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Wingham Times, 1890-11-28, Page 3
r 114 )BIRO, 'HUN IE STMlftl tl qtr• c FRC, 4 i1An'y.l..-r 1 oe eo 'p ' oor 1200 II to" e ao meats, AG. per line for euvhsubsequent , ]o, 10o. for 'brit in. xkea:In an; h eertitis sir 'Clime 25c Strayed, Situation% it eacooUuig 8 Does t exceeding 8 line,„ tent month lend to rtieeniente, ore'v o directions, will be iecordingly. Tun:: .id in auvance ntente must bb In in order to appwli, MI AND PnBr is % t, Surgeons,' Ontario, f Huron W lltv�b Oat, to University,tianil ad and Surgebna'of Ccutte mid Fatal* Bethune, Oss. r 3, 1 'o Eta rcya at lowest rates Mortgages, Coals t, and sold. u oNr,: DicKiNsoN..B. A. Ete., so linuiesumerd .for Sarin, lows• nod I. money (private itv at bi per cent. us, upon the oust iy expense to tptl ,ea ane His ',unto Il',iz;dnAx, Celluloid Eater, lithe beatniateria eo i be got 1n the ork warranted. Mr the painless anesthetic 6novch, Beth or '25 cents ck, opposite the dNALD, Wixaitara.. Celluloid, Alloy, ta, Plates, ranging ) upwards per eel rework. Teem.. cit the use of Vital side entrance op. iy (siunuuys exee ie at Blyth every Ai—Office at Milne a is of each mentlt--.. ¢ 26 cents. AGENT 0)ratee r t T2 CU 1471f; the Co. Chart40 1i,, WT.; f1fR COWAL'1 prompter M ante t*Usotl Aryll old on the Shoetes,a ion Ouarsnteed, n be made at tit q 0» :INS etre, >Igttsa MAIL the Trntie *Il►ars„ 0, Will. 154064„ • ' T et- V/111 It Ss rrweattra Day. A sign of firsts --the walehtlirker'e. ' Ih' eN� 11111 A 1 1T*1110A� A. Tradition says that the twelfth dity A hen i Clete neseritilx Empire (mn Christmas day woe rernurliable her son Clever Clens. er leaving been &but open whish the' Setae men wear a stone du long tllt►t1 i • We wish to inform the public that we hive therm Visit Of the Mogi Collet penes, uponthey wean' it Rut, { Woolen Mi)la in A x rn ui1'is order, and will tide season give epeelal attention to relish Oltriht was baptized, alae water" If love 1;ivra wit t0 Paola it undoul)t• of Cana turned into wine and the five I et11y t'il'es it from wits, 'thousand fed. For 800 years it was' inept by eastern Christiane as the day i upon which Christ was born, awll tu'nong ouraelvra it was long observed 'with great festivals, The last, day was accounted the greatest of the twelve, and especially given up to Christmas ga mbols and 1 the visiting of friends The custom I seenre loft;; to have continued in furce, for in the Sixtt enth century Twelfth i day same to have been kept with tie Motel zeal as Christmas. The royal family at court led the way, the nui- versitied and the inns of court follow- sing them in the extent of their fes,.iv. sties, At the temple the whole eta else days were dtept with great ,and many of the 'country gentlemen .followed the same '.custom, In some parts of England the very poorest .people coutlived to keep the twelve .days with such goof) cheer for 'them. 'selves and their neighbors as their means would allow. Origin of Gerrymander. The word gerrymander, pronounced with the g hard, as in give, dates from 1811. The federalists and the re. °publicans (now detuocrats) had been fighting bitterly for years in Massachu• Harness, Sole, Upper and French "setts for the ascendancy. Tne latter LEATHER AND FINDINGS -at last gained it by the election'of always kept in do& for Shoemakers.. tz'�n • ,F:1'sQ'S 'CU ftE..FOR, :,. w THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE en' ve HOLD BY DRUGGISTS liVBIPYWUZiiD. ra CONSUMP "NON , w LATL T NEW;1. WE MAY HAVE. TO PAY Two Cees Pox 011,11iMoro V Duty en ( ) ( VV) L shortly when sending to the United States. Had you not better bring it to the OUTQM WORK in all chola of Ara -class 101111;00p ood a such stock p Tweeds, , Flannels, Btoffs, Blankets, Sheetiugs, Stocking Yarns Szo., &c:, WINGHAM TANNERY at once, and get the highest ;price IN CASH or trade for it 1 44..4.47444401014.44444,44.14 MILLS Is bound to reducb'his MAM.MOTUU, STOCK ofDi Y GQ 'turn it into GAS'H',. (made from pure race only) cheap for cash or ex- change for 'wool, • Customers Mari It distance can have their reils home with thele'the 'same day. KB•nighest Market pricy In eilbh for Merehantatzie Trent your EHIDES, SIIEF.L'SK$NS, 'CALFSKINS, TALLOWS &e„ the same way. If you require anything special in Wool. H EX'4VY ` GLOVES and flee. their oniYdidate, Ethridge Gerry, as, 'Governor. At oi,,ee they began to'i 'figure to perpetuate their powers.} ac The 'State St natorial district's had, up to this time, been composed -of whole .counties. The Republicans broke up this arrangement, in spite of the bitter protests of the federals. The/ divided Essex 'allyl Worcester counties in the most a=bsured ,way, to std to forth a Republican district in ,each. The -shape of the district in • Essex was .singularly grotesque and 'i:ttoenverhieut. Russel, the editor of the Boston Sontinel,fought the scheme savagely, Ile took a map of the vounty, and,, outlining the 'new district id colors, hung it upon the walls of • leis sauctuln. One day Gilbert Stuart the great poi treit printer of the day, was in the snncturn and the ', map at- • tracted his notice. He remarked that (,t resembled some monster,acid tai- iug a pencil,shaped the outlying towns .into the head, wings, claws and tail. . 'There, he said to Russell, that will do for a salamander. Russel looked up and said Salamander ! Call it Q'errytnan.. 'dear!. `L`ihe naive speedily became part of tete political vocabulary. --Philadelphia Record. W. J. CHAPMAN; wingham.. INGL1S tL CO'Y„ weigh= So We are bound to cut down prices to nowt Boat ro 4 Laic for If you have any Money to spend, Cur Prices will stuTrlse and induce you to spend it, LOOK A1' SO CIE Oh` OUR; PRICES : HI,,AVY PLAIT) 1?RESS MOODS at 10c.; Beautiful I -I TWEED DRESS GOODS at Tic, -;Heavy Wool FRE 'CU PL and STRIPES at 19e., and all the Latest and Newest Designs that be procured in the Best Markets in the World, for our visitors to ' from, MATTHEW AMBLEfl, fAIiNESS MAKER, Have yon seen the Newest Designs in DRESS ROBES 2 if not, and we will willingly show you through Our Stock, Black and Mourning Goods a Specialty. A large and magnificent stock to choose from, has on hand a large stock of IIORSE BLANKETS, C,UIt1I'VCOMBS, met:sues, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES etc. Which will be sold at bottom prices. HARNNESS,, double or single, made to order or short notice, and satisfaciition guaranteed. A CHAPIGE In tele lIncu Dtsintn —o CHAS. KN :OHT,1LA Wishes tointimate to the people Wingham and 'surrounding country that he has purchased the harness business lately carried on by Messrs: '3. 3., Homuth & Son,, and will conduct it in th'e b'u)lding one door south of 1.1r T A Mille' stere. DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS heavy orlight, hiiido to order, Alull line of horse Blankets, Sleigh bells, Currycombs, Brushes, etc.,. always on hand. Repairing neatly aha promptly done The patronage of the public solicited, and Multi *uric and material rharanteed, Whips The following, from an exchange, is 11 seasonable : The word bei kwheat so•called from • the resemblance in in shape between its seeds and the •3alast of the beech tree. The form heel: for beech is Northumbrian. By C. KN:ECIITEL lowborn. March 4. 1890. THE ODELL TYPE , WRITER £STA call solicited, : OP—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLES, ngham, Feb. Cth, 1890. is the time to paint your houses, end OIC Our Man;,lo Department is full of ,Novelties. Como and examine yourself, and be convinced that we have the Nicest and Cheapest in Town, RUBBER 'r PAINT AL --is the --- L I lN Have you Bought your Yarns ? If not, WE can give you the BE YARNS MADELO WEST PRICES.ad at the We have also a Large Stock of Crossbanded, and mazy o Yarns too numerous to name. 4 skeins BLACK FINGERING Y for 25c. BL �NKETS ! BLANI�E'T` in Wool and Paper. We have a Grand Stock of All Wool. B1ankei and we are selling them at the Very Lowest Prices. Paper Blank is the Latest Novelty in this Department—positively a Noncondunt of the cold. It will be worth your time to come and inspect them. BEST i.th.e 'WORLD, None genuine unless stamped Mohave "RubberRu hebest Paint CO, Cleveland, Ohio;" This cold weather makes people think of their Wraps But h you ever thought of the fact that you can SAVE MONEY by givi us a call. We have a Very Fine Stockof Woollens. Men's Wool Sill,. and SizesDrawers—All Woo'72e; Fat ncy •Cloudseand Fascinators aways' Wool Shawls n all the F lin© Large Sizes at "�..o ;F. ionable Styles and Colors. LADIES' STORM COLLARS are what the ladies are inquiring. and we have them. Also Ladies' and Gentlemen's Paper' Vests— Latest, Novelty out. Do not fail to see them. LOOK at our stock of Children's Wool Caps and Bonnets—so thing Newh FURS ! FURS ! Novelties ib this line ate quite common to Cls. Ladies, do not fe'' exatiiine Our Stock before purchasing elsewhere, . I$DIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S FURL COATS A. SPECIALTY. We have a lot of Fine