Wingham Times, 1890-12-26, Page 71114•: *mato ,..r ........,,..,-- :.-1----,-- 1 400 I Os Fe. per line subsequent or It In' it ineertlen 250 tiltuationc ling 8 lines mg 8 Ilnee,, with its, ori ss ens, will be 10.- Trail' ivance mufn be in r ta apPeat • Pinnate's& is, Coterie. gbam, Onti, royalty, mid surgeons et and Patrick OT ie. , Itto lOwest rate gages, tot& QtU NSON. Bt i„. Etc,„Ro ssioners , ows Lam Trey (private 14 per emit. ion the bee% Jeanie to; BM a the tiortb- Waitamos uloid,, Alley? ates, ranging rude per set k. Teeth ex use of 'Vital entrance op. adnyaexcept. Blyth evert hi:003111fl0 sr e.ch month— III AM, Mold Plates, beetutaterisi .1. gut in this 'wanted. le of Electric. or 25 cents Iipotite the elfrAlth iS• COUNTY Co. Clasps NT.). COU, Olt liptay4 Ittittegi ASP the Shots.* uarantoid. muds at th, Ote, --- • ••••."..r..1110.1.111801.101.0-**Xl.. Tr1ut:4e the Wirtkoryi Plit it in your menmematium book 'and; you won't forget, 'Wee a Ineree advice to another V.'110 WAS noted fir his abort memory. Oh. indeed I was the reply, but who N to remember me that 1 have a infilt1OlatItail III 1100k ? 138ttuley Outgetteralett Stanley told a friend the her day a story which illustrates th African's quickness of retort, I yits, talking with ORS of the Congas, fmia Stanley, while a monkey the native had tame was jumping'from litnh to limb of a 0.r, If I do recollect that I have One tree near by. In a spirit of fun i said,You are not. so very much unlike whO is to tell me that I must look ati st hefore a certain hour ? His was, rnonkeyL I°11ITgangn's slioali to each other after a fashion, and the monkeys perhaps 1,411. Ocommenly short memory , but Ilia protest suggests an undeniable meke signs to each otherand that's alt you can do when you talk, Neither truth —the memorandum book don't you nor the monkeys know any - solve the difaculty. think that is going on outside of:these To go to the root of this matter oi an great forests. The Uganga nem forgetfulness and effect a cure, thought a moment, and then ran up intelligent, self denying system of to the monkey that had perched On A mental and personal discipline must be low limb near ns, Bending over the $ollowed, A writer in Leisure Hours monkey, the man blew on the mon- •cites a ease illustrative of the fact that the hoit of reaterabering can be cultivated. A gentleman, who, during his business oareer, was noted for his fine memory, for the punctuality to the minute with which he kept his en- gagements, and for the ease and ae- curacy with which he could detail the 'Various items of bushieei which had been or we.re attended to, assured the writer that when he began his appren. ticeship he had a wretched memory. key's back, separating the fur as a furrier does in exhibiting the skin to a purchaeer. Then he turned to me and pointed witr a trimephaut ges- ture to the mottkey, saying, Monkey skin white. :;f..Tgange man's black. If his tether at the dinner table told hire to do a certain thing, or to go on an errand, almost before he had closed the door he would either forget the matter altogether, or find himself . unable to recall Some of its important particulars, Being a thoughtful, observant lad, he became painfully convinced by the time he had been at work for a few weeks, that hampered by this habit of forgetfulness he should never succeed as he bad. determined to do. With the sympathy and help of his mother, be set himself resolutely to learn to re: member.' litraWoole Wo wish to intorin the ambito that we- base these Wooien mills in 4 1 running ostler, And wlfl thie season give speeial attention to CUSTOM WORE in all We best -whim, and wei koop in to a • class of ilvet.elaini ifOOds, such 01, Tweeds, Flannels, Eton, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, Aeries To MoTtatas.—Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a lilOkOhlld 011gOrIng and crying with pain of Gutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle o "Mrs, Winsiew's soothing Syrup". for Children Teething., • Ito value's inealml, able. It will relieve the poor little sufferar Immediately, Depend upon it, Motbers ; there is no mistake about it. It mires Dysentery and Diarrhcea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind, Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives stile and energy to the whole system, " Mrs. Win. lodw's Seething Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the proscription ot one of the oldest and best female physicians and mines in the Milted States, and le for sale by all druggists throughout Vie world. Price twenty-ilve cents a bottle. Be euro and ask for "Mali, 800=1,201, SYRUP take no ether kind • His method was this: When he had recalled something which he ought to. have done and had forgotten, he compelled: himself to go and do it immediately, no matter at how much 'mxpense of pleasure or convenience. Or, if at the moment some imperative engagement prevented this, as soon as he wee at liberty.he discharged the neglected duty. Many times, when comfortably settled tp read or study, lie forced himself—and at first considerable force was often necessary—to rise and go and de something he ,had tilJ. then largo tte n. This discipline , very soon taught him to make hie head save his heels. He said afterwards that it seemed an exeMple of the influence of the body en the mind. It was as if the body said, Now old fellow see that you remember to do your work at the peeper moment ? Certainly the discipline was offec- tive. His memory becatne almost a wonder to himself and was the envy of other. Ile kept no memorandum beck; his engagements were more uumerous than fall to thedot of many etersons, even of busy mem, extending _an point of locality all °vat Great Britain and to several points of the continent, anti in point of time, from engagements daily to appointments made weeks itt advance ; but he had to blame himself forgetting one im- portant thing in the course of many years. Stir mends everything. Price 15o. Pfso,a Remedy for Catarrh Is the Best, Easiest to 17seand Cheapest. aiR Sold by druggleteor sent by ma11,50e, 11. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa.. V. B. A. &c., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex- ehangefor wool. Customers from a distance can have their wine home with them the same cley. A CHANCE In the , C11111S11111.8 1 . , II Aid the Christmas 13ells will be ringing, in ylour ea days. We are bound to reduce our Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, 13 Shoes, and. Ready NI tIb Clothing BEFORE THE CLOSE OF THE OLD So now is the time to Seettr0 co,.1 on 1,•••••MIP,010,1911......11 The rush still continues at our Dre§ Goods Counter, son who has taken time to look through our st•Ciazof satisfied that T. A., MILLS has the Cheapest and best' GOODS in town. Priligheet market price in cash .for Merchantable1 Wool, Iiii-uBtial GRAS. KNFACHTEL Come and see our INGLIS dr, COT., , Wingham, CHEAP. OOODS, CHEAP BLA.NEETS, CHEAP YARN'S, Mit OMEAP ORS, OfiEA0 MANTLE CI OTIIS, CHEAP GOODS of all kinds. MATTHEW AMin BLrn , Bargains at every counter in oor store. Cheapest IiIABNESS MAKE, Big Bargains Wisbes to intimate to the, people of. Wingham and surrounding country that he has purehased the harness business lately carried • en by Messrs. J, J, Honnitti filon, and will conduct it in the building one door south of 'Mr T A Mills store. in town, in Ladies' and Gentlemen's • Come and see tiled.- , has on fitind a large stook of ffeRSE BLANKETS, CURKVCOMBS4 sansuns, KIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES eta. Which will be sold at bottom prices. RARENESS, double or single, made to order on short notice, and satisfacution guaranteed. trA call solicited. OP—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, ngham, Feb, tth, 1800. DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS heavy or light, inado to order, A full line of Horse Blankets, Sleigh tells, Whips Currycombs, - Brushes, te,, alwayi.Son hand." Repairing neatly anti proniptly dent The patronage or the peblic solicited, and satisfac. tonin workload Material guaranteed, Kr. A. A. Bonner evidentlyidoes not .believe in the efficacy of pacing blood the trotter, or he %MUld ftelta have permitted the following itt the preface tohis catalogue just out:: There are pacing r000ras it observed, • .iu. this catalogue. They .are, without exetsption, trotting retlorde. 