Wingham Times, 1890-11-28, Page 4Duties of parolestothe a wishyour child to be so. You rosy ILLIAMS lcu,t;l 011001. tate of thesis wl,strttst virtues! and try > lrtu: eau i't's; to explain thew, hut if they talto root tt ` in your own hear and grow and Woe, =MST. .901,4 Igr aoc, .N. traaln►r. stun and bear fruit in your own life, 11'0 have here the solemn region,. your eaitdrett will he likely to admire, :Ability of ptarNuts wine t they etnnot them, as they admire flowersand fruit tt roav utr on any S. 13. teaches", or DGIIrani er, bey ere enjoined to •teach RUGS ° kind. tram their uhtldren, At Clerist'e . P. B. TICKET , EHT, C11: . TELEG A?H CO, T 5 C4 . BAA. Brunswick Mug V ngliam, -' Out Iltidin4llanotimo ltlli. Y, NOYb t nit: 28, :890 EDITO •tTA.I, NORBS. I'r is understood that the next sese ' tau of the Coterie Legislature will pen in the later part of January. Thief monetary situation. in Loudon tuglaud) and, New York has become °bery favorable, and entire confidence ;i restored. 'Iiia election to fill the vacancy' iu r 1:ie Cotein oes fvr'Sauth Victoria bas een fixed for 1 ednesday, Dee, 10th ; oulinetion a week'earlier. Sift Il,ioiiaaaD • .OA 0TWiUGiLT Will ad. ress a'public meeting hi Guelph ou he lith o£ Deoernber, on Protection etid Reeiprocity. ' IT is said. thatthe Engglish Govern-nent, deeming ;l;he time, opportune vitilgr the Paroelb.scandal isefresh in e o { et mind's -of of rhe. people, .has) decided •,sela'ta`peefiatr'ent in the spring. bele :since tete Canadian ins• 'tome rtutl4orities taxed the instruments ' of AineriCarco USiciaus ;Crossing over into W-iuclsot to play on Canadian soil. The Atierioaus' have now retaliated ,with a sii1uular measure. otreniss of the Outerio election. testi ioas have 'igen up• for. hoaric•g .but 'time fee none of the petition's, have j'1*nen- successful.: The petition agehest s.lion. G. W. Foss was. dismissed as oleo thtat a,ainst Mr. Balfour, Libert►i hitt South Essex: :r .Tire teed cal fecnityof Toronto Urni- orsity Inas atecepted the generous offer of.Wtr,. 17.ulock, M.E., to defray the oapoilees of Prof. Ramsay Wright to Gerutany to familiarize himself with the dotutts of Dr. Facet's cousutnptiou 'Pave, id Prof. 'iiiright ; tefc for Ger- -welly er- -to:>an ' roti, .11'j'.otrday last. ; )XLN I3Arezo Femme, F un e, J. P. P. for North Norfolk, died at his residence, bear Siiiecae, rt on Saturday last, of .paralysis of the brain. Ha: was in the %fifty sixth year of his age, heviu; been 'iron on the farm on which be died in .august 183; . He was one of the best •-lanvwn, and popular of the supporters o1'tlie ` ke owat Ooverument, having l,te,pi'oselltetl'l t,t°tli itiorfolltsince 1879., e-.ordrl for ;be past tight years served the i= •i beritl.•party iu the house in the .t, a,ptaeity'of whsip. eulroatt, l'lr. I}a1V,Eoliinilon, oldie 4fh con. 'mon, ratted a line Dara on Thursday t, Mr. l'", Crowe was the framer. tette building was up, , the young s engaged in a dance, which was nig ;ttae greater part of the night. rig ,Et6. Simpson tnet with a very sa ttecideiit at the finish of< the ,jutuping down drone of the weut through a, temporary the cellar temeeath and. broke t tour the wrist, btesidee gettitig ni braised atkeut the head and ver. Jas. 'Simpson, tint tettcher 1t the expiration of his term, alasseoured a more luertttiveeitua time teutb of Turubarry. Tlie and road are past description ty,ryttae road to Winglettlut.,--e eb7', Pickett ar'rrved hone front week and iutelttts going to t oontplette }leer tailueetio .—e rata., of it:dew, is visiting at 'Calf's, his ifirt rehter's. rod (i q duryaul ciipewint( r. fw d is peotaiaig .tip > lot ate de as s • td ,ik> bur duty must render an account more thou the ooaunoa seeds from w1iiuh they grew. Through your love, patience mot outupazssion, they may learn of (4hrist's love aud cont- ' how they have dlsu!