Wingham Times, 1890-11-21, Page 6 .i
Ton lmrnperatioe people are taking -The Teamster's Dutd4a' tp-bia Cines
advantage of the Local Option Act
pessted Ley the Outario Legislature last
seeder., and tt will be voted upon by
the people of Halton county in a
short rinse; also ny the ratepayers of
r • •
Luther township. There will not he
DRUGGIST. as uuieh 'difficulty experienced. in
'enforcing the provisions of this Aat
as there was in enforcing the Scott
M. PAuau>;z,, on account of hia do the neater under discussion the
f conduct wi.h :firs. O'Shea, should he jnstiee its important demands, As I
Outside tie So11oo1 Room..
Be it, D. U NREBSON.
:Christein fathers and co.laborera
Gtiriet'o vineyard, the subject allotted.
for rue to intrecluce et thin Couventiotr
is "The Teacbor's Duties to his Vass
Outside the Sohoel • Bonet." Andat
the outset piermit me to say that 1
recognize very deeply the impurtahce
of this subject, and I eaudidly confess
my inability to grapple with it, or
Opt). Brunswick Nous
the Irish Nationalist party in the Eng. 1+•aaher's duties to his alas at all
" forced to retire from the leadership of understand this subject. it means the
lish House oil Commons. It is said . tidies, in every plane and under all
Circumstances, except when he meets
]II11111, Yl that many of his followers do not the (labs in the school room for the
wish him to retire, but putties opinion rehearstil or etudy.ofthe .lesson, and as
should compel him to do so. Annan such I will treat it,
whose private life will not bear the tat. The Teacher's work is a special
light of day,is not worthy of the pas' .
mirk and there must be.speeial prepay
tion of leader of any great movement
34DAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1890.
243; 3', B. Faze:mete, el, V, P. for
Forth Norfolk, the Liberal Wbip in
the Ontario Legis'ature, is seriously
at hia home in Simone.
ON Friday morning last, J R Bir-
ehall suffered the death .penalty at
Woodstock for the murder of F 0
Benwell, in February last.
i.tDio:*rimis point, to ex -President
Ctevland being the Democratic Candi-
date for President in 1892 and Mr.
Jas, G, Blaine, the Republican Candi.
THE Quebec . Govornment has
i3,cquired control of all the lunatic
asylums in the province. and they
will be under Provincial control here.
IT re now pretty pertain that the
i);.zuinion Parliament will not meet
till seine time in March, in order that
Itefore prorogation the numerical part
of the census may .be made known,
ante a redistribution bill introduced.
and passed.. The census will be taken
Dili. •Dettoett itin, presi-
dent:of the`Commercial Bank of Man-
itoba, estimates, after deducting what
wheat is required to, keep: the mills
going and for seed. purposes, , the
amount of Manitoba wheat for export
would be at least 12,000,000 bushels,
and might exceed this. •
;Sone memberaof the Goderich eloun-
oil are objecting to the charter of the
Goderiolt and Witiglram railway being
handed bver to the Holmes syndicate.
'It appears to be a case of "dog iu the
manger." Dr.;lohnes, at a meeting of
the council, recently•. held, offered to
transfer the stoo'k to the iown or any
person wishing to tette it, provided
such peewits had the approval• of the
Council . Itis to be Hoped that the
matter may be settled amicably and
that active stepabe taken to build the
road at an early day.
,'bon's is cosideraele speculation as
to what, action the Dominion Govern -
meat, will take in regard to legislation
passed at the last session of tl'e Mane
it,oba legislature in regard to dual
Ignguage and separate schools. The,
rlueatiou:nf diaalloevanee is now being
• cenaidereed by a sub committee of'the
Privy Council, eonsiatine of Sir John
]~Macdonald, Sir John Thompson, Sir
Hector Laagev n, and Hon. Messrs.
Abbott and Tupper. 'iwo of this
committee are Catholics and three
Protestants ; two are from , (auebee,
tie from Nova Scotia, and one from
O, t4 ario.
