Wingham Times, 1890-12-19, Page 81 1 ,
;' it S. 'to
Glut • eowshq ng7
ams, pity uo --ltiao` id
preps &��gdctish
is evert fir;osp"ict el: ple
Snewshveing,is, tee easy
hill t.:ltft know
, a bkwJ
u h t !Sit
a breezy article ou
Aeworeit'a Family M
and if ygu doe's boom
the subject; we are ani
tastes ere antis,* pat
will be delighted wit
,.tell lbto of Toilet SAWN*, i'ertwees. Seeolicts-., on ."Modeling, for
...Spoctsclesr ett+ 1414,s1114,etgsk ..`y "!0 r' iAlMo}, eltil 404 taut
-a s{ 2tmica2S
d Sped'itP•.
'l' iL131P13CN : 4l> NT3AT, eluding a auperi full
automat American
• if you. have never
" � 5 ► il1Y and OttarlD TRrnil - TONS Ticker : {su he t na f t for
Olrk �' i; i) g $
ios4 , p a t.asb
3niaberne, of Cornell Universe
samely illustrated
of them, telling of
��an t! many.i the ow
! . o aril at,tltat not
intcrestto the
- it ', p Em.pER l?:a9� gl
he "i"of
4 c,41, �
• 1seetb extiueted
:ase of eleotrtcity eta
Bleat: Fee 25c.
The annual Chris
ter the children OP.
Sunday Sehool,will b
ball, on Tuesday even
' the cantata.•}` pdget
rendered rnsteacf'efi i
year" as previously a
tbout pain b9 the"
i Jerouze's,. Beaver
•' k
utas entertafnment
it. Pa '.s Cls rah
igiQennr the
ng, Deb. 3Oth,when
ntaelana." 71114
r d
nounced,the stage
aF l u(eld • wa Thal being pp*
tntidat :. nl tho . u/04
'required is the latte
w r .Oh, wrist a Coa�h. " g,„,
lRtil"1 wauheed the Waraipg e et g t�`4i
:rlaple diasaxe Consumption. Ask Youg;the aura approach of that more
salvo's if, you can wffuxd;�fur tlido n thing
tie,Vieg 600.'40 tile the, able as here -Mr. a
bout the "Effects S
telt sity, foot, and Other baths,'idr ream,
dial` purposes;'•C1 at" and "•The world's
a, my dear mad•
Alit lief•
mewl Pia
ty this winter.
as sliding dotwp
, and you will,
rat a club, auk,
ut it,after rending
Snowshoeiug" in.
%zine for January;
enthusitiatie. abut.
taken. '. Or if your
c than athletic, you
t . the exoelleut paper
tjlpturo." with itr
1 illustrations, in.
pgo portrait of the
ulptor Hartley; and
odoled in clay, .the
tears and ,beginners
Oleo. '"Sage Maidens
is another haudi.
ticle, written by due
ome of the trials and
se of the life. et-,Iu
d neat of tearning,; the
story is. partieu'iurly
er stories are all goad
ae reasonable articles
Cp1d,„'., atldi how to
Progress" are , es
x•;the other della_
o11d thugs. Ind
and compieteue
agazine InuitF
superiority as IA
should be in ever
tby \Y. 1erwitln*tg
'Street, New York
'gaily attractive ;and
f�meltts '104bat thZ,ul kot
d, for beauty; variety,
pemorest's Family
%wattled the palm of
Family Magazine, and
household. 'Published
emorest, 15 Last 14th
`Wa have our:ettere full oi,all.kit?48.O '
pm ,` PO
Sundayed in L
Davison and daug
ndat41, i tb•;;
S(oManus M.;an
Montana, spent a
visiting at Mr. A
artin and Sas. Bonar
cknow...Mr...; A. T.
r l ,s}tli,of. ilutinkow,
--A large stock of gents furnishings and
of. Wawanosh, in
iionout dr, Son. onto ana vicinity..
" and son- were vi
Xreserva as. week.; Mr. Robt. Li
Now that the munici al elan*:
.saved, and ttte tOwri non tile loser there-. past three or four
by. The tovvn cOuld-do uito well with -
all the arrests that tire,ne essary it our
''' le
of upwards. of p5oo...per annum: Next
`week I will give a detailed statement Of
•taiflicient :for this e, if the herr.
worth is anything. OssAnyza.
a rived at R Hill's, a fresh stock
'Detail of 0.04/
niany friends
.oranorly of this town,
>loath with sincere re
a,3count We take fre
'the Rev.'W.Davis,r
a Savoie pain in the
olio was retiring
' vas called
, that an artery in th
reoovery, and the
were trillillte:red,
o'nlook Thursday
/rat 41Zerf
,ed good health
and faithfu
er; and ev
hfre.-.Ttitnait Mild, of
few days last week
d's brother's Mr. T.
eyeate that where
Montana is a fine
weather is as favor -
d spending .their
WitilaqiieW-se Tor;
rs. A.R. McDonald'
ting in Clifford last
JtyleKcif ',hies town!
E r Ottawa, for the
for Allis season of the year, .
:.4.7b7140.4:44 . Opait.s, ,;)3aver Clap0.1
• Stoniti 0.611-afe)';': Astt66441:1
-LOpg::.BOakb:.:lia',b1a0k..4.4d -0016 r-
Ors.0 Astr4.044tE: Op*ta
aiti„d'•V,p.r ,
iftiVEgiltS •i?aney Felts, Table .0overs, Table Scarfs, Mantle
Searfs ,endless variety., We are" Ole Agents fpr tb.ese
on Tuesday evern
ham, spent SundaY in town, with Mr. '
Of Treg?!4-u, sp.t3nv4 aaii in town thin
'visiting friends ,eswaterrdast.week.
