Wingham Times, 1890-11-21, Page 7and that yen rt during the are that! 11lie., nu, and maim If you once. home for .Ike you will And , and the joy,, iu will expert. wn life the bap - lappet to moot en they are in. !ging in any evil is wrong, he ?Ind effotionately, e8,, remonstrates theta to pursue course. Let tie, euchers, imitate id when we do roof, of warning; kindly, lovingly, tly, with the sue fit and save•the Ing hiin to Christ. do in Christ'* fellow creature ul to save, and who has died to ermost, though it here else in God'a upertshable nark very deed of nne we perform with hearts, thnugh it n all the world,. :diction on our. writer has said„ since 'a leaf fell seemed to be lout. geologist in his. a -piece of rock • rid there lay tire' th every line and to delicate tracery me through these wcras we speak things we do to. e lost, but in the r, the smalleet.of the glory of Christ. leer. His own example oom should be such ight follow with approval of their lay School Teacher ose to the great. en enforcing any troth, he can say 'ant: "These things, n in me, do." The carp eyes, and are re a113 thing in our.'- )r conversation that trail what we teaeb. in; and live some-. ' not wonder if one little effect on our, )Ont discover that we it true teachers, and 'ul that we live the io mark out for our ink that character..: ability. Not what it is said, although . ' , npoyrtant, but who. Ale reception reception that receives, What you, arbat yeti say, yself be true, ith wouldst teach, ow of soul, lips true speech." fellow teachers, I 'hat if ye know these ye if ye do thein." 5rris. las gone to Michigatu He accompanied Mr, 1. Young, formerly of. returned from the northern California. Wien saw loss -are irs.—Mr. Bort. Rus- n for some time in reed. He.thinktr One. 11 for him.—Mr. Bar- i were destroyed by igo,is pushing forward.. a new one. Nothing' good teeighliorss, and is well supplied' With. cod is .visiting friends Leek.—The' .Sunshine, ay school intend hold• tree entertainment on, ember. The Sunday will be especially foie Ir. X enuerly, of 'Sun- to Goderich township, aside in future.—Mrs. a severe attack of .t is somewhat better, Yips Inas been appointer) e comity, In piece of • deoetteed, tererlith, of London,, t Sarnia en T uridyl► as Judge o'f the Sa» J'udicatur'e. I W. C. T. U. Conven-. Atlanta, tbt., re elect. rendes E.. Wiiliarit urnberry. The Tawny tip Uounot of Turnberry met in Saults' hall, Bluevale, on Mon. day, Nov, 1 i tit, 11390. Members all present.: The -Reeve iu thechair. The n iuteeof taut meeting we're read, ape Proved and. signed. Communications were read from. Messrs. Cameron, Holt & Cameron, re suit Bryce vs Louttit and others, from 'Township 4010;engineer, re Braine; from kfowick `' council, re boundarylrneaocount; from Wingbam yenned re boundary line ao. sunt;and from G IIBlaukwell, re assess. meat —The Reeve reported that, along with Mr. "Ainsley and a committee of Outsell, he had inspected the devta. tion of road recommended by Mr, Ainsley at Eadie'sbridge, and decided to urehase a piece of land from Mr. Stphens, at the sum of $35 for the Said. deviation, as it would materially, shorten both the bridge and the ape proaches. Mr.Cruiokehank reported Wm Mitchell had completed job al, of gravelling, and recommended pay. ment. • .Mr, Gemmill reported having let job of partly repairing Gemmill's bridge ,to Geo,. Nicholson ; job coin. r'e pleted and recommended payment, Also, that, subject to the ap- proval .of this •eounoil, he had let a job of further repairs un the same bridge, to the same party, Also that the cul. vert let to 11 Hayden was completed, and recommended payment, Also that hehad let a job of putting in a culvert on 4th concession, opposite lot 6, to Wm Harris, at $2. 50. The job was completed and he reeommended payment, Mr Kirton complained to the council that his land was flooded by a culvert put in the road opposite his lot. Movedby Thomson, sec- onded by Wm Cruickshank, .that Mr Gemmill be instructed to inspect the same, and to consult with both Mr Harris and Mr Kirton in regard to it, and report to this council at its next meeting-n-Carried,--Yloved by R Max- well, secouded by Writ Gemmill, that the clerk write to the engineer and get him to call. at Eadie's bridge and sur- vey piece of laud bought . from Mr Stephens., when going out to inspect drain—Carried.