Wingham Times, 1890-11-28, Page 2'OiixgtRutimcs
:s1C, NOVEb'1.BElI, 9d 189Q.
Rev, *John Burton, of Toronto,
Sunday last,, in itis sermon expres•
d the rows of the Tania in, regard
tta,e teudeucv to, Insane, 1ieroes of
t eootindxela., .A. more. 1keartlpss.
Andrei, tl an the ,assassin. of. Iit. C.
tvet1 it won.1d be bard to i ndt get
every word and; ant was, licaaleled
of the greatest importance, Tule
v. Mr. Burton said, '...`the, tendency
as to manifest pity, bestow,uiiwonted
ttention on the,greatesft sooapdrols,
nd leave; the bardened, but loving
'nee in age ety'e grew struggles to
it and weep' alone. His text was
!lsaiah, xtciit 5. "The vile person
shah no morehe celled noble nor the
knave* gentle. `. Wreathing aureoles
41?).411,that brow of, vim', or veils to.
Or alias five of sheltie wasbut aid -
1$11111~ devil,iu his work of spreading
slurringflowers over the pit of ruin..
'te iiot, he said, make villany ani easy
to nartyrdorn and heaven.
rho nog Industry.
the Editor of the Toms.
rtsaa Et$, -t beg space in your paper for
y; few Buse on the bog industry, in conueo-
{Aion. with the manufacture of, butter and
Neese. These three brandies of farming
rcorried;ou intelligently with.due care and
'it wise discrinivatiou, first, as to whether
f$ pays best to send,wbole milk,to a cheese
factory at> of a cent per pound; or
to send oream,to a butter feetory at 16
bents per pound for butter. Let me hear
trona a number of correspondents in your
'alt:ed paper their experience inboth ways
bf handling milk. Now, Mr Editor,for the
last nine yeare I have been experimenting
;with the hog for S. profit. For eight years
x,tesLed the Berkshire against the Chester
*itittutl::i1>'st, for prolificness. The size
41f their litters, from a number standpoint,
raare aboutthe same, but from a thrifty
standpoint, the •Chester White pigs, on
(.,ryaving the sow, would not fail, as the
,rperhshires invariably do, Being. better
upon their legs and feet they always 'start-
ed to eat better. Don't understand me
that they sat more, for that is impossible,
iia the inside measurement of the Berk pig
tit •256 pound, dressed weightis one-seventh
s ore than the Chester White, Atthe same
erge, therefore, to eat more would be im-
,possible. z' am prepared to prove that
three pounds of good shorts, properly
t'r'eated and fed to a Chester White hog
produce one pound of pork, live
areight. Thatairnply means .a pound of
yiork dresse&weight 21. cents. Foots like
Ulsese will defy the effeetti of the McKinley
X11. M ire thein this, we have an increae..
luliR`deman&for first -el -ass creamery butter
,it'lomeand in old England, andwith our
osysi sweet milk fed to pigs from tite sow
tt1 sevenmonths, and rttnto clovers, say
of seven pigs to the floes, porlt,,clpn be ptro-
F Sneed for 21 Dents per, pound. This' wore
ot tatter, and shorts, with skim milk,from
six cows, oan produoe'porkfor 2 'cents per
1tb: live weight, and will,be the Best paying
<,top you can raise;, Tttlre than all this
every farmer,bv propwrporeparation,shouid
ba able to sell af, least nine litters of say
gsvenpigs' to, the Titter, weighing an aver-
t; age df 90apounds each, at Ave cents per,
paund, which would, realize the farmer
t 4.:0. This can be deep by inaking the
-saws' cream tato pork on the farm. And
,aft the wheat that will not teat 60pounds
oat river should be grouu.i, fine and scalded
rand fed to young pigs or sows suckling
y+eung, and you will And the Chester White
will convert that wheat iuto 410 per
fshel, by followiug this principle.
A,eciording to a recent writer, stock -rale.
r ea fa the right arm of agrioulture, and I
VA err the hog has 2I chandea' aeaiuet any
niLlret,aeifnal, ,ftisawell•kgoemfact that
'drag i tiartira-is-one of the moat, valuable
tlilizeee eve heed cu the farm; Ytrtlice a
•e bwtwber of begs, properly rare ter
-*ad you 'soil! not freed to pay ti33.or
'too for fertilizers. Mete tlitwn
1n'll tm s eome will
OomO In otos i e
r. There is ne Waiting IV, a
211 g tilt iris int 2, S' or 4 years old,
t saying holde goo yet; "the niinb10
Is batter than the slow shilling."
mob to tiro ye nt readers, t will'
r the preaeut, by aayiug, don't'
st syyrab pit(, if you. do get his
• • 1S it Payeto use oul;v the
oaOle and sheep it ie rloubly
14116.,yr ar pigir before ' drean•'
i ate loader ,their sop,
A stet lbe lose to cireteliag,isintta '1%14,.