►•arged t heee pasasion.. Rola up, then, dotty before of to " , isoltttntt duties. '.1'o.'neglect the train}. them the image of a (Allot -like life. jug of oiiitgeee ies tet show the cruelty In teaching and treining your children, • remember thtt your hardest and roost iniportaait task is to keep r.ght your own heart aud life in tette love and fear of God. What 1 wish to iipresss with l all possible emphasis, to levo written„ d piece which has ito more oannectiou firmly •I relieve Bead's Word, ".Train iia lar;;e.goldeu letters on the wall of with S. S, work than with Public 1 tip a child hi the wily he ehould gra, and when be is old he will not de,pwrt from it," M any of our children, ,unconverted , f 1 nw al iveatadde they grow 1.1 we moat Breve ft►iled in our duty tt. thew. 14 bat a. stimulus this should be for ns to he faithful. At a eonven• tion in 111iuois an old roan over 70 years said there was only one thing be remembered about Lis father, tout that one thing followed him through, life. He had no reeollection of his. death or funerel, hut he remembered cue winter, night his father took a obip and whittled a cross with a pocket knife, .and with tears in his eyes he bald up the cross and told him of how God iu l -(is love sant His Son to re- deem ns and how Jesus died on the cross The story of the cross follgw'ed him through of the ostrich,wUioh buries her eggs to the saute." To train and educate tt, child simply for this life, leaving relie ;;ion out of the question, is also cruel.. ity1t justly ways, "it is treating the child simply as a beast of the earth, which bus but ono world to look to and nothing after death,,: Over 200 vears ago, the great 141antou said, "The devil hath a great shite at the kiu;dtarn of Christ . . . Religion was first lunched in families, and there the devil seeketh to crush. it." To day he is just as active, getting many prufes. sing Christians to iuisgine that there uo use itt thein trying to teach their {iltiidren: tarry religious truths till they are five or six years old, or that it is better to let ehidtireu sloop, as far as religion is cuxtcerued, till they reach an age to choose for tlienuselves. Dwight lies a 'sermon eontbatting this last error, tie gives eight reaeecns, one being to the effect that the devil wit not leave them alone. Satan re- joioes whenever he sees this erLOr, as his €reit chance, and gladly says to himself, "Drive ire the first five years of a child's life and 1 will teach him to disregard every law of God and roan." The great work of the 8. S. teacher is to win souls to Christ and to build them up in (Christ, and surely parents ought to regard tiris as the most important part of their work for their chiidreu. 'J'bey'oawte@ begin too soon. Cue has said that. a child's education began when his great grand father was born, and if a child is afti feeted by the livteg of his great runch • grand' parents, hgovernment, Has son mocked his sal t'v more 1.y rhe lives government, warnings and perisleed . in the terrible destruction., The sons of Eli made themselves vile and he restrain- ed,them nut, and on that account sere judgineuts were brought against his house. David was an over -indulgent father, as is seen free",1 Kings I . G,. in the aeooant of Adoxtij,aby"lies fath- er had nob displeased ltl.iu at airy, time in saying, •'Why hast' thou done so ?" lie allowed his chihireu to have too moan of their own way and was forced to reapthe sad harvests in Atunon's incest, Absalotn';s wurderousrebel.lion and Adonjtalt's sinful schemes. Similar soreeflections come upon int'areuts and children to -day, for lack of govern - tritest on the part of the former, and lack of obedience on the part of the latter. `•'A child left to himself bring eth leis mother to shame.". "The eye that xnockoth sit his father. and, des- piseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out • aud. , the young eagles shall eat :it,". Prov, 30 : 17. We, saunot reckon the long ' train of evils that follow. disobedieuce to parents, nor can we, estimate • the. blessings from obedience to thein. Trio fifth eimineandment to -the first wide promise. If it fares well in this life with those who. obey, how much moreso is the life that is t000nie.Sarah :isaac and Eliezeer obeyed rind honor, . ed Abralisana,; Joseph, obeyed and re. •spected his father Jacob„arid• it was well with them. Then what a noble ex- ample in x- atmplein Christ. 