Wingham Times, 1890-11-28, Page 5t • " • re71 ': • ....001000-.....,144"3"0„....., 1010"14111aellttlialliffflalt,..........- • —.......... . - qr - )A1 rota the feirest iitheritarde op doult Verily true prayers form e *104 diout itilivriranceman illil*Irika11094.10 WWI regh,. not be deetroyed by Bond* ox. 11 be fires, "'Dry are all," as Aateilew hem- Henry says, ''lilsd. up in heaven, awl will certainly be anewereda. 4ex1scso ()Deed up when we are earning ieto the world may be answered zse we erat jollying it," Let us, then, take Writ ti of God'a promise, "I will be a foIlkft BRIO thee and ta. thy seed lifter thee," and let us continue in eerneat prikyer for the conversion and SitlItAifiOrthOld ef our et ildren. Thus j have mentioned foar anima we May adopt in seekiug to train our tigieg children, 'PR+ leligIT .1 JivEl Oleo Wore IStiOD [firmly I °Move C4ii's Word, ''Train ?,ninic up a child in the way he should go, find when he is old he will not depart from it." If any of our ehildren, MS . they grow op,live and die uncouvertect we must IHOe feilecl hi oar duty tt, them, 1\ hat a stimulus tide elionld, be for us to be faithful, At a 0011,111; tion in Illinois an old man over 7O years said there was only one thing he remembered about Lis lather, and t hat one thing followed him throegh, life. He had no reeollection Of his, death or funeral, but he remembered one winter, night his father took, a chip and whittled a cross with a pocket knife, and with tears in his eyes he held up the cross and told him of how God iu His love sent Ells bon to re- deem us and bow Jesus died on the erose The story of the cross followed him through life. „ away that the 1111.1t Van. Attate Benue i. them 1 here the le Ot' negli udesl lassea give earn - given very riding ttery, have al, if ;hem- ished their our 'OD Ws had, lead Ise in word rally y to Joe McBurney, of Wa,vanosh, spent not Sunday with friends • her".—is y be Jennie Campbell bus returned from a (4.) fortnight's visit to North Easthope ,J and Wedesley,—Miss Lang, of Grey, take was tile gnest of Ms 'Al aggie , you last week. --R Anderson makes an. break occasional trip to the 9th. Object— them ,Nlatriniony.—Elijah Higgins met mem. with a serious aecident last week. xi on In some acenlental manner a rusty ntiil entered the palm of his hancl,, which left nal wily wound and has. caused n great deal of staling. It. spems trit0 the nail has in some way. tampered with the nerve, which is the calm° of all the pain. The doctors,. are in hopes that it will not change to blood poisoning which, would indeed be a eerions affitin—John Baby and farthly have left for, parts 'unknown. After spending the fall in threshing,. he collected his wages and slcippedwith his ill gotten boodle, leaving many creditors to inourn his loss. „Ma. Alex.. Gemmill, tax. collecter, will set1! by public auction on Dec 2nd, tl"e effeets on the farm vacated by Mr Raby, to defray the taxes, which were.. left uepaid.—Mr. Fraser liad a five: sere field of turnips which yielded t an average )4800 bushels per acre.. Mr. Fraser has reason to fel proud of his crop, as it is the,best yield in berry and and no doubt the best in the couuty.--Last Thursday . afternoon,. the flute along the river at Mr. Fraser's were the scene of a ahooting, match between sides captained by U. Henning and,Peter Haetings. After the sides had beet' chosen, the shoot-, lug commenced, and when each side had shot one round,. Mr.' liastings had the lead, but in the next round. Mr. elennings' Ode recovered their loss and secceeded in defeating their opponents by 88 points. After enjoy- ing thetnaelves in the field of battle, the boys replurectto the hoose, where the wants of the inner man ware supplied Ify a "Sallipetf us repast, par9d.byMra.Viaser. When they bad partaken of the delicacies providz elf for thorn, theboys dispersed itt. several directions, Latt only to return with a number of the fair sex who are eleven), necessity in. .every social gathering. The testa the evening, was employed to the "delight of all in tripping the light .fantastic, and when the wee stun' hoots of morn ha& appeared,. they wended their • Why. hoinewarda, all deeming that they were well pleaped with, the many err. joylnents 'of the evening and 'the kind way they were