BkttttkonatII awns
A great improvement Ilea 'been
made in date yeare ill. hav,i g blankets
oast to tit properly. There is stilt
room for another impr,ov'ement, in
order to make them Atnatter$ closer.
to the, body and praven them from
becoming hanging off. the quarter
audl getting tarn. Qur, exp irience is
that a couple of fkinilt straps, buckled
uudexnellbt le; belly, is a great
(assistance to,tlte 8urciugle in keeping
the blanked in plane, and is an eflec-
t ttual prerepti,ono4: teming,,, from the
blank up; getting >ander, tlle.,ldndt feet,
'I orsAe that stand in the ktsstl,le a
+great deal are apt to get sore op the
'back, from the ooustautt pressurta of a
!tight buckled suroingle. This win be
'satisfactorily and eirelgtually prevented
by using straps buckled under the
chest buckled lit the same way 88 the
flank straps, In fact we think that
surcingles can be entirely dispensed
with, if thismuch cheaper and equal-
ly satisfactory substitute be used.
The unreasonable excuse for scanty
blanketing often wade,is that if ah orse
is well clothed in the stable he shivers
on first conning into gold air, but thin
is only momentary for as 'soon as lie
begins to moye, add. the circulation is
aroused, no Oiliness is felt, -Dr.
IGrenside in Canadian Lite. Stock and
!Farm Journal.
Parisian Balm,
A. delightful perfutned preparation for
Chapped Haucia, Cracked Lips and Bough -
nese of the skin, Only: 25 cents at all
For Young Ladies.
My dear readers, a man notices a
lot of things in you for which you
would never give him credit :-
He will notice, for instance, that
there is a smear on. the front of your
silk waistooat, although he may not
tell you so.
He notices whether you said good -
morning pleasantly, or whether you
duet hit it off
Hie not;ces whether your hair is be-
;eomingly arranged, or wheth,r it is
dragged back in a tight knot for cora-
fort and because you don't mind him,
being a fatuily friend, or merely my
• He noticep your careless disregard
of a fresh morning dress at breakfast
more than you think he does.
He notices when your skirt is fray-
ed around the edge, and you might be
surprised if,he were to tell you how
many buttons are off.y>our shoes,
He notices everyoe of your littie
points of behavior towards,yonr child-
ren, and judge's you accordingly.
He notices that although your bona
net is a very elaborate one, that the
;Strings are soiled and the flowersneed
htraightenlug. •
•H netice3 that you are not quite
so polite to.your mother, or as cousida
erate of your father's old age, as you.
might he.
My dear,friends," a roan, notices all
these and a lot mere, and frons these
little things in your appearance and
+A. *waled *au'r- rrtwttlttlea.
Landlady -That new boslglrr needn't
try to Make rue think he is a Bache•
lora Ue'e either :tarried or is a„
1.1illiugs-Aovi can you tell ?
Landlad,y,*--Ha alwayaturualtisbttck
to me whim I1,H opens his pocketbook
to pay laic; hoard..
•-Tb . Tlnize will be sent to new subs
scriber's from now till the end of lain, for
A LEGAL, Pit!:TOSAL,-•1t ie not %eel(
to tell tales out of school, but we vio
late no,coulfdence, wlteit we relate as
~rags, toldto urs tti p difficulties which
is besllIul Gederioll,lawy,er experienced
ht a certain snit. And, one would
,not leave thought it of; li}m even iii
allose his callow days, He had on
several occasions made up bis mind
to submit his case at Cupid's oourl
but Ids courage invariably failed hits..
Finally he "briefed" his case, review-
ed the whole courtship, *couched his
address inlegal terms, entered a forth
al motion that the case be decided on
its merits, and dispatched the dom.'
anent tq,Lis lady love by a muted
!friend. The document was returned
Ito him with the following indorsetuent.