A >riv stooksbnw, tinder
pities of the Guelph Fat Stook (flub
and the Agricultural and Arts Asses.
dlei`tion of Ontario, will be held in
t#igelptiY on the .10th and 1lth of
`Ddaemher next. The juditea appoint-
ed are us follows s Cattle—
F''teetnklenti, Toronto ; John dope., $7 dt
ation if the beat work it to be perform•
ed. The higher the sphere the more
or any party. special the preparation.. The brain,
Teem bas been a kind of panic on worker requires a more special training
the stook exchanges of London (Eng- thanthe
Tear, . laorvirtue of er. The Sabbath
land)and New York duringthe est by1;
p office lie holds, should .hews a more
week, On Saturday the financial spepial preparation thaw', Roy other
orisis in London became extremely instructor, even.- in ,,hi$, ;own, depart -
acute, the tumor gaining ground that moat. I need only `refer you to Bi{tle
Baring Bras, would go to the wall on examples to prove the necessity of this.
Look at the preparation Muses reeeiv-
aocount of the great depreciation of ed to. fit lens for his great work, Paul,
the South American securities with —the great Apostle of the Gentiles—
which they were loaded. The Bank althognh a.giant intellectually and one
of England, the Rothschilds and other of the ,most learned and profound
strong houses came to the firm's aid thinkers of any age of the world's his
with a guarantee fund, and a disco • tory, received a training in the Desert
trona panic was averted, where he was taught by the Divine
Spirit to prepare him for his work.
Wroxeter. The twelve Apostles; {'unlearned and
The cantata 'performance in the ignorant men,"were under the instruo
Town Hall, held recently,was success- tion of the MasterTeaeher--"He who
fully carried through and reflected taught as man never taught"—to fit
credit on Dr. Brown, the leader.-.- them to teach the Gospel of His King.
Practice for the church of England dem and win immortal souls for
and Methodist annual. Christmas trees Christ. The moat . important duty of
performances has already begun and a "Teacher to his Class Outside the
we hope the interest always. manifest . School Room" iset special preparation
ed in the children will tot fail to show of the' lesson. a'e'on slie•mustcome
itself again this year. The, sudden before the class prepared to interest,
death of Mr. Wm.: Dickson caused edify, instruct and so teach the lessor:
gusts a sensatiot, in our village last that the heart. may be touched and
Saturday, as in spite of his weak state the practical trutths rii';tife:lesson may
of hody, it was not thought his end be a living: power foie usefulness, and
was so near; Ile took a . stroke of etpeeially that Christ. may , become
paralysis, in Prince Albert, last sum more and n are keetpus to ()yore
mer, and was brought, from there by young soul. testis Ohrist'ie in every
his bre then Vail, and . hud , never lesson and the teacher, if he is to per.
thoroughly rallied, Mk Diceson had formri.his dntv,ai'iglit,ttetust;metge the{,
seen something of life, although a needful preperatien ,-t., enable hia' to
comparatively y ming man, and could unfold to the elaas Christ s icfinite, love
relate his experiences in the American
and His wi1li n shy€p AT atdesire
war,in which he Gook apart with the to save every individual member who is
listeningto: els words +1lovt is. the
northern array, Arnonb various en.
gagements with the eueu►y, the Battle Teatsher to.pre pare 2 e 7.I;Aeis to study
of the Wilderueas was one to he re- the lesson: diiigently,, car fu ly and
membered by him as it was there be prayerfully. He should commence
was shot through the knee and after early in the week to 'prepare for next
wards had a trial of • hospital life iu Sabbath's lesson,the earlier the bettor,
Buffalo, etc.—The Missed Sanderson and not Fut off the preparation to a
have returned from their visit to i short time before be is, to appear be-
Peeterboreugh and purpose leaving.for :fore the class to teach` ,and then ex -
Grand Itauids before long. • peer hewill be able Yta ` uterest and
edify the scholars. Fellow teachers,
B1ue'vate. :the 'lesson must lip studied and
• While Miss Oarson, of Belgrave,and ' thought oat with sare anddiligenceand
Miss Kelly of Blyth, were going front with earnest prayer fol• the Hely Spirit
the village to the station, one night to give us light and knowtedge,so that
last week., Miss Kelly slipped on the we may be able to .unfold the truths
side walk and sprained her foot. She in each a manner that t.1ie, `heart's af•
was carried' into Mr, R. N. Duffs, fec ticsis will be drawn out to Jeaus,the
where reniedioa, were applied., She cent:science awakened and bythe.bless
'suffered very much for a time.—Mr. • ing of the Divine. Spitit on our feeble
R. J. Duff, fattier; pf Ur. R. N. Duff; work, souls may be gathered into the
has returned from Manitoba, where he granary of the Lord. The faithful
has been for abort. eight years. Al- Teacher must knew hia owls weakness,
thongli over 80 years of age, he is hale and then ask God to give. the needful
and strong.—Two 'of the • Wingliar preparation. "If any .• man lack wi`s;
blood were foolish enough. the other dom, let hire ask_of God, who giveth
night to drive up here ,o see some of to every one literelly! aed'upbratdeth
the Rluevale girls. So the boys held atot,.and it. shall be given him,'' ,1i<
a council and: resolved that pettish- . the Lord Josue:0,0'1)1d . aIl, ldze areas,
ment was deserved,. They took the ures of wisdem and° 1,60vledge, and it.
