Wingham Times, 1891-01-02, Page 9Li 4 16 ruaues4- FAIDAX 51.4101410, -aT CE, JOSEPHINE STNEEI, aavx, owrimao. riao,SA per 3re;tr,thadv0304b .----- RTISINQ wires( t _,— ........... yr: 1 0 uto. 1 ti mo. t id 00rgist 00 1 ass es 40 040 1 35 00 40 Ou 1 J000 5 bla Ai 00 14 00 f 00 • • t kliy ll lin _ 200 155 ottata advuttioignauts. 80, per line. 1. and 8v. per limiter taut* subsequent 1 nonpareil type, 100. far first is lima zor ooh subsequent insertArn Ube eliurout lees Maui 250 Rbost, Found, atrayed, Situations, eel, h anted, HOS eidiseding 5 laiti* ti011th1. LIS for Sale, not exceeding 8 hum, fico. per subseqeent ti•ontli by et i letly adhered to r longer advert-leen:eats, or Se without opecitic threctiona, will 1) and cmirs,eti awarding**, Trati• litelsittlin u0 pato la aU vall Co neat ael ut taielautitu intuit be in •want) liven, Ill older IAA cppest R. ELLIOTT pisoruderoe awn Punt • 'LUNE STREKT, Orseitio ysiciaris and Surgeons, Ontario. for Lounty Of Huron - •4,40r Ont. ,te ofToronto University, and 00 00 PO) kilelatiti anti Sure...ons 10 -Corner of Centre and Patrick upied by Or. Bethune. o. SOLICITOR', Etc.; Eta y funds to lone at lowest rated sion charged. Movtgam.s, tOwd 'pert> bought alwuuld. ek, WtheuAm, Oet• A. STER o. • . . • • °aerie • „,_. NtOX, • . C. 1 L DiolONsOth EL A. SOLICITORS, Etc., Ltd., So Osmium', Counidaeloners fur Alan hubs, .1eurnr, Town 'awl ht anti sold, Money t,privato, Ouagu seuautu au 01 per cent. mute peri,ons, upon the 1,cd. .,• without any expense to the le hi Mmiltuba emu the North. 4 Ingham. • E. MACDONALD, WrSillAss „ 1 Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, .4o1d, etc., etc., 'Plates, rattling $ from s,500 upa de pt,r set ; and bridgework. Tuttii ex • !list pain by the use of 'Vital , Wing:Mau, side parallels bl.- yi, op ci, 1111)(Sontial s exeept- in. Ui1t be at Blyth deer d each moil th-, otriceat)i'lltiv a 81•1 Moll du.? is of each month-, ....:;:traeting 25 cents. • JEROli1E, 5.00011A31, mfacturing Celluloid Plakfft !to plates of tae !metal:Or/0s p as they eau be go;4„i•r• the ion. Ali work warn ed. • f teeth by the us 4 Eleetric- 'extract tee for 25 ante oavot 111 oppOtite tha 3tillANOE AGENT IAM, tRANOR rM MARINE. ELPIL FitAbt, 14: ft roj nig COUNTY t l'at of the Co. Ofrio•Aar lirreenAt,t, a eon !rue ,cousTr-,,or que,i. "0 Mite °like promptly at 'eciA on CoOstras ktittes 'AND 0014. ntiptly and on the fiflortiolOy, iatisfactibri Guaranteed, ants tau be suede atth MAWILINI re AIM ORR. await W'ritit, kr& 8f _ 46, 0 40073,0021411Altal.Y. Vittsburg ,e impression -,among !any wo people -that, a proper %se of the Englibli larignage cau be bestowed by close attentive tothestudy of grammer,aud a faitlifid metnorizing .0.r 40 rules, is a very mislendiug one, 'Under theimpressiou,the pareot whose opportunities have been limited, Rua who hovo tht his child, roily, at sehool, accpxiru a correctness whieli • fete and circumstances have denied . the father and mother, urge upon the einbyro man and woman the mei,- essity (or being perfect in their grain, ;nu plass. $o the children laboriously commit to memory the various rules whioh govern spelten and written language. They strive to remember why it is that the expeessions I have saw, I soon, 1 dune, have went, ete., are grossly incorrect. They master the rules and are proficient hi their recitation. This good work is, how- ever, completely lobt sight of alien the school room is quitted, if the parent's are not ably and willing to supplement •the teaching of the school with inte1. ligput avoidance of errors of speech in the home. Renee it is that one's ears are