Wingham Times, 1890-11-21, Page 2'RIDAY., NOV + UDBIti. 2i, :890. i 1eotiokl of Dtziry Cows. To `those engaged in dairying the tulitinetion of cows is one of the most *porta ectieettene of'`the business, Even. vnttare Ville iibi•)rals are *axed by the tttryrn nn'it is important th ; e should low the earlier indieatisli' which point iq,the direction 05f '41114 developtpeut, es where rely wanting tho young anima lie disposed of for some other use. The tokens indicating a geed, dairy cow are not always infallibleibut they aro sutliciently dear to serve as gener- al! guides ill their selection. When wo tweet with a cow. of beefy build and. sluggish disposition we may tale it for ,granted that she at least will not All the hill as a dairy cow, • ,A, good dairy sow must posesess a feminine look, whlcli is at once the opposite of.,mas cnitnity. Her head and horns ellould. not ie etrcng, her neck (koala not be thick, her shoulders should not be Vetted nor her brisket beefy,nor should Tile llt'prgot:WI it $oyR.' Mold The Atnerioan Omer.) A successful business. mats says there were two things which lie leant ed when be wee; eighteen which were afterward of great use to hini,namely; *eve*); to lose anything, and never to forget anything. An old lawyer sent him with an lin- portant paper Wli.h eertein lustre°. tions what to do with it, But, in- *tuiredthe young luau, suppose I lose it,' what shall I do then 1 You must notlose it. I don't man to, said the young wan, but suppose. I should happen t0, But I say you must not happen to; Trefaall makeno provision for such an occurrence ; you must not .lose it 1 This put a new train of thought irfto the young man's mild, and he found that if he was determined to do a thing he could do it. He madesuch a provision against every contingency that he never lost anything. He found this equally true about forgetting. If a.oprtain matter of importance was to. be remembered, he pinned it down befits mind, fastened it there and made it stay. He used to say :— When a man tells, me 11e forgot to do her limits he coarse and heavy,', If something, I tell Mia he mlgh,t a,s,well these maeou mite charaoteristio;i,; are have saith—I do not care enough about present in combinetioe she a1 geld year business to take the trouble '_to certainly be rejected for the dairy, andthink about it again. if any of them be present she ie so fete •tossdesirable as a . lairycow. She must possess 'a good strong healthy constitution, without which good wholesome milk will not be produced at a profit. The indications of this are a full bright eye, and movement which is the.oppotite. to sluggishness. '4 %re "usually find associated with these indications a good' chest, indica- ting large breathing eapacfty; a vigor- ous circulation of the blood •and active digestion of the food consumed, all of which favor the production of a large return in the milk or butter product. The development of the udder should he large. It should neither hug the body, nor he over pendulous. Thu teats should be squarely placed: or nearly so, and be neither too, large or too'amall for comfort in milking. The udder shoulde be elastic and yielding td the touol4'and the skin.; atld hair which cover it. should bee„ tea sed s.bie. There should be Ia,r, e,develope, , :,tent of the, hlnd.q^uartersAd the cow as compared with the f;.)re'quarters. They_should be broad at the hooks and tailehead. The hips, however, should be somewhat thin and the twist should be open. The skin of the cow getter. • ally should be mellow and movable,: ' !especially ou the ribs, and should not lair thick, although the opposite ex- tremes otwhat is termed papery is to be _avoided. The hair covering it. stiauld be plentiful, and -soft and silky. 