1.1,e wae;subject to his parents at Nazareth., if children ere taught to obey their parents, they are far more likely to obey i:lod, But it is no wonder to sae men and women disobedient to God who were as child ren disobedient to tbeirpeeents. See, then, that you govern your- .children. Dick says, "The child should he made to obey fl•oni the'time it i*10! or 12 mouths old, if not sooner. Mary Alien West, in 'Childhood, its Care and Culture,' says, "Obedience ought to he secured when the churl is six months old.. l roebel says, "The child should be nude to obey from the time it is first pot in ttte cradle.” Let your government be kited and firm. Treat thee@; whom you rile as rational beings, Speak, ado .finish. and reason in love love show Plat' it is right, that it is God s will that you should obey ta;ive.ft,o tznrpttseitahle comtnatid finl. see that every reasonable command is obeyed. If you cannot secure this obedience by moral ta.uaryinn, then he sura (Iod's word is still trite, 116 that taltaretlr, the rod. hateth his child. By careful inetrsttion —"Thou shalt tetteh Breen dingeutly memo th+; ciiilAlren . when than liest d,n fi►it rind when thou risest up." (I.) Beware of bad booked and hod ,itisouiatrs, Many bops owl girls are rrterl through retailing.* done' novel, hr h, ht on the t ir. r► * •sk,m ttM 4* a., streets. Tt is hard to go among rots,the fairest iulreritar a ori tAarreit:" without beim .:coed, It is 4 licult Verily true prayers form is silo* to associate with the godless without tithttrttunce---tttt inita,rltaimstltal mels, wing tainted, Tveu if your neigh.- not be destroyed by floods o bar's children are good, yours will he fires, "1:101 are a11, rise 11 utktelow better the most of the tone by them. selvt'e, • By being too frequently away they are apt to grow .ftp with that excitable spirit that oanuut tett in the gnitet healer i ). Gnartl -Against everythutg thatt wand feed their van- ity and setf•eonseit. Never expatiate oe their good qualities in the owner. of strangers, especially giving irisin for the conversion and sanctification et praise that they do not deserve, 11 our of ihireu. ifeury says, "hied up in hetivett, aatsd wilt eertaiuly he answered," 4el1fes0 offered up when we are coming into thte world may be ntnswtered op we ar+A leaving it." Let us, then, take bent ► of God's( prutuiee, "I will the a 4.4 unto thee aud to, thy coed sifter thee," and let ue continue in enru,'st prayer fear our 8. S. entertain oeuts,. where boys and girls are. applauded en the photon) tor reciting a verse or singieg 'Pilus i have mentioned four means, we iday adopt iu seeking to train our children, The longer 1 Jive the more every parent's bedroom --to have print ed on •every parent's been its with an iron pen, are these words, if 1 aro to be the means of leadin; my child to (lariat and Heaved, I must come to Ci►,gi'st myself and faithfully follow Hite. It. By kind and firm Goveernri]ent.-- Popo has well said, "Order is heaven's first law. Not iuuee good can be accomplished ill any intttitution whcere j Children even whoa very young has*e feelings that ought to.be respected, if tura world teach' there to rerpecr then.. selves. No good eau be accomplished throngh uoutittuttlly speaking of their faults to others. \''e do not like our faults to be sxposed to everyone's view, incessant scolding,and fault find- inn will dishearten thea] and. lead them to say, "Wel', there is uo.use in us trying to do anything right "A word of commendation given oceaeiQrtally will encourage very materially to nobler efforts. "Fathers proxolte not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged," 001. 