affronted by vulgarisms of speech proceeding from young people who have labored faithfully during their schooling to toaster the ruleof grain. •tor, It is but one iustance of the most potent educating influence, and that home surroundings and compan- ionships exert an irglizence that no schooling can offset. The child of the father whO habitually says,1 have saw, may excel in he grainchar class, but zsill fall naturally into the old errors he moment the home circle surrounds her. Or, if her companiohs are viola. OM of the commonest rules of gramrar,no amount of skill on the part of the teacher, or patience on the part ot the pupil, will prevynt such blunders tis •pill mark the lack • of culture and rp• flue nient. It there fore becomes the •;duty of parents to closely observe ttio niceties of speech, to educate them- eelves-in that respect- up to the staudard, winch' they set for their children. It Will be 110 easy baS1,3,bU t it will be worth the effort. The groundshould be loosened around 1 As fir flf31 the branches extend, end a . not vilifiii, liVfifillii Milll . good stwionnt of old rotten manure . NS II WO ' ' MO lilt . Iis should be worked ia. If is is grats groriud, take the suds niT carefully and wive wish to Inform the pnblic that We have these ti pad in the 11141411e and then replace 00::irgtjli,itt gtittleittligit); °I'd"' *la will 11111 the scale.U this is don awe ie six or eleven yearn it will be found very offe4tive; btu buokers should always be kept out, as they ere rightly Lamed.. 11 the trae,sitrub or vine grows very fast it is necessary to head it back half ite yearly growth, for trees that grow so fast are Apt to get bark -bound and split open, an hiosooto, but set. dein bear hint, as the bloseome fall off. lu such instances the trees should be trimmed when in full lea( %vas to cut away life. They should be headed hack well and thinned out; nisi) dig a trench around the tree eighteen inetiesileep to a foot wide, cut off every root, then fill up with small stones, cover thein with shav- ings or anything that won't rot, and then fill np with loain. This remedy has ;lever failed me yet in my long 3ears of experience in bringing such trees into bearing fritit. Where the tree is four or five inches through the trunk, dig a trench out; each way from the tree abeut 3-/ feet. G npe vines should be trimmed in winter, but it is not safe to trim After the middle of Mardi!, young vines es- peoially. Evergreens should riot be trimmed until after they have started to grow in the spring and the growth hns be-urie hardened, ineutruccruenummetzteaemabarmausazemummunienteman lressmss•srs,fsf CUSTOM WORK in all its branches, and will keep in st®k A class et iirlit.class goods, such as Tweeds, Fiaknn,e104 Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, Sze., ego., (mule from pure wool only) ehe041 for cash or ex- change for wool. Customers frOni a distance ean •have their rolls home With them the seine day. lafrIfighest market prieeir cssh for Merchantable Wool. INGLIS & winghrop MS And tile Christmas Bells will be ringing in your ears for t days, 1r, VN:,4 tf: THE GEST COUGH I1EDICINE. ' 1. SOLD BY DBUGGISTS EVERTWEEZE. IT;••10.1t,' ontP10,0:4'i A CHANCE in tilt • MATTHEW AMBLER, HARNESS. MAKER 3, has on hand a large stuck of HOUSE BLANKETS, CURICY0OMBS,7, • ItIlicijtIES, GIPS, TRUNKS, V41.1%5 etc.' Which vfl1 be sold at bot? prim. IIABNNESS, double or sirxte, made to order on short notice,,:and satisfacutton guaranteed, dant can tiplieited. • OP—Oppoelte tha Bank of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, ngharn, Feb. Eth, 1890. liac