—M,ved by R Max- well, seconded by Win Gemmill, that the -Reeve be instructed to attend the adjourned sale of lands for taxes at Goderich (if any) in th.e interest of this Township --O irried. -Moved by. G Thomsou, seconded by Win Gem.. to ill, that the collector be instructed to cash order on school trustees,sectioti: No 4, for $15Q-0.,rried -Moved by R Maxwell, eeoouded by G. Thomson, that the clerk be instructed to draw up a By law to prohibit all ri ling or driving of any vehicle drawn by any animal on the sidewalks in thin Town. •ship — (tarried: — The fe,llowing ao - countswerepassed d a orders on u ldeth e 1 f, Treasurer issued : Geo Nicholson, , $11.55, repairing bridge John Day- idson, $1.75, repairing scraper ; 'Allan Orr; $1 95, graver; Jas Scott, $1.71, repairing .culvert; Samuel. Anderson, $2 95, gravel an d damages t II Hay den, $2.50, culvert ; Wm Mitchell, $8 58, gravelling ; Wrn Harris, $2.50; culvert Duff k Stewart, 53 cents, lumber ;'4Vtn Messer.. $6.99, charity'. to indigents ; D Marshall, $6, rent of house for indigents ; Foresters' Halle $2, rent for court ; .Ed Armstrong, $fe charity ; Wrn Anderson, $5; char- ity E 1 Shrigh y, $3, charity •; inoni- cipality of Wingbarn, $87.12, boundary account. Moved by Flint Cruickshank, seconded by R Maxwell, that this council adjourn to meet in Saults' hall, Bluevaie, on Monday, Dec. 15th, 1890. J Blnneess, Clerk. 1.1 —It ;swell to be posted in the practical details of one's busiuens.the more especial- ly so when the bu'm3ess is exceptionally intricate. •$1o,000 ws.s recently saved by the bMCCauslaird'e, of Toronto, when an Amerioan specialist in the Stained Glass business found to his chagrin that this firm had been working for years the very item that be wished to dispose of, and tvbich Wits supposed by him to be of regent dis. cavity, •SStc "n:3,at CHRONIC : COUGH NOW! for it you do riot it may become con. 0ninptivc, For Consumption, ,Brrofitia, General Debility and Wasting .Diseases, there is nothing liko SOTT5S. ULSION EM Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHr rES +air Zkiikiote.sic iarc,tt.►. It Is tOttloat as palatebie As milk, P'ar hatter than other, so-called EtnuIstone.; A 'Wonderful neat prodder. SCOTT'S EMVIULSION put op ea a eel tton eolerwrvrpr,ee. The Imed anti pot the genatnr ,ectal by salt Plateraatm0o. and a;.00, score a 1 O NRg Eeltertlle �: .,,,to•+r.W..r..t+rms.r,+e�wr..wxw..� wr ..,,.F.,+., GORDON &:moo: tr O +a om. • poor to O Av ."'moi N �4 RE. • A • ttopm -49 44) g8t g If you want a good Suit of Scotch, Irish, or Canadian Tweed at a Bargain, go to C�'ordon & McIntyre.. If you want OVERMANS, READY MAUL CLOTHING or UNDERCLOTH- ING of any description at .Bottom Prices go to Gordon & Mclxityr. e. If yo1 want SHIRTS, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, GLOVES, Ef.ATS or CAPS, from the finest BEAVER to the cheapest imitation goeto Gordo & McTnt yre if you want First -Class BOOTS, from the strongest: Kip to the finest Kid ; OVERSHOES or RUBBERS, go to Gordon SC McIntyre. If you want MANTLE GOODS, DRESS Goons or DRESS TRIMMINGS of any material or shade, at Reasonable Prices, go to Gordon az McIntyre. • Tf.you want to select yonr CARPETS, either in Brussels, Tapestry, All. Wool or Union, from the largest stock in Wingbatn, go to • Gordon &.:McIntyre. • • If you want the purest TCAs; either ;in Black; japeeil-Younfr Hyson or Gan Powder, to be had in town, wholesale or retail, go in confidence to G'o rdon & McIi ere The Anchor Huse Winghanl.. W N1EDeAfewgoodtiontorepre- �t,j�jjldp sent in this and ad joining Counties, the 010 and Ro- ,,.ltable NEW POLAND NUN- £EN7Et, whose reputation is well known the world over. Now 11 your Chanel to! Maks Monty, Handsome Outfit ME; cont •oI ot territory, and pay every week Write a ue for 0.11 parttoulars. CHASE B1L08', 00. Narearyman, Colborne,.Ont. Groceries,, Fruit, CONFECTIONERY, ••--AT TIiB-- "ECLIPSE. JOHN KERR P.AH-MILLS1 JOHN MATT, - Manufacturer of- - N. MATERIALof all kinds, ' ria . SASH, DO'OtRS; BLINDS, FRAM:Ea, Ete. Flooring, Siding, etc., dressed to order on the shortest notice. . We have over 100,000 feet of Dry Lumber in our yard, and can