11 The barrel should be large, relatively large, which gives plenti ofrootu fob' the storage of largeeenantities of fpod. fl:q,he tucked up pinched' body is espe-, ninny to be aveided,although =undue la Bering of the nucleitine is needasir able. A shoulder fine on the, top,tnd neck flue and:,, tapering'fratll,,tbe shoulder forward ar% good, points. as taro also a long fate, a broad forehead and a wide muzzle. It ivery important tart t #at.t the dairy cow should possess a nervous tempera- Inent,otherwise she will convert her foddeirlto beef' `rather than into milk. S124 cannot then be a sleepyhead, but ,v. is active eand r- t s 1 fist. in her bev- l' k. 3r oars tient laud movements, ole size of the milk veins 9,0,,4 the natatre of the escuLcheen, etre looked upon as of soma value by ,blast dftiry. ineh,but others do not lay mph stress Oji J2 Glintie points. The larger and mere tortuous the v'in the more de- aitwble it is Considered, and the more spat* oceupiad by this escutelreon and the>nore curly, the hair the better is tiers ifndie:ttion ennsidexcd, Where e nderance, of these fnllieatiens are in one cow she i8 certain to ren r' service in the dairy.—The „ OatArdi,a'i Live Stook at l all°B;f Jour• Olt 13.0-004.r. , I.pnce had an intelligent : young man in my employ who ..deemed it sufficient excuse tee neglecting any important task. to,say s-1 forgot it. I told him thlt. would not answer. If he was suflapiently interested„ he would boll careful to remember. It ea, as becai}se he did not care enough that; he forgot it.. ;drilled him with this truth. ' He worked for me three years, and during the last of the three he was utterly changed in this res- pect. H.A did not forget a thing. His forgetting, he found, was a lazy, careless habit of the mind, which he cured. ' • • or ar Jour - o An Extra m R Slut Y Y., An opportunity will occur within a few months to make a trip around the world under novel conditions and in a manner not likely to be repeated. Advantage will be taken of the early sailing of ..the now and magnificent twin.screw steamships now, beingbuilt Or the Trans -Pacific Service of the f anadiati, Pacific .Railway Company, to,afferd to the public a, "Bound the World" excursion of a most extraor- dinary character. The steamship "Empress of India" will ,sail from Liverpool for Hong Kong, about the 15th of J atuary, 189,1.' At Jong she will take her placetri, the, trans,. 11aeifie title for which, she has been built, seiling.via. polzohamla.to Van- couver, the l!aciiie termination of the Canadian P!'acifip Railway. On her voyage, to, Vancouver she will call at Gibraltar,, 'Naples, Port Said. Suez, C.lornbo, Penang, .Singa- pore, 1irong Nang, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe and Yokohama, stopping a day - at each of the ports named,, at Port Said sufficient time trill he allowed to enable passengers to visit Cairo and the Pyramine; • In connection with tine voyage tick- ets will be issued, "Around the World," ineludipg,choice of steamship lines? `across the'Atlantie and a rail trip over :tile Canadian Pacific Railway ftom.the ;Naeific to the -Atlantic, - The late fee chis pecierful journey, 'Warm $600 ineltrding meals and •berths. Pzogra►niue, witk,ntEcips showing the come, and giving full' infprmption as to atop -overs, etc.,. can ,be had, et any of. the Canadian pacific.. B, it:vay offices. The seeaiid and third steamships. o the line flti l leave Liverpeol abont. the 15tH i ebrteery and" 150 March, 1891, respectively,. taking the Benne, ruu tn. estover f$4.114tY. From time to time kicw qualitiea of the clover plant are being brought to light,widening rte utility and ranking it byfar the wast profit- able crop that the stockman nlalf grow for feeding purposes, For ,nisch ()owe and, young calves, for sheep and lambs, and for pigs it has