1 bel 'WOO ilt eliminating peeing elementa from ilhe trottingstructure. The further we get awty from the strains 'that heel, a tginde1167 to ilnottig °odor. maiitm, the higher will be the degree of eerthinte with which, trotters Will ..„ be bred. C. KNECHTEL WInehrun, March' 4. 1800. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. $20 VI bur Withe 7?!)15[19,"Chrl., IlfhPdE$IALRIOT 4111 is the time to paint your houses, and RUBBER y PAINT ' —is the— BEST in the WORLD, the SINGLE CASE ODELL, warranted to do better work than any Machine made. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, ease 01 operation, rears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine. Has im ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, subttantial, nickel plated. perfect and adapted to all kinds of typo wtiting. Like a printing press, it pretinees sharp, Cloan, legible manuseripts. Two or ten copies can be made at onewriting. Any intelligent person can beeeme an operator in two days. We brier $1,000 to any operator who can equal the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL, Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Speelal nducements to Dealerd. Por Pamphlet giving Indorsements, tee., Warms °MIA' TYPE WIUTEPt Co., ' 85 and 875th Me ORICAGIO, ILL. c,et• • ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE TROMONI Proprietor. in Boots and People stand in amazement when we tell them t, pair for every member of the farm • CHEAP TWEEDS, CHEAP SUITS, CHEAP OVERCO CHEAP SHIRTS, CHEAP DEIA WERS, 0 CHEAP FANCY GOODS for Christmas. None genuine. unless stamped "Rubber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio," We able have the best CANADIAN Rudy Paints Loeber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car toad Orders a Specialty. • Sep Now is the time to buy 3'6ittiagNL For your friends and foes, when you can buy them at 11 CHEAP 16HEA.P ! 1 Everything in our store you can buy CHEAP FO come and see for yourself, and we are satisfied yen will vinced that we are giving the • 'UGLIEST BA.RG.A.1 trouble to show Goods. • You can geteaorgilsir fdretz•olloctitrseipin quantities. Tor Whitewashing and Kolsornining, ask for B 4.1TI112,. and don't take anything**. las. 'A. Cline it Co EALD WARE MEAOHANTS, Wingham, , WOO» delivered to any part. et Winghatn. iatIVOI* bir wee proofs* ttout to. mends alsepirpoT in_ i( • ViTINGHA1VI MARBLE WORKS! •.v,• • •tN .14 **44' 4r Ha.v,ing bought a very large stock of new Scotc Tweeds at the closest Cash Prices, I will sell at a -very' on cost. "QUICK RETURNS" is nay motto. ), Fine Wosteds, Scotch Cheviots, 1Weltd. Venetians, and everythi - Wear for Overcoats a Suits, in stoc TWEEDS -L --a very Large Range of the Latest I).•*"•tti Call and exainine. ]3y so doing you tit ve' As 1 only keep Experienced Hands, you may rely on made right and in the Latest Washion, or to taste. . faring a retrospect of Tay thirteen at fourteen are business in,W Ingham, I tieidre most heartily to luster thaukirto my friends mid the public gen tray for the liberal patronage extended to me in the past. I may. MAO State that 1 ain In a posittint to offer better indtectaunite than over to those reqUIrbig anything in the line Of ' Granite or Stone Mointnents, BEADSIONEle, W/11/41110‘t SttLS, 13T014t Tittleritite'GS, '01t Vat.NC1NO, die 1 would bo plowed to hese those deeiren ere- mustng any merles in my line to m4110114 oarnine goods,114111110.6111144119 and 11.4%11 ennt Mike*, so that u ed and prepertd truly In the, th YOU Oan t(Atat from the inttst feiigirs and t tile sloe *et knutnehlr tt• the InViPtaroribli Seel yeirfe WM lingrrato Still a few Goods on the Bargain Counts PH 0 S. 14 WINGMAM, vliat, 1890, Alt • iiur OA tit I) I N Has removed to E. F. Garster's old s nicely assorted stock of Watches, Mocks, Newollery, Silv Spodades, which he is selling away down in priee, ana have you call andtake a look through his Stock. *Repairing a Snee grA11 work warranted and done promptly. Oinsier, • ^,- '000 1.ee-", -so*, , Perim eve , ak A 'd L