sup -I ply seasoed stuff of all kinds. A can solleited ';;A:;•,-- , JOHN WATT. Inghatn, Juno Oth,.1890, NEW BUTCHER SHOP. GEO. SFtA'W' wishes to Intimate to the people of Moabite) and vidnitp that be has commenced the liutehoring 3 MORE ,►AY EXCURSIONS British Columbia, Washington Territory, Oregon and California. Leave "rbc{onto' p, m• /SID AY .II Business again, and has opened out in the Old Stand, Nov. 28 a tow doors North of the Brunswick llouse. STEAK, �i 4a a UCr per u.Ituuuing tlirough'to Vancouver without elaauge. LAMB, 10c. per lb. And other Meats in proportion, aerie as low as 80. per pound. SAVJSAGES, &o., always on hand,. Vette, delivered to any paart►;1 the tows. 'the Pattonage of the pnblie solicited. l+;O. SIIAW. rev teethe mad- a14 lnfortiiation apply to any Agent of the Company, or write We R. CALLA.WAY, 24 'York SSt, Toronto. Toe Trots to new subsotibers till 31stDeoornbea, 1820, for 1.0% er..l�l. till end ot 1891- .0atelo, .211 1R0 T T. A. MILLS Is bound to reduce his MAMMOTH. STOOK of DAY GOO turn it into CASH, . o,4Ls z"0"I, $ TAz v So we are bound to cut down prices • to nowt B.oTTolls Palm, for Wit. If you have any money to spend, Our Prices' will , surprise y'ol. and induce you to spend it. LOOK AT SOME OF OUR PRICES: HEAVY PLAID DRESS GOADS, at 10c.; Beautiful Heavy TWEED DSS GOODS at 'lie.; !heavy Wool FRENCH PLA;tD and STRIPES at 19c,, and all the Latest and Newest Designs that can be procwsed in the Best Markets in the World, for our visitors to ;choose from, Have you seen the Newest Designs in DRESS ROBES'? o t, alt and we will willingly show you through Our Stock. Black and Mourning• Goods a Specialty: A. large and magnificent stock to choose fr tin. leoi 0 0 e±c.... Our Mantle Department is full of Novelties. Come and examine for ' yourself, and be convinced that we have the Nicest and • Cheapest in Town. TARNS p, Have you Bought your Yarns 1 If not, WE- can give you' the BEST " YARNS MADE IN CANADA, and at' the LOWEST PRICES. We have also a Large Stock of Cjossbanded, and many other Yarns too numerous to name. 4 skeins BLACK FINQERINQ YARN for 25c. 13 L ANKETS ! BLANKETS in Wool an.l Paper. We have a Grand Stock of All Wool Blankets, and we are selling them at the Very Lowest Prices, Paper Blankets is the Latest Novelty in this Department --positively a Nonconductor of the cold. It will be worth your time to come and inspect them., This cold weather makes people think of their V. -raps ; But have you ever thought of the fact that you can SAVE MONEY by giving us a call. We have a Very Fine Socket* Woollens. Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers—All Wool at,50e. Ladies' Wool Shawls away down,. one line Large Sizes at 72c; f+anay Clouds and Fascinators in all the Fash - tunable Styles and Colors. LADIES'•STORM COLLARS are what the ladies are inquiring for, and we have them. Also Ladies' and Gentlemen's Paper Vests --the Latest Novelty out. Do not fail to see there. • LOOK at our stock of Children's Wool Caps and Bonnets—some- thing New. FURS ! FURS Novelties in this line are quite common to us. Ladies, do not fatty rdp.., examine Our Stock before purchasing. elsewhere. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S FUR COATS A . SpEt7IAT: "i"' x• We have a lot of Fine Coon Coats, Astrachan Coats, -acrd a lot of other Fur Goods we are bound to sell at a very Low -Price. Come and see then. . We lead the trade in FLANNBLS.i. Oar stock is exceedingly large in this Department, and we are bound to clear them out if prices will' ' do it. Good FLANNEL at 10c,• per yard. Come and examine our Flannels. , Our BOOT AND SHOE DE.T ARTMBN 1' is _complete, and we are bound to make a Clean Sweep In this line before the New Year. Ladiett' Shoes at 99o. per pair. Men's and Boys' Shies all reduced. Conte and see for yourself. No• trouble to show Goods, T. A. MILLS. a / eitAaev :4: 1 .;c CZT • Has removed to E.' F; Gerster's old stand, where, he has a large and 1 nicely;assorted `stock of I Vint.tOkOli.. Cloaks,' 4761sPelleryt 3 ,4m C,V a ti . Spot OSS• j Which he is• selling away down in price, and will be pleased to htweyott call and take -a look through his Stock. Repairing a Speeiai.ty. 1 "All work warranted anti' done promptly. +r • .D:3:1sleY a , . It • I