The Huron Expositor, 1969-11-20, Page 9-11 ....... 1:44"4111'Cliprel:PtirC4 ziO0nohn'ygdrete 16 17 rtbert,naPPed . 10 NMI a eebtlri0. e 14° fn' 20 Tor idnoi d, Gu scale outward 23 Wool carrier 110 Revoke 27 ObtaM SO Profit r, 11Sbn,ply SO Typeurnerof whee1 SO Equine centers 37AttemPt U Bess carry a 41 edMokeglece 4: canPrepar go ed 4 ivi you in evoker game Rot Sway 4t AOitbcban Indian - . 52 Flap axe carried In a 84-Click beetle 56 Exhibits - emotion 57 Iterate 511CaterPUlar heir (PL) 59 Depressions .;„.9f TWAT.. bFewer. . 2149ther or. t, APolift WOIPORd 4 Oooloioo tx Port of a circle 4 lilt 4.40MIU9 7 ProvIOod, wiith we0PPOS of eorningt Post . Feminine appellation 1,0 Human carriers 12 Fragments 13 Sampled 111 Exist 21 Traveling bag 22 Emanate OPNOTC11 TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED BARLEY MIXED 01?AlIN ALSO DON'T FORGET THE BIRDS We Have a Good"Supply of SUNFLOWER SEED and WILD BIRD MIXTURE We have a good line of VETERINARY SUPPLIES AND PREMIXES Phone 527-1910 Seaforth THE ilUROI4 10;1'031i0.4,,,$16ATOKTIrif 010,; soy., Ith E 111100110 TU RA N( Ice SOAFOR sureA: • ToWq PWOPI ••• f'Ke .0$ !-$F4ineiii.;40fff .Churches, Schools, Mal "xteAide0 coverage 41.21111110i' objecta, le .A120‘,..aY AGF,NTS: Jen3.03,:.KOY§, 'BR 1. Seaforth; • V. J..f..On_e; seafortig Leiper, t,00desboro- Selwyn Baker;firtiSS Harold Snture,s. chnton;'•Goorge ,Coyne, DOblin4 Donald G', ton . Seaforth At . 0:4111f CHIEF' HENSALL: NEWS 'OF' Word was rec ived of the ' death of Mr. Garnet Small- acombe of GuelPh; • formerly of. Hensan, who passed away Friday in Guelph Hospital.Mr. Sneallacombe, a former Hen- sell native was the third child to be born in the Village.lie was 92. Surviving are a son and'-a daughter. Funeral ser- vices , were held Monday at the G. McIntyre Funeral Home, Guelph. Mrs. C, Faber,R,R, # 3, Exeter, is a:niece „of the late-Mr. Smallacombe.' Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett and family, Toronto, spent the week end with Mr, and mrs. N. E. C ook. Mis. Pearl shaddick has returned from a weeks visit with her stir' and daughter-ia- laW, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shad- dick, London. Mr.- Barry Mousseau of Hensell was presented with a Dcainybroak Roughrider High Point Teephy for 1969 plus three challenge trophies for Weetern' games at the Saddle Club banquet in Dorchester. Mrs. Aetna HesS is visiting with her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and M 11.5 . J,L,McCloy and family at Don Mrs. Eric Kennedy is va- cationing with relatives in Fenelon Falls, Oat. Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Consitt were in Guelph on Sunday and called at the CaMcIntyre Fun- eral Home, Guelphs, to pay their respects to the late Mr. Garnet Smallacorpber- Miss Ruth Horne of Lon- "don visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, Horne. Mrs. Wilbert Glanville of Staffa visited on, Friday with Mr. and Mrs.' William Walters. 'Mos. George Frayne' of Sunshine visited on Saturday -with Mr. and Mrs. William e Walters. 41-t r. and Mrs. Sanford Hut- • ton, iDeenis and. Diane -visited " over • the weekend at Listowel • with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne visited on Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Bab Patterson and family of Lucan. Miss Janet kern of Lon- dpn visited over the weekend with Mr; and Mrs. Pnil hero and boys. • e Mr.:and Mrs. George Frayne attended the Warden's Banquet on Friday night at Goderich. WINCHELSEA Correspondent 1VIrs.WIle. Walters Mt. and Mrs. 'William i3ierling of Dashwood, visited on Friday with mr. and, Mrs. Douglas Stephens, David 'and °Dc rte. .11111, SEAFVRTH MONUMENT WORKS All Types of CEMETERY • MEMORIALS OPFN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON Inquiries; invited — Telephone Numbers: . EXETER 23510620 CLINTON 482-9421 jEAFORTN: Contact Willis Dundas Or Bill Finder 527-1382 Bus. 527.1750. p • is.,kk, 1. 