Wingham Times, 1890-11-28, Page 7idi areng' 'th* to theta, or directly .a>w the Alga of Gogh of feels tr gue ee b. r tela of a. hat e weight of ut a bat, .a ball,* by holding :it , where there At tell by tit* e going r, can you :lo+ and 4 knowledge ,of progressions of u till on whirl t, can: you tell is put to Your e Lark of the. conpat•S., g,toll what land and how many o it 2 Do yowl sound made Ly fh''i cetera without and shades ii* an you tell whieb 'which is woolen eh of differer uta black strung,, tests only, tell you arae faatting t flavor has beets water 3' taste like tat of water allithoft rise your sPnses t observation). and Lt you observe 1 of Efuaori."' suet in 13rucefaalct. The treasurer's nd certifieel to .be he remit on the nister''s fund Is?. disposed of. , with decease wife't� till next 'Weetin8. of the report oil ;s was delayed till Simpson reported e pnipua ,of Bay, erne vacant in dtte. teff' was ilatitied of Ottawathat the usca of Mr, . S. x?. ted by the latter Prea- i wits dia<eeted to year at college. 14:zi' Seafortl►, .was iai5ani� tI>ts the next Modern, bly, The - following e adopted respecting s, resignation , of • .trail ceptiiig the resignations A. McOonlielt,ii ,f th of Bayfield Road anti sbytery desire tri planet ;steel's tri which the kali Preehytery. } 'we attendance and in hi 11 duties required oft hit the Most friendly *11 ing existed al yn b WS brethren...Alf brethren...n the hiiul the Presbyter 1t the ( ma ,Heard ,uld snake him er,itleu abundantly uuecessf i wthiolt he hes ,go bless olid 80 '4° h v., The next n1601 1 Clinton, on, ;angry, at 10,861t, m. yeah wild net i days. ¶VI& e in the h bet L cm* upon some £i banns Wild tidy in four 31111A 1 fel Wiicir,ptat li y y to PSR INCE COLUMN.' 004ronerau sr TU r, :r: d, v. x. father Mathew 104410041 pied was, "For zrry nwyp sake, for the oak cif others, gild. for the glory of Gad find alcohol to he an air$lit that eyes no strength ; that reduces the trate of blood vessels and the ]apart that retinues the nervous power ;. that bailie lip no tissueat ; can lee of 00 use to mr� or ally other animal as a sub stance of fe0c1..,..D.. 1Tt, B, Riohurd. lion, The Blue Cross Total Al,sti.:enee •Society, Switzerland, origntated twelve years ago, now UUlnl,ereseveral thous. Arid niPntbors, and lies branches in 3el4iurtr, l?rrance ,told Germany, The Russian Duchy of I''fnla art of the reVellues of tite 1Sta.� xohadke. 0 Thera were fl tutee in Ottauda gP reported to Brsdstre,et's during the past we8k,altainst 37 in the preceding / week, and 39, 21 and 28 fu the corns. pending weeks of 1882,1888 land 1887, reepe'etively, In the T1'Itited States there were 200 failures repotted to Bradstreet's during the Week, se emu* pared with tut in the preceding week, end with 217, 178 and 2281 respective- ly, in the corresponding weeks of1880, 1888 and I8#7., The total number of failures iii Ranadereported to Brad, street's from Jaunty 1st. 1189O, to Nov, 25'b, 1800, was 1,415) against 1,412, 1,518 an 1,128 for oorreeponde ing periods in 1689, 1888 and /887, respectively. In the United States there were reported for a similiar per. n , las iod, 8,702 in 1.890,9,844 in 1889,8,640 Blue Rit, in 1888 end 8,851 in 1 ac TeruperereC4 L«agne, a a I 1 o l,on >uouidy Goveil b cod Tetnplary er:nn3nt orders auci a 0Ofl'Ne.11onse movement, The French temperance socia s!+tris, hes offered a pr lee of two hl Bred dollars for the best original Wo on aluuho'tsrri and cure Father Ziegler, Sr.. Louis,, Missrau DUa recent Sunday, announced fr the altar that he bad prepared a fi of the habitue drunkards iu the pa doh, and banned k to a committee *ditty ladies of the aougre;atiun. T deciles were to peep a watch on tit drinkers. who mere to be seeielly erecised, While R.iwaird T, Taylor, the OP 1111011'11 fridad tvas delivering one of,`iii t=emperance leutul'eg, n well know drunkard present, dis'ikilig seine o bis remarks, coinulenced hissing Father Taylor turned the atteaitir,n e tl audience to him, and then said its Oh own peculiar way,, as . be pointed to him: There's a red nose got into eeold water. Don't you bear it hiss s' There is a singular unanimity of ()pinion among physicians with regard. t 1 the cleetru,itive power of arc.hol upon the human brain.. D. Rate Mitchell says, the brain,. the most imr portant organ of the body, ih' passions, the intelligence, of all human desires and feelings, of the highest as es s the basest of our. propensities,, .is the organ the earliest and mast pro-, roundly attacked by alcohol. The t;olderi Rule gives this receipt for a minister. it is as good in the pews its in the pulpit, M Vetuertt, a f ty, 111 rk ri, Urn st 1•+ of T 0 os• 1 f •+ oholar$hi ,,, ()batman Same (sanctified) 17 parts k'iety(genuine and unadulterated)30 parts Persaveranoe:.., Cheerfulness.... sparts;' Innsntivenss, .., G darts ; elfisilnest.. . 