Wingham Times, 1890-12-19, Page 3uiam wA AIC1tI`ilk G, JOgte.PHLNL: STI.* �ra�t'ahtlU: aa, yeai,Ar.htt'lwspla4i taan_u 1.1.4T$ u mu. I S ala. 1., 00 ve., Uu l elle 00 41t. 00, 1. VU LII UO la 4/0 t so, OL 1u. Ou '4 UV us T QS' l ale sus a IV ur,tiIuteuts, 8e.4per hue 1d 1:N. yule uuU tux u.lull auuwottu++a( nonpareil typo, 100. for first to lie fur ensu cul) tjUeut Ibbtit14.M 0l t'I.al6eU k$ tn411 `L,te Luso, k uunu, otruy'ed, situations, ,s,. 0i u11 Wa, nu, vaeseuitbi ti. ila,* WWI IS fur Sale, not u.teteclink 8 lines: U0, per NUupe4Uent 111W,tn 10 g4rUt41y- aUnVleU. til ,ve.,,al' qu,ettlblaIlulltb, Ur It ',Whet specillcdireetwus, Will b0 u.,l efeepoli eceurdlnity. lruu• ,4e. 1414bb Ue IiatU An a\aalee .. 4,aet a01 ertga sue is n.00tabe I! . ,,see., noon, In V rite 1t, ELLIOTT ' " kliUi'5U4.101t AZiD PUNL16114 'EINE STItEET, 0474Rln' 1, .u,D,C.ti,, lysiclana and Surgeons, Ontario: r for aunty of Limon— " - NY Ingham, Ont, DRTJhI, sate of Toronto University, and Wr,e Ut i'h,, st(11441.1b and oUraeui,a ed 41i nee—Corner of Centre and Patricia' 0(4001 uy lir. 16etutka0. odes. E, It, S0L10I'1:0E„ Etc., Etc my at km est rates uisi0ltt charged, nds to tMortgag es, tuw0 property bought anal sue., 3100k, W1NonAu, our, I. • A. bIORTON BARRISTER &c.,y' Ilam • Ontario D1INSON, 1, 0. C. I E. L DIcKINOON, B. A. ND SOLICITORS, Etc., L•t0.. So of Hamilton, uounutseleuere for for hluflltobe, ruin lawn I44k bought uf.d sold. ,auuttly.lptiyutet i,IOrtgeim aueunt', at ujl' per cent. for priyato persons, upon tl,e b1 5 ties wallow, any e11:1n1se to ow of Pale 1a At4n1.4Uua a0u 1iu0 a\4�`4•+' Block. VV1,i ham. -W. H. MAGOON...LA, \\ usturalt tker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, ive, Gold, etc., eta; Plates, raui;he.g 'p110es ii'Ol0 0500 upwards per ace uuntlg and brid0u\tdrk. %tet , ex. tho leastpain by the use of 'VitalUthee, U ru6haw, sloe 0lttrene.e up: is hotel, upte deny tnufhueysexcept- ;05p rn. \V ill be at Blyth eveLy 'way ofuachmouth—yiheeutalba+el t cud Inti AioI dayb of each luontu-= hotel. .]xt1 tetilg Sri cents. -J S. JEROMME, Wison&1i,. Is rnanufacturibg Celluloid Plates. ✓ uluanitu plates of toe bestanaterlt.t as eheap as tlioy can be got 01 the Dominion. Alt work warranted. .shoo of teeth by the use of Electric. i Vapor. -I will extraot teeth for 26 cents the Beaver Block, opposite , the 'i. LIE, ItAL INSURANCE AGENT TNN INGLIAM, INSURANCE FIRE'AND 11AaINE, GUELPH. WfxaliAM, 1101401,ETIR reit THF4' G`tiiINTV 01' 1ilE01l. Ted in any' part of the Cri'-' Cb*rge+, ` LNG AM, UST., udTTONatsla NCR 'I'tS Ontiltrs fid! io noapN. ft AV the Tiara otlice.prorlltttiy at hurl. redsonehte, • t vnP.RsoN, enemata FOS CocaT1ts 1id4OI( AND iiftuctl. ;ended to promptly and on tbs iihoefir aerate and SattllfactionGuaranteed, ry arrankenlelws ten be nlata't' el tit hl( Oier DOLT'ON at I .tw KINS t SuavafO'lut AILD e;f\h. iNYiYliYatl ►STOWEL Aftn *INGHAM. left al the offlo 1 dr the Tush* w* >r attdrrtien - - 4404 1ti474iton Con*, *4411 aid EA* a Le***0l ' began *oar Lord, my tofteber ssys when we- want anything we must ask you, and have frith, and you know 1h ywlr hard inatamtt has to work, and how- elle has tried tohelp papa, and lie won't he helped ; lofts of good tem- perance men have tried to help llim ; but it don't do a bit of good, and so dear Lord, won't yon try ? Take Bold of his band and then be can't ifall ; lead him, for 1 don't want to be >+ drunkard's, boy. I would rather ;time to Heaven, only *mamma can't spare me, Please, Lord, help him for prYeaud' sake, amen, The little head sank lower and lower, and the child was fast asleep ; then ,she bedroom doer, which had stood. ajar, was pushed wide open, acid a Baan stepped softly out end looked at ,the