..MissLouise Sparli g, daughter of Mr.
F. .G. Sperling?, re urned„ home froth
'WhithirIlticliee Collie,' on Wednesday
evening, to spend th holidays under the
parental roof ..Mrs. array and dona-
tor of tTnderwood re visiting at Di
'Meldruna's..Mrs. Smi la and son, of Win -
visiting at Mr. And rson's..hir ;Tames
Sutherland of ,Gprri was in town on
nths,retarned home
„, ; ., Tiayinf,.,, Piece4,a, Saw, Millie 'Connection with olie'Fiartlitil re FietorY, we beg, to Intimate that.,N4
will ,buy.all 'kinds of Hard and :Soft Timber, and will . par theillighest i)ridas for the shine, ntitwithstanding
in -the ' tirst inStanCe 'WO- Mantliadalre 411, ,Qt11.1., i'friY13, Joumber intd; Furniture, and , use all . the
l'ef',use'fol: Wei, giving,
We 'awe Klvertised for 2 000 000 lea of Logk ,and'*6 intend tO have them
et. he following'
o daily 'papers:
en.. aut-jdoily With
k of 'hii;head just
Thursday night,
as intense and a
ca• d had burst, al-
ach AbEl brain. In
here • islittle chance
riends in this ease
an his sufferings at
", & rienerally en -
rgymart, an able
int ut io be at -work
the Master. In the
ivite died Whil5 Visit -
ell, einee which titire
tonsil te4le with. bait'
Saturday; and after
church vacs buried
'..t7Buffalo Robe fo 'tend as new;
very large well nov red. Will sell cheap.
Cash or trade.
or its egtlivalent in east' will be given to
the persou detecting the greatest number
placed) iu the December issue .of *, Our,
Hentes." lu addition will be given two
of 650. ten of $25, tweuty-Ilive of 010, fifty
of 05, one hundted'of 02, ittld OU0 hundred
mentionedin rules and,r§gtilations,.. 0'14
will be sent with a copy of Deeember issue
ou receipt of 15 cents in stamps. Special
r,pally*ls 1891.1.
gildiesis,' (pa Hardin; Posutemita Co
it 11 111 L Oil
' " 'fla Patronize the parties -who increased the prices, for you;
Blank Ash..
lash along yotir Logs and we will endeavor to. satisfy aptomers,
THE OLWILELTABLE1.14Vioney .to 1;;;;a:n,' on Notes.
wishes to state that he la selling iirst,eiaes meats of
all kinds ea lOw In Ikriee as anyone else WhighaM.
As usual, nmata 411:petils.ot
•Vt 4•100 i'lFp's fel
made to ordsr,
Don't bay a Bebe trail you Bea them.
:/112e Okras* a Ns Great Cayes Cure it
',Mast t parallel the history of medicine.
StWe took test UM ab Other erne can site*
end. That it inair become knowni.
11.0, enotanout
le Bottle Free into
the. teal Citestag. r /fps haw
Bromides, me it,
advaperS.,ott Mortgages at ever cent web
privilege 61 paying at the avidly any year. Noted
414 evoutit9oolleeted.,•
tfavink purchased the Custom Busineas of .lateir11
bleCoredex Co, wish to Intimate that they he va
Opened out,hi the shop twe decal south T Mlle
Stock, on Elbert notice. , RepalrInK neatly and
The pattonags of th9poipteselioited, ann all work
TEE -.13E44
Direct Importer.
corms comixol
lot h
isteLhand, and it is the largeSt and best
P.-,' The Stook consists of
. 77Airtilisatide,waah4i:eios, saying a good deal.
Cr:, :geeptCa juedvniieeoranst' an:t,eleanG:zenges
' And 50 other kinds' Candies,
Fp.oy en'
io be sOld at
A WI 14i0CR of Xi luau* and Dotatistis Nit: and
*Mao to repro.
a litrge stook and price t;
• 0, ERS arriving daily, a Served
aDannrao Ps: :iulne 'wait?? b teapklee aas eldo. o k at our
Star Restaurant.
'Opposite Hortnann's Hotel, Winglaam.
Market Grocery.
--OYStorS-=47,avv, titewed or fried, atlas
—The Ttsfltsl Carr er Boys will wait upon
their numerous pat onson New Year's day,
wall their address " '
—For fresh buck wheat flour, corn flour
and pease brose, go VI A H Carr's.
—The annual !nee ng of the Ontario
Creamery Associati will be held. in
Berlin, on the 13th a a 14th of ,T,tatuary..
hi. finest orearn candies at R liill's
Stitt ester* arriVerl
Manitoba, and the
last,in the best of.
Mr Peter Fisher,
Wiese front his trip
Northwest, on Saturd
health and spirals.
nave a few of those 52.75 toilet setts
left. Secure one before they are all sold.
—The entrance exam nations were held
ih Wiligharo on Mon ayl Tuesday and
'Wednesday of this , W Lough,
of Clinton, being the esiding examineri
There were Aboli itiug,
11111's to be' sold at 20 to 215 cents per lb.
—The Obristrats nu her of the London
• Free Press has been i ued, and is li*VerY
Oteditable sheet. TI1 engravings are good
and the letterpress all that could be
—A, large stook of rttlitil and Oonfeetiert.
ery at Megabit's Star restaurant.
The noultnatialis
deptity•tailVei mune'
teen for the tcfwn
is4, on Monday ne
34-°4100.14 mon,
fur mayor; recrve,
its beta lu rlie town
0, Mix instant; M