8 parts Suavity( never scold variety) ' 12 0 parts Touthfullless(rray haired brand) 4 parts, 100 parts president C.trter, of Williams Col..,. .:tette, is a very practical Prohibitionist. The torso authorized the granting of two liquor Iicenses, but time passed on d no phloem for. the • sale of liquor were opened. Investigation showed that 'President Carter, had quietly bought the two licensea and thus resented the legal sdde at liquor in owel. .4 stock Prnupany, man pays more taxes than the d, And we find that the isp'slit in this way comes out of the joint stock company, Ti1e 111411 does the drinking, and the wife and tihtIdren pay the license in their,• ntaiplatsory denials. The man drinks Ais�1 only keep Experienced Hands, you may rel ha whisky a'd`dle familymade right and in the Latest b' /' yon getting then 111trdn it_... pays the � Fashion, tit tsi testa,' s is a plain ease of tax• �- 'latoil without representation. That Still a few Coods4on the Beam's Counter. inapirrepresentin4 a fondly suits men too ,vf,ll, N"17; government Wrieoirair, Xov. 1st, 1800. Tr -10S. LESLIE'. is beater of fir a,:license. The Rave you a Cough ? 'T'ake Wilson's Wild Cherry, fluve you 0 Cold ? Take Wilson's Wild;, Cherry. Have you 13roucbitia? Take Wilson's Wild cherry. Have you lost yowl voice ? Take Wilson's Wild (:Berry; }lave you Asthma ? Take Wilsou'e Wild Cherry. Have you a Cold in the Read ? Take • Wilson's Wild Cherrry The old Reliable Qure for all dif eases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Sold by all druggists. Rider -1 would• like to sell this horse ; lie's just eating his tread off Walker—Well, li think that will iln• prove hint', Give lite the man who sings at his work, says souse gvtlshful Writer. Do. give him to anybody that wants hdm, BANE OF 1121111.1411'0N, TON, w- NCS x-1 AL ZW. Capital, $ri1,000,000. Rest, 84b0 000 President --Jolts S7IAaT. Vice.President—A, 0. italesAY.o • ala cTorts Jc»i P,R•oorog, CIIA8, G}rIRYRP 0110 1444c11, A. Woon, A, B. Lint (Toronto). Cashier—d, V./BLLOC-fa , BAVIIIKO 8ariit hours, 10 to 3 ; Satul'days, EY to 1. Depocktts of 01 and upwards rocetved,and interest allowed. *PaolaDePr,nitg, also received, at current rates of interest. .D:efts on Great Britain and the United State bought and sold. MIr.Y Glt & DICE NSOR SON, AGENT. 1301,aotaoas. BARBER SHOP. 31R. 1 fALCOL11 MoDONALD, (was or 111111, 37,) Hat lig purchased the barbering business of Messrs, Sebastian Bros., h prepared to give all old customers and us tunny new,ones as patronize trim, satisfaction in all linos of the profession. S1141/ING,, AND NAIRCI1171ND are my specialties• .sive nae noon at the old stand, opposite 0ordoo and Alolntyre'sstore. M. MCDONALD. au Wit. who And themselvesuer ousmiddle w k or exilso t ed, who are broken dawn front ex4eat) or overwork, resulting in ready of the following 4ymptoms ; Mental deers,. sten, premature old age, 1044 of teltality, iosa of memory, diad sireatus', dimness of sight, palpitation .of the beaxt, elnissi0la, lack of ellerdiyr pain. lit the kidlleyiba heedai,kei pimples on the face oil body, itching or pepular sensation about the sututuri;, waisting, of the os sus, dirsiness, specks befvro the eyes,, twitching of the eyeltda, acrd elsewhere, bashfulness, sa depoeure in the urine, io„e of will power, teudernes. of the scalp and spine, weak .and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by bleep, constipation, dullness of bearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excite,. bility oft temper, sunken eyes sur. rounded with &BADER oxxax,u, oily looking skin, etc,, are all symptoms of nervous debility that led to laanity and dead useless curet*. The r poi g or vital power having, lost int tension every fu,uction wanes. in oonsequetico, roOSEr txhA through, abu4e Colnhuittc:d in ignorance Inn be y perutauetitely cured,. ,Send your address. for book on, all diseases peculiar to man. dddreas M. 1, LT -WAN, 60 Front, St, S,, 'Toronto, Out, ,Books sent free Sealed. Jl cart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spell's, purple lips, numbness, palpi;tatien,, skip beats, not flushes, rush of blood, to the head, nil pain in the Heart with, brats troug, rapid and irregular, the second ORDERED PL.... d heart beat quicker tbau the brat, pain about the. breast bone, etc., mu positively be cured. No pure, nopay. mend for book. Address Ill, V. LU13O T, ” i0 Front Street Rest, Toronto, Ont. C. P. 13. Vail; TA$,.1;,1.