Wingham Times, 1890-11-21, Page 9It is the better
ng eueh a number of
to divide the nooks
ienty or twenty,<•five,
rtant matter to sen
the. pens is dry, anis
that it will stay fio if
bedded with straw,
latter will lead to
;ally to foot -rot, A.
)oil ashen makes #4
floor that will serve
The attentive and
erd will be always on
that his sheep are
► dampness in ant
'o or under foot. Dry.f
well ventilated penis
moat in sheep raid
ding the flock with
by conditions, their
tunes much easierunct
elaborate. Some few
opinion that during
not require water,
e that will be strikiug;
e praotioe bs once tried
,m with clean, fresh
hey have an Rbund-.
The better results that
observance will be
the more satisfactory
Sock. Clover hay id
fodder to feed, ant
meadow hay of mixed
arly in the aeasotl.
thereby turnips anis
nake excellent food,
of the season twenty -
lead each day may
vantage, but as the
lambing time that,
be lessened, for. cola;
e not to be recommend. -
ewes in pregnancy. the season swedes_
best, but later on to-
mange's should be
them. When first
are too watery and
feed, but as the season
acquire a sweet Savour
oh to their palatability
lee. Turnips, on. the
3rease in nutritive value
;reales. The best grain
xture of peas and oast
cake is not, as a ruler
pesides being expensive
utintities, it has a ten•
theanimals to which It
aowever, does not apply -
eh is perhaps especially
g to its. laxative quail- •
lett of feeding a helf
taoh day becomes ap
softness, lustre, and
s wool. The quantity
:d will vary trom one
is as the judgment of
nay dictate. The aim •
bring the ewes through
healthy, vigorous con-
t alien they lamb they
good mess of rich milk.
irable that uniform Gon-
d prevail, both in feeding
merit, ;throughout tint
the last check is given f, .
injuriously affects the
trength of the wool fibre.
always in mind that :to
:sated animal responds •
to good attentive treat
seep, and inversely that
nal of the fartn will more
tete effects of negligence,.
Tian Live Stock and Faro'
Cough? Take Wilson's Wild
Cold? Take Wilson►,Wild
Bronchitis? Take `Wilsotfe
et•youa voice? Take Wileon'r
sthma? Take Wilson's Wild
Cold in the Seaa? T1Itkel
Cnre for all dieeaees of
hest and Lungs. Sold by all •
q that time Kingston cotton
p'dtcbased by the >yndtr+
3 already obtained %mit 1
tb Canadian mills=
aoelf?uapafil ]sr rare t. w. a. x, a•
4410 oras. * ttorltlex at tela Court.
d ecu aware that there is a prejudice
againe& any marl engaged in the niauu.
f acture of ale ,bol. it know there is
a prejlidiee against a time of this hind.;
and there is a very good reason for it.
.believe to a oestrin degree with the
distriut attorney in this case, who said
that every duan who makes whisky is
demoralized, t believe, gentletueli,to. a
certain degree it demoralizes those who
+cell it: and those who driuk' it, l beleive
that from the tiale it issues front the
paiswuea and Oiled worm, in the dis-
tillery until it empties into the hell
of death, dishonor and crime, that it.
demoralizes one who touches it
from, its source to where it ends. I
40 not believe anybody cote gontern•.
plate the sgbjeot without heponing
prejudiced against that liquid crime.
All we have to do, gentlemen, is to
think of the wrecks on either bank of
the stream of death, of the suicides,
of the insanity, of the poverty, of the
ignorance, of the destitution, of the
little children tugging at the faded
breasts .of weeping and despairing
'wives asking for bread, of the ruen of
genius it has wreaked, the men
struggling wito the imaginary serpents
produced by dile devilish thing ; and
when you think of thejails, of .the
&xnshouses, asylums, of toe prisouii,
of the scaffolds upon (Mixer back; I do
not wonder that every, thoughtful man
is prejudiced against this damned
stuff that is called alcohol.
