Wingham Times, 1890-11-28, Page 1PAUL i %1ol$, ]Iu v'e 9 l ;seely Suitill. ITT DVE LTIE S. VOL. XIX --NO. 48 CkIRISTI IAS IS CGIVIING 1 Se is the cold weather. Let them come 1 we'rerepared or them, W e bave'J y and Goose for your dinner, We 11, lc fresh Fruitg MA Spices for your diener, and Tea 'that will 81l Your heart with kiadnees to all mankind. We have Flannels, Blankets, Overcoats lir ars to keep out the gold. it Furs will bo found of the newest. ,” styles, In the best qualittes, 4 the otos- est priees, • and that is true of everything in the etoro. We have juet reooived another 10 case lot of those Wondorfnl Boots, and there is no advance in prico. either. . . Odd'lines in Boots and ShoesandRem- pants will be cleaned out at prices that will clear them out. You might as Well have a bargain as anyone else. W.A.N Z.I I6t O• ! !r•''WHOLE Groceries at the Fcl;pre, ;dr chanes ogee chipped two car Loeb of ,potatoe o ,Detroit, fro . Tuesday. P —Best roller doe iu Wil ham at A, >d. Ou'a, 1 a --rrThe Street' d Herald lute been moved ed into its uew guar rs, a three story brick block, just finish. by its enterprising publishers,. Oysters, raw;"stew'a or fried, at 1. Hill's city restaurant. , , --The store o' upied by eft: T T Wat- son has lately be treated, to .a coat of paint, The small ore adjoining, on the north side, is nearly ornpleted. —Great bargains in clothing, gents furuisbiugs, bents end shnas, trunks and valises at.3 Homutle & Sou, —The anima nesting of the Optario Drauoh of tete osiifuiou Alliance will be held in Ricb1 and Pfeil, Toronto, 'rhureday and Pride. December 11th and 12th. -,I! your watch or clock weds repairing, go to W H Wallace, watchmaker and jeweler. ,lett door to post office. , —The me st cure for sleeeleasnees is simply a pint hot water sipped slowly before retiring ; o bed. Ittt• effects are immediate, and th ee who make.use of it deolare that as ase tive it is unrivalled. rices. wa For Good Value, come STRAIGI'IT to Ii. O 1 '1'. O R R, .. . rect lutporter. TRE Bwt, Nov. 20, 1890. LOCAL xitio,vs, —Groceries at the Eclipse, --Phe; dition to he sole leather tan- nery t4'abou oinpeet Oysters--Baw, stewed or fried, at Jas. 1Mlolitilvie's Star restauraul. —Pat 'son'; !rote as receive 'a . coat. of paint, , Mole adds g fly wets exterior appearance. ry. We want all ents advance fo a sfy customers, on with our lilac-, trade. Positively CO, WINGHA c. traveling to uaranteed oox. Salary or Com- utflt free. Special atteu- M, tWROEflY211114. NOTiete ;er of the estate of Philip MoKibbon. hereby given that ail persona haring the estate of the late Philip 14folilb. red to send or present the sprn0 to MS. indebted to the said eitate Upon pre. 1, mutt pay the amount of, said notee 0,, at the Bank of Hamilton, Winta,u0n, r indebtedness muat be paid to HIT holl at ono, or newton xi it beoetees Beiltr Devitt, • ter of John Coulter and crony Oven that the above naledinsoly- xle an assignment to George .siddell- . )01 tuoknow, brisker, under the pawls), . ket reenacting Assignments and Prefer- )Ivent neurons, re of ea id Insolvents or either et thee dahlia with Assignee aa pre1411na of the creditors of the said Ineolyeate • tho Elliot Traver, of the now, solleitor, on lionese, the 24611 -of *tilt, lathe hour of 2 o'clock in the * rtatione for the eispossl of the said ammo utknow this 10th day of November.1102 Oscan A Bowen, Aesixsaw. 1•ENTS WANTED. 