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Wingham Times, 1890-11-14, Page 3
earth. There was tt est ,ed Mom Pet this side ot t1i orad, and that w110 ttiH litly't Fe picture l ever saw, for it 'Mitt i lost my eyesight, ant I have get the picture out of qty Tuftal. 1e To MI+ttition.— Arc you disturb()d at night Ikon of your rest try a 9101v:hild sUifern2I and t4 If s0 geed gi witg psi�i� of lefties Ttotl rid son; abof "\Ins, wineinw'tz Soothing ' for Obildren Teething, iotelloo rvallttliu sulIerer el AA- lntoly'. Dt Will epen d upon !%()mothers t there 1s no e anent it. It cured Dysentery and niarrhuual les the Stomach and Rowels, cures Wind t!Wh•, the Gums, redue es iutlainntation, and air tar nil energy to the whole system, "Mrs. \Stn- SOOthing byrup far children teething le nt to the taste Ind.1s the to pk uo i uud gation r no ot is lest and best uole ph,' sited Stakes, and is for sale by .all druggists shout kilo world, !'rice twenty1We cents A lie.sure and ask for "Mali. WIMILowx' one Syme' and take no ether Rind Saved by Barirfn3. Pasts are easily alarmed by the xpeoted The Italian's organ rkey, which saved itseIf from the i dog by tbkine off its rap. evident. vented to the creature that .c'iuld 1 off its own head, A stranger ins rice is related by an Afriean inn who had returned from the Hot- tot t;7untry, where be had been ppi ig for the animal cnllectore of nmburg. He was out one afternoon di some of the natives, preparing Tait in a i`ocicy ravine. We had built ft stont pen of rocks d logs and placed a calf as a bait, le sun was nearly down as we start. for camp and no one bad the. levet Ppioion of the presence of danger ltil a lion, Which bad been crouching ,side a lamb, sprang out and knocked ie down. In springing iipon bis prey the lion r tiger iatrikts as he ieizes. This low of the .paw: if it, falls on the ight stint disables the victim at pnee. I wad so near this fellow Chet he pimply feared, seized me by the shout - ler and pulled me down. 1 was flat ma the earth before I had realized what had happened. 1 was on my bat;k and he stood.* both paws on my waist, feeing e Natives and growling savagely. .The men ran off about three hundred feel; and then halted, which was doubtless the reason why 1 was nut tarried off at once I can say without conceit that I wine fairly cool. The attitck had cattle so suddenly that 1 had not :had time to get rattled. 1 had been told by alt old hear bunter, that if 1 ever found myself in such a Tfredicaieent as' this I ihtist appeal to limo liou't, fears Had I moved my arm to get' ivy pistol the beast would have lowered i his head and seized my throat. Sty a long as I lay quiet he reasoned that 1. c was dead, and gave his attention to the native*. ' t- Suddenly I barked like a dlig, foie tS lowing the hark with a growl, a lid the ►t beast jumped twenty feet in hits sur r- OW. Ile elates down between Fife s, and the natives, and 1 ,haled enough to see that histail wits down, nattered indre barks and growls, but without moving a hand, and the lieu; after malc[iig a circle around tits; suddenly bolted -and went off with a scare thtit would last Urn a week. if yeti bad picked up a .stick and discovered it to ba a snake yon wo ' do just Ac the hon did. Ile supposed - ore he hath ptalletl down a n an1., The l 1 Man turned ititO a dog. Ha Hould not understand it and it frightene4 him. ey act, Ilat )[n ,butt sett corn tinct girt 't 'nee The story is told of a famousBoe lawyer teats one day, after hav• slight dlsctissicn with the Judi deliberately' turned hie stack upon tlpa+r personage, and started to wink Olt Are you trying,tsir, to show oolrtiofnpn for the eourti asked the jutlt#e,sternly. No, sir, wain the reply : 1 tarn t>i'yitmg to cotleeal it, MPRANCE COLUMN. caeluUO'rlllr 1*X' xlrit 'V W. c. t • V. Cuppings. le is stt.tatd that Sir. W. B. Caine !!,leads to dtwote title() Wuuths next winter to the promotive of lite tempier• alley movement iu India. In Great trite.in there are now 16, 000 !!duds of !lupe and dt.uli.ar juve• 1ti.e teteperauce societies, with nearly two iniliiuu members, 'i'he Suottieli Union alone has 600 societies and 1 130,000 weathers. Tile London WVeekly 'limes and Echo Pilo drink bad'ranl ; floierts of bon- oruble stunk have been found there too often, for alcohol is as nereiless a leveler ea death itself. Now York .E.ferahl, Cleanlil