DAIRY 021/141010111110
I am glad indeed to meet a gather.
ing so representative as this present
one is, composed of delegates from
each of the provinces of oar wide
Dominion, all interested in laying,
down, .those broad lines of eolloy along
which we should seek to improve
what Intemoranoo Doors•
The evils of intemperance cannot
be exaggerated. Ilad they come upon
us in any gratificatiotl of our f.ppetite
or pecuniary gain, the whole land.
would have been covered with seek -
cloth: A. blast or a tempest, which.
for six successive years should sweep
away $80,000,000 of property, would
be viewed as the ruin of the nation.
Bub inteniperauce cost this nation for
the last five years $88,213,236, A foul
spirit let loose from- the pit, with pow •
et tai destroy the sober judgment of
men, incite to the cominissiou of every
abomination and grime, like ft dire
diseasesweeping over the land, not
unlike the ffi'►litful pestilence extin-
guishing man's life almost wathoi t
warning, bnt first crippling all the
physical, intellectual and moral ener,•.developing dairy farming than any form
glee of 950,000 citizens, turning some. 'of agriculture.
Alt raw
young tom;, cit middle aged, who find
themselveaa ueryaua,r week or exhaust-
ed, who are Iaru1 down from extols
or overwork, resulting In mluiy of the
following symptoms : Mental depres,
Mon, premature old age, lose of
vitality, lose of rtiemory, bad dreams,
diluness of sight, palpitation of the
hart, emission, laiok of energy, pain
in the kidneye, beaduke, pimples un.
the face or body, itohing or peonlar
sensation about the scrotum, waisting
of the organs, dizziness,, spooks before
dairy fanning in Canada. It doe$ -lot, the eyes, twitching of drew muscles,
to my mind, seem that this Asaooiatiou, eyelids and clamber?, bashfulness,
in its convention, should he ooucerned eo deposita in the urine, loos of will
much with the detailsef practice in dairy
work as with lsyiug down these general
plans for procedure which will guide the
several provinces iu developing their re
souroes according to their own conditions
and adaptations. bo,this moruiug,in speak,
lug on this tubjeot of dairy farming, for
the Dominion, I wish to indicate a bat I
conceive to be the line of policy that ebould
be followed by this Association, as well as
to mention, es far as I eau at the present
moment, the line of endeavor I myself
shall follow in my work as Dairy Com-
inissionsr—alway, s being 'willing and
anxious to have plans modified according
to changing conditions and to increased
The popular conception is, that dairy
farthing is concerned mainly in the product.
tion of milk or the handling of its pro.
ducts, I think that tkilltut dairy farming
is an occupation having wider rag than
that. Dairy farming should. uertaiuly
concern itself with having the:.orail in such
a state of fertility that the dai,rymeiu will
obtain plentifully and profitably the raw
material out of which be. has to obtain
milk, butter, concentrated, quality and
valve. I begin, therefore, by trying to
tell you what I conceive to bethe purpose
killful farm. workIt . s to roournd
e a
of p
provide food of excellent quality, to main?,
tain and, where possible, to increase the
fertility of the soil, that there may be an
abundant store Whence to draw supplies of
row material, and tp.g-fve profitable 000u-
patiou to a large population upon the
farms of the Domriniion, Agriculture will.
always be our main industry, and if .we
can employ people tberein profitably, we;.
will relieve ourselves from many of those
'difliouliiesincident to hard times,. In this
threefold line of endeavor, I would like to
present to you the adaptability of dairy
farming to just meet our needs ap•a,nation
in trying to pay our way, and have some
thiug left fur ourselves. In the produc-
tion of food, dairy farm ingeuables every
mei, who follows it skilfully and with
good, judgment, to get more food from the
same. number of sores than he could obtain,
otherwise. There is no -occupation, except
that of, Market gardening. that will pro:
vide sp, nfuob.foed of the beet quality from
a small anba•as.,dairy farming; so we can
get more food iu our Dominion through
power, tendernee. of the scalp and
spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire
to sleep, failure to he rested lay. sleep, ,
constipation, dullness of hearing, loss
of voice, desire for solitudes.. excita-
bility of temper, sunken eyes sur•
rounded with LEADEN CIBOiE, oily
looking skin, etc:, are all symptoms
of nervous debility that led to inanity
and dead useless cures. The spring
or vital power having lost its tension
every function wanes in Consequence
Thost, who through abuse committed
in ignorance may be perwanentely
cured. Crud your address for book.
on all diseases peculiar to man.