horse ittid buggy into the back fields of is from . this souree-rfroni the great
an adjoining 'farm. They then thought Teacher himself— ,tier wisdom and
the buggy needed oiling, and they knowledge in Spiritual „things must
proceed to apply the oil, • but unfor. oomn. Co-workera With Christ, you
tunately they did not know much *pd I must renierrttler that God puts
'about horses mid buggies and instead no preru,intn en laziness. ; lila who is
of putting the wheels on as they found ' a worker with Godeethe person of the
them they put the hind wheels in real faith --..studies to show himself
front and the front wheels behind, but approved unto -God, Ile givos atteue
the young neer' from Winghani seemed dance to roadine.. too makes solid
to think all was right and drove off preparations; 1t is not enough to
up ri e ino.
' e►doubt thinking n they suatolt a lessen. tc f
quit happy, no t u i 1, t ey prtltk
were.lucky to get their horse again. meets before the school opens. This is
— ,- • • en insult:to tho scholars, a d'rsgvacs to
13elmore. the Teucber and a leetery to: the'
fdohen1 report --\niton Extinoina- Master we profess :to' •siarve. That
bele Noe -ember' '14th :5th --P, which S hest costteeino t,F hand let us.
Perkins. 104 per cent. ; 0. F, • mcii. see to it that oiir tssohiug, . costs ne
1 P ` it
% h ori
lift ty time of%rt; a
e some
4th, e . Fleming, 1 ,
newly, h. 9 Sen.—Me i n,
El r 7
811 per cent. ; M. Fre,. 97 ; M. Jeffery. hard, earnost study. 't o study witri.
Bow Park, ltrent'r-orel t, Jos. Dingle, 14;isiP Ir
;llhtersil tent ; John Dean. Torinto, riff, 96 ;
@CJS- effe er•v Arkell,'Arkell ; W ill, ' le'.
tee l .fa t W1ivt:':'i`1}Efmpo„n, bions. 'Fry, 88.
efel1xrdy, tlti-e ip11 ; .letiin .lt t*harda
t t JAS. Lf1'1aw,, Reef., 31' S'u,
t MMdti , 'i o 'J'ttrl- 1.
,- -
ing ones. We need rite grace of Glad
in sur own bearte and we should nae
kite prayer in the words of the study
suer;; ;
""13reek thou the bread of life,
Dear Lord, to me,
As thou didst break tbe loaves,
Besfde rho sea."
2ud, Thu teacher should carefully
consider the responsibility involved in
teaching. The cure and care of souls,
how delicate, how diflinult. Who is
sufltoient for these things 1 Our
sufficiency must proceed from God
alone, The teacher has the pare and
training of immortal souls and the
impress be leaves on their young
hearts will be as lasting as eternity.
The teacher should be careful that he
is making the best impressions, and
know that he is responsible and will
have to render his account to God for
his deportment, sayings, conduct,
motives, and the way lie performs
duties in relations to the scholars.
The Teacher who is careless and in-
different, cold and unsympathetic,
who is not in "blood earnest," who
lets trifles keep him from his class, is.
a stone of stumbling and a rook of
offense to the little ones, and it is bet.
ter for him that a nellstone were hang
ed about his neck, and he were oast
into the sea, May God enable each
one of us to wisely consider our ree
sponsibilities, and our• great account-
ability to ifim for the manner we
perform our respective duties as
teachers. So that each one of us may
be so happy as to hear thea blessed
and joyful commendation of "Well
done, good- and fairhfnl .servaut; enter
into the joy of thy Lord."
3rd. To make each scholar indi•
vidually the subject of earnest prayer,
This is a very important duty we owe
to. every member of . our class. We
should persevere in constant, heart-
felt supplication at the Throne of Grace
for their conversion, and thsir growth
in knowledge of spiritual things, and
in christain character, and usefulness.