�'. Trains arr176 and depart ae follows f,RAVI$o 6:35 a, m For Toronto o 2:20 p to 55:35 35 an, , t,u 2:30 p.m...,. For h'eeswater....... ,2 20 p.m 10,110 p, m 10:30 • CM.A..N'13 TRt7 'Y A. C, $TS4T$DEE, Aram, 'Wtaoleaot, Through;Whets to all points .in America—North- West, 1?aerllo Coast, eta., via the shortest and all popular route& Baggage, checked' through destinatioh. Lowest freight rates to all point , to TABLE.1—.--- town4 Wizettnie, ARRIY$ ax w1NrlitAal. 0:30 au.Toronto. Guelph,pahuer stoh, 4' . 3:30 p.m. 11:10 60. 3:30 p.m. " " Clinton, „ 7:25 .. Palmoratol,1ilzed, ati15 a+a.0;46 a m Looy, 3:40 p.m. . r:43 p.m. . 0;30 Liu.309 1010" . ' 31:10 , 0:60 P,nl Phrenology, Physiognomy and Physiology. Bend Photograph cif Yourself or Friend with $1 Crharacter and the Pursuit you arten e adapted for ; also stating what pe -son you should marry to be happy. Photo. returned with chart. G. CozRNs Phrenologist, Murillo P. O. via Pott Arthur, Ont Late of Winrhum. Property ror Sale in Beirriorea The undersigned offers for -sale a desirable pro petty in the village of Bohnore, consisting of a good dwelling house, odic°, stable and driving shed, with one acre and a -halt of land„in Connection. S iondid garden, with all sorts of fruit tree*. Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars, apply to FREDEIUCii CO(ili, a�olmo..e. Homing bought avery large stock of new 'Tweeds at the Closest Cas irr Prizes, I will sell at a, co yll small dvand attte 1 on cost. "QUICK RETURNS, is my 'risotto. Fine=Worsteds, Scotch Che riots,,ligeItons, Serges,, Venetians, and everything of Men's: Wear for Overcoats an.tlh'nder Sults, in stock. TWEEDS --s, very Large Range of the Lateskratterne. Cali and examine.. lay so doing you will save rimonov. cli•1lt just as much poorer as the elltounts to, If our 4zavE,rnW4 011'y realized the whisky N. revert. vier which she glories are wrung • the miserable drllnkard, or are taken from the poor auger. and children, it soma T1114 XDIT' xl Flerue inlorr irr readers that thieve ,1 ti.e:reit }ax { e.i�1,b1 iiy tis thusly use'ti1 xuands orhapriosa ogres 1irive b $ ( P slum 4d tp.aeudrtwo bottles of ray re edy Crates to any e,• ie Add' era „•ill sand are their se* and Post Ofl4� ***are r• o1/4 • drat rkl iIM4014Ai41Y 1114. immeri rch itf f AAiI{ty GO TO EBSTERS oikps Qtair4. Cheap fir SASH WEBSTEIttS uffield Non. NEW ENT TOP MILK CANS, 'CREAM OANSt MILK PAIL , SAP BUCKETS. . and MILK PANS. barything in the Dairying- Lig �a AVS: -TROUGHING A SPEC. AL 'S Repairl j Wi11 be Prompt]3r Do if 9Y> .Wi I,NY iRl 4ry.:” MRS. HER ' ,7A . Hns.}ler, stock of fall Goods to hand and opene3 plate and.has.been purchased in the best Foreign eash,.,andiziritl.be sold, at lowest l;os3ible profits. and :Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Brocades, Plush and Velvet Cloths. out. It is mos': con Hem! lllaiket,, for :Silks, Satins Maatie SPECIAL. ATTENTION TO MANTLE MAKINC AS USUAL.: WITS AND,BpN11Y,ETS, Ii'ii 1 ITED XN^ LATEST STYLE. GOODS I.5111O11,TED DIRECT, EGGS. TAKEN AS CASH.: Mrs,. wxi ox , Aug. 2'8th, 1'800.. Herdsman. WINGHAM •J FOU Y 4M ER R. A Y dr. C• 0.,. $.0,30ts to B M 110hinsoli, nnanufaotprarora At-•• ,. L ' L S T 0 Wo haze the patterns Ont.*. Robinson and.Caa supply repels for all kinds a 3uil lementit. • lina4.2.1.0X8 MADE AND SHArtrENED4 SA CV -t M - AD... • i The patronr,l{o of the public initiated, td -Any quatitity,of oht Uast iron .igtetp wanted, 11/11luA, ' r&i er,ruk7etloithimsbnysy rid. a in .6701 41.orklar daring the vitt eighteen .ears, y,rnn1I 3nate 0414,ih90. - �:,. 4 *sY that i hme Y34red my launch to tke shave *jaw R i n Sly reCotavtorl,ded.re flrst,clates trrsoWing Uzi * rr 111 &telt *sr *MO 44440444:1444444444 ai W 4 1'M�� y 414 + _t