111 : ?rl. (4.) Teach ea they are able to. bear, In l3ohool work, are often productive of harm. The Most enrolees aud negii gent scholar may thus get the loudest praise. Such Meetings, where classes are exatuiteed or encouraged to gine ata exhibition of what they have learn. ,4in the school where praise is given to those wha deserve it, may be very useful, (3 ) incessaut fault•iinding is as bad as undue praise told tiettory. confusion retools. et each one cti<,osea his own time for retiring and , risitt;t and having his meals, aud each one does aa'ba pleases, nacre cannot lee order. Prompt obedieuoe is necessary to have order. The gown)and, "Child. ren, obey your parents, for this is right," is not credited by Rouse among whom it appears, as if children were trainiun. up their patents. People are very foal ehly rebelling agaius/. the word 'Obey,' saying, "It is tyrannical, we will writ have it in the tnar'ritage vow ; it is despctie, we will not have it in the honne ; it is humiliating, we will not have, it iu the school or shop Glenfax'row, Joe McBurney, of Wavanosh, spent Sunday with friends heree.--bliss Jeannie Campbell has returned from a fortnights visit to North i nsthope and Wellesley..—MissLang, of Grey, it is priesteraft, wsr will not have it in walking with a child, you most tette Was the guest of Mies Maggie Iftteheo,, the church." What is the result ? short stops. in feeding a child, you last week. --R Auderson metres an Just similar results to those which mostgive a little at a time and break os:'casiouat trip to the 01:1i. Object -- flowed from disobedience hi: ages past,, it fine.' So in teaching. Give them i Jatrintony.—Elijaali Higgins Chet What solemn warnings we have in dere a little acid there a little, mama- with a serious aocideut last week. God's word, .ever} in the ease'nf some tiering you cannot put an old head on In softie accidental roomier a rusty of God's true people. Lot failted, in of his parents even before he is bora. The great importance of the parental tratuing of children is seen in l,togra- phies, where fur more space is gener'al- ly devoted to borne life than to S. 6, "teaching or to preaching. But the ques- tion now comas, How shall we train our children'1 I. 13y Godly example= -"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God ,: • • . and these words spall be in thy heart." The Lord here insists on parents love ing Him themselvesand thea urges them to teach their children eo no so. Children are great iruttators, 3. lady was one day in her pantry and acei- dentally oreke a throttler. Her little girl was near and , when the mother left, she, thinking it was right to do what she aupposed her mother did in- tentionally, began to break all the tumblers she could. reach, A man was walking acrosa.a field covered with snow, fdllo'x eft. hy, his three sons,when he heard his eldest _ son saying, "•1'1i step in father's treeks.". Looking, be- hind,tht; father saw diet he was trying to do it, and the two younger brothers were trying the sante. Idle idea of his sons etepping in his trucits made ati im,pres.;ion on the father's mind. He went that evening to the armee of prayer to seek the Lord,thinking thus, If [ lead my sons in this way 1 khan niatte tracks for heaven!' What a blessed work for parents to be malting trades for heaven. What a terrible thing to be making tracks for hell! But one says, "1 teach them well." I 1answer, ehildrexi are influenced far more by et ample tl'ui by precept, if the etrttnpie is brad, ho platter how good the ins$ruotiotn may he, they are uatnrally inclined tofollioty the exetupie. Tillotson's words aro none too strong when he says, "To give °children good instruction and a bad exsa,tn ;e, is but beckuuing to thein with the Bead to show theta the •way W heaven, while we tame them by the hand and lead them in the way to heti." 1i it is terrible to make tracks- for hell, is it not urtree!i more so to lead adear child there by tete hand. See, then, that you turn from, every evil, disdainin;g bad Jati,uage, rejecting, the filthy w and avoiding everything meant tmtrutllfel aud dishonest,. . Never say putting. a chilli to sleep, "Now close your eyes or else tete black man will tett you." Never say inediciite is sweet if It is hitter. Never exclaim on seeing a visitor aiming, "Oh dear 1 I wish she had staard