If we are really aline to our duty in
this respect, we will be importunate
in prayer, asking that the lives of
those committed to our trust may
ba moulded, and fashioned into the
glorious beauty, radiance, and perfects
tion of the elaster'a life.
"Wonderful the whiteness of the glory,
Can we truly that perfection share ? •
Yea nor lives are pages of thy story,
win them to Christ, and that reit.
bear them in your heart during the
week, you must do more than
Open your #hires to thew, arra MOM
Hina' welcome guests, If you once.
determine to use your home for She
limiter. in this rest,eol, yen. will find
no lack of opportunity, attd the joy',
pure and unalloyed, you will ezperi•
enoe will make your own life the hap-
pier and: brighter.
7th. If be should happen to meet
with any of them when they are its:
bad company, or indulging in any evil
habit, or doing what is wrong, he
should very earnestly. ynd effotionateJy,
with great tenderises, remonstrates
with thein and advise them to pursue
the right and proper course, Let uer
as faithful, loving Teachers, imitate
Christ's example, and when we do-
speak a word of reproof, of warning,
or of counsel, say it kindly, lovingly,
b i
u earnestly, w'
tenderly, t ► rhe t y, tib the au. .
Feels desire to benefit and save•the
one spoken to,aud bring hire to °brisk.
Every true thing we do in Ohrist'a:
name, in love to a fellow creature
with an immortal soul to save, and
love to our Saviour, who has died to,
save to the very uttermost, though it' •
leaves no mark anywhere else in God's
universe, loaves an imperishable mark
on our own life. Every deed of nu
selfish kindness that we perform with
love to Christ in our hearts, though it
bless no other soul in all the world,.
leaves its sure benediction on our.,
selves. Asan able writer has, said,.
"Thousands of years since 'a leaf fell
on the soft clay and seemed to be loot.
But last summer a geologist in his.
ramblings broke off a -piece of rock
with his hammer and there lay the
image of the leaf with every line and.
every vein and alt the delicate tracery,
preserved in the stone through these
centuries." So the words we speak
for Christ, and the things we do to,
day, may seem to be lost, but in the
great final revealing, the srallest•of
thein will appear to the glory of Christ.
and reward of the doer.
8th and finally. His own example
outside the school room should be such
as the scholars might follow with
profit and with the approval of their
Saviour. The Sunday School Teacber.
should walk so close to the great
Teacher, that when enforcing any
practical scripture truth, he can say
with the Apostle Peel: "These things;
We thy shape andsuperseription bear.'' =which ye have seen in me, do." The
Tarnished forms, torn -leaves, but thou young have very sharp eyes, and are •
canstmendthem, very keen to Observe anything in
Thou their own completeness oanat deportment, walk,or conversation that
From our imperfections, and wilt end is not consistent with what we teach.
them If we teach ono thing and live same-.
Drossconsuming,turning dusttogold," thing else, we may not wonder if one
• 4th, To visit thein ii, their homes, teaching has very little effect on our`;
and ' become acquainted with their ,class. That they soon discover that w
surroundings and the influences which are only actors, not true teachers, and
affect them, showing that you take a we should he oareful that we live the •
kindly irteraat in them, and that your life we endeavor to mark out for our
love for them prompts you to catch a scholars'. I than think that character.
little of rho ,Spirit of our Saviour,•'VV Who
counts more ability. Not `what
went about continually doing good." 15 said, nor how it is *mid, although..
Become acquainted with the needs of these are very , important, but who
your scholars, the books they read, says it determines'. •elle reception. that
the oompanions they go with, their the truth often receives. 'What your .
pursuits•gnd p.leasures, their joys and are is more than what•y n say, '
sorrows, their earthly hopes, and "Thou must thyself be true, '
their spiritual aspirations. A veryIf thou the truth wouldst teach,
p p 7t is the overflow of soul,
important point—and one which a That gives the lips true speech."
live teacher should not overlook--ia In conclusion, fellow teachers, Is
to enlist the sympathy and cordial would just say '•That if ye know these
co-operation of the parents in the ,Mugs, happy are ye if ye do them,"
work of the school. ' If the teacher
and parents have the same object iu Morris.
view—are wurkiug along the 'genie Mr.J. Michie has gone to Micbigattt
line, --desirous of affecting the swine for the winter. He accompanied Mr.
purpose—the grand and holy pnrose W. Scott.—Mr. J., young, formerly of.
of storing the young and pliant . mines the 6th line, has returned from the
with gospel- truths, and guiding.therr lumber wonds of northern California.
footsteps into the paths tbab are Ile thinks Canadian saw loss 'are
"Pleasant and fuU of peace,"-tben ratherl mall affairs:—Mr. B,i,t. Rus-
rest assured, by the blessing of God, set, w1, has been for some time in
their hopes will be more than ,realize ' Detroie has 'returned. He•thlttk:l' One
ed. tarso good enough for him.—Mr. Bar-
5th. Toeshow a kindly inte est in 'tie, whose barns were destroyed by
them, by recognizing them on the fire a few weeks ago,is pushing forward,.
starer. and speaks';,' to them' in. a the erection of a new one. Nothing
friendly and affectionate lnpanner. .;hike anergy and good neigfrti'ors, and
This is aometbing we often- fall to =do- these Mr.Barrie is well supplied' with.
1 plead guilts, and honestly aciknOW.'--41,iss Janet Hood is visiting friends
ledge the corn, for the shoo pinches.;, iteParis this week.—The' ,Sunstiine.
but the worst"can mend,.and eaoh•one Methodist Sunday school intend hold -
of us can learn a lesson froua the toe. ing a`Cliristrnas tree entertainment on,
ing Saviour,who wee so loveable His the 22nd of December. The Sunday
friends, and we must batch. the Soirjt previous to that will be especially foe
of this friendship—a friendahlp, which the ohildren,— dr. Kennedy, of Sun -
is rooted in what Christ does, or shine,has moved to (loderich township,
would do for us, rather than what we wliere he will reside in future.—Mrs.
do for .Hien, I3airrs, sr., had: a it;
attach of
Gth. It will no denbt tend to . illness tately; bet is somewhat better-;then very mush. the hold which at present,
the Teacher has or ought to have
Mr, Q. ,l,Phelps hes been appointed
upon Iiia class to -have them meet
alter' of 'm n
w}th hint in a social why in his hnmh, if 3t c e cottaty, in piece of
once a ear. or ghee eve> p hiif ear, Thos. A4cCoukev, deeeneed..
r quarter, as e;ir t lri. tarso 1 '. • i Meredith, of London. .
1, r
was sworn inatSarnia on Tuesday•
a lined clawp, and a Itindly iu wiry, by ea ge Boyd as Judge of the Su.
t Judicature.
The 13'atierolal W.0. T.11'. Convene
r n teeming Atlanta, On., re•e'lecn-
. s . YN iilierd au
b .knt1.-,•-A1icp Irwin, 1tlh; Dirt grave r hu worse tb n fol:y. (fin our y y illi " M.
, llrtl Sen.. -:1u1, Tar.
knees, in ;rola
closets, alona with Glad, o qt a r1 e t s es omni
E Jeffetyt, 9`2. 2nd the, 314lty spirit speaking to our ear -
allow. Inn lief hour tin Sunday, by aJ d d` J .
Bremner, Illi}; E. Perking, 88, J.
nest hearts,'let us t.esiege-tbemerng 4 name Court of Judice
X S,; ,teat and sinearoly 1n1plure the Great
you map aneornplish aomnttusg, and p
12uf1,---,1. Abram,* t10:rlri somewhat lei throw around thein
nh, !a$; 8. Wilson, 9-6. Part lnominatorter ignite ,d tl nitre Clark do >Yi nit tit Atla t
-.lar. Sartori, 66, fart 13
minds, end. old laaarts.and f l:l sus Wirth the strung st)rletan shales of urfluenee 13
McKee, f ; lkl. I Hirrrrealf, so tl t wr. mfx r litaris etertl ew but if you want them to realize that ad President Prances E
- $ littrse to s it n iia l8un exfsg` r s (yrlu ar'e in earnest
in zoos
efforwl to the ether
i• a • •••••,••• wk ,
1.1 • (11.
The Township Commit of Turnberry
met in Saultea' ball, J3luevale, on Mon.
play, iov. lith, 1.890. Mbmhers alt
present, The Reeve in tltechair. The
minutes of last meeting were read, ap-
proved and signed. Communications
were read front. Messrs, Cameron,
Holt & Cameron, re suit 13ryce vs
Louttit and others; from Township
Engineer, re dns; th k
(caned, re boundraiarylineaocount;fro'Powicfroom
Winton; Council re boundary line ao•
efeunt;and from G liI3laekwell, re assess.
resat —The Reeve reported that, along
vilth Mr. Aad mrnof
eolur►eit, bo insley had inanpeetaodootits davitteeit,»
tion ofroad recommended by Mr,
Ainsley at Eadie'sbridge, and decided
to urohase a piece of laud from lV1'r,
Stphens, at the sum of $85 for the
said deviation, as it would materially
shorten both the bridge and the apt
proachea. Mr . Cruickshank •reported:
thst Winn Kitchell 1• h ad completed job
of gravelling, and recommended par,
ment. .Mr, Gemnrill reported having
let job of partly repairing Gemmill's
bridge .to Geo. Nicholson ; job corn,
pleted and recommended payment,
Also, that, subject to the ap-
proval of this •counoil, he had let a job
of further repairs on the same bridge,
to the same party, Also that the oul.
vert let to li Hayden was completed, from
and recommended payrnent, Also
that belied let a job of putting in a
culvert on 4th concession, opposite lot
6, to Wm Harris, at 62 50. The job
was completed and he reeommended
payment. Mr Kirton complained to
the council that his land was flooded
by .a culvert put in the road opposite
Iiia lot. Movedby 'Thomson, sec-
onded by Wm Cruickshank, that
Mr Gemmill be instructed to inspect
the same, and to consultwith both Mr
Gary's anti Mr Kirton in regard to it,
and report to this council at its next
meeting--Carried,-•--:l1oved by li, Max-
well, seconded by Win Gemmill, that
the clerk write to the engineer and get
him to call. at Eadie's bridge and sur-
vey piece of land bought : from Dir
Stephens', when going out to inspect
drain—Carried.--Mpved by E Max-
well, seconded by Win Gemmill, that
•• tee -Reeve be instructed to attend the
`• adjourned sale of lands for taxes at
Goderieh (if any) in the interest of
this Township --0 trried, .-Moved by
G Thomson, seconded by Win Gem, or
rn ill, .that the collector be instructed
to cash order on school trustees,section
No 4, for $150 •C.,erried -Moved by
R Maxwell, aeeoudad .l,y G Thomson,
that the clerk be instructed to draw
up a By-law to prohibit all ri lingor
t driving of any vehicle drawn by any
animal on the sidewalks in this Town.
ship — Carried. — The f.•llowin; ac-
counts were passed and orders on the
Treasurer issued : Geo Nioholsou,
$l'1.55, repairing bridge ; John Date.
idsen, $1.75, repairing scraper ;' Allan
Orr, $1 95, gravel; Jas Scott, $1.71,
repairingg .culvert; Samuel Anderson,
$2 95, gravel and damages; H Hay
den, $2.50, culvert; Wm tilitebell,
$8 58, gravelling ; Wm Harris, $2.50;
culvert ; Duff dt Stewart, 53 cents,
lumber ; Win Meisel.. $6.99, charity.
to indigents ; D Marshall, $6, rent of
house for indigents ; Foresters' Hall;.
$2, rent for court; Ed Armstrong,
charity ; Win a nderson, $5, char.
ity El Shrigiey, 63, charity muni
• civility of Wingham, $37.12, boundary
account. Moved by Wit Cruickshank,
seconded by It Maxwell, that this
couniril adjourn to meet in Saults' hall,
Bluevale, on Monday. Dec. 15th, 1890.
J BiJneess, Clerk.
of a
• er,
--It 'swell to be posted in the practical
details of one's bueiuees.the inure especial-
ly so when the burn ass is exceptionally
intricate. 410,000 wits recently saved by
the McCauslands, of Toronto, when an
American specialist in the Stained Glass
business found to hia chagrin that this firm
had been working for yearn the very item
that he wished to dispose of, and +which
was supposed by him to bo of recent dia.
...- ,.,4,.4.4..4,
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auinptrve. For Cortsamtaon, Scrofula,
(Amoral 1)614111g and Wasting "Xmases,
thoi'o 18 nothing like
{ Of Pare Cod Liver 011 and
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+aie atit>r,sa ' .prat esodr...
18 is almotst us palatable as milk. Ear
bettor than other ao•catled Emulsions.,
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