entertaihed by those who had allowed. them the use, of their house for the evening. t'Ast4 Ifiraittatabt. It is our unpleasant duty to ,chrou- iclo the death of Peter M , oldest Bun, of Mr. Walter Scott, of the 7th eon- cessbm Wkicill tot& plaee in Milten on Monday, 24th . inst. Deceased wes. unt 24, years of age and his early dernite has Bag a hluoin over the etas tire coninannity, The remaios were brought home on Wednesday :midi %tare oti Thursday carried to their last reatilig place in the 13elgrave •oemetery followed by a large number) 1 out ,of sorrowing Mewls end 'relatiret. • Glonfarromr. o be zed at it at arch. daily. Idren gods. molly noble store, on) es, ve 111 Are ildren What per.. 3hild• :Other pre.s- rently louse. df of chapa .and artily Make and I in - fleets, t be daily your. pre- Jeru- Bible thus tures, r- eaoli- 13 elf of Water eirent teach esson7 porn) malty and )f get-, their child- 1rregGo - oboe], study hould and age. cd, of it la, after praywii er her ohihi anion it ex tElid rTen Tratze to new sulitorikers , • abovei 31st ....hocambeers 1894 bar it.1,--14404, a s. ins I ..1„ s 1 s et, • - • 11104,31Watero ADDRXIIS AND rAiNSENTATION, On Friday eeenitzig of Jast week, at largo 84010413g of member); and adherents of Zinn Congregation, Teeavreter,prio- eipally ,young poop's, togrther with a goodly number :from the gluter oh u relies 1110t at the residenee of Mr George Colvin, os a manifestation of their esteem and kindly/ feelings toward their piietor, Etev. A. B..Linhan, M. A , 13,D. After a general conversation and hand shakiug, some voeal music was render- ed by some of the members of the choir PO °there, Mrs Brown acting as SO-, uompanist ; also a recitation by Ur. Alex. Dever, The gathering .was then called to order and the address givell below was read to the Bastor, by Miss Mary Strath and a very valuable opeu-faued,,stern winding gold watch, packed with .bink notes,in a handsome est, was presented by Mr, Archie McDonald. The pastor was so taken by surprise that for some Moments he was unable to find words to Px press his feelings,but on regainingeomposure be made some very appropriate re- tria,rks, expressing his gratitude for their tangible appreciation of his ser- vices and that he would aver remem- ' her with love and respect the many friends whom he .had made • in and aroancl ['dross, and although he regretted not having done more during his sojourn with them, yet he felt lie had ever the cause of the Lord in view and bad striven rather to please his Master than to gain the favor of men Ho concluded by saying that should they never meet again on earth it was Ws earnest prayer that they should all net in heaven, where there wo.ild be no more parting. , Refreshments .were then served, which reflected great credit upon the ladies. .After which, ikthe choir sang, "God he with you till we meet again," when Bev. Mr. Spar. • ling made a short and suitah:e addreas, dwelling upon the brotherly feelings which had al weys existed between him: self and air. Linton, in whom he had ever found a faithful friend, cud Loped he would yet remain till next June when they could both leave together. • Thloremainder of the evening was • .131i. t in song et;nzing, music, games, in which all participated. All went home much pleased with the evening's amusements, The 'folio wing is•the address : To Iluv, A. R. LINTON, M.A., B. D. • . PASTOR ZTON 1.?.ItliSBYTBRIASI ORRUGEf, TBBSWATIIIR. o DRAB PASTOR, --It is with deep re, gret we learn that in the near future You, intend to sever your connection with Zion Congregation and we cannot allow the . opportunity . to pass away • matthongiving t yon some yosoe tangible .ex- pression of the.esteein in whiolloyou are,,: eld, and our appreciation of your 4, serAles and worth. Daring your pas- torate, by your gentlemanly and christain deportment, ,,you have won .