P)1.1zintz Mints to Fruit Growers. The proper time to trim deciduous' frees, shrubs, vines, etc., is from: the time the leaves are all oil, when cir• culation ceases, to the time they ctart to leaf again, for the reason that if the tree, vine, or shrub is' supporting too much wOod, eut out when the sap is down, whoa the sap flows • again this surplus wool cannot he supported any longer hence what 'remains is Ili ire etly benefited. This is one of the trengest reasons for pruning in the winter time. • • It reqUires long years of observe» tion and exparience to be able to die. Peru the different qualities of wood in s tree, and also to know how.- to prop prly thin out the tree and leave 'the tops well tialaneed, After a tree is properly trimmed it shooed be scraped, provided it has old, loose hare on it, care should be taken not to irriatate the sap bark. It should be scrape,i well up into the branches and after this is done the tree should be washed with a -solution prepared as follows '.Cake oue-fourth of air•slaked lime to • tbree.fourths of green cow manure, add about two tabiespuonfule of pill- verized alpin to availful of ails wash, and mix altogether as thick as can be pot on with a brush, Thousands of insects house under this old bark mid lay their eggs, and ?lieu the trees start out they go lip into the blossoms, and the fruit ina» 1,eres with them in it, and that is the reason of so much Wormy fruit. Scraping also opens the pores of the tree and brings the sap bark to the natural heat and raius. yule will ilestroy the insects and eggs, the cow Immure will oaten the bark, end the Alum will help to hold the wash on tree, vitae or shrub should also he attended at the roots, fqr on thesti 41e)t depend ;for pupped, CHAS. KNECHT)7.1L ihrl‘hue to intimate, to 00 people of Wipthain and surrounding country that he has tho harness linainces lately ear40' on by Meix's. J. J. liomuth $1, Son, and will conduct it in the hilEffici; one door south of Sir T A store. DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARNEss We are bound to reduce our Stock of P... -7y Goods, Grocertes, Boots arta Stioes, a,xi.d Ready Made Clothing BuyoR THU CLOSE OF THE OLD YEAR, So now is the time to secure a Big Bargain. The rush still contirues at our Dres Goods Counter, and every par- son who has taken time to look through our stock of Dress Robes 'is satisfied that T. A, KILLS has the Cheapest and best stook of DRESS GOODS in town. so;Co our ClIF.A.1) GOODS, CUBA? BLANKETS, CBEAP YAR14S, CB EA? FLANNELS, CHEAP FURS, ("REAP litANTLE CI OTT'S, CHEAP 'WOOLLEN Got)ps of all kinds, Bargains at every counter in our store. Cheapest FUR C0A.T8 in town, in Ladies' and Gentlemen's Cottle and see thew. heavy or light, made to order. A fa line of /Torso Blankets, • Sleigh Bells, • Whips Curry combs, ' Brushes, etc., • always op hand. Repairing neatly ono promptly done The patronage of the public, solicited, and satisfae. tion itt work and material guaranteed. C. KNECHTEL Winchnm, March 4 1890. • THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. is the tunic to paint your houses, end 0111.11..11•••••••••••••••••••••••••=1.10111••••••••••,...1...... Big gaiaggpiAs in Boots. and Shoes people stand in, amazement when we tell them the price, and buy a pair for every member of the family, CHEAP TWEEDS, CHEM? SUITS, CHEAP OVERCOATS. CHEAP SHIRTS, CHEAP DR,AWERS, CHEA.P SILK CHEAP FANCY GOODS for Ohristtnas, IltIBBER PANT tho— BEST in the WORLD, NOW is the tiine to buy 340 magigyfir- Folyour iends and foes, when you can buy them at HALF PRICE, None genuine unless stunned "Rubber Paint