;in the young lady's own ¶%siting
:Came this day Into`court A. Ii„,,, by
;attorney, who proves, that the ease of
!A:, B, v. C. D. be decided open the
ltestimpa now before the court ;, the
'defendant having watired a jury, it is
ordered by the court, that judgement.
be entered for the plaintiff and the
process of execution issued ° at once,
He accepted the verdict, ansa like the
ending of so many suits, though may
not be pressed in so uovel,atway, they,
:are in a fair, way to,tive happily et•d
The seasprebeing oyer, the baseball
'foul is no longer a•kelna bird.
No complain is made about short
measure when we :.have a peck of
After a Ilfan has made apromise he
meets nothing else itr his travels but
opportunities fur breaking it.
The net revenues of the United
States treasury for the last fiscal year
were $403.080,982, an increase over
the previous year of ' over $16,000,-
000. •
lial•,T rn TIMES to near subscribers, till
31st Deceinber,1891, for; 21 -Cash.
Before the Montreal Superior "Court,
on Saturday. Mrs Kirby recovered,
$1100 and costs from Edward Costello,.
a saloon -keeper, who tarnished liquor.
co Kirby after Lavin„ been warned not
to ,do so.
George Staples, a, fernier in
'circumstances, living on. the 6th
pession of West Wawanosh, commit-
ted. suicide on Tharsi ay night about
nine o'clock by sheeting. Deceased
had befit in poor,health lately, and,at
times temporarily oat of his mind.
During one of these fiats lie took atoede
ed gun, which was left in the rggm
by llis,son, who had been bunting,,,
eon -
your life he draws llieconclusions as I placed the muzzle in. kris Incl}th ands
to the kind of woman you, are. palled the trigger, the charge coming,
So you see, a woman tnalies lier own oat and blowing off his ,right ear, kill,,.
reputation in the eyes of a man, and ing him instantly.
for her own sake, if for that and no 25‘Tern Trams to new enbscribors, till
One else, she oan jest as well make it 31st Ueoembor,1891, for 31-CSasb.
a beautiful one, as flawless as a pure Ill a speech which he delivered, fit
diamond that has. had the cater parts, Netv;rCYlasgow the other day, Attorliey
that were tong and -badly colored. General Longley of Npva'Scotia,sppke
ant away, and which sparkles in the of the Dominion Gdaernment'e (IRAs
golden .JV' drop of frozen in ends way : " 1 am iti favor of the
show. widest possible niaaltpts for our pro..
aar-THIk,Teans subscribers till dtlot , but when tllr s;e politicians soh,
31stbon:t>ipber,1891 for $1. --Cash, stitute for a market of 66.000,400 of
The Newmarket Era says :-Two
of Dir, llulock'e cattle, having died
verytnyateriously, au, examination of
the stomach was tnade which revealed
the probable cease of death. The
oslttle il•1fl been fed' p*rely of cut ritraw
and a quantity of undigested binder
twine lied (silllethAtl,, clog.;ing up rbe
principal dil;estive • orge.ns. This
shows that core should be exercised in
collecting the twine at the time of
(": cihl arva threshing ots it may (Autva a good_ deal
cubic and ox
people* who are the greateski consunl-
erajtt the worltl,aud spend their money,
roost lavishly -a market with peopla a'llouhdorlsl ped wish to tender l>Isly best tflnnkd
for the Ilheral ppatronage rouser to, iut firm donna
with whom we have not as touch trade, auveralyeet' error to the burlfing ;o[ ouvn1i11 by in•
cendtarism, During Ills pact a 4e u we hove re•
at; we have with title single villttttA iti moddelled thatownntlll tothc I;t c8ta proved'sye.
,., . tern of nei,gerlen hotter Prof f;'.-." toll ling. Wo br
New England, it reminds me Of the lieretvecun nos Ito bettor eoyouauodatlon than
storyAbout a little bo who 'tried to o ,.Perbeforo wee er
to te circus, and his father, being a) I ro1) f3i°Datcui 1" air Returns,
truant/ATE and eota Medallist of whltbv College,
la' i'uplt of Mr. Edward tuber stud Mr. J• W, i
ltarrieou. Plano, Organ, Voleo Culture gaud Har-
mony, Rooine in Beaver Block, Wiughaul,
tialiSer Y•
For particulate regarding toms, etc, please collet
my h susses rRgr 1rr.,ueiy and Patrick etteuts.
, I NSTZt 0TION given on Piano, Organ, and Violin.