• tho.respect and. ' esteem not only of your own congregation, but of all others in the eommutoity.. As a Citi: zee, you have entered heartily into every novement set on foot for the pronontion of, the paboic good. As a ptitor, yon have been dilispit in ad: ministering to the wants of the people in their homes,- while in the pulpit yuu imyeslio vii yourself an able ex- pounder of the word and a faithful minister of the New Testament, fear- less in your condemnation of wrong, and bold in your defence of the right, end at the same time evincing a hearty sympathy with all under your pastoral care. We assure you that "your labors have not been in vain in . the leird,": forb' your faithful minis- tlekeionis and consiatent walk, WO have been led into a • better christian life. Oueearnest nrayer: is . that Heaven's riche's!): blessings May be witkyotl wherever the Providence of Godmay appoint you your field of labor. And when the Chief Sheppard shall appear, .finty we he stars in your drown of rejoie. lila. He that goeth forth and reapeth • bearing preeiou a skied, liail donbtless co again with rejoicing. We ask e y ceopt this ).vatch, not for.the Bb,' e ; its intrinsic value, but as a «light token. of 'esteem from your triencle in Zion Church, We ask you. , to beer in: mind that as you carry this • gift•you also carry, our Ileafavishes,and as this timepiece nifty be to you a fil,itlifel friend, tha telling the. moments , as they fly, it will he to yoo, a remine . der of the many and true friends yon 1ave left behind you: May God be 4.with yen till we meet again. 'Renato Mansirxtr, BAltnirox BALLAGiu fit n ed It. (). Biiowg 324o. tletatAx JAS, WALVIR ,Jititarmter. Nov. 2Ist, 181)0. On Tuestisy last, Thomas Smith, Sit wan of Bleakuey Smith, was 4t1Ig on titre cep of a oylinder Br. 's tlx theiree tang let him into the cylifigier. He milt dreadfully mangled Awl died foilt hours aftetviardA Morrie: The �iinft root on the 1,0th No vernlier, 1891), at the gouneil ,'cont, pursna,nt to adjournment Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting road Rod passed. Moved by Geo Kirkby, sec. ()tided by jag. Proctor, that tt: Shorte reed lie paiii $20 for taking care of Wm. Palmer during the past' four months, and that be be allowed $2 per week for taking care ef said Pa- lmer in tli,) future—Carried, Moved by S. Calhick,seoonded by 0 A Howe, that the bond tendered by the coPec. ter be accepted as setisfautory—Oara ried. Moved by G.A. flowe„Recondecl by Geo, Kirkby, that the Reeve be. granted an order for $60, to pay exe penaes on pending suit against the et.treasurer's sureties--Oarried. Moved by Jas, Proctor, seconded by George Eirkbygincl carried, that the following accounts be paid ; Jos. Evans, repair-. ing culvert, t1.50; W. J. Johnston, burying dead horse, $1 ; J. Sellars) building culvert, $?4• W, Innes,graved, $3,40; A.rnent 1.3ros., plank, $4; liowik Insurance 00., Assessment on hall, 50 cents; Gen. Pierce, gravel, $2 80; A. Sloan, do., $3 85 ; James darter, do , $1 25 Tyner Bros , nun: bei, $10 fiS ; Duff es Stewart, lumber, $13,51; Geo.Premor,repairing Forbes' bridge, $52.50; Gen, Proctor, contract on Maxwell's hill, $20 ; G. Maxwell, lumber, nails, and building culvert, $3 55; \V. Rutledge, flatting in box drain, $2.40 ; Misses Li'xford, charity, l0; Slater es Sims, repairing scrape'', $4 75 ; J is. Jackson, digging ditch, $9,40 ; J as. J1t0k801; culvert, $5.50; JAS. Smith digging ditch, $100 , P. Ellison, digging ditch, $8 ; Robert Hnghes, culvert, $8' J. McArter, gravel, $3.40 ; A Mcrter, re• ).pairin approach to Sunshine bridge, andb culvert, $5'Jus, 'Russel, repairing Chirk‘e andArrnstrong's bridges, $93; Selectors of jurors, catch, $4 ; J. Smil- be, cleaning out drain on lst condine, $1. The council then, adjourned to meet again on the 15th December next. W. OrAinc, Olerk. At the late Pitting of the Ohaticevy Court, at Ooderich, the ease pf the Township of Morris against Mr. Newcombe (the late treasurer) and tha. Bank of Hamilton, was referred to 5, Ma'colmson, Mester at Goderieli. • 1111.111111, WINCHAM TAIINERY --and— GLOVE. WORKS. Gloves in Book. Goat. Calf, Nappa, Suianac, Sheep and Fur Driving Gloves always In stook or made to order. Also a • Domestic Bu.ffaloes. Don't buy a Robe until yuu see them. A fall stoeirof Bd, Frenoh and Domestic, Gail, and Rip Harness and Sole FINDISOkt For Shoe and /fatness Blithers, always on hand. Orders solicited. W. J. CHAPMAN. ...•••••••••04..•-•-armuweur DOES CURE in its First Stages. Palatable as Milk. . , Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggis.s, at SOC. and 0.00: • SCOTT & BOWNE, Defecate. • Executors' Notice. DIJRSTIANttollie Revised Statutes et Datatio, .1. 