Address M. T. LIIBAN, 60 Front St.
L , Toronto, Ont. Books sent free
sealed. Bean disease, the symptoms
of whielt are faint spells, purple lips,
numbness, palpitation, skip beats,
not flushes, rush of blood to the head,
dull pain in the heart with beats
Strong, rapid and irregular, the second
heart beat quicker than the first, paint
about the breast bone, etc., eau
positively be Cured. No cure, no pay,
bend for book. Address M. V.
LUBON,. 5U Front Street Fast,
Toronto, One,
intoidiots, some into maniacs and
solveinto fiend s, to be the torments,
Of their families, nuisances to society,
accursed of God and men, living only
;to make a god of their belly, and then
dying amid the horrors of an antici-
pated hell, and doomed art last to
U. P. It. TI94E TABLE.
Trains arrive and depart as follows :
6;36 a. in ......... .For Toroutb ..........6:26 a. m
2:20 NM 11 2:30 p,m
9:20 p.m... For Teeswater 2.20 `
10:30 p. m10:30 '
Cheap for K A►.S '..
WE]3ST) 'S
A. U. STRATHUEE; A'rss'r, WINanAw.
Through tickets to all •pointe In Amorlon—North
West Pacific Coast, oto., via the shortest and all
popular routes:• Baggage choked through to
destination.• • l .pwestfreight' all points.
0:30 a.111.To1oOto,GPeJph,PGIIINI Ston, &o. 3:10300 Win.
11:10. „
3:40 p.m, a '4 Clinton,
7:26 " ...,...Palmuret0n drixed ....10:16 A.M.
0;46 a.,n - 50ndU) .&Q• , 11:00 "
3:10 pan.
11:10 a.m
3:00 p.m
1010 " •
Then we are enabled by dairy farming
to, protect the soil. A good deal of our
farming.has been after a prodigal fashion
We have been wasting our substance iu
riotous farming if not in riotous living.
We have been recklessly shipping off to
England and the States, substances that
we should have kept ourselvre, and we
havn been getting no fair value baok. If
shave and everlasting contempt, we would save the fertility ott our laud we
vrould have,oattsed us to feel that . would give the substances removed from.
earth: was forsaken ofrite kind Bene-
factor, and all the curses of the pit
' were let loose upon us.' And yet
these; for years on years, have been and keep it rich, to go on sustaining this
the dire fruits of intemperance, T./u- large population for which the food is pro•
tier its prevalence crime has, canoed vided.
crime, and blood answered to Then it will give a large population
blood, profitable occupation ; dud, as we increase
At low calculation, in• the last
twenty- five years, as many or more
than 1,000 000 persona have su,uk into
the drunkard's grave, and $i±a50,000,':•
000 have been uselessly expended.
'teen it is estimated that no less than
6,000 murders caused by inielxiperatioe,
beaiides conflagrations and shipwreck,
uununibered,,hayu resulted, and pro
cieasion after procession has gone to
the poor -house, triojali,,the-mad-house
:and the orphans' l3oine, In Groat
Britabi, it • appears, from statistical
fiat published by the last • session sof
the British Parliament, that while the
manual expense for bread was $180,
-00,0 00, , the immediate cost of liquor
a• as'$28U,000,000, resulting in alt
*meant of squalid poverty, 'vice, pro.
a igaey+ and crfine,, of whioh,,110 ruin,
tet the mind of Q:,od oan have all.
*guide oonoeption, and Betiding 85,000
human beluga,n a land of the very'
tt Meet (Gospel tight, to tho drunk•
gelato and the drunkard's stere
the soil in farm products all the value they
can parry, and dispose of;'them only that,
way. D'}tiry farming, while providing.
large supplies of food, will protect our soil
7:46 p.m.
Kincardine, &g 6:30 a.m.
11:10 "
6:60 p.m
the population we carry in our own Laud,
so do we add to the value of all property,.
and augment the profits from every bus:•
netts, as population is almost tbo only,
element that gives value to property. If: a
man has a dosen square miles in the middle
of Africa, where nobody lived, he would
•1ka,ve no -fortune in his laud. If, how•
ottani had oiie sore in the centre of a
great Canadian onty he would have great
value; because demes populatiou,is there.
So. as WO get more .population, We have
more valukin our property.
Phrenology, Physiognomy and
& Son.
Everythitz the Babying. Line.
Send. Photograph of Yourself or Friend with 31,
and I will send you a Written Statement of your
Character and the Pursuit you are adapted for ; also
stating what perspn you:Mould marry to, be happy..
Photo. returned with chart.
Ph enolo
Q. Litst
Murillo P. 0. via Port Arthur, Ont.
Late of Wtngham.
At the Chicago horse show, on Sak
urday night, the (3atiadian horse Rose.
berry beat.tehei World's reoord for high
jumping byrone, halts inch. clearing
seven feet one And three quarter
Property Tor Sale in Belwore. .
The undersigned offers tor sale a desirable pen
petty In the village otBoltnore, consisting of a good
dwelling house, oriloe, stable and driving shed, with
one acre and a•halt of land in connection. Splendid
garden, with all sorts of fruit trees. Will be Bold
at a bargain. For partlqulars, apply to
BlA,Rr] ,ZR, S Ham.P.
Hepai ri tlg will be Promptly ID one.
(ot the late firm "of Nickel & x3ore)
(LATE or T OPLR4,)
Iinrin' purchased the barbering business of Messrs.
Sebastian Bree„ Is prepared to give all old customers
and as ones as patronise him, satisfaction
in all lines of the profession.
' aro my Specialties.
'Metre Sian Call at the old stand, opposite Gordon
and Mclutyre's store,
1 nt. McDONALD.
Top and • Open Bugg±es,
Carriages, S1eighs,zeut ers,
Phe, .tons, Road ,' arts,
eotpl Bi i:gatin will be given in Top and Open Buggies for the nett two
' months.
Alj+kinds ,,twork made to order by flret•olass workmen, under the super..
vialou:Ot.the proprietor.•
Repairing, Painting, Top Building &o., dont Willed'
TBose in need of anything in our line will rave money by calling before
purchasing. WM. DORE,, Wingham, Ont.
I V'a Heb M.'•
Capital, $1,000,000. Rent, $450,000.
President -301M STVAttr.
Vico•Presiddut--A. 0, its,19AT.
Ions Pa0000a, Cnes, ovaNsv., GE0 RoAou, A. T
Woon, A. B. Ess ('Toronto).
Cashier -3. TurttoipLL.
Savings Bank hours, 10 to .3_S SStUttlaye,10 to
1 :' Depp osits,ot 31 and upwards received and interest
fgpostal Deposits also received: et current
rates or interest,
rt af`to.ou Great Britain and. the United: States
,boughtand geld
B. WILZa801st AGENT.
11 .StEIt' do DIC1iI1•180N,
IOOLtexrp td.
tw, <, tl
e $.LIRE i41ruessomasuadrartiloiallimmomaimm"1 WIRED
'0 7.'1YIt EBYxra"'`1i
Please Were. atrar readers that I have a positive rentals, t'br the abbot net •'1
Wasp. By kr timely use t :,sande ofltopelostl Maes have been permanentty. Cared r tette
t glad to Send twee bottle* of .my remedy .IO'llttk to any of your reader, who have n4,14ri 1ption If the m
thin rend e their Ex ess and Post Mkt Addr Respa Cil ,,
4�,„ 4 *4.444414-'t W` -t sal +a atr.:10.BOsi TOE seem
mo ONT.
' ow..' rice...
Eousei gid,
4. Mrs pronounced the bgakAtedtolnet.-fob
E, .0
AC%t, klDN10,8 AND 33oWItLI mid aro
e tenraltr st all Now
oId remade. OK 11i,02i01ir35I��g, E
Owford. Late Sst, (Mere Street, Leaden,
and Pam, U . rddreep,