Also in Harmony,
Reaidonoe on cooter of ,Tosephtne and atriuk,
1.1.•P, CHAPMAN,
IOt!Fto>I-" Ilig" Bookstore,
Money to Loan on Farm Security at Low Rates of
interest, No'commiseb,n charged: ' '
A. M 1°13,01:' MI 3
SSE Z -31M I
Wt OIIAIII OcrosER 4T11. 15$S
Josephine Street - - - - - Wingham, Ont,
J. k. HAca r$n, I J. W.
S oTT,
Mount Forest. Listokot.
Deposits Received and interesaa
Money Advanced to Farmers anal
Business Me;
On long or short time, on endorsed notes,,
or collateral security. bale notes bought:
at a fair valuation: oney remitted to ail,
parts of Canada at reasonable obargess.
Special Attention Given to Co1;,z
looting Accounts and Notes.
gents in Canada-•T'he Moroliants'; 8tw?3,su
of Canada.
Mee hours-FFq}n 0 a. m. to 5 p. m,
Manufacturers of a ore in
Pine and. Cedar
8 IIZ 'GLR>`;
Lath, Staves, Heading, Barrels
Wood, Cedar Posts, &ct
Mills adjoining 0. T. R. Station.
Winithem. Ont
strict man,tbought it was not right to
let bis son ge to the, circus,,, and staid j
to him, 'Now Jolln iy, I bannot ,let you '
go to the circus, betff you are a gond
boy 1 will take yon AN afternoon and
elbow you /alit. grantEllasotLer'tlt n'av'el"
4t til.. h b `
QtALTP SECOND 11;Z=1:E.' -115
And by mote personal attpni,:Jn to the 'bn,alneee
hope to Tie atafn with a 't,154 by all old
r4teadt and magnay near ones
Ybure nett nein. teddy,
a al
(1;12c Mting4441(i
.»I8 PUBLtt,iti,N,]j;
Tai"1 iJ 1 FLUUDA,X U1,0I PN; ,
-sr, TIIIt'-•
'Vlf'IltiQ I1.Mf - Q,,1Yti'ARIO.
sobootipttonprtoo, Ali per eOAt>r,11111a On
spaced ly,r, 0ulo 11 Rano., )
One Co' nine -iiJ0 00 :p3 00 >i30 00 ' '00r.
half " 30 00 20 00 12 00 5 W,
vise Inch
J0 G 00 ` 0 1t 00 8 00 II 2 00 4 90
00 ` 1 0!I
Bonn and other casual advertisements, 8e. per Elie
for lust insertion, and 00. per line Bleach subsequent.
140'"11 arotioee, in nanparell type, 10e. tor flat in
section, and bp. per line toxone euplequeut iliac Klee
Nb local notice will be *harped leap:Shan 25o
Advertisements of Lost, Fotaud, Strayed, Situations,
and' lBuoin0es Chanes Wanted, not brooding 5 lime
n dill ell, t pov month
Hdd'ses told Farina for Salo, not exceeding 8 line►.,
10. for hist fuonth, 50e. per aubaequent month
These t,rijiywl1l be strictly adhered to R
Spoelal rated for longer advertisements, or 1'
104er periods.
Adseetleeutents without apeeifle direetione, will be
inserted till forbid laud charged accordingly. Tao-,
sitory tvertieementa must be paid in advance
(Mango for contract advertlaenlenta 111114 1s In
the mace by Wednesday noon, in order to appose,
that week "
Wingham, • • Y1tuROA
• Af.D.C.M„
Member College Physicians and Surgeons,' Ontari.%
-Corolror for County of Huron
Office at "Tint PHARMACY " wu 11 ml Sant,
honor Graduate of Toronto Uuiversity,tand
.1 ember• of the Gawp of Phyeteians mrd Surgebue bf
Otltceand Residence -Corner of CeutTe end Pate*
streets, formerly occuptcd by Dr. Bethune. •
wwino' - •OEs.
BA, !MISTER, SOtICIT0B, ltto.. Eta •
Private mid Company funds to 1'ii`ga at lowest rates
interest. No commission charged. ' l,tovtgagee, testa
and !arra property bought,aud sold.
OFFICE;; Beaver Block,")V`exauex, 0l,r,,'
J„ A. M0RT011
whtgirum • Oontarto.
11 EYER NY7l' i:UUSON,
H, W. C. MJI EVEN Q. C. LE. (:E Dlet,NsoN, a. A.
linnets for liana of liewhtuu ,'Cofmuisaiugere .tot
taking atltdai•itd for Manitoba.` 1'urnn, 'town. and
Village property bought and sold. Stoney tpnvatc
tunes) loaned utnwrcgage securito at bi pec cent.
Money in%ested for priyate pckbens, upou rho 53114
mortgage securities witheuc ouy expoust to td.5
lender. Lands for sale iu Munituuu sun the North-
Ofliee-lien ,'s Block. Wingham.
71ENTISTfi}.-.Jia. azumaE,,W,ut011AM,
l! Is manufacturingCelluloid Plataa.
Vuloaniteplates et. the,beetmateria
as cheap as they 311311 be got in the
Dominion. All work warranted.
Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless
extraction of teeth, the wily sue auesthetie Luowfi,
TARSI Norioa.--1 will extract`teeth or 25 cents
OFFICE: In the Beaver Nook, opposite the
Brunswick Hotel.
Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Allo;,
. , Silve. Oolo, etc., etc„ Mateo, ranging
in prices front 5800 upwards per etas
prowtmg and bridgework. Teets. ore
tracted Without tlio least pain by the use of Vital `
ized Air. head Wilco, 4114:harm aide entrance up•
posito the ylueen's hotel, mien Sana (Suuuays ereepe••
ed) front 9 a in to 5 p 131. Will be at Blyth every •
god and 4th Saturday of eacllmonth-OiflceatMilne s
hotel; Corrie: Bit and 33-d Mondays of each (noun--. •
Office at Albion Itotel.trotting 25 cents.
Jona 1trrcit7,;
WINQITAar, Olrssietf,,
DEAN,,Jye., W sonAM,
10INSED„.40TI01vl:ER FOR THH 011 147!t
Sales attended in any part 01 the Co. Cltarke
JOB1q gpituIB, WINOIrA11, ONT.;
Ali orders left at the Toms osilco eroniptly at
ed to. Telais reasonable.
, ' It iia Twoi
N'Tradition saps that
(diel Chrlatnsas Shy
'for having Leen that
visit of the M,itgi tot
which Christ was Ilse
tit Gana turned into
'thousand fed, For 3
*apt by eastern Chris:
upon, which Christ
among ourselves itw
with great festivals,
a 'J1'lte last day wan
greatest of the twelt
given up to ()bristm
the visiting of fi'ien
seenits long to have
'for in the Siatttentll
day seems to have
much zeal as Chris
family at court led
'versitied. and the in
ling them in the ext
Wes, At the 1
twelve days were k
gaud many of the
followed the save
parts of. England
people contrived l
'days with sa'011 goo
iselves and their
'means would ailo
Origin Of
The word terry
with the g hard,
:1`811. The fede
'publicans (flow di
fighting bitterly 1
,setts for the asee
.at last gained it
their cprrdidate,
Governor. °` •'
figure tea perp,
4; The 'State
lead, up to this
•of whole 'omit
broke up this al
tate bitter 1 rot(
They divined
counties in the
SAS to form a J
'each. The she
Essex was sin
the Boston ,Sal
savagely, 111
'eounty, and-, 0
in colors, bun{
his 'sanctum.
the great poi t
was in these
treated his nc
(at resembled
in;; a pencil,s
tato the head
There, he sai
for a radiuml
mud said
Gler.l ..
The name
to political
Liortaskp A1JCTfo0EEn von Cameos }onion Aiwa
All sales attended to promptly anct on the Stoles,
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed.,
Alt ».eccee3ry a2rahgetilentii earl be made al Ilk,
Toole, awe*°
• Watteau oat.
/10I/PON illi 1LW1S1NS
Pala, & b. eve avonti; Astir Civu, Itallaters,..
*Ali enters lots se the ofifet, of the Tint It*”
o$Iyaprompt attontinn
II . l.1t80N,
Ensxrt or *1511111 Naomi; Coves., tramp- et least.
saw l.tosgamy. '" "rr 11
*t,/ r 1
'The folio'
aeaaonable :
so-called f
inshape be
• mast of tit
buck for be
the French
%ter the Sf
Veelaeved to
$pain.• 10
gruel is na
fast: .cakefl
ri. be grain
of Asia.
Slat Dece
A ooun
does not
to, Bout!
tee -pub
a, poor i
toil. don't
Wattle We
,,frit, flue
and los
lane:; ail
.0,111 not
ata, oil b:
mite, be
of Wtnte
twits a