long been highly przied, but it, is .only re4elitlx tkat the poultry fancier has had his attention attrayted to it. its value is now generally known, but variouss practkses are fol. lowed in regard toits preservattiion for winter feeding, It praises an excellent food to take well oured,early cut clover hay, and steam ittor steep d0 a9 to sofen it, and feed it warm.. The second growth may, be .,kept its first-rate canditoin by pressing in a miniature silo, whish may be inipro- vised by takingta good airetight flour barrel and lining it with paper, so as to thoroughly exclude the air. It will render feeding much easier and more satisfactory, and also enables one to pack the clover. oloser,if it is cut; before being put into the barrel into .pieces a couple of inches long. Fill, tl)F barrel as full as possible and cover with a layer of bay and abeard end, upon which, it is best to put some heavy stones or other weights, to press the utiles thoroughly. rt can be fed any time. It will be found to, furnish, an abundant supply of excellent food for winter feeding.--T,11e Canadian Live Stools and Farm Journal fore. Noe vent*. Auvtar,'re Motnsas,—Aro you disturbed at<.nlght and broken of your rest by a eickchild sufferttdh and trying whit pain of Cutting Teeth? if so Bland at once and get a bottle of " htrs. Winslow's sophing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is n eld,sul- able. It will relieve the poor little sullppr.rr immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there, i;i.aso mistake about it. It aures Dysentery and Dian sea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Co1ie, softens the Gutne, reduces Inflammation, and giros tcne and energy to ,the whole system. ' Mrs. Win- slow's SoothinM Syrup" for children teething is pleasant stto atnhde beasst efVallee hhpiriescrip ptntdn ouf ono the United States, aned fporyeabyaall drurggisiotnsf throughout the world. Price 'twenty-five ciente a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mae. Wtxatowd SUMMING SYRUP' end take no staler Kind The Hon, Ohaupeey M. Depew in in an address:, before•, ;the Railroad Branpll. of, the Yiiung., t ep's (Jhristaip Association of New,Yeorli, said that the best thing he.renretnbers,t;onuern- ing his early life is that his hard-head- ed, old father, who;. bad .plenty of money for both, compelled him to go out in the world and make - his own way. All the success he achieved was the result of fourteen hours' or sixteen hours' or eighteen hours' work a clay if necessary. it was gained by temperance, by econeity. When you make $1, he added, spend 75. cents, -and put the other 255 opts by. No 'man can stand stil created us be did a f. foe us ; hemade us so either go backward o On Nov, $04, in Toronto, 'a peculiar inncert has been arranged for by Rev. Laneelt'y, brother of Rev. E. Lane ley of London All the num- man knows more to -da yesterday or he knows who bottoms a. chair, to his meals, and then When God Irtunate thing that we must forward. A than he did lose. A Ivan eta `up and goes oes bank again and bottoms a chair, alidthen, to his meals again,.` in the years will be the bigg cotnmunity, and his o be worth knowing. 1 laurae oft five st dunoe.ij, the inions will not will lose. hie MISS NPL ,p MCSARVI, (Via DILATE end Cola Medallist ofwidthvConagc, l .Pupil of Mv. Edward Fieher and tor.. ,.J, W, 1 ' i mr. loon. e lu awls: lSl ak,Wins'nem gild alar• MUsi: +. INaraismoxs 05 finatioAtauDuu0yraza, A960 04Aaa. IN For particulart regarding torms, eta, please callat any hove, corner Vt.plcie and Patrick staeete. FLQItILLA SPARLINS. S ON .. 