sit gonia to -day," and tl'te tet initiate ,greet . bt'r with the worm", "Huw grad 1 aro, to bee you." Nattier make a premise which Xor(t do not ►mean to fulfill. Never threaten what you cannot carry alit. Honor your supe►iors auto you *ill help your child to .honor and obey", ese"It and atxpertorrt. ' pan't aura liSt'r young shoulders. Teach thein to be still while a blessing is being asked at meals, then make them be quiet at fancily worship. and then at church. (5 ) Teticb thea)i. Goias truth daily. Heathen parents lead their children daily before their household gods, The ancient I,orp'nus mere: continually reminding their children of the noble deeds of their distielguisbed ancestors, whose busts they had in their homes, and what a host of heroes, we have in the Old and RemTettantentte Are they udt worthy that our children should be introduced ta them '1 What a glorius God and Savior we are per- mitted to worship daily with our child. ren, and does it not invest the father with honor aud authority in the pres- enonof his family, when he reventfy acts as priest or minister in his house. See, then, that you avail yourself of this blessed privilege. Read. a chap• ter or a portion of caro. Explain .and impress certain, points. Sing heartily and pray for your real wants, . 1.11alte it interestiug. for the children and have real worship. Much useful in- struction may be euuveyed at mettle, a rid extended instructiuu:onthe Sabbath than ecu be given at daily bluely worship, help theist it, study. fug the 8. S. lesson, Study it your• gets When Holtman Haat was pre paring to paint•the scenes of Palestine, be went and lived.two years in Jeru- salem. So if we woeald paint Bible scenes before our children a►id thus be able to teach, thein the Scriptures, we must lave in the Scriptures our- selves, If a young non who teach.. ea four or ,. rive boys, who are tio. relatives of hie own, avails himself of the help given by "Vie Westaninister Teacher; why should not, a parent who may have only one child to tench have each a help in preparing the lesson4 (6.) Be'friendly with she Superiu tes,deut aud Teacher. Oueasioually invite at least the metier for tea and give him or her an oppnstiinity of get, int; better acquainted .with their scholars. (7.) See that your child - rep attend tele S S. regolarly. Irreg- ularity iu attendance is very uneut's- factory, either in the Public Sohoot, Sabbath School or Church. (8 ) Go 'with them if you can nod either study in a Claes or teach one. Why should' 'there not he elasses of men and women of 40 or 50 years of age. systeuaaricaily studying the Word, of Goal An itnprovemeut might be grade if the 8. S: wao before or after one of the publics services, 1S „ Ey earnest end behoving :pray. .ter,•y-•Aotruatioe's pfon& mother we cheered in her sore distress, otet her w,•yward boy hit testi •wordl's, "A ehilti of to many 'pr'rafttrs 4nd teart mono peeieh." We hear gond navel fez etaituiit', "1 bless Clod for a religious, •re,tdttr father, who ofteu ,poured out mill entered the palm of Isis haute,, which left en ugly wound and bas. caused a. great deal of suffering. it. seems that the nail has in some way. tampered with the nerve, %emelt is tete cause of ail the pain. The doctors, are itt hopes that it will not change to blood poisoniug which, would indeed be ra eerions atl'tiir.—Jolter tartly and family have left for, parts''uhknowii_ After spending the fall in tbrisltiug,• let'.eolleeted his wages and skipped with Ilia ill gotten boodle, leaving Many creditors • to mourn his loss. ..Ma. Alex.•Grutniill; tax.onllecter, will •sett by public; auction on Dec 2nil, ties . effects on the farm vacated" by Mrs, Rabin, to defray the taxes, which were, Deft unpaid.