11'aiAthe rlieapeet place in town y'atl kinds of fruit and copfeeiiouerye - -Mr.r7'ho: Gregory has °opened a park packingeatabi merit in the rick building ta.few doors nor of Chish m's .drug store. --W 8 Wa insole age ' • Wineham loieFnrdi tt .notes 's Autoharp , _ Orders YtortLl • t Lied. Y $ their saw rui have it ready fo time. are pu ting and w Short —Money to loan, cheap, on good notes end mortgagee. Been elanduo,-Winghate. Offiee-13es.ver Block. denting revival se vices in Be lin. — At such low prices duet they astonieh every t.iii:iivr:ltock of boote end felons and eIothiug Viet it is oh mere couv lieut. His ...Royal rievenge olt is a very remising T R traine for Termite and east leave Wingleim 0.30 a.m. and 11.10 lean. end $.40 p. In.. Ilia Clinton and Guelph. Good. doenectione by all trains. —It le eid. that "Wec salty is the best day of all, nd in redard to weddings.. it appears to be true. On Werhu. day of title Week there r three wed lige, the column. n. trete the manta:wormers, Hamburg, Ger- many, a large .olnlingumOut of vanes stnel other glass awl clime goads. Oall and mee lawn., at tbe China House. W T tern, to make II (Amy, Nike hold and oar ry stock. Now is the tIrrte ; we% Ita at at. MAY leatertlaits, —Mr W T - *,.tee hardest opened up a Jorge stock of china aodglassware, received direct, from Germany. Call and take 'a look through bis stock, • —The Bev Dr Crawford; of St Tliomes, Deltota, entad *,ted the eervlces tot the 13aptist cburol on Sunday laob. The reverend' doeter was connected with the Baptist College in Wooclr,iock for fourteen T years before s�iing i Dakota. • here is it probability that he ate of -the Baptist o the near future. --traceries et' he 1!iolipee,. T ire noti 1 Teeth eztraoted without •n by elect ieity at d'. f., Jerome's. 13ell's If se or Band yii1 give a grand' ltU,Iquerade ea nivel. iu the Roller Itiuk, oa Thursday ev ing, the' r• th of December. Several prizes w 1 be given, for eastnuses, &c. --,T J Ilomoth do Son can'show yon the largest stook of elothieg, gents furnishings, boots and shoes in Wiugham,atprices that defy the keeueet competition. ny accept tbe•ustor• rch in this to;;$. —Bettoex (iovrtese.—Saturday •. night, Panay Dr es Geode 6o,' Ladies Pipe shoes &1,5@,To lot of Sbawis,Gloveeand Hosiery, Liu�en id.bilk Handkerchiefs. Gents all wool vorcoat5 falle,76, Gents Tie 12c at F1'. I'jcIxnoo's. lifter' town. --Mr ;Jobb uinu$,;(+f this ashoit illness, died Cu, `Mnirdity;everting: last. He hasotbeen well for socio time.. but it was not t ought that the end was so near. lie had b eu a resident of Wing - hare for sortie ti , and leaves it wife and several children, 1 of whom are grown up. He was in li e 71st year, The re- mains" wore inter d iu the Wingham Cemetery on Wedue day, being followed to their last resting p tie by a large num- ber of people. -•a large stock of acute farnishings and -underwear on baud and will be disposod of at rook bottom prima at —The horse air, o►a* Thursday, was a success, as far Horses tied atteudance of buyers were oo cerno4 There were but few animals aloe ged rends, there being too great a differ ice between buyer and. seller, ; —Do not w lar poor boots at this season. of the year for you will be sure to suffer for it but get a pair of high cut seamless solid kip boote. Sold by GOUDON .St MON.' xnen, at the price charged by other houses for common, goods. —Mr To, Elliot, of lot 10, nceesion Turpberry, 11 sell by peahen tiou, and Holstein oa bieucluding two H stein 61111e, oti Holsteiu ow and our; belfee alt. There i,re 28 head o cattle in all. le e at' ono o'clock, Term —The first and second prizes in the saw- ittg contest at the Winghtun fair were both •�-A large stack of Fruits atACoufoatioe- --Brunelle w visited by sit, di ery et dali;elvie's Star reatauraut. fire an Stetur• morning lase. —Regular mar the Town Conned American Hotel, •weed by Mr K will be held on Id uday\evening next, wets diseavereej to •sou fire abt,titl%o'dl' The fire Was .aa w tneennioated tie ad1oiuink id` The 'stereo of !futon c only abbatli School Age A le Smith, A. St • chart and ,T 0- S' He fell a prey to he devouring flia.. sociatiou will old rte