01- INfi ill IIIIIIIIIIIIIII MIN 1111 ill WHO 111111MI WIII WI WI II 1111r nn ©n amp wino h a n • min "I zs 19 33 ' 9 40 7 So Pt I 'i5 OBITUARY JOHN E. BOYD John E. (Jack) Bpyd, 35, 58 Paddington St.,London, died Saturday in, Victoria Hospital,, Land-in, from brain and chest • injuries in an accident from _which he never regained con- sciousness. He was returning home from Work 'on 401 on September 1§th in a heavy rain when his car skidded and crashed into an abutment causing the car 'to roll down an embankment. He Is survived by his widow, the former Marie Pullman of Seaforth, three sons, Danny, Donald and Douglas, two daughterp, Brenda and Barbara, all ht home. His mother, Mrs, Cornelius Faber,R.R.3,Exeter• two step sisters, Lynne and' Patsy, one step brother, Stephen Faber, R.R. 3, Exeter. ' Public funeral services were held from Brenthron Funeral Home, Hensall, Monday cten- ducted by Rev. Harold F. Curele. Burial was in Hensall Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were Art" Traquair, Clifford Smallacombe, Leroy Peters, George Clampitt, Art Parker and Gerald Moir. RHEUMATIC , PAINT Get fast relief the very fiest day! Rumacaps are Specially formu- lated to give you fastreliq—the very first day—from nagging rheumatic pains and aches. Also proven effective for relieving lum- bago, sciatica, headache and neuritic pains, Ask for new Rumacaps—a distinctive blue and white capsule of soothing comfort—at your local druggist's. Rumacaps are capsules of soothing comfort! „ , ..... „ ... Met aliagger fobluaal,2.1=341.,; e'vlk u118a *maws. How to keep the• trffic• moving when/rush hour hits the hot water. Rush hour. 'Every family has one. • When there are dishes to be washed, kids to be tubbed, Dad scrubbing up. Then Sis decides she has to have a shower. It takes a lot of hot water to keep ,the \ traffic moving. \ That's why you ne• ed the Cascade electric water heater—the, big . -producer. It's got the capacity a busy family needs, and it's economical, too. Cascade keeps you in hot water for only pennies a day. fink your Hydro about the . ask hydro quiet, clean, electric Cascade -Lmi water heater. The Name of the dame is All,tle d594909WK ier Liiptt .41;$ ive the gift that grows. y over 50%. High-yield six-year savings certificates are great as-giftseBecause they grow by more than half their value " Arid they're packaged In attractive gift crackers. How do they work? Simple. Go to any Bank of Montreal and pay. S6.34. You'll receive a certificate that's redeemable' at any time on e;graduated scale of Interest. But when It's ,held for • the six-year terve, It'll pay back a full ten dollars. Over a 50°/0 gain in value, And because savings certificates are available in multiples of ten dollar* you . can Invest as much or as little as you like. Savings certificates make great Christmas gifts. And they're ideal for dver birthdays, Bar Mitzvahs, graduations or' whatever. For nieces, nephews, grand- .1 '• children, students or anyone you'd like , to see with a little money. Including ' yourself, Ask about our high-yield six-year savings certificates, The gift that growe " Bank of Montreal by over 50%. etinaticrs First Bank HENSALL BRANCH: B. R. LUTHORdAGR.47:,:, BRIICBFIELD (Sub-Agency) open Monday, WecfrieffWata Ftitlay I ..... i'Orwir.O.W,Itrtitt44401*,t,rtrOrrptr,t,tit,TAN 0 & ii.osookattra Rrai Oset •-• iht,041 • . tit4iritiof 'f.hesitoen eremite! !: .................. wo;i't •0 Elect Officers At Hensall Meetings 23 Hough carrier on water 24 Asseverate 25 Ocean carrier, Queen -- 27 Carrier of milk 20 Heating device 20 Trial . 31 Symbol for iridium - 35 Looks fixedly Wish , !IWO; ,t#0.: egorOF onmorrA motilm-3 nz.4rarnin Ce 0 re EIDEMOPO DRUDOM CIMMIM nom memo emmemom non mmaanu mon ajlletEMENDMI ITH25C)M30Int litel01121C.1 11300 iMODOMI Minkel te3M5E30t2lial PHA EOM EJOE7.1. 1:16I1Ear7 EalalliNiallina MIRE:IMMO OCIDEJEleal Chi=t 76i1E71'l wtocioa oiZzaamil 4944-....t-a • „*ho assisted in the campaign,F.:fkkY, Phiteeee Including the W.I. the Arnold . • 42 Lariat .. C1 role' Ficheko ' s and tbeLegion 43 Hang in folds. Auxiliary. 