—Mr. Fraser .had a five acre tietd of turnips which yielded . err average t,f 800 bushels per acre.. 141r Fraser has reason to feel proud of Lis. crop, as it is the.best yield, in Turn - berry and no dont the hest in the, county. --Lust Teur daay afternoon,, the flats along the river at Mr. Fraser's were the scene of a shootini,*,, lnfttcli betweee sides captained by 1.1. Henning and Peter Hastings. After the sides liad beet' chosen, the shoot- ing eori,tit heed, and when erten side had shot one round,- Mr.' liastttigga had the bead, but in the next round. Mr. Hennings' Ode recovered their loss and succeeded fit defeating their opponents by 86 points. After enjoy- ing theneeelves in the field of battle,. tite boys repaired•to the hoose, where the wants of the inner untn warp supplied by a-stiMiputi iia repast, ire.. pared by, Mrs. preset. When they had partaken of the delicacies provid; editor thein,the boys dispersed in several directions, but only to return with a: number of the fair sex who are alwaya,a neuessity iia .every social gathering. The resi of the evening: was employed to the delight of,olt tripping the tight fantastic, and when, the wee sten,' benne of u]oru bad. appeared,. they wended their . Why, homewards, tall deelati»g that they were well pleased with, the many en, ,joyttlents of the evening attd `the kind way they were entertained ber those who heel allowed. them the use of their house for the everiiug. " toot, •W`avgait sh, It is ohs unpleasant duty to bhron- ficin the death of Peter 1ik , eldest Burt, of Mr. Wolter Scott, of the 7411 eou- cessiOn *atoll took place iii Milton on Monday,. 24th inst. Atomised wipe unt'24,yeers of ager herd his early tle'mit,e has oast a g,ltninn over the 'ens tire cnininunity. The renaitirt were brought home no Wednesday •'and: were on Thursday earned to there .leet restiutr piece in the, 13elereve cemetery followed by a large numbettw of:surrowiiigg frietule trnd'relativvii,. rias Roe) to God for me, and twit, gs.griaa limas to new snbsurUasr+rt Welk teff Irrayers 1 esteem " a above 1et,t anasszrirsty,e,8tJ4 ft, l ,— ►, • k is .. • i Ill 11. ,R .. • , a •ear M I. 47,14 1 :1, ,t, .1. t . 'a ..'7,s 4 kiln, oao )'rldav avenins o£ ge,lrlreriug 111 mere of Zion .Gnngregatl gurney young p"op goodly nutaaber froi root at the resider Colvin, ss a rna esteeeni ane. peietor, ltev. #. R., After a general cot, shaking, soanti voce all by some of the Nod others, Mrs 1 uonipanist ; also Alex. Dever. '.Iht called to order ania hollow was read to Mary Strath aud open'fawd,, stem v packed with hank u ep, was preseii McDonald. The by surprise that fo. was unable to find his feelrngs,but ou lie wade some vet 'Harps, expressing their tangible app vis ha that he e hecet; witah love and friends .whom he around ro regrettedCulnot hss,avii iiia sojourn with 11. lied ever the cause and had striven 341aster than to ga IIe concluded by i, they never meet at Ills earnest prayer beet in heaven, w no more parting. then served, tide credit upon the lac the choir sang, "6' e meat again," W ling made a short a dwelling upon the which lead alwnys self and ar. Lints ever found a fuithl he would yet rein when they could b • The remainder of slit t in sons; sibel 40., in which all went home ouch i evening's arnuseui is the address : To time A, R. Liz, Pesrox Zeoe Pat '1'EltsWATt ia. T)n PAs'ron,= Bret ave rn at ytyu, inroad to seve' with .Trion leaCon„three allow the , opportu ' ithoat giving yo I" )t'P. io. he est 3 as n of t are M, tria'r ser tiesedandd worouth Orate, by your christain deporttnc the'respoct and e your . own congie others in the ooa a won, you have eel every movement s promotion of the i paetor, you have 1 ministering to thel io'tlnnr Beta , u 'gun L'tvtsalro'vriesyea pounder of the es minister of the Ne ictal fit your condi and bold in your d sand tit tiro satin hearty eytn itby + pastoral care. 1y "your labors have the Len•d,'e forby, tions and consia been led into a ti Ourveart►ost prayei richest blessings wherever the Prot appoint you your 1 when tite Ohief Sh may we he, stars ill itg Hu that goe bearing precious til cote again, with YS e slight token of Mende itt Zion 0 to beer in mind t giftryou also carry as this timepiece. faithful friend, in 66 gfly, it'will fiat ofrey fele nartuy a baits left bohind •.with y_:.0 till we m. red water, Toy (In Twomey is S,son of13 tog nu ttre err. '#M M " r'