Wingham Times, 1890-11-21, Page 3• !AM a •rUIED . ' MQBNINe,, SEPHiNE 5inAiu t o TABIo, :eryeas „lna4oa awns •• mo. I S mn. j i500 02000 Se TO.. 00014200 aW, 200 700 406 8 00 2 00 1 es;.. vertiscrnents, Sc. per lin, r lhietereaeb subseyugnn 11 typo, loo. tor first ip Ach enbsequent btsortkn gad leas titan 26e ,rind, Strayud,aituatlone,„ od, not outmoding is lino e, not exceeding 8 linwt,, subsequent month ly adhered to adrertisomente, orIU. pecidc directions, will 'b 'sed accordingly. Tran.. Le paid in advance rertisements must be in goon, in order to appear; aLIOTT ,ors. mt arm PDDLThin t STRIET, t1bt41.ti0i,, and Surgeene, Ontario,,, lnty of Huron- - Wingham, Oat. Toronto University, and tysiciaus and Surgeons Lnerof Centre and Pettiok.. ,y -Dr. Bethune. - • Ons. CITOR, Eta., Eta 1 to loan at lowest rates, erged. Mortgagee, towe, bought and sold. 154„IAbl, Owi. ;ETON Eit Sec., Ontario E. L DIoK,NSON, B. A.,;; CITORS, Etc., Etc.. S. Itwt, Commissioners fur, tote, Name, 'Town al sold. sold. Stoney (privets,, security at 5i per eerie. perms, upon the Wet..., int any expense to the_ Slituituba and the Neem-,, gitam. ROME, WINoIAel: tuning Celluloid Plates, dates of the hestmateria } tAlt vork way car/ be rranot t d.tW',. 'stored for the painless. y safe anesthetic known,, ;raet teeth Or 25 conte,, Block, opposite 'the., MIACDONALD, wixanerf.., lcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, etc., etc., Plates, ranging; m 3506 upwards per set;,. briugework. Teetu ex. fain by the use of Vital' egham, side euttante op , sen dally (Sundays (Actin. W311 be at Blyth every -h awn th—Othee at Milne t� Mondays of each month'-.. traeting 26 cents, RANCE AoENT ot?AeasA . ANCE,, MARINE.. tL AMS,. R Ten CU,I R JItOtV_.EOR perk of the Co. Charger ritiogeti, roil 'las corjNTT Mit! LON. ss Oleo promptly at .cue* at Comities htlale ani,.,' lux. /eptly and on the Shades,... atisfaction Guaranteed: outs can 1)5 tootle at• Nt Ons HAWKINS to AND C/ve,, itme me ;D WINGITAbi. See of the Tures OS ,e, ow coot?, Iaitti r1i ar? WIN adaterate, 1 ti 404100. /4n I4yha Zni air. COIN. gr a f41 'great on making bleeve. $110 Will ill Ore bleeve a dol is a live baby, She will mak° blenve she is 'orfnl sweet on another girl or on a feller, if they come to see .her,' and when they, are gone she will say, Horrid old thing: Gills is olways fooling a feller. She can't, H&c yin., so she gets the best of yer that way. Tf you don't do what a girl tells yer, she says yer horrid. 1 drather be horrid than soft. If you do what a girl tells yer, you will do all sorts of foolish things, Girls can bo good in school every day if they feel like it. I should think they would get tired and have to do something wonce in a while, I, know a feller does. Girls say fullers acts orfull, but when a girl gore a going it she acts ostler than any feller durst. They don't care for nothing. ,stlf a girl w ants a feller to carry her books home. she ain't satisfied unless she gits the same feller the other girls want, weather she likes him or not. Girls is great on having secrete, 1 mean telling secrets. They make a secret out of nothing at all, and then "tell ie around to all the other girls, orful quiet, just as if it was something dreadful, Girls olways git their goggerfry lessons better than a feller, but if they are going anywhere they are sure to get lost. it If two fellers have a fite, the girls all.go for the feller that liolls,ao maty ter weather he is good for anything else or not. If a girl don't feel like doing a flung, you can't make her, no matter weather sho had orter or not. If she won't she won't and she 'will git out Air of it sotnehow. That is all I know " 1 about gide this tine.—Metropolitan, 'cm neways horivor A sleeting Was recently held at a nil, lage not far from Haswell for the pus.. pose of inducing the men to ,join the miner's union. It was agreed that a notice ahoulcl be placed on the lamp cabin to the effect that outsiders would be admitted on payment of a small fee. It occurred to one of the members present that some persons mightnot be able to react, and lie asked what should be done, The proposer of the resolutionat once rose from his seat and said : Aa knee wheat to de ; write on the bottom of the notish that them as cannot read hes to inquire inside! A pitman who was the worse for drink, was slowly approaching his home. In the dim distance be saw a big dog manning towards him with open mouth, In his ordinary condi- tion, this fact would not have disturb ed him very much,bnt in his befogged state it occurred