Wingham Times, 1890-12-26, Page 3Itapba,. No ON TITh Trois. er AND Itis seating epitaphs. ,tinea of the cele. •d members 01 ,410 qc:R t, Raby) c, and wife ol', generally 3eef. Dietl th, 1881, years. 14 small children. besides a kind x loving els- partioular friend Y, be upon my breast, hly care. aud 4 orihaned r mother's, loss, ^n, but let that Le the `tree •of awl never let the planted between, en I die here ;I It's . a mother's e once a mother's N, FRED, T8, died 20th July, ars, 6 months days. you here, alone 2 ow from little Joe bay, or with what day ! for the little. ther bought atilt rue. cliIERK&N, oe Beef," horn h Dec. 4th, 1635, sal, Jan.15th, 39, departed one ,•all, oherisshe l be pleasure reigns ; our loss is great, s gain. wealth and power has afore, a poor :can bread; it his door. great unwashed, who ble fare ; a merry one without.a tor loss of him, their icere; in the winter blas>;iand good cheer, ,f reckoning comes, se all, rs they'll not have be - Nal pall. Y 11T5 WIFE. tau Farmer. aynadier, of Ano aryland,was a Large Tent a good deal of u Home. One day e took a drive over ie met a small color• relong . to, boy 4' the 'longs t to Colonel uired the colonel, to would say, mar, srth. farmer') farmer, sali;. mer 1 repeated the rind of a farmer is r9 spoke up the colored truler dot don't raise —and line to buy his rjoyed the joke, it is. ards told it upon him• anniseinent. in the possession 4t• rime of church belle. I tlq been placed. in oriel church. rk These are� the rouse. tunell attire has supplied, sus►} o( Colds, CougblIr Cc cigtr, Bronchitis nos 11 talus° are roetained fit errx in their most active medicines oonstitU8 y' l ditteaase GL ,►._,tYitaP�" RANCE COLUMN. ooSocerlgi! nr T#K T. W, C. T. U. calppiag•t ne decision of Justice Field, of 'the United States Supreme Oourt,with reference to the liquor trafiio, has one clause of so much signiilcance that we 'repeat it here with emphasis By the general coacurreuce of opin., 4x011 of every civilized and Christain community, there are few sourcesof crime and misery to society equal to the dram shops .where intoxicating ligators, in shall quantities, to be (Irnnk at the time. are sold indiscriminately to all parties applying. Tho sale of toieh liquors in this way has heretofore. at all times, been 'considered the props er subject of lagislative regulation.. For that matter, their sale by the glass may be absolutely prohibited. It is a question of public expediency., and not of federal law. There is no inherent aright of a citizen of the State or a citizen of the United States. The saloon of to -day isdestructive of peace, law and order, and must be driven out of existence if we wish to advance mankind toward . the enjoy- ment of the better morrow. It must cone to pass that the .peace -power shall have the right to exterminate these plague, spots. A hive of woman knowing no chastity is unearthed, raided, and its iuulates sent to homes for wreaked woluauhood. Why should not a hive of lawless drunkards be raided and its inlnotes sentto homes for wreaked manhood ? An, anti-bar•room hill has been in- troduced in the Georgia Legislature. It provides, among other thing, that it shall not be lawful for any ,Mate, county or municipal authorities in this State to grant licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors in less quautities than a quart, and when any of said authorities shall, under the laws now existing, grant licenses to sell intoxi- eating liquors in quantities more than. :ir quart, it shall not be lawful for any person selling the same to allow said tritotieatiI2g liquors to be drank nn or near the premises where sold. - The purpose of the big is, of course, to abolish absolutely the retail trout in intoxicating liquors from .the State. Abolish .partyism in municipal oleo' tions.. tet • every Christian . put a s. [such religion in his ballot as he puts in his church, his Sabbath school. his prayer meeting and hie fatally altar. There is nothing outside of theOhurch of God that should be used so sacredly, no conscientiously and prayerfully as the . ha lot, Every ballot should• ex'. press the heartfelt desireof an en. lightened Christian conscience. I hold that the church is responsible, both before God and man, for the great municipal corruption in . out large cities, 't'}ie ballot of one church mem- bet. neutralizes the ballot of another,. while the corrupt politician and the saloon take advautage ,of that advan- tage of this division and carry off the spoils. This makes O.) church a