ess in Winking. Bcitoro eo*rlmeneing to milk remove care• fully all dirt from the udder laud Tleighbor. ing parts, If there is left any dirt in the ;:`oats it is luoo'rporatled so thoroughly in the milk daring milking that neither strainer nor strainer-etoth (tau remove it trots the milk, No matter to what extent the milk iu thisrt'tauuer may be flirted, the dirt is removed at the separating and re: mains in the grease iu the separator, The grease remaluirag iu the separator being young. A?t} aalrin. old, or rniddltt aged, !snit() find tl )etnRielvNN nervous, week or t•Xllaust•' ed, who are brukon down from eeve s$ or overwork, resultiug in many of that following syluptum i , Mental depres. bion, preirtuture old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, lain dreams, dimness of sight,. palpitation of the heart, slu' sio l, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headalte, pimples ou the face or Body, itching or pecular sensation about the scrotum, waisting of the organs, dirtiness, specks before +ATSs the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids .and elsewhere, Wishfulness, deposits in the urine, loss ot will power, tendernes of the scalp and s ins wean and flabby muscles, desire FOR TI BEST VALET ORDERED. CLOTHING, Says that five huil(Ired uli l'tren, under more or less black Acme whether the milk- to sleep, failure to leiby sleep, ten „ear's of age, were ttslian into ing bas been performed in more or less constipation, dullness of hearutg, loss euatody lest year in Loudon, as drunk cleanly manner. Immediately after milking of voice, desire for solitude, exeita- uud iltoupuotu. Frain Senator Blair's book, The Temperance Sloveuleut; Actiursed ib he who putteth the cup bfiutoxicatiof to his neighbor's lip.; iildn !t becomes Necessary for those en;;tiged in the foul work to examine their occupation for their own good; , . The Babe j +et is broad and high. and deep, It upou the American people and coon pets the attention of the whols world. kt cannot be evaded. Postponement even is 00 longer possible, and if it were, would but aggravate existing evils and multiply the difficulty of their retrieval. The operation must tie performed, The ret' ages of drink are more dead- .ly and devastating than war, Pesti. lance and Enntiue. If you see a brother fall Lend a hand. There will some time come to all . Error's fail or sorrow's moan. . Live not tor yourself alone, Lend a band. strein the milk through a fine cloth strain- er., Pay attention that frequently during the progress ofnlilkingthe etraiuet beeotnea thoroughly washed. Should this not be done the constant pouring of milk on the accumulated dirt reduces it to such a de- gree of;fiuenoss that no additional strain, lug can remove it. At milking it should be observed if the milk from the separate eows,and also from their differont teats, appears. fresh and normal. Milk that is not perfect or diseased should trotbe poured with the rest, and. should not be handled in the dairy. The milk's appearance, taste and odor from each particular cow aid also from their teats should be frequently tried; at the straining observe the condition of the milk a clean Bilk strainer shows oftieu a bad abnormal. milk; a perfect mtik'runs com- paratively easy through a btrainer cloth and leaves nothing ou the strainer. The remaining cheesy partiolee are produced by a clotty milk; a mucous milk: running slowly, deserves prompt and close exagii.- natiou. By testing each cow tate sou4' of the defective milkoau be readily diseoier- ed. Albuminous milk is sllowu by taking a small portion for trial in a, suitable bottle. A. perfect milk is distinguished' after strong shaking by the small '-butter globules, while the albuminous milk Three times and out. This is an only forms a froth ; and in other respects faulty milk, only' a srslight degree or not at all, forms butter 5inbules—a good milk colors red litmus paler a weak blue, and blue a weak red—i silk having a, neutral reaction. A. atrong'red coloring of litmus paper shows a sour milk, and should not be mixed with the normal milk. Milk,. produced near the end of the milking' period injures the food milli and leaves a bad product, and should not be used in the dairy, It is unnecessary to mai that. milk from sick animals should nei'er die 'used. illilk"should, Itis fast KB possible after milking, be carried from the stable and its air, which in spite of all prudenoe is too ofteu loaded with foul odors, and which milk Q00 ilk too freely urisirnilates, and transfers ' to its product—hotter and cheese—to their injury.