CO, Cleveland, 01110,Ar We also haye the best 6.4341DIAN I ten ti will buy the ODELL TYPE WRI-' tO TER With 78 oharactete, and $ 15 for the SINGLE CAE ODELL, warranted to do better work than any alaehlue bade. It combines simpitiSty with durability, speed, ease ot operation, wears Inger without cost of repairs than any other ,infichtike. Ilas no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, suustantial, nickel plated, perfect and Adapted to all kinds of typo Writing, Like a printing press, it pi;oduces sharp, clean, legible inanuseripte. Two or top doPlus San be made at ono writing: Any intelligent person eitit •become alt operator in tv0 days. We oiry $ 1 ,odo to any operator who can eAual the I,orit of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. . Reliable Agents and Salesman Wallt011. Special For Pamphlet 'gluing tnearsementa, address ndueements to Dealers. ODELL TYPE Vitit/TEt, Co., ad and 87 5th Ate GRIMM* it, ZETLA.ND SAW IL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. You eau getettonel,lital4iiyloitio :Le1111404)in. quantities For Vhitewashing and lialsomining, ask for ALEBAST and don't take anything c)se. • BAP 1 C5E-IEAP ! Everything in our store you can buy CHEAP FOB, CAS11; come and see for yourself,' and we are satisfied you will .go away Con- vinced that we are giving the BIGGEST BARGAINS in Town. No , trouble to show Goods. „ T. MILLS. osewqrsaislossom Having bp Tweeds at the el on pok.t. —0 alit a very large sto' c of new 'Scotch and English •est Cash Prices, will sell at a very small aclvanee "QU lc RE URNS" is my motto.- Fine Wosteds, Soo Cheviots, Melton% Ser es, Venetians , d everything of Men' Wear fo 0 rcoats and Under • Suits • stock. TWEEDS -a very rge Range of t e Latest Patterns. Call and xamine. By so doin •ou will save money. ' .As I only eep Experienced Hands, yo may rely on getting them made right. d in the Latest Pashion, or to ste. Still a few Goode on the Bargain Co ter, THOS. LSLIE. WisonAlt, .v. 1st, 1890. • HALD WARE ME 40II ANTS, • WingliansINGHAM, 'WOOD delivered to any part ot Wiughttin. fir Orden by 4551reovtly attoMoti to. ciSOROU .111014S014, bettor inducements' them over to 04 anything In the lino Oft Granite or Stone Villonoments, itEADSTON ES, WINDOW SItt.8*, STONE T vigun/Gs, t2010 t51CtNO4 &'o vould pleased tp have those tlr5zl pro - Owing any aittele0 aly tiro r Imo examine, goode, compere prieee end leave their mtlere,to that the goods os,N, lsecured and prepor it 414515rly in the tieneotr. YOU 414i select frotn the lat. tesigns Mid \k et . 0 line t Iwo, kmioship at the i ost favorable Plead, lilb0 rottieettully, yours I , wi5 SICAlitil, Winghtto, Oat. Has removed to E. if, Gerster'e old stand, where he flay a large., nicely nsaorted stock of Watches, Cleeks ;e weilery Silverware 4404 - Speetaeles„ wbiell Ile is solllng away down in price, and will be pleas ft; have you anAtake a look. through his Stock. Bepairinv a :Specialty. • ite4r All work warranted and done promptly, ............................. . " " •, . # 4, it^.... A Fi 1 THOUSANDS ' 0 ill- qii1F.N AWAY ' 1.' - ,,. . ,. 12 'Wino I say C t rotetisr to $too tho..."-L jive thent return again. I MEAN A RADICAL OUR Itt, I lieve me ,1.0_, , pilepey e' _Pall 1111 ii g Dielsrtstats a lite -long SWAY. I 1st/Arrant to ‘.30:-• worst eases, Hectors OtherS he.Vil, felled is tii0 rotor, for set incw '0.•,,.,,,,6,,, once fot x treatise aqd a Orroo flottlo of my InfiSIMIS$10- nomad 1, PoSt Office. It emts you nothq for st trial, rind It aill tuts vn. ', s J:".7:;''''.., ''%-?* . Dirisle, llasotes, irtfr14 VW del' ft:NU/TAIL 4 tr., ‘400 s if •