to him that the animal was about to attack him. to he rushed for the nearest tree, and climbed to a safe branch to wait until the quadruped, which had settled com- fortably in a Fitting position not far away, was prepared to move off. The dog did r.ot stir, and (*eordy remain• ed in his uncomfortable position till. daybreak. The Iran then saw that it was his own dog that lied been keeping watch below. Hey, Snapper, he sadly e,elaimed, is that thoo 1 Aw thowt it was Jim Borley's bull terrier that was coming to tyek it oot on us for kicking him off the door -stead last night! Wost hrog Wok ells, W'0 *lib 10 intern the public) that wt have these Woolen Nina in A 1 running order, and will this season give special attention to Just imagine your wife not being able toiapeak tor ten days. What a change i.ie31 would be in the house 1 what an unnatural silence! A. case of this kind nnoureilin Ilatililton,soine time ago, and t neibettle of Wilson's Wild Cherry cured lthel afflicted lady iu four days. This medicine has uo equal for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough or Croup. *lotd,by;all druggists. The vo Got Iliotnh. *ND THI8 IS A. SAMPLE OF THE WAY IN WHICH THEY ENTERTAIN EACH OTHER CUSTOM WORK O K lu all its branches, and will keep in stock a class of tirat•class goods, snob in) Tweeds, Flannels, Etoft's, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, Parisian Balm. A delightful perfumed preparation for Chapped Hands, Cracked Lips and Rough- ness of the skin, Only 25 bents at all druggists. Why, is that you ? cries the first 'woman as they meet on the street. Just get home 1 Yes. So'd I. Have a good time 1 • Beautiful1 So'd I. Splendid time. What'd you see 7 Everything. So'd I. Gain any 1 Five pounds. So'd I. Baby sick 1 Yes. 1a was wine. Have any Irrosqui4 toOs 1 Lots. Sw d 1. ,Hate to conte home ? Yes. So'd I. Yes, So'd I, I just cried when I left. Did your trunks get smashed ? Yes. Sv'd dia mine, Isn't it horrid 1 Did your rinsed wrinkle ? Awfully. So'd mine. Got a girl yet i No, 140ither have I. Isn't it dreadful ? 'C ii1 good.dye. Good-byo.—Detroit Free Press. Blake lots of friends ? PisO's Remedy for Catarrh Ls the Best, Easiest to Deo and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sunt by rha11, 50e. E. T. Etatoltine, Warren; Pa:, 17, S. A. &c., &e,. (made from pure wool only) cheap for gash' or Et- ohanmmtor wool. LATEST NEWS. WE MAY HAVE TO PAY Customers from a distance can have their refill home with them the samo day. tiffHighest market price in cash for Merchantable Wool. Two Certs Pa PuDi Moro Duty on' T O 0 L shortly when sending to the United States.. Had you not better bring It to the - INGUS & OO'Y., Wingham MATTHEW AMBLER, HARNESS MAKER, has on hand a largb stock of HORSE BLANKE'S, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES etet Which will he Sold at bottom prices, WINGHAM TANNERY- at ANNERY at once, and got the highest price IN CASK or tratle for It? • Treat your AIDES, SHEEPSKINS; CALFSI%INS, TALLOW, &o., the 'eamo way. I:orthulnbristn Stondr. Newcastle Chronlele. Two Soldiers. got into the Morpeth train at Backworth the other day. They cbrought out some tomatoes and 0011 tgenced to eat them. Wheat's t;tretn, mister 1 asked a pitman in the »olnpartmetit. Tomatoes, was the redly.Woy, returned the miner, as bowt ionie a bit since; an' the iliietluS Nn thenal intitt a duillplin' tor wor Caner, Cut we couldn't getaway seri If you require anything special in H. EA.VY 'e b GLOVES, raid see. Harness Sole, upper and French LEATHER AND FINDINGS alwayl kept in atodk for Shoetnake'rs. W. J. CHAPMAN, Wingham. A CHANGE In the ZTLANt SAW MILL ' IIARNNESS, double or single, made to o'ftldr on short notice, and satisfacution guaranteed. 1Iac.lusiaess —.-----0 CHAS. KWACHTZL Wishes to intimate to the people Wingham and surrounding country that be has purchased . the harness business lately carried *' ott by 5lesare: I: J. Ilomuth da Son, and will conduct it In the building one door south With. T A trills' store, DODILE AND SI1 GLI: 3tAltN1 S heavy et lightemado tb brdor, kA lull line of Ilene ithtnkete, Sleigh Bells; Currycombs, Rrdshed:Etc.; „ always on hand. Repairing neatly MI u prothptly den* The pattonait1 of the pubiio Solicited, and loOIs tlork and Material guaranteed, White tgrA call solicited. OP—Opposite the Bank of Hamiltoh. MATTHEW AM$t kR, ngham, Feb. eth, 1890. avow is the tithe to paint your houses, and GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor„ Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. RUBBER " PAINT BEST in tb.e WORLD, �.i. I i'ECB'' ELI 'Magi ir1 iiaroik 4, tilOtft --is the WOOD delivered to any flare of Wingham, id,'Ord by well prompt;, attended to. GEORGE THOMSON, Wingham i'.o SHE ODELL TYPE WRITE (kora will buy the OD 1.t Type mit . u TER with 75 oharaeters, and $1 the SINGLE CASE O0E1,1,, warranted 10 better work than any machine made, It combines simplicity with durability, spend, of operation, wears longer without cast of retj, than any other msohine, Has no Ink rthboa Id PI bother the operator. It is neat,.substa plated, perfect and adapted to all writing, Like a printing press, it' Olean, legible manuscripts. Two be made at one writing. Any in become anp r two s i to any operator operatow1#o1n ogti pyu*day DOUBLE CASE ODELL.' Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. .Speelai n ducements to Dealers. For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, Sco., address I QDFLI, TYPE WRITER O'o.,. 186 and 87 5th Ata CRIOAGO, %D. ;.cot$ Having bought a very large stocle of new Scotch and English '1 Tweeds at the closest Cash 'Prices, I will sell at a very shall advance on cost. None genuine unless stunned "Rubber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio," We also have the best CANADIAN Regiy Paints, You can tet any shade you desire, fn quanti ice costing frbat 10 cents up, For wh1t5ttia5hthg aid Kalsomining, ask ter LAB STINE, and don't tak, anything else. . e .eau & Co, "QUICK RETURNS" is my motto, Fine Worsteds, Scotch Cheviots, Meltons, Serges,. Venetians, and everything of Men's Wear for 'Overcoats and Under Suits, in .stock. TWEEDS—a very Large Range of tire Latest Patterns. HIALD WAIt1 MERCRANTS, Wingham. WINGHAM Call and examine. By 'so doing yen will save money. As I only 'keep Experienced 1 -lands, you may rely on getting them. Made right and -in the Latest Fashion; or to taste. MARBLE WORKS 1 Still a .few Goods on the bargain Counter. WINGNAii1, Nov. 1st, 1800. THOS. LESLIE. ail all narrater. MRS. HERDSMAN Has her stook of Fall Goods' to hand andopened out. It is most com- plete and has been purchased in the blest Foreign and Home Markets, • for cash, and will be sold at lowest possible,profits. Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons; Laces, Silks, Satins;. eking a retrrspeot of my thirteen Or fourteen are busin0se in Wingham i delire /nest heartily to ndor My thanks to my Mende mat the plink) gen- erally for too liberal pattohagb extended to me 10 the pad. I may also state that I sib in a position to Offer better inducements than, ever to those requiring anything in the lino 01 Granite or Stone MVItlnumentd, HEADSTONES, WINDOW SIiTS, STONE TAT: T GS, FOR t''I NCXNG, deb .444.4 1 would bop1dt11ed to hero thosedt of pro oaring any articles In my ilne to Oa a 0 taurine geode, compare pekel and leave their Or .1 that the goo may be Secured and prepared early In the season, Yon can select from the latest designs and obtain *finned workmanship at the Moat favorable prieost Rost reepectfully,)oure WM. jd] ' 'i " Wingham, Ont, Brocades, Plush and Velvet Mantle Cloths. 'SPECIAL ATTEi;4TIGN t0 MANTLE MAKING AS USUAL HATS AND BONNETS TRIMMED IN LATEST STYLE. QOOJ.)S IMPORTED DIRECT. EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. WINOIIAM, Aq. 28th, 189t 4,4 Mrs. Herdsman& WING -HAM FOUNDRY 0 4M UR RAY & C o., —Successors to 61 At Robinson, manufabthrerers of-- AGRICULTURAL f— AG I U J AL i PLE ENT& W8 have the patterns 61 R. M. Robinsdu and cad enppiy repairs for all kinds a implements. 0 MILL WICKS MADE AND SHARPENED. SA.W GTJMMING -,—AND— 'v'EF' Kii\Tn .A. The patronage of the public solicited. ''°'Any quantity of old Cast Iron Serail wanted. U MtfRRA1 & Co. ._ 0 In Connection with the above, 8 wish to pay that I bevel leaked my fbuhdrSy to the above drip fora Omen et years. They come to Wingham highly recommended as 'brat -class ineChanics,,baving had cxxte e experience in mill work and repairs. I wdilkl ask for thein aobittinuence of the patronage extended during' the past eigh'teet years. it M 11.01311480$, Winghaan,June 85th, 1680. CURE. F.1 , THOUSANDS Of BOTTLES ,I IEN AWAY YEARLY. When I a*y 0boMe ! da not metas fuerely to stop these role st Elim, and Rnob theirreturn again. 1141EANA�DtCIALOUSs. Ihalm mad* the dt*sas of polooly or Fatting itiekweitet n lops' study. I Wara'ant soy respray to • No trent Cases. gamma* others have fa d is hO reason for nOt now "1bf shiner a grits. nee fora treed** and a Frsei *chic tv ,iifyr retallible i'to�rrtikatf. ( v! Pftt ea Yt aesgi you 1 101=1*JA IaTMl!l6 t TeOiPIC NTW