4 MISSES WATSON. . THE INSTRUCTION Avon on Piano, Organ and Violin. L 'Also in Harmony. Residence en comer of Josephine and atriek Streets. , t 1 P. CHAPAtatf. I8SUER ov MARRIAGE LICENSES, VOTARY PUBLIty CONVEYANCER, Ero 0,,10E—" Big".Bookstore, RIPLEY, Os'r. Money to Loan on Farm, Security at Low RAW ei; interest. No eo111missiun charged. power for work and w 11 not bo worth 3 cents an hour. , 1 Orange HILL. i... f r One of the most industrious farmers of this part is Mr. MiIlen. He has had a stone wall sixty feet,, square built this fall and has blast of, his fall ploughiugtdone. Thisllas been ac- complished without a hired. man. We hope he may be.recotnpensed for his hard work.:, -Mr. Irwin's' house is about finished, We hiv4 to coinpli went him,epon his flee, oosyv coni* fortable and commodious .bail ling. Most of the farmers:, have filled :,heir root booties again. --,-The average ate hers swill be given by ministers. tendance at Orange Hill school for clerical voeali is from October was sixty,- -•Several auction Several .noted ole, s ., sales have taken place in tbie vicinity, la, distance are to appear, ala the ser 1 vices of a distinguished auftompllniat all. of which more that; satisfied the a DrdSb ferias rwinufter••ilaae, alto 'sextants axeetAtionsof pro p'. prietortj y l , impassable, lint now a inee, tlidfalll<iers Wynn Tams to new subscribers till, have got their turnip/ : up, 'vo tnay 'Slat i7 , , 1'$00, for :poo:, or $1 :till Wisii..:for sp ow, ., . , , .• been secured,. and atictloneers. Onr t'0 ad it gae are al a DAVIS ' IS OFFERINO —ON - 7' N 7''4 M PR 42P ,T2,,11 ,T AT VERY LOW RATES,. SMn32MI OFFICE—OPPO5 ;1•E THE MARKET, WINOUAY OCTODB), ,-•1 1l, 188S SCOTT HALSTED , . 33ANKMRS. Josephine Street - - - - - 'Ingham, Ont. J. A.. HAissRD, I d. W. 8corr, Mount Forest, LietoWel. Deposits Acipeived and Interest. Allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and; Bnsuxess Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Bale notes bouilyt at a fair valuation. oney, remitted to all, parts of Ganasia. at reasonable obarges. Special Attention Given to Col-, Jpcting ,.Aecounts, and 'Notes. gents in .Cpnada Tee Iderollante'! Sails of Canada. 'Mw , Office I{oa>krs—From 9' a. ni. to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent. WI1\GHAM NT MILLS STAVE FACTORY.' IltszLeart an,Pang's. Manufacturers of a ers In PIN E, "' H.JM, J L - !K H RDwoOD Liz iBER Pine and Cedar I L\I G hid —Also•-•• Lath, Ataves, Heading, Barrels W Ood, Cedar Pastas, &,c., 113114 ad adjoining G. T. 8 t R tat g ,.,,.... art,, Wingham.Ont WINGHAM flOURINC MILLSI • -• eS >'"IIRI, a 5lI ED.-- E TTA: aC Ifieleee'X M'Q;<eeeneme --*r xxiE--- TI!Y1ES OFFICE, JOSEPHINESTIMATI WINtC"'1rHAla, OIT'l'll,F1rIC , Subsorlptloni►rlco,ffilRorY,eai.&sial 4ai, ADVERTISING UH: space I yr. 1 6 me. 13 ma. 1 One Co' amn Sell 00 1135 00 1 '020 00 r se tra. IHalf " 05 00 20 00I 12 00 $ • p. Quarter " YO 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 QIN lnch 500 3 00 t00 1 _Loral and of ler casual edvertieenente, 9c. per Mal for Drat ineertien, and do, per line 1orsmelt subsequgnf insertion. Local notices, in nonpareil typo, 10e. for Brat in section, And 60, per line for 00011 subsequent. !mortice, No Local notice will be charged leas than 25o Advertleemeuts gtLoot, l'ound, Stray ed, antis atlone,- and liuefnees Chantes,.Wanted, IAat OXU404liug 8 linos' nonpareil, IA per month houses and Varela ter Sale, not exoeoding 8 llnw1,F $1aermbtaertonth Vlimsetiwill esalety dhed o Special rates for longer advortleomente, Mitt. longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will las inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- sitory advertisements must Ise paid ' in advance Qhanges for cglltrtot advortieemellte must be in, the orrice by Wednesday noon, 1r, one:e to appear, " that wools R. ELLIOTT PR0r1taY6 QR. AND Pummels MACDONALI), dJ JSOEPRINE