Coon Coats, Astrachan Coats, and a lot, other Fur Gcods we are bound to sell at a very. Low Price: Cornu see then. We lead the trade' in FLANNELS. Our stock is exceedingly la in this Department, and we are bound to clear them out if prices do it. Good FLANNEL at 10c. per yard. Come and examine Flannels. Our BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we. bound to make a Clean Sweep in this line before the New Year. Lae oes at 99c. per pair, Men's and Boys' Shoes all reduced. Come Rudy �li��� • You Can get any shade you desire. in quantities coating from 10 ceut8 up. wilt buy flit: ODELL TYPE WRI- TER R'I- 1 $20 TER with 78 characters, and $16 for the SINGLE CASE ODELL, 'warranted to do better work than any machine made. cod, ensu It combines siniplicity with durability, speed, of operation, wears longer without Cost of repairs than any other machine. Has nd ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, nickel plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of typo Writing, 'Like a printing press, it produces sharp, rn leg!bid manuscripts. Two or ten copies can the French it is called Saracen. tt I etn writing.ne Any ntoi be o'Operatorintwodayeveoffer $1 000 ' rho after tiro Saracens or. Moors who are tieli,eved to have introduced it into Spain. Out of the floor a popular gruel is made in Germany 'and break• fast'cakee in England, and America. Teniae grain is att`llposed to be a native of Asia. ,Ti3rt Tates to new subscribers till Flat, december, 18131, for $1. --Cash. A country editor, who evidently does not care to take up the eostutne Of n South Sea islander --not tltia win- tefe__publlbhes the fotlowing ; Lives of, poor men oft remind its that honest tolldont stand a change;'thmore wee Work we leave behind ttsbiggerp tlst,our pants. Our pants once new tuft glossy noW are patches of varied httE all because subscribers finger and r+Ill oat pay us What is due. then let to any Operator who. can equal the work DOUBLE CASE ODELL. Rohabib Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special n documents td Dealers. Icor Pamphlet giving Indorsetn0nts, Ao., addreee ODELL TYPE WAITER Co., 85 and 87 Gt11 At• CItICAOO, ILL. ZETLAND SAW MILL For WhiteWasliIng and Snteoinining, del' for and don't take anything 08001 n �j ` cline a Co. see for yourself. ' No trouble to show Goods. ��� d�, S. 1ItJ GEORGE TNOM,SON, Proprietor. Lutaber of all Rids; First-class tShingles, and Cedar posts, cat Load Orders a Specialty. • HALO WAILS MERCHANTS, WINGHAM MARBLE .ORKS 1 NVOOD delivered to any pati lit t,ilr.Iti1 he tip ttnd , doing , send in your I. Wiizahani. " swine, be it iia small. eft when the snows i igrrnta br'tseli prompt y.attended to. Of Winter strike Cts Vtd attain hate illi 1 H>toltol Tttoustiiit }mins at tell , WinKtriai Lt.tl Sting,a t'etrb*pect of lny thirteen or fourteen oder my In to my triende and tthe publiclggen orally for iso liberal patronage extended to me 1n the past. I may also state that I am in a'position to offer better inducements than over t*r those requiring anything in the line et . Gittanit>t or Stolle Monuments, atArts'ro$ES,. WINDOW SILLS, STONE Telt':.i d9, fi0R FENOieti, &a T .A.. MILL allillAtES WM. DOR (ot the late firm of Nickel & Dore),. -MANurecruwsa c'n— Top and Open Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs,` Cutters, Phaetons, Road Carts, 4 tasild lie pleased tohave thoto,l a b u pr d Curing any artiolds in m line td tie goads, compare Minns And leavb their he 1, that the gee *nay besilent ed and prepared carly in the season,'fou can select front the %teat designs and obtain ilio tlnest wotkinanshili atrtthe M001 tatbrabl8 pricelli licit resp001151ly, y "iiii'M: SM'VTfI, Winghatn, l3r3i, and U6GIES dotal Bargains *111 be given in Top and Open Buggies for the vel months. All kinds of work Made to Order by first.elase workmen, under t1►e vieiou of the proprietor. Repairing, Painting, Top Building, &C.r done On Sunt noti+~e,i, I'hos() and to at of dnytliititt iii Or line vt111 Savo 'money by cabinpiifthltsing. wed, DOPE, W105115in THOUSAtIDS OV FITS! ' IVEt AWAY. YEAIiLYm . Wheal any Burd 11 de rat mor'OIy io aro tep them for a thn+, lama these returnag again. AiN.ARADICALOUBre. Ibaretusslethedkibas+t Epilepsy a B fillgIrs others hard s. life-long study. I warrant nils remedy to 0 rEtteau0io there haws a led is nO reason for **Mot wwelrtelgaa ab .. w Ce fur atrIAtisbdsgrid a Frune Botha et my infetili*5Ne utomed . Git* EC: t Qf6c 18 lig ' 'MEET jltrial, 0A DE 6TIt%1LTg .4111101001