ext eouvoutiou in The photograph' gall ry of Mr. W .J + Jimmie on tb 20thud 2l et Jaduary, field was over the s •re of Mr A. Stir 1891. , and was complotel : destroyed. All tile ;'- gt�...ea,ll at Alex Boss' book Aire and see burned out will to a heavily, notwithst.. e the La 'ince speentele. Solerugesit since fug they were all artielly' insured. B l' Gn ex letatown. —A nevi 4 a table ent into effect en qe Graud� xii. k .WdIw on dionday last, Ina there 4'0 changes 'n the arrival or departure ` `tr 'us fro the lugham atatiuu: - -A• OA umber a Cauadian fire inter. ested iu the E, Potts umber i • iupauy,of Moody., Niel 'gen, w 'ell le i fivauoial I eo tench dissolved sw etnese,the eaecba 1 diff1oulties. r Potts' u ii nisseried to a } essence of a perst3u's atum cannot b d' laugh s of i11r Youfil , Of t1ie tows. ( coming to the surface and .a taffy p 11 Wen lice from Winuipetpaper that rarely" suds in anythin but regrets the our old tow amain r J J : Terson, is is over, The program .. a of the:even spoken of at the coast g !leave Pette uew- generally consistsiu g ting covered a i ly formed m riicipali of . Jtuu �,i molasses, flour and but =r, throwing leen which Matta,. anftob ,) is sir tinted. no of cb,ndy at the pictur, • and furuiture,•k. would fill the ofii a with bieit7`"" suing had -eating eo much that.yo • want to live pickles considerable maul ipal a per a?E4co. the rest of the eek, and a v A ]odga of L iuteresting progremtn: it is, too. fly Truer;lueswaa ' organized intown, on Tuead - eveuinn 'Perco = last, byMrs ' rle ,, of Torent.: assisted Mr. W. B.'_ 'i n f - f r Y • , o retford, d, Distr by Mesdames ' erguson,Net1 iniVfetnilton ' Superintendent of 't $ Grand . Tr and Mies Kell , of Walton jt'Tl e lodge Railway, was up this • :y 'on a' tela starts -with a go d. mernbereki£p ttvith the inspection, on Tuesda last. He re following officer:: Mrs J Mc C iglat: W ed inWinghani on Tu :t lay. night.. M ; Mrs J Kerr, D M ; l 1r44. Couery, P. Halsted, of Mt; °rest is nisi Chap; Mies S 1'- typieoe, Bo .•�3eo; Mee friends 3A town, this'. '• eek ,Mr. Get Wainber, Fin.13 c ; Mrs it 'Snarling, Musgrove•i� tterned"f;• •. • 'anitoba Tress; Miss M obnston, D ?'af 0; Mrs.. Saturday list. He spent the sumam J Irwiut i T; Mi: J Netterfreid, 0 T. in. Southern karate •a Mi: Wm.Livirn• stop, of Milverton, as in town on. Thur day' of last week o : business.. Ir. J. Gordon, of Glasga •, Scotland, was town over Sunday isiting his old friends Mr, and MreteJoh NeelandS..14IV C Sparring and den _ Titer'. spin with relatives;in t. Marys tri ;vi4 returning on Mon . y last . Mr, Mad J. .i rueaid, tit„C)Fnot,, u El,g� , on"WednesrlleY, at Tiding the'` Meeri Me. Kincaid's fat, er..Mr.'Joshua• 13 uer,bandmaster o t Luoknow band Sunday in tow .. , Inspetetor Ito'. Clinton, was in own, this week.: George Found, of ie easel!, was in on Monty, on h': way home to Whi church—Mrs. vlrs.13o d and daughter Ali of Mitchell, are visiting:' at Mr. Tho Bell's..Mrs. Bann; tto and children, and Laura, of Pal erston, are visitin at ?ilr. W. K. 'Snide -'s. —Mae r. Hughes, o Listowel, is visiting is brother, Bev. W. Hughes. Mrs. - ickls: has returns from her trip to En rland..M.r.D. R, Mt Litosh, of Lurkno -, was in town, thi 11 be High Maes, with ' Week..Mr. A. Ca pbell, of. Luckne+ I ,rd*,hip at 10.30 a m was in town on W tlnesday, on buuine rmon and 'Benediction ..:Mr, W..D.Brocl ,of London, is visitin 'clock. AIt denornin- at Ir. R. Hill's invited by Bev Father —Oalah for goo.• butter at R ,A Graham's Market Gtocery. —The =ruin - and evening trains on the Southampton nd Wlartcn linea of the Grand Trunk R 'Iway, taken off a ie week*, ago, oamme ed running again on Mouday last, Thi be of great ad- vantage to the recti lie oe country travers- ed by these roads. —There are sev al towns in Ontario where the authorit =s do not' permit boys' and girls to be on t o'etteetiafter9 o'clock unless aaeompanie by ",an escort. The curfew bell is rung t 9 o'clock and after that hour boys and iris mot net be found on the street.. 