STR;TET, • V7(7' A. YOWLER, M,D,RM., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontasioy, —Coroner for County of Huron— Office at " Ter PHARMACY " Wingbam, Obit. DR. J. A. MELDRiJAI, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and,; Member or the College of Physicians and Surgeons ors•, Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centre and Petslok.,. streets, formerly opeopled by-Tjr. Bethune. Waltman - - • ONs. R VA STONE,, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Eto.. Eto Private and Company funds to loan at lowest ratsaa interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town,, and farm property bought and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Blots k, IE;QUAat,ONT, J. A. MORTON BARRISTER Sec., Winghain • Ontario Vn EYER .Q1.Inpi 1NS0N, H. W. C. MEYEFIS,S,,. C. 1 E. L. DiOKCNSON, B Af BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS,., Etc., Etc., So.. ; e Suitors ter Bank. of, Ilamuiltun. UowwiBsiuu re for tyking•aindavits fur Manitoba. Para; 'Town and,., Village property bough 1 and sold. Money (private,, funds) loaned on mortgage seeurlty at 5i per ecus.. Abney 101 eeted for pelyute persons, upon the butt,, inortgage seuuritiep without any expense to the tender. Lands for sale in Ahyuituba au,t the $saute.- Weat. Unica—Kent's Block. Wingllam, 1 ,DENTISTRY, J4 S. JEROME, WINat1AM: myIapfacturing Oelluloid ?Wee,. - l'uloailite plates of the heetmaterfa as cheap as tlit,y can be got in tli1,.- P,otn;nion. All Work warranted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the. pendent.; extraction of teeth,, the only Bate anesthetic knawlly TARS Notaas,—i will extract teeth. or 25 cent,. each. OFFICE : In the; Beaver Brook, opposite •the,,, Brunswick Hotel. The lancierglgned-%" 8h to tender their bast thahl,t' for the liberal patronage given to out firm during ssveralyeare prior to the burning of our mill by in. cendiaris,n, During the },set beaten We bave re• moddelted the town 1ni11 to the latestapproved eye. tem of Hungarian Roller Process till ling, % yye he have *asap now give better accommodation ',than everbofore. We oiler Prompt Dispatch, • p'air Returns, QUALITY 131.1C01411) '.1110 NOIM IN TIIIB SNOTtOt And by cle6e pinioned attenti m to the huslitese hope 10 he again totted W1th a. trial by *Wald triwsde acid many lea' one*. Yams matt respectfully, fCUTTON is CARR '1. se hese ifikk,04.11?, alter. II1Ssilmis DENTISTRY --W, i1. M ., AODONALD, Wiseman Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, , Sllve. • Gold, eta., no., Plates, ranging', in prides from $600 upwards per bee;-,. erownng and briugework. Teets, ex traded Without the least pain by the use of Vital r ized Air, Head Unice, N iugharn, aide entrants op- posite the Queen's hotel, open daily (Smldaye0Xcept , ed) from, 0 a m to 5 p m. Will lea et Blyth every . 2nd and 4th Saturday of eachmonth—OtheeatMtinas hotel; Gerrie: let and 31if Mondays. of each mantis, Office at Albion hotel, $ traeting 26 aunts, 46.41,61 Jong ,RITOIIIE, GENERALN C I SURAN EAG EN T W1N'ouAM,,y 1 0BEi,x, CUNNINGnAM, ' INSURANCE,, FIRE AND MAIa7N$„, otfLPu. , -.. DEAN, Ju., WuninAM,,. . ., IOEN I D AU CTIONFER FOR 1114 CU MT OF IIUI ot Sales attended in any park of the Co. Case Moderate. . M1 JOHN CTYR11E, Wateeeten, ONT.,. LIOENBED AIyOTtoNEEit Foci TIE COalain. S1( It0I10N. 1 d ,. All or era left at the T1Mes office promptly se lad.. , ed to. Terms reasonable, JAMES HENDERsoN,• . ,.. Licensed AUCTIONEER Yon CoettTttd litiltalt .A1 i,.,'` BRU00. All sales attended to promptly rind on tin Shonae.,. Notice. Charges Moderato and S*tiefaetkon Guaranteed, All necessary arrangements eau by Inside at MI Turas' ' 41800 ,4; , Oen BOLTON Sf !UNITIES 1 L. a 2. 