with great positiveness,)
Well, it never shall; he said that I
was the &else of my own child's
gettin' arrested, and to rake sure that.
nothing happens to ye, I'll go along
with ye.
The secret of the ingredients ente'.
ing into the composition of Prof,
Loch's lymph has been divulged,
The remedy which is used in the new
treatment consists of a glycerine exe
tract derived from the pyre oultivation
of tubercle bacilli.
' The early English watches were
jnearly thirteen inches in diameter.
A horse -meat dinner can now he
.had in Berlin for four cents.
Whiskey, was first made in Ireland
by an English konk. '
The Salvation Array hold over two
million services yearly.
310 miles has been flown by a bird
in 7 hours and 84 minutes.
The Prince of Wates is the"33rd
great grandson of Ding Alfred,
Express trade' pass each other at a
velocity of ninety yards a second.
s11 Kau,
yewng, clef, or middle aged, who find'mATillEw.
AmBLEthenisttivtaa uervow$, weekRr rxbau4te"
(1(1, weld aro broken down irons exoeiie
o rwlark, re:abrltilng in many of the
following symptoms • Mental depres.
bleu, premature old age, lona Rf.
v'telity, loss of fuemury, Dead d'tcaips,
ditutiess Of sight, palpitation of the
heart, ,etnissioll, lack of energy, pilin
its the kidneys, lseadake, pimples on.
the face or body, itcIdiig or peeular
sensatitrn about the scrotum, waisting,
of the revalue cllzzinese, specks before
the eyes, twitching of the muscles,
eyeltda and elsewtier. , basliftencss,
dept,sits in the urine, lobs of will
power, tendernes of We scalp and
spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire
to sleept failure to be rested by Bleep,
cunstipaition, dullness of hearing, toss.
of ti'oine, desire Mr solitude, excite-
laility of temper, sunken eyes sur•
rounded with LOAD$N CIRCL4w, Oily
looking skin, etc., are till eywpiotns
of nervous debility that led to inanity
end: dead useless. cures, .Che sprint{
or vital power having lost its teUsiOn
every fLelcitiofi wanes in coneequelice..
Those who.tbroueh abuse committed
in ignorance may be pt+rmenenteiy
cured. gtend your -address for boors
on all diseases peculiar to, tyrant
address 114, T. LUBAN, 40 Front St.
1 .•,,uronto, Ont. Books Gent .free
seated, Beam disease, the syrl;litotes.
of which are faint spells, purple tills,
numbness, isatpitt,tion, skip bents,
not flushes, rush of blood to the heed,
dull pain in the heart with beets
strew'',•, rapid andirregular, the sealed.
heartbeat quiceer thanthe first, pain
about the bv'eant bone, eta., can
positively be cured. No cure, no pay.
Bench for book. Address 51 V.
LU I3Ozi, 50 :: `rout • Street Eant,
Toronto, Ont.
(3. P. R. TIMI TAI ,t+)..
TrainsAV. arrive and depart as follows :
5:35 a to ... For Toronto. . :5:85' a. m
2:20 p.m •• 2:2Q p.m
220 p.m....* . .....For Teeswater 2.2
10:30 p. m10:80 ,
C4-1ZA N':ID 1111:ZU TK
Through token to all points in America -North.
West, Paoiae Coast, eta.., via the shortest and aU
destination. Lowest freight ,raters tled o all points.
LNAVB W{N01145.. .
0:30 a. nt.Toronto, Guelph, PalmARRIVE ATerston, ac. 8:30 pan. WISOIIAtt.
11:10 '+ t . " 10:10 "
3:40 p.m. "� s_;" Clinton,
7:25 " Patmaintotr, (meed'. ...10:15 a.m.
6:45 a un ....London, Sic.. 11:00 „
8:40 p.m. r:45 p.m.
11:10 a,m.. .. Kincardine, &o ., . 0:80 p.nt.
1::10 p.m " :"
10•)0 " 110:5010wen
MoLeuour.IN 4 ILturor
Flavine purchased the Custon4 Business of Nome
McCormick' St Co, wish to intimate that they have
opened out in the shop two dgors south of tr A. Mills
,store. tYidgbam.
Booty and Shoes made to order from the Best
Stock, on short notice. Repairing neatly and
promptly done.
Tho patronage of the publiesoltoited, and all warp
Property Tor Sale its 13e wnree
The undersigned infers for sale a desirable pro
pefty in the village of Belmore, consisting of a good,
dwelling house, office, stable and driving shed, with
one acre and a -half of laud in connection, Splendid
Carden, with all torts of fruit trees. Will be sold
at a bargain. For particulars, apply to
Delnro, e..
Rat Ing purchased the barbering business of Messrs.
Sebastian Bros„ is prepared to give all old customers
and as many new ones as patronize him, satisfaction
in all lines of the profession.
aro my speclaltlesv
Egi.Give me a tall at the old stand, opposite Gordon
and Mol ntyre S stare,
Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, 0450,000e
President -•:)omit STItna.%
Vice• Prosident-A. O. ItAti sA?.'
DI1 ,ECToflS
Tons 'soeron, Cues. fir lav, btsa lloAen, A, T
Waou, A, 13• Las (Toronto), '
Caehior-d. TU1RNBULL.
Savings Each hours,10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to
1, Depposits of Stand upwards received an interest
Specht! Degoatts also received at current
10108 of tntercet. -
D; si is en' Great Britain tete the united' states
bought and sold
t#. WILLSON, Aonwr.
t$LYnit.dr lettO tNiiOte,
0 TUE JDrT("'tr
Please fear': :tow' reedefe that 1 have a peattdve rennter:V AL, the above a at:' - I
teem �c Ay its ti,eale vise tit 'u ds of lapels 1 r aims been peirinttrentiy antras i nuns!
gild to fid t!N teal a of rented i *two o eV �rde�e�d�rrs Who he. . ,,
. ,„zi site _ sir., 1 �'yr el {eN,rwmom '
JJ1►h. '�r
, r ; sr , . r ."ht �i.41 .. "l ,�+�f tt4e. t.) t'!..e.,
has on band a iatrgo. steep of
T1tuNg ,
Which will be mold at bottom emcee,
114.UNNTEG$, double or single* utadc to order pp:
short notice, and 8atiatecutlon guaranteed,
48r t Cali eolioited.
al'-•Oppealte the flank of Hamilton.
teerrnew AMB4LN,
»linin, Feb. tth, 180Q,
Orvieto-" Big" Bookstore,
Money to Loan on Farm Security at Low Ratesof
intertet. No commission charged,
The tinders! nod Fist re totter tlacdr.
for the liberal patronage g;vtn to outsavartil
condierier n,s pDurii to tithe burning , mar. we 85)1
tnedtielled the tow,, will to the latesta a
tow putnRoller wetnnow give Futade
serer before IVs. offer
P.ronlpl, Ins»atc11,,
Fair ROA*_
And by•close pere.nntl ettent'.,n to- the bill
kegs to he again fav „red with a alai 1►y at
itieudybuffmany ODD ands
Yours most rrspeetfullY,
W1!.ghata 5118, IM SO, Asst:
honorary Graduate of Ontario Yetertnary Coltoee,.
Also Graduate of Dentistry School,. Torun c to pus,
Fared to treat all Oisertsee of Dotpeetinata . Animals
in the latestseienrifio manner, promptly attended to. Office and ItnOtteltry,
•Amin O i IOANv,1ttrtl htun,
{ t Oalli by night win find hiru at the osAee.
'O R. T:L• E B4s°Z'' VAI1U
DAPS, sig Ts,
Cheap for ,KAKI.
} v
V Y E B 1:_7 T E .1`il, i. S
In luv
Hae removed to E. F. Gerster's old stand, where he hal ti large
nicely assorted stock of
?lama, Clocks, 1.170wellery, Silvertsraxe
Which he is selling away down in price, anti will he pleas
11ave you call andtake a look through his Souy*.
V pr
Repairing a. Specialty
itigrAll work warranted and done promptly.eeeeti
Ed• Dinsie y,
----Has lias in stock—
Twent Five - Npur- ` ' iU'
Which will be sold at ROCK I3QTTO.M P111CF'
call and sea them and get.p
All kinds off work slate to order by I'"irst,Ola$
the eupervisiott of the'proprietor.
ate pairili :g,, Painting, lop Building,
Short Notice.
Those in need rf anything in, one 114 wt1M.
ion us before purchasing. `:
M. fl rq►