'The ;m.10 said to work well, l is:tiot a bit t idea that law can p step i. laud do.that- !rich too many par. ants pity" no atteutt u to—look .after the rnorals of their chili: ren, Boys and girls who are permitted:.'o run the streets at night are not likely f._ have ,their- morale —1Vlisee ow; & (lottery VO opened. a Dress and antis; Mel "rig Betebliele- inent in rooms the B aver Block, next door to W Broe. o lire's photograph gallery, whore they 11 be. prepared to make Dresser; an les to order, in the latest styl , and on art notice. Apprentio anted to le. . Dress and Mantle- wag. --Tile season ha arrived for the jubl1 taffy pull; or as the say in Boston, glucose tension;' wh lads and lassies together is some fro •itabie kitoheu have a good thee ova a kettle of matt sugar. Tbis kind- o entertaiment is o. of the old•lashioned latitationa tbat never lose their ober in the midst — Capt.W D A rewe, :c"` 4 ian, who --'-For fresh buck lieab kf t;oru Qour has been engaged n the life sa it �g service and pert a brose, o A r's. si �, for eighted'a year , and who b,<'ggsne blind —Since the meet, ig of-t`lie (,!driest! gen- from the effegtao'. exporure 10'481 ter +incl fereuce in Moutrea lest'•.tepteu8bei;= the . weather, is iu to n selling hiseto "The . nit, 7.he Methodist Book as d Ptlbitshrng 'Muse Lifeboat and oche • Pectins." He' wears a # sula"r alt in its a u ,s r £qrw 1 makes a other t u� popular number at'golti m; dais, aivttrciak, item for periodicals, '4.e1'1•W aper with the pro braven Davin 1 te,Behaapersonaley greseive Hams "Ge aril," an et1 ht fi>ir. i ge staved 60 lives, a0i " #re a eiY"!"ia+srk utretted. well•iliustrated wbii Iy, is issued at the over 300 person from drowning. The low price of 00 cents e, year, 02.10y—over Captain bus bee recammeiiciedeby 1i B H 5 copies, 50 cents a y r. It isedited by tiie Duke of (; unaught to receive' the the Bev Dr Withrow, whose management Albert model of- ' he first-class in rcengui- of WA. illethodi t'M y i,ie and Sunday tion of his'mau hots of bravery. in saving Sehoo =periodicals of ie Alethodist church life fromdrowui g even at the peril of his has been so sugars. fel, The popular M,own life. "- esoemn Methodist Magazine 2,00 per annual) --The -opening of St Augustine and the Staid TSolsao Banner (GO • cents per annum) wileahlp e eou4iderably en- ohurcYr 41Pawarr eh, by His Lordship Lon - larged nue improved. The Rev (Villiam, Right Itev I/enis ''Connor, Birhop of Lon - Briggs, Toronto, is the publisher of those den, will take li • ce on Sunday, November 41 periodioale. 30th, at 10.30 a m So very exceptional tip event calls for ex cellona! —American money taken at par at it action on the !sill's city restaurant, hart of the good tholies of Weveatmele T110 OM leeliable. 'Every day adds testanouy in laver of in all lanes are Whethee ge people event wear He creates sueh at great and r, the Family ly that any Ste 1(13b0 eueoees A4 Star. 16 the 'view that all peopl growing mote and more which le absolutely r dealing with men tir thi them, above all things, t that they atm be depend , 'a universal demand for t mom uot worth- Herald zed Weekly Star ib to the on i in tereet tt is nate to say tbab it ie rat aomehorly.. W are always; pie wed te enterprise in any qoarter Were 'taws for publication fro all meets with snob magnificent quarters. Alai* tters which if It own the ramily Herald and Week we would like to m ion pates tutuOti a, eetinteitereadersty hundreds o because not communi ea to us, go it le a recogui ea authorit --For itrat.oless tailoring