44 MIT,Oet---,, 45 APptillitioa -110.061*!; gait • flounced 1,44t, 414.4,_pts4 4004480 1411o0 on ,record • IlSvo, been received Re mrosOs0:P.P.Proo1410174 to 4,1! who -donated, and to tho groups liu l II theri 'arc.# camp4ts has Correepandent liers4vlaude Redden ROSS Oinks, London, for- merly of Heff-eap, is a. patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,London, with a heart condition. Mr. and Mr s. Leonard Hoff- man, It,R.3. Kippen, have pur- chased the Jtnks property on Queen Street. HENSALL.W.I. Public Relations was the theme of Hensall W,I. Novem- ber meeting Weenesdeay etree, ning, with president Mrs.Cla- rence Reid presiding. • The 4-H Achievement Day will be held at Zurich and those interested in gbing were askect•to contact the president.' Mrs. Grace Peck gave reports of South Huron Hos- pital ' Auxiliary meeting and Huronview Auxiliary Meeting. The Christmas Fair will he held. at Huronview Decem- ber ,lst. Mrs. Robert Simpson pre- sented a report on the His- torical Society at Goderich,anda read' a news bulletin of the association for the -retarded. A Christmas donation to the , Children's Aid Society amounting to $20.90 will be, forvrardedp Mrs. Beverly Beaton chair- ed the „program. Mrs. Keith Westlake and daughter Elaine of Zurich showed slides arid narrated their recent trip ,to Zurich, Switzerland. Marc and Mezart Gelina$ of Zurieb, entertained ra with solos and guitar selections. Mrs. Alex McBeath gave a 'reading 'When Pa broke his arm'. Mrs. Fred Beer gave cour- tesy remarks. Program con- venors were Mrs. Pearl Koeh- ler and Mrs. B Beaton; hos- atesses Mrs. John Skea.andMre., Len Purdy. ATTEND CHRISTENING Mrs. C,Chriiale and Cath- arine, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roo- WI, Mr. M. Van Dyke, all of Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGregor and family, Bruce- Id; Mt. and Mrs. R.Watson; . and Mrs. Wa 3 Dodds, geaforth, -attended the christ- ening of Joan Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Don- aid IniddseR.R,1, Seaforth,held Spnday at Caven UnitedChurch, Winthrop. Lynne Dodds also .celebrated her fifth birthday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dodds. PLAN XMAS VISITS Mrs. Murray Baker was hostess eor therneeting of Hen- - sell Kieette Chit) when there was 100% ottendance. It was announced that the annual visit to shut-ins in the villa and hospitals will be held unday, November 30th and pla s were made .in conjunction with the klniinen Club tp enter- tain patients at the Ontario Hospital, Goderich on bee- ember 10th, • ' DINNER MARKS BIRTHDAYS Mrs. Elizabeth Riley en- tertained 10 ladies to dinner at her home an honor of three of the ladies who had birth- days .that 'week. Six of the la- dies were eighty and over and. One was 91 years young. STANLEY-UNIT U.C.W. The . Stanley 'Unit U.C.W,,, met at the• home of Mrs. W. McBeath with 15 memberepre- sent. Mrs. Stuart opened the meeting with a short reading. Prayer by Mrs.Wilson follew- ed and Mrs. Stalest read the Scripture from Ephesians. The meditation was by Mrs. Wilson, "The Great Gift." Mrs. L. Eyre gave the study, "Christian Mrs. D. Triebner took over the meetings Mrs.Corn- ish sent out birthday and get- well cards. Mrs. D.Trlebner 'lave a reading on "Getting Old." 