1$87,olvepter 110, Jodie,' 36, the Dreditore of CrockWillits, NW of the Township at Rowlek, the County of Huron, SAO Province of Ontario, Yeo. man, who died on or about thelith day of August. A 1)1850, are required to send to .1 A Morton. of the UNDO Witighem, in the County of Huron, Solicitor for be undersigned executors of the said deceased, on or Wore the 17th day of rortanbor, A I) 1810, their names, Addresses and descriptions the NB PartioUlars of their claims; a statement of their arc. counts, end the nature of tho securitims (if any) held by them. And notice Is herebv givsn that the Executors will immediately after the last mentioned day proceed to distribute the assets of the said de. MA notice. t*r W1344414 ceased among theW134441tie: loyni1,s, u tt,1011eTdtiletoo.intkelt g regard only to theobtime of which they shall thh en all • Ones Ur WIO.r.te, J AwMingoahrazlin, ootIhruit,o3ar foockr Exeoutois, • Groceries, Fruit, CONFECTIONERY, —AT TU.—. cscuPsE., JOHN WERE. NEW BUTCHER SHQP. GEO. SHAW Wishes to Intimate to the people of Wingham and vicinity, that he has commenced the Butchering Business aguin, and has opened out in tho Old Stand, a few doors North of the Brunswick House, STEAK, 1.0c. per Ib.; LAMB, 10o. per And other Meats In proportion, some as low as Sc. per pound. SA.USAGES, &c., always on ,hand, Meats delivered to any part of tho tows. The Patronage of the public solicited. GEO, SIUW. MGRAIN HALING MILLS. JOHN WATT, • -11anu0leturer of- • [WILDING MATERIAL of all kinds, -Both as - SASH, DOOR'S, BLINDS, •FRAMES, Etc. Flooring, Siding, etc., dressed to order on the shortest notice. 1 Wo have over 100,000 feet of Dry Lumber in our yard, and ran sup- ply seasood stuff of alIkinds. A call solicited. JOHN WATT. Wingham, Aloe ath, 1850. GOR]. ON & Mol If you want at good Suit of Scotch., Irish, or Canadian Tweed at a Bargain, go to 0-ordon & McIntyre. If you want Owmcons, READY MA.DE CLOTHING or ITNDERCLOTIL, MG of ay description at Bottom Prieea (TO to Gordon & McIntrre. you want SHIRTS, TIES, COLLAS, CUFFS, GLOVES, TITS or CAPS, from the finest BEAVER, to the cheapest imitation go to • 0".i Oa & Mcint yre irvou want First -Class BooTs, from, the strongest. Kip t id; 0 VERS}.10ES or RUBBERS, go to Gordon & MO If ynlr want MANTLE, GOODS, DRESS Goons or Diss „., , • of any material or shade, at Reasonable Prices, go to Gordon & Mc •Ti. you want tn select your CARPETS, either in Brussels, T' AU Wool or Union, from the largest stook in Wingharn, o to 3 MORE .EXCURSIONS BritiSh Columbia, 'Washington Territory, Oregon and California. Leave Toronto ' p. In 1'RID&Y - Nor. 28, Deo. 12, 28. Running through to Vancouver mid out change. For NOM and at t information apply to any,. Agent a the Company, or write W. U. CALLAWAY, 24 /ark St. Toronto. .A 331e:zing to 'Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND eiNT ENTII these remeolee hate dead the test of ilfty year& exporienoes, and are prayleisiide4 •,:le heat Medicine* foe *Ally tile. 111X -X, PIX.AXAS runts tho Mott,' 00rrectftfl (Reorders of the LiVIfit, ST001.01I, ItIDNAYS AND BOWELS and ere invaluable in all ootunlainiwirecidental io,fenutlee of MI ages. TflJ Cal\TTIAMIsTai tet the only reliable remedy for had legs, wee, uloorS, and old weans'. rot. taottounil„ op•ut BOATS, DothillS, MUER, GOUT, •SPEtlidellS1r, 111,ADULAN SWNLLINGS AND ALTA DICBASRS rr TIAS NO NOM.. MannfortUriti only *1 00, Mew Oxford,. Late 150, Crithrd UMW, lenarlISSI MO Mkt by all liedittine Voiniori throughent the world. tl-" look to the Label co the Demo aaa Vote. It Ole adtiee V heY lifritiOallk 1 A.., ! , .'• • 1 " " ••"'" , ;•. ,•• .4• Gordon e.z, Meli • if von want the purest TEAS, either in Black, Japan, Young; or Gun l'owder, to be bad in town, wholesale or retail, go in eonlid • Gordon & McIntyre, The Anchor House, Wingh ....noroormeas.ww.romolows.• . • ..3-44, • 0), 1. .r, •• 4 Has removed to E. 'F. Gerster's old stand, where be has a large a nicely assorted stock of NaratebaS, Clock% Novrall4ry, Slivarware amk •Spntadeg, • \Viola].) he is selling, away'down in pr'ice'and will he pleased brave you. call and take a, look through his Stock, :Repairing a Specialt y. WA11 work warranted and done promptly. Ed. Dinsley, 1.0111•1•1111.• Mason's Blook 1 AT - 00'1 WINGFIAK tiara tock aucl.sliovr