sleeping child. Dear little Benn t, I will try once more, and I pray the . Lord to take my hand in His, for he knows I need it; Ile opened the door and went oat into the street ; and shortly after 'Mrs. Gray returned. There was ,A ;sorry look iii her eyes when.' -she .entered. Bennie was awake and had the light lit and the tabie;:set. Mr. Sampson was away, dear, eo he :did not pay me, she said, in ,answer to his look of inquiry; bilt never mind, dear,'we will get along. Then the door opened, and Mr. teray entered with a few packages he ?aid on the table, and then he put his ,arms around• his wife, as he said There is Iiot much, Laura, but next year we, Will do Netter, please God Bennie, lad, you will like this full as well as a turkey, and he laid a tem- perance pledge card in the boy's hand, awned in hold characterr, Stephen Gray t and Bennie gave a scream of delight as he threw himself in his father's arms. In.the handsome parlor sat a grave, stately looking twin, reading, and a lithe looking boy about twelve years entered and went quietly to his side': where'lfe stood waiting permission to epPak. Well, Ralph my son, the genticmian aiaid, as he lay down his paper with a smile. Papa. I wanted to ask you if I may use the five dollars yon gave me for my new game, in another way. , l Why, Ralph, I thought you would ().ever be happy till that was in your 'possession. What can have happened* .Let us°know. Ralph blushed, as he said in a low voice, I don't want to tell, papa ; It will seen), just like showing off. - Won't you trust me, and, papa, I want to ask a very great favor. Well, let's have it, then. rAnother five dollars, eh, you big tease ? Ito; papa, indeed, not that. I want you to please take Bennie Gray's father flack and try him once more, and then Ralph told all be knew of rhpnie, and bis answer sent him away rejoicing. And you won't ask what I o with the money 3 he asked, looking back at the door, )to,no, my boy; do as you like, and God bless you, Mr. Marlow said First class. seoureties- Handcuffs rid time -locks. Little dntiek are golden pins to fas- ten the mantle a God's love securely about us But one thing on earth is Netter than the wife -that is the mother, Wild Cherry Bark, Lleeampane, Hoar- hound and Senega. These are the retne• dies with which Dame Nature ,has supplied Canada for the cure ot Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Coss of Voice, All these are contained iu Willinu'a Wild Cherry its their most Active form, and with other araedioiuel3 constitute this most reliaole care for all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs• Wilson's Wild Cherry is sold by all druggists. Wast Hr VYcalun Milk It is somewhat remarkable how so many crooked hien get in so straight- ened circumstances. In order to stand up under misfor- tune it frequently becomes necessary by stand up one's friends. You're just the man I'm raying for, as the bricltmason said to the contrac- tor. We wish to inform the pa}blit that we have those Woolen Mills to A 1 running! .order, and will this eeason give special attention to CUSTOM WORE In ail its branohea, shit wIll keep In stook a Glass of firat•clase Iigc v, such an Tweeds Flannels, iato1 s, Blankets, Shootings, Stocking Yarns, SLC., &c,, (mato from pure wood only) cheap for cash Or ex - Omen Mr wool. Customers from R 1listanps ran havg Moir rolls Noma with thein the someday, Orilighest marks¢ price in cash for bgarohantaklp Wool. INGL1: ar CD'Y-, w*nghaip CHRISTPdAS IS And the Christmas Bells. will be ringing in your ears for tbe next days, We are bound to reduce our Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, and Ready Made Clothing BEFORE THE CLOSE OF THE OLD YEAR, So now is the