'The December meeting will be at the .home of 'Mrs. D. -Telebner in the form of en auction sale. Mrs. A. McBeiith will have the Devotion. HEATING 01A. ',Maiden /A . Broadfoot Phone. /0744 Seaforth U.C.W. Chiselhurst United Church Women met in the church with Mrs. A. Ross in charge of the worship Service using the theme "Dhe Lord's V.r.e.yer". She was assisted by Mrs.Thos. Brintnell. Mrs. Jack Brintnell offered prayer: Mrs. Jack Brintnell presented a report of South Huron Regional held at Kippen. Mrs. Percy Wright contributed a reading. The 'study on China was given by Mrs. Robert Boyce, followed -with a film on China,in charge or Mrs. Alvin Cole. During the business period members were asked to bring an article of clothing for the Children Shelter also, an article for. the Ontario Hospital, Goderich. Christmas boxes for shut-ins of the church will ,be packed at the next meet- ing. $15 was donated tothe Teen Home in London. Officers elected for 1970 are - • Past president - Mrs. Thos. Brintnell; President - Mrs. Russell Brock; First Vice President - Mrs. Alvin Cole; Second Vice President - Mrs. Clarence Coleman; Treasurer- Mrs. alose Harris; Assistante.. Mrs. Ed—Dick; Secretary and pressMrs. George Boa; assist- ant es‘Wretary - Mrs.Jack Brintnell; Citizenship conven- or - Mrs. Robert Boyce; Stew-, ardship convenor - Mrs. Harold Parker; Community Friend- ship - Mrs. Percy Wright; Mrs. Ross Riley., Mrs. Harold Parker; Finance ,- Mrs.Harris, Mrs. Re Brock, Mrs. A.'Cole; Literature, Mrs. Wm.Brintnell; Manse - 'Mies. Russell 'Brock; Membership e Mrs. Ed. Dick; Social - Mrs. Clarence Cole- man, Mrs.- gess, Mrs. Earl Kinsman; Supply, Mrs. Roy Mc- Donald, Mrs. Richard Taylor. Jr; Pianist - Mrs. Alf. Ross; Nominations - Mrs. E. Dick; 'Mrs.. McDonald, Mrs. Ross; program - Mrs. A. Cole, Mrs. J.Brintnell, Mrs. Brock; cards Miss Mary Kingman; quilting"- Mrs. Boa,. Mrs. Riley, Mrs. T. Brintnell; Decorating - hairs. Thos. Brintnell, Mrs. Earl Kinsman, Mrs. Gerald Glenn; Auditor - Mrs. Gerald Glenn. ••• Hostesses were Mrs. C. Cole - man, MrS. Harris, MrS. Wright. The president, IVIrse, Thos. Brintnell chaired the meeting. WED 35°SIEARS Mr. and Mrs. Bert Horton, prominent Hensall residents, recently -observed their 35th wedding anniversay at a sur— prise party held for them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Corbett, R.R.e. Exeter, It was arranged by their daughter and son-td-law, Mr. and Mrs. Man Busche, of Dorchester, 'aid son" Bruce of Hensall. LEGION ELECTS OFFICERS egeee` Now officers appointed at a meeting-of the Kemal/ Branch of the Canadiarr Legion 468 for 1969-70: President, -Paul Neilands; Vice-Presidents, Vic Stan, Murray Traquair; Im- mediate past-PieSident, Ted Roberts; Sergeant at Arms, Ross Fitzpatrick; Secretary- Treasurer, Sam Rennie; Padre jtev. Harold F. Currie; Service Bureau, Fred Beer; Executive, Garnet Allan, Stan Kochan,Har- ry Merton, W, H. Bell, Jack pirnreons, Jim Smale, Heinz Rooseboom, Jim Chalmer, ELECT NEW OFFICERS The annual Meeting of St. Paul's Anglican Church Women was held at the horde of Mrs. Mary Taylor. Mrs. Annie Reid, Presi- dent, opened the meeting with the reading of 'Come ye Apart' from the Living Messa.ge.Bible verses read by Mrs. Frank Forrest. Mrs. William Scrabaik re-' ported on the recent success- ful bazaar. Tile meeting re- cognized those who donated time and who -patronized the event. Mrs. George Anderson pre- sented a report on the Deanery meeting ate Kincardine. The Rev. G. A. Anderson took the chair for the elec- tion of officers for 1970. New officers are: President, Mrs. William Scrabaik; Vice-Presi- dent, M sec-•'.Mary Taylor; sec- •' Mrs. Vic' Stan; Trea- surer, Mrs. William scrabulk; Prayer Partner Secretary,Mrs. Mary Taylor; Social Services, Mr s. Annie Reid and Mrs: Fanny Clark, Programming, " Mrs. George Anderson. injured In Auto Mishap Jim Stan, 20, of RR 1, Hen- sail, was listed in satisfactory condition at St. • Joseph's Hos- pital, London, Monday night- with back injuries suffered in a two- car crash on Highway 4 near Hensall Saturday. He was a passenger in a car driven - by "Dennis Dierling of RR 3, Exeter, who escaped ina, jt•-. The second driver; Larry Sohnsen of RR 1, Hensall, was riot hurt bat his wife, Ruth, a passenger, was treated for mi- nor injuries at South Huron Hos- pital, 0. IE ►re et • • BURNS CL NER No Sonohe, No Odour - WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PRONE 527-0240 Seaforth 40 %der 41.414 50 Flealrfoocl 51 Crafts"~ 53 Scottish river $5 Conducted