1, Suttwsroae ASO C12p, TOMSiji LISTOWEL AiD WINGHAM. All orders left at the oriioe of Abe Tin* SA rte, calve proinpt attention TPATERSON, • IllenAvr at malts Dram* COMM', Iilektie, i* NON, lea labially”. t °. !lig; ApIIIlJ "•, Zpti BoY",11 ",i• oYt Rtirl4. b'l* ` i great. 011 making bleeve. Elan will snake Woove a dol is a live bahy, She will make blenve o is 'orfnt sweet on another i;irl or on a feller, if they conte to see •her,' and when they, are gone she will Ray, Uorrld old thing; Gills is always fooling a feller, small fee. She can't lick ysr, so she gets the beat members of yer that way. n;tight. not If you don't do what a girl tells yer, asked wh, she says yer horrid. 1 drather be proposer o 'horrid than soft. If you do what a from his girl tells yer, you will do all sorts of wheat to foolish things, the notish Girls can be good in school every lies to mgday if they feel like it, I should A pitm think they would get tired and: drink, w have to do something wonce in a while. •home, Ii I,know n feller does. Girls say fellers big dog r acts orfull, but when a girl get* a open mu going it she acts orfler tbau any feller tion, this Jurat. They don't care for nothing. ed him v of a girl wants a feller to carry state it ber bookshome. she ain't satisfied animal w unless she gits the same feller the he rusher other girls want, weather elle likes climbed t girl or not. the quad) Girla is great on having secrets, I fortably i mean telling secreta. They make a away, wo secret out of nothing at all, and then dog did "tell ie around to all the other girls, edin hit (glut quiet, just as if it was something daybreak dceadful was 11is watch bl el"tolaime it was Ji was. com kicking nightl 'efrll noway A riieetil sage not fn pose of ind miner's ur notice alto. eabin to would be Girls olways git their goggerfry lessons better than a feller, but if they are going anywhere they are sure to get lost. • If two fellers have a fite, the girls aligo for the feller that lioks,no matte ter weather he is good for anything else or not. If a girl don't feel like doing a thing, you ottn't make her, no matter weather she had orter or not, If she won't she won't•and she will git out of it somehow. That is all I know about girle this time.—,Metropolitan. Just imagine your wife not being able to ;speak tor tau days. What a change 3/411.:11 would be in the houses what an unnatural silence 1 A case of this kind r000uretiin Hamilton some time ago, and nueibvttle of Wilson's Wild 011erry cured. MIN afflicted lady in four days. This medicine. has no equal for the Dura of (,lougbs, bolds, Whooping Cough or Croup. Gold. by;all druggists. They've Get Eton*.. A delis Chapped nese of t druggists JeND. THIIS I8 A SAMPLE OF THE WAY IN WHICH THEY ENTERTAIN EACH OTHER 'Why, is .that you ? cries the • first 'womanas they meet on the street. 7aat get boatel Yes. ; Sced I. Have a good time? • . Beautiful ! So'd I. Splendid time. What'd you see 1 Everything. Se'd: L Gain any 1 Five pounds. $&'d I. Baby sick 1 Yes. is was mine. Have any mosqui4 toes i Lots, So'd 1. ,Hate to conte home ? Yea, So'd X. Make lots of friends ? Yeas So'd 1. • I just Dried. when I left. Did Sur trunks get swashed ? Yes, Sv'd 'Sia mise, Isn't it Did your dresser wrinkle ? Awfully. So'd-wine. 'Got a girl yeti' .Neither have I. Isn't ib deeadful ? Well, good -dye. Good-byo.—Detroit'Free Press. horrid 1 W Two buty o Has WIN icorthnmbrian BtzmSr. Newcastle Chtonieln, Two soldiers got tato the Morpetli train at Ilackwotth the other day:. They .brought out some tomatoes and aommeneed to eat them. Wheat% them, twister 1 asked a pitman in the uofnpartment. Toreetoeit, was the reply.. Wey, returned the miner, as s °p a bpwt some a bit since, an' the nhissus Thn sod tri V mu deem inti.v a dumplin' tor wor 4iz ulu>!•, l.ut we couldn't get'ttwalr wi .'M►'l++tt at 0 III D 0 Hare LE Et W1*bes sus but Dov Ilene