The Citizen, 2015-01-08, Page 12PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 2015.
Total receipts for Brussels
Livestock for the week ending Jan.
2, 2015 were 800 cattle, 125 lambs
and goats. On Tuesday fed steers and
heifers sold at steady prices. Choice
steers and heifers sold $179 to $185.
Second cut sold $174 to $179. Cows
sold on a steady trade. On Thursday
holstein veal sold on a barely steady
market while beef veal sold steady.
Lambs and goats sold steady while
sheep sold barely steady. On Friday
calves sold on a strong active trade at
steady prices while yearlings sold
fully steady.
Jim Grainger of Zurich, consigned
one steer that weighed 1,440 lbs. and
sold to Ryding Regency for $166.
Dr. Keith Dunstan of Mildmay,
consigned five heifers that averaged
1,338 lbs. and sold for an average
price of $154. One limousin heifer
weighed 1490 lbs. and sold to Clark
Brothers Livestock for $155. Brent
Grainger of Zurich, consigned three
cattle that averaged 1,188 lbs. and
sold for an average price of $152.
One red heifer weighed 1,150
lbs. and sold to Butch Clare for
There were 150 cows on offer.
Export types sold $85 to $118 with
sales to $120; beef, $110 to $125
with sales to $136; D1 and D2, $70
to $82; D3, $52 to $62; D4, $40 to
$50. Tom Cunningham of South
Bruce Peninsula, consigned four
charolais cows that averaged 1,597
lbs. and sold for an average price of
$117. One charolais cow weighed
1,710 lbs. and sold for $129. Roger
Dickinson of Englehart, consigned
one charolais cow that weighed
1,480 lbs. and sold for $124.
There were 13 bulls selling $82 to
$145. Finley Cameron of Lion’s
Head, consigned one bull that
weighed 1,800 lbs. and sold for
$122. Manley Fraleigh of Englehart,
consigned one bull that weighed
1,455 lbs. and sold for $122.
There were 120 head of veal on
offer. Beef sold $225 to $250 with
sales to $261; good holsteins, $160
to $175 with sales to $191; medium
holsteins, $150 to $160; heavy
holsteins, $150 to $160. Lamar Frey
of Listowel, consigned nine calves
that averaged 768 lbs. and sold for
an average price of $217. One black
steer weighed 820 lbs. and sold for
$268. Joni J. Shelter of Lucknow,
consigned two calves that averaged
780 lbs. and sold for an average
price of $225. One blue steer
weighed 790 lbs. and sold for
Lambs, 50 - 64 lbs. sold to $260;
65 - 79 lbs., $249 to $267; 80 - 94
lbs., $211 to $225; 95 - 110 lbs.,
$219 to $222/lb.
Sheep sold $90 to $130.
Goats: kids sold $150 to $300;
nannies, $80 to $130; billies, $150 to
Top quality stocker steers, 400 -
499 lbs., sold to $370; 500 - 599 lbs.,
$244 to $307; 600 - 699 lbs., $235 to
$260; 700 - 799 lbs., $234.29 to
$260; 800 - 899 lbs., $159 to $201;
900 - 999 lbs., $223.25 to $228;
1,000 lbs. and over, $215.14 to
Top quality stocker heifers, 400 -
499 lbs. sold to $280; 500 - 599 lbs.,
$239.78 to $245; 600 - 699 lbs.,
$227.11 - $244; 700 - 799 lbs.,
$213.75 to $225; 800 - 899 lbs.,
$213.43 to $223; 900 lbs. and over,
$207.90 to $217.
The first meeting of the
Wawanosh’s “A Sporting Chance”
was held on Dec. 22, 2014 at the
Jefferson home at 7 p.m. The leaders
for this club are Mary Ellen Foran,
Eileen George and Marita
Oudshoorn. First, Eileen led an ice
breaker. Mary Ellen then called the
meeting to order with the pledge.
Next, members were divided into
groups to answer questions about
choosing the right sport for you, the
benefits of physical activity and
different ways to keep active. Mary
Ellen passed out the books and
members read aloud five facts about
winter in Canada.
The club moved to the election of
officers. All the members
volunteered and positions were filled
quickly. Sarah Alexander is the
club’s president with Hillary
Schramm as vice-president. Maisy
Jefferson volunteered to be the press
reporter, and Scott Jefferson is
attendance recorder. Loretta Higgins
will design the cover page for the
member books.
Remaining members were given
the task of writing up the minutes for
one of the six meetings and
distributing them to all members for
their member books. Mary Ellen
went over the dates of all the
upcoming meetings. She also stated
that members will be required to
lead stretches/warm up before
starting a winter activity. Sarah then
led the roll call.
In the same groups as earlier,
members played three different dice
games. They were Fifty, Rotation
and Ship, Captain, Mate, and Crew.
All the games were very easy to
play, using only dice and a cup.
Members agreed that Ship, Captain,
Mate and Crew was their favourite
of the three games. After the games
were finished, Mary Ellen passed
out bird feeders to all the families.
Members are to watch for birds
around their house and are to report
their observations at the next
meeting. Marita presented a chart
that indicates what types of birds
live around a house and which are
feeder birds.
Sarah ended the meeting with the
4-H Motto. Eileen and Mary Ellen
provided snacks. The next meeting
was scheduled to be held on
Monday, Dec. 29 at the Jeffersons’
By Jolande Oudshoorn
The sixth and final meeting of the
Grey Township 4-H Royal Icers was
held on Dec. 6 at the home of leader
Monique Baan. Vice-President
Mackenzie Terpstra started the
meeting with the pledge. Johanna
Blake then instructed the members
on how to properly cut all the Ivomic
labels off of the boxes. The boxes
were donated by Jim Blake and
McCall Livestock. The club
collected 73 labels in total. Thank
you for your donations.
Next, the meeting moved inside,
where for roll call all the members
showed the roses they made in
advance and stated what they
learned. A lot of the members had
trouble getting the right consistency.
Next, leader Sam Fretz had a little
competition where members would
try to make as many borders as they
could in two minutes. The winners
of each group won a little jar of jelly
food colouring. The meeting then
ended with the motto and snacks.
Members also handed their finished
books in to complete the club.
Wawanosh 4-H begins ‘A Sporting Chance’
Grey 4-H Royal Icers end project on a high note
A Sporting Chance
The Wawanosh 4-H Club recently began a new venture
called “A Sporting Chance”, which will highlight the benefits
of physical activity. From left: Loretta Higgins, Gayle
McIlhargey and Sarah Alexander. (Photo submitted)
A successful term
The Grey 4-H Royal Icers concluded their six-meeting term last month, handing in their books
to complete the work of the club. Back row, from left: Hillary Schramm, Jolande Oudshoorn
and Johanna Blake. Middle row, from left: Grace VanNes, Kelsey Rathwell and Julia VanNes.
Front row, from left: Emma Baan, Sarah Alexander, Shawna Terpstra, Katrina Gubelman,
Mackenzie Terpstra and Bernadette Terpstra. (Photo submitted)
9:00 a.m.
Fed Cattle, Bulls & Cows
8:00 a.m.Drop Calves
10:00 a.m.Veal
11:30 a.m. Lambs, Goats & Sheep
10:00 a.m. Stockers
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Brussels Livestock report
Calves sell on strong active trade at sale
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