shop for receiving stolen goods. The city by the help of the church, licenses tLe saloon --and that means tosdebaueh, degrade anii, kill. License is a sin that yields more than revenue to build sidewalks ; it brings misery, woe, oor ruption, death and hell. The church, 1»' its ballot, aids the saloon, but the ealooli would annihilate the church to. ay,if• it could. Does municipal corruption retreat from the church Z Does the saloon feel the influence of the church—the religious conscience —does it feel thereligieu$ press 1 Net tnuoll. Truer thecllarch, through its courts, resolves and reresolves agailist the salooni and these resolutions hold good for 364 days in the year, but ou the 885th dray' (el'actiou day) they area failure. Resolutions danot hurt saloons, but ballots do. 1. X Saloon as a Bei Ica Toll +Tollit your money, and lose iL ' i ''cur time, end lose it, ,lar er4to-r, roil 4 •ruar! Your strength, and lose Your manly independence, and 10se Your borne comfort, and .lose it, Your wife's happiness, and lose it. 'our ohildren'e happiueeil, and lose it, Your own maul, and lose it, Wi,sh141 Out Out he atonsaob, During thepast year several physicians. in New York have tried, with a. gratifying. 800cess, a novel treatment for dyspepsia and cancer of the stomach by washing out that organ, The process is very simple and not dangerous. A long flexible tube Is passed down the throat until one end is in the stomach, The upper end hoe a Nom' attached, into which hot water is poured until the stomach is filled, The weight of the water la the pipe and funnel gives a hydraulic pressure sufiioient to distend the stomach, The pipe has au aperture big enough to hold a lead pencil. After the stomach has been filled, the funnel end of the pipe is turned down until it is lower than the bottom of the Stomach, and the stomach is emptied as a barrel of auy fluid is emptied through a siphon, The process. may be repeated several. times. The result is thatthe undigested food and muous are mashed out, and the hot water closes the blood 'vessels and reduces iutlammatiou. The ire'hef is immediate. Thedyspeptic may have: his stomach washed out befory a meal, so that ho cap take a fresh start. After the lapse of a sufacient time for ordinary digestion, the stomach may be washed out again, The process baa been in us'e.at New York 7dospital, we are in- formed, for some time. Two Hinds of Husbands. A wife who knows many wives Some husbands, when they get home at night, tell th?ir wives all about the business of the day, and about their brink account, and about the people they met, and about what was spoken of and about everything else. Other, husbands never tell their wives about their doings during the day, • never speak of the state of heir finances, and never refer to their • business in theirhouseheld. The wife of such a husband knows nothing of his affairs, and is apt to be upset by bad news or crushed 'by finding out that he is on the road to ruin. From what T have known ' through toy acquaintance with many families 'for long years, '1 am ready to say that a husband should 'always tellhis wife about his business and about; the affairs of the day. The Indian, observed Rivers, is a picture of discontent. Yes, said Brooks. and he is in a bad frame of mind. A loan's work is from sun to sun, and a woman's work descends from daughter to. daughter. BANK OI' liAMILTON, Z '1.1" MI A. MX Capital, $1,,000,000. Rest, $450,000. President -Jong STNAaP, Vitt-Pro,ideut-A. G. RAnsAY.", DitICcTOLIS roux Pao8TOR, CUAO, GIURYRY. 6140 ROACH. A, T Wool), A. B' Lae (Toronto), Cashier -3. TURNBULL. AU Wm. '""",. young, old, or middle Aged, !'Ata find themselves nervous, week or ettbauilte ed, wtio are broken down frog cutest, or overwork, reeuiting in many of the following symptoms : Mental. depres- eion, . premature old .age, loss of vitality,, loss of inemory, had dresrns, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission, lack of energy, 'pain to the kidneys, heedllke, pimples ou the face or hotly, itching ur pecular sensation aboutthe scrotum, waisting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, depueits in the urine, loan of will power, tendernes of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excita- bility .of temper, sunken eyes sur.. rounded with LEADEN onus, +, oily looking skin, etc., are nil symptoms. of nervous debility•that led to isnity and dead useless cures. The spring or vital power having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance way be peru anentely cured,' Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. T. LUBAN,'50 Front St, E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, .skip beats, not flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No euro, ho Send for book. Address M, LUBON, 50 Front. Street East, Toronto. Ont, pay. V. €3, T. B. TIr.11E TABLE.. Trains arrive and depart as follows : LFAVINO ARRIVIr10 5:35 a.1n ..:. , ....For Torouto .........5:85 n, n► 2:20 pain ' 2:10 p.m 2:20 p. m For Teeswoter 2 20 10:80 p. m 10:30 . G-RA.1V D TRV�TK R'Xr- A, 0. STRATHDRE, Aos$T, WINOnAM. Through ickets to all points 3n America -North• West Pacific Coast, eta., via the shortest and all popular routes.. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. —TIME TABLE. LRAVS 'Virl\01LW1. : ARRIVE AT WIN011AM. 0:30 a.m.Toronto.0uelph,Palmorrtten, alt. 4:80 p.m. 11:10 " " " " 10:10 " 3:40 p m „ " Clinton, " 7:26 " ,. Palmerston,,ill3Ked.,. .10:15 a.m. 0:45 a m ..........London, &o11400 " 3:40p.m. •• 7:46 p.m. 11:10 milltitnoardine, ito 530.a:m. 3:80 p.m . 11:10 " 10.1.0 " 5:60 p.m Phrenolo amy and olagy. Send Ptiototrra. of Yo elf orFrieOd with $1, and I will send ou a Writt. • Statement of your Character an. a Pursuit you a : adapted for; also stating wha . p••eon you should o ry to be happy. Photo. re = ned with chart. G.COzsxtr Theo ,iogist, Murillo 1'. 0, vitt Port thur,Oat: La : of Wingham. Property ror: Sale in Belmore. The undersigned offers 'for sale a desirable pro party in the village of Delmore, consisting of a good. dwelling house, office, stable and driving shod, with ono acre and a -half of laud in connection. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fink trees. Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars, apply to FREDERICK COOK, e. BARBER SHOP. MR, MSLOOL11 MaDONALD, (LAT'A Or RiPLEY,) Savings flank hours; 10 to 8 ; Saturdaye,10 to Haling purchased the+barbering business of Messrs. 1. •Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest Sebastian Bros., is prepared to give all old customers allowed ( and as many now ones as patronize him, satisfaction Spectra. Deposits alae received at current in ail lines of the profession. wCeh flFtftlit on {groat Britain and tho United gates belight and sold B. WILLSON', AGENT. r ' YBR & DICITTNSON, Bottcmns. s..:�...a ....y....., .... _ ... SHAVING AND HAIRgU'tTING are, my speclaltiesl 5 .0ive me a call at the old stand, opposite caution and Mc ntyre'e store., nL MonONALD.. A Blessing to Every Honliehold. HOLLOWAY'S PUS AND OINTMENT. 9 These renatotee have stood the test of flay years experiences, end are prefeo' hood the boot tiiedtdn*i fol Family use, purify t T11M PILI -IS blood, correct all disorders of rho t'1VEtt, STUMAOII, IUSI*TETS AND .1DOW ELa and are Invaluable in k11 complaints incidental to tamale* of all tges. ':CSL CJI tIV.1:1 h ' Ing the only reliable remedy for had legs, seven, ulcera,; anti old wound.. F'OIt r1RRN0131itd, SON THROATS', 00510115, roL.DS, (#d[iT, itrrEll1fATISM, G3LADUL:AR SWELLINGS AND, ALL SIM DISEASES IT ISAS NO 4;Q11AL. Mannfaetured only at m,Novt Oxford. Leto 518, Oxterd•Street, Louden, and sold by all Medicine vendor* throughout the world. ttirPtlr1nssers should look to the Label on the Dozes arfd,Pot*. If the addresa is Oxford Street, London, they ate spurious. • 0141Vi CARD' dig FOR THE BET ir DEIRED CLOTH CO TO ..._. , AS WE.BSTER'S CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFF 3, Cheap for KASH. -- —• AT..r.. —. •WEBSTER'S Duflield & So NEW PATENT -TOP MU CANS CREAM CANS, MILK PAILS. SA.L.. BUCKETS and MILK PA1 Everything the Dairying K EAVE-TROUGHING .A. SPECIALTY' 0 5 Repairing 'will be Prompt 1 Dc •l1 imie R . HERD ASM t as herr atoc' of J'all Goods to hand and ope' ed out. It i piste and has been nu based in the best Foreign ; aid acme M cash, and witFbe sold a. lowest possible profits. Feathers. Folwer Ribbons, Brocades, P1 h and S. aces, Silks, Sa elvet Mantle "SPECIAL ATTEtITJe 1 T,I '.4NTt„ E RIAIWIO AS ,UE HATS AND Bd1 NE'i'w : TM :'. r IN LATEST`stri . GOO'IYS I'M,PORTED DI Viyiiraas, Aug. 28th, OASTS. Her WINGHAM r, 1' O .W NDE • ,.,.._,__.....oma_ 4 M U R '. A Y ek Suecessore telt rd Robinson, manufactarerers of-.• AGUICULTaltlittII1PL Wo hare the patterns of 1t.1'd, Robinson and, tan. supply repairs for all kinds o l MILL ?WKS MADE AND $1tABIENE SA W GU NIAND Imo" Tho patronage of the public talielted, WAny quantity of old Cast Iron Scrap wanted, l» tlarfllati0lori valth thtt above, tv of a' tilkly •me lir iyf h 0.'......... 1 l irwtie 3oi:iatd »Iy f J