and Oboe* matter§ of pu o interest. T gents' furnishings, try Webetee & have the Fate' y Herald eoa liemsrebor the place, only tworloors north have tree r thette who bilete el the old stand and between Rose hoek. it ao not If what they aro miss 3750 Cottage or its eq uivalent iu cash will be given to the pereon detecting the greatest umber of °trove (words wrongly spelled or nits - elected) in the December itieue of " Our Homo." In 'addition will be giveu two of $50, ten of $25, twenty,five of 010, fifty of one hundred of 32, and one hundred and fifty of 31, distributed in the order geutleman o lately lefe Kingston Seattle, Wash ngron 'Territory, in will be sent with a oce.ty of December testae f°r. ou receipt of 15 oents in statnps. Special writing to a friend, eye there are hun. eaoth pekes given away almost every day drecle of idle men hanging exerted the during i'llec°TuNbitin- camera, Young me Able to not -tis Marks ruary 1st, 1801. have to wait weeke al d menthe for a job. Athfreas, Oen Hausa Putoorago Ca,, The wages paid /Lee node Clerks get front Brook vitle, Canada. The publiebers The Toilth'Pe,amm' to $4.50 'per day. panion have see t tie handsome Souvenir .rfetael.ass horn $5 to articles for the next .ar's volume. Itertis aimed ja iGuustuu seven Illuntinated pak s, one for tattle day deists. from 340 to , in the week, very nine in style, the wear rest twids as whole forming "33oo - of Days," and each. Canade. flambee' page illustrs.ting a lin of the old rhyme; eafonday fo Health, Sunday, and sateen Wednesday the est Day of all ; Thursday r Losses, Friday fot rowel, Setunley Lao *teal ; Sundey the Day 1, at ie Bleat With liettvenly erre and Best." This'novel and unique attendee is sent Hence all should b preeent in good tiroe on next Sunday -a d give liberally at the offertory. There eerinou by Me. mid vespere With tbe evening et 7 McGee, Pastor. . Asy 850 to $',10 it meth binatnithe *got 53.60 plumbers .froin 33.60 1 price of board per week, Bvery- which cell be • pure r from $15 to 51e. • boots 'end under- uch they do in etchee are pleyed on owe, houses are opal and veriety shows alt day/ t o nujority of the otores do Waimea, advisee youtig men to stay in Canada. he place tied wintery is nob what, It in repr ented to be by news- paper writers aud bo Hite. To Delliirratilite. free to all New Subncrib re to The Come Quite a mnxiber of subscribers to the TIMM MO in arrears, Male of them l'or soription bao request it the time they two and three years. All who acii. The Companion will so be tent to arrears would oblige `Ue by remitting ,1 0e 0, ten ,yelvt amount, tine, at an early date, fia We need 8 rive Double the money to meet our obligations. Ac- ne Illustrated counts will be rendered to all who do not CopPaolOn is pay before the 12th of December neat iiiiba liunutthl.A.-generotts response to this notice will reeetvo our thanks, Meyer and daug Toronto on Monde Of Henson, was of Wingliatu, from. his recent many friends we him looking to Winghatn this.. Kelly leaves to7: extended visit. reside there. timimmil5 jemmy, 1801. free, MA ose 30,10 Holiday Nutshell and all kJ), attte Weekly Stipplerneuta, shapely favorite in lself QS 801/ d ta an 0 UR /41.1114 e lee ter Alice went ..Mr Richard town on litin James A. in town on. Fri ost wholly rem evere illness, and e much pleased to oek,,The Rev. ay for Toronto fo Mm, rel ly appointed rtuant officer, and the Ile ner'e cottineut on their action le wort The Banner sa at—There is a compulitce ;wheel law on t le statute book by wile every ohild of chool age eau be compelill other laws this ono ho.a been allowed come a 4104a, le er. The Dundee 13ottrd children at the blio sehora, mita bas ente wlee ueglec 'to give their *Waren ly at school. 11 is ware dole the 4 them is later 40,