time to secure a BlgBargain, The rush still continues at our Dres Goods Counter, and every per. - son who has taken time to look through our stock of Dress Robes is satisfied that T. A, MILLS bas the Cheapest and best stock of DRESS,. GOODS in town, Experiontia Dona, Mr. S. I, Hourigan,after using Wilson's Willi Cherry in his family for dight yearn, writes us that it has never failed to cure Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough or Bron'. chitin, 13e wise, profit by the experience of others, and use Wilson's Wild Cherry when afflicted with any such troubles. ti:sld by all druggists. There are more men in the world who have madness in their methods than there are who have methods in their madness. MATTHEW MBLEI1 HARNESS MAKER, PI%o'a Remedy forCatarrh f% the I1c9t, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. Sold by drpgglots or sent by mill, *iiia. E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa., 17.8, �. A CHANGE In the has on hand a Large stock of Corne and see our CHEAP GOODS, CHEAP BLANIIETS, CHEAP YARNS, OITEAi' FLANNELS, CHEAP FURS, (;HEAP N NILE: CLOTHS, CHEAP WOOLLEN GOODS of all kinds. HORSE BLANKETS, QUattVCOMBS,: BRUSHES, WHIPS, TRUN$S, VALISES etc.' Which will be sold at bottom prices. RARENESS, double or single, made to order on short notice, and satisfacution guaranteed. WA call solicited. OP -Opposite tho Bank of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, ng»am, Feb. tth, 1860. llnH Buiao:; 0— CJ KN OHTEL Wishes to intimate to the people of Wingham and surrounding country that he has purchased the harness business lately carried on by Messrs. J. J. Ilomuth & Son, and will conduct it in the building lane door south of Mr T A Mills' store. DOABLE AND SINGLE HARNESS heavy or light, made to order. A full line of Ilorse Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Currycombs, , Brushes, etc., always on hand. Repairing neatly anti promptly done The patronage of the public solicited, and satisfac- tionin work and material guaranteed, whips huskily. The nest morning a huge basket Cape to the little home of Bennie (,ray, and Bennie was jubilent over the contents, and the following day, rlr they sat down to a bountiful din- ner, a boy handed ?Vtr. Gray a note, sayipg his old place in the foundry was ready on MVIonday, and in the evening Mr, Marlow came to call on them, and told Stephen Gray he would help hint all lis could, and as be listened to the story of Bennie's prayer; the tears were shining in his eyes as be roar to goo Ralph and llennit grew to be firm friends, and Bennie told Tabby that might before they went to bed,, as he Wood ber up in his arse s, and hid his faoe in her soft fur, just think,. Tabby. Tabby, we thought of It, all .oar ewnselve'8, and the Lord did help atpa. 1 knew Ile would vlipn.Xasked .—Merru* Mf1114, C. KNECHTEL Wingham, March 4, 1890. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER eonwill buy the ODELL, TYPE INRI- w TER with 78 characters, and i 1$ for the INGLE CASE ODELL, warranted to dq better work than any machine made. It combines eitnplicity with durability, speed, ease of operation, wears longer without, post of repairs titan any other machine. Hae pp ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, nickel plated, perfect anti adapted to all kinds of typo writing. Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, iogli!lo manuscripts. Two or ten copies can be made at One writing. Any intelligent person earl become an operator' In two clays. We oiler $1 ,000 to any operator who can equal the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special nducentents toAealers, For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, &c., address ODELL TYPE W1,1;ITER Co., 85 and 87 6th Ate CISIOAGO, ILL. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor, INToW is the time to paint your houses, and Bargains at every counter in our store. Cheapest FUR' COATS in town, in Ladies' and Gentlemen's Come and see them. Big Bargains in Boots and Shoes ! People stand in amazement when we tell them the price, and bay a pair for every member of the family. CHEAP TWEEDS, CT,'EAP SUITS, CHEAP OVERCOATS, CHEAP SHIRTS, CFIEA.P DRAWERS, CHEAP SILK CHEAP FANCY GOODS for Christmas. RUBBER 'r PAINT sw111111MOMMIIMMININ Ria —la the— BEST in the WORLD, Lumber of all kin.s, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car toad Orders a Specialty, WOOD delivered to any part ot Wingham. growers by mill proleptiy Waded to. atonal T1IOMgoN', wiaktto P.0 None genuine unless stamped "Robber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio," We also have the best CANAMIAN Rcady Mired Pants You can get any shade you desire, in quantities coating from 10 cents up,. For Whitewashing and Kalsomining, ask for h+e . and don't take anything else. Now is the time to buy OEM Id St MEM For your friends and foes, when you can buy them at HALF PRICE; las. A. aline & C. HALD WARE MERCHANTS, Wingham. WINGHAM MARBLE WORKS! CHEAT' 1 CHEAP ! 1 Everything in our store you can buy CHEAP FOR CASH, so come and see for yourself, and we are satisfied you will go away con- vinced that we are giving the BIGGEST BARGAINS in Town. No trouble to show Goods. T. A. MILLS. se - 0 ll'avingbought a very large stock of new Scotch and English„ Tweeds at the closest Cash Prices, I will sell at a very small advanet>: on cost. eking a retrospect ot ley thirteen or fourteen Ars business in Winghatif I desire mostheartily to oder 111y thanks to my friends and E e public well evilly for too liberal patronage oxteneteti to Inc In the past. I may also state that I am in ittpajftien to offer better Inducements than ever to those requlrinlr anything in filo lite of Granite or Stone 11tonuments. 7<f ADSTONEi3, WTNDOW SILI4S, STONE T1tTMbiXN(,dt1, FOIL FENCING, Iko "QUICK RETURNS" is my motto. Fine Worsteds, Scotch Cheviots, 1Vdeltons, Sergee, Venetians, and everything of Men's Wear for Overcoats and Under Suits, in stock, TWEEDS—a very Large Range of the Latest Patterns. Call and examine. By so doing you will save money. As I only keep Experienced Hands, you may rely on getting them made right, and in the Latest Fashion, or to taste. Still a few Goods on the Bargain Counter. T El OE. LESLIE. WIVnnAM, Nov. int, 1.800. 1 would bepleascd to have these dettrpu fire• t curing any article% In mr line to call end examine geode, comparepriees and leave their orders, so that. the geed% mat Iso secured and prepared ctriw' in the smitten, You ran select from the latest *coigne and obtain the fittest wot kmansh*p at the most favorable hitch%. Vest reapocttutiy, yenta WIC Stirtirit,. Wingiter aw Ont. .16 NEN Has removed to E. F. Ged:ster's old stand, where be has a large +,l .'t nicely assorted stock of Watches, tches, Clacks, SeweILery, Silverware awl, - Spectacles, . ,arSpect cles, Which lie is selling away down in price, anti will be pleased to have you Balt andtale a, look through his Stock. oimmolonizeitmermennimin Repairing ae SlDeci-alter. , *""All work warranted and done promptly, Ed. . Dinslev, Tga.SOteS Block. THOUSANDS OP BOTTLES ' 1VEN AWAY YEARLY. a When t osif Ourie ,I do net mbtfr• merely to atop iota tore and (Ibis Iltarn Wears. Macchia others ham% fatted is no reason for not now thin iPoat Onto a flu ton *De It of kits ze �t otheinreturnagain. 1 MNAIyANAD1OALi!G!RtIE+ lava mad*** sof tlrplry or Fan' ng $1bknew% a► life ion artitd + I float sant ria remedy to