—The Ci.uadian tive Stook and Pare Journal for November: Triple /Pledge. old saying and very 'apropos at this fin e. Alo ubol, tobacco, profanity• ! hese t inee boon companions— dismis.them ill at once, and be "nut" forever. The ,3evll's Mitastonary Enterprise. , All the eeSeele heilud for West tend C"}outh Africa. coming from Europe and America, stop at Madeira. In urns week the enormous amountof llguoi•5, detailed tu the following list, passed through ; 5160,000 cases of gin . 24;000 butts of rum •000 cases of brandy ,000 Irisll.whiskey.. , 56;000 00,000 demijohns of rutrl... .. 240,000 1146,000 barrels of rum 7'2,000 30,000 cases of Old ¶lknii , 60,000 15,000barrels of tkbsittthe 45,000 40,000 oases of vermouth. , 3,000 £240,000 240,000. bility of tentiper, suukeu eyes sur. rounded willl LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skiff, etc., are ail syinptolus of uervourtit'hility that led to !nanny and dead useless cures, :1.1r°e spring or vital power buying lost its tensionevery, fluxctiou wanes in consequence. Thost, who through abuse committed in ignorance nifty be perinauentely cured. mend your address for book on all diseases peculiar to zoom. Address M. T. LUl3AN, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed.- .Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple 'tips, nuntbaess, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes, rush of blood to the lwad, dull pain in the. heart with heats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart heat quicker than the first, pain about the .breast bone, eta., can positively be cured: No euro, no pay. Send for book. Address M, V. LU SON,. 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. , £1,046;000 The tropics are being set afire, sitys Joseph Cook. Only the negro rude eau exist in the rngione where n0 snoW F l 'ells. The white man fades 'silt. Where the snow ;Nile there is freedom. the white man rules where the white ',take full ; tnol•eforP, if the flame of altohnl burns out, the hole; of the uttrre of the daeker races, the hope cif -toe vast regions of the central zone of Oar pltt'let will peliah in that aixtiti Rum aZiti tiro 1 iorgeo. By tlto strongest temveratlue licl.ur vf; the season is the atateinrellt The titan who wont to NPw Y9rl4 of the k etie'r of the New Yorlc morgue, with tt silk umbrella and br'iught home that totw.lifths of the 5,000 bridles a enttttin elle in its place says lie never 'every ' , saw the cotton exchan;e,but ha knows flFilt ri�aa:il'this ity dt'cid-llnuss , there is such athin Yonkers Staub. lea are sent there by druultennesa, g• . VIA jolly feiloWe3 who make fun of the Mag. anti.liquor agitation, as they stand at. moo you s Gough? 'fake Wilsos'a Wild bars and drink good whtdky—for Cherry,.: . Ilave you a ()old? 'Fake Wilsou'ft Wild °ursemo ether Iona is sola` --know Cherry, Witeon's ,ilOblely the beginnings of what ruin can Wh}aveet cheryourt3rouehitie? Take y. eliw a but the rough pine boxes', filled Have you lost yowl/elect Take Wilson's with what. pneo was .u[cai' headed, Wild Cherry. Bove you Asthma? `X'ake Wilson's VVild latight eyed humanity, are just Ss Cherry. directlythe work of drink as bar rnoin Tiavo yon a ;lata in the 1load? 'rake Wilson's WO Cherry fun is. Theraway oe oitieein'the world Where Hien can driirk spirits without injury to body and brain, but New Stork is not elle of theta, In a city lvbete everybody, from the millionaire the day.labora:r, is baing continually ttul)elletl to begin wore work than 11e CMS finial;, whatever increases physical o,1111tftitnl excitement is a positive '*'Ret^ The niorgua'e occupants ole* C. P. R. TIME TABLED. Trains arrive and depart as follows LlAV1:7a ARRIVING 5:35 a. m ..........For Toronto .......... 5185aa. m 2:00 p. m " 2;00 p.m 2.00 p. m. . ,.......For Teeswater. .. 2:00 ' 10:80 p. nt 10:30 ' GRA- MD U 1 tt ' R' Y"" A. 0. STRATIHDEIO, AGENT, WINOUA%t. Through tickets to all points In America—North- West, PacIlic Coast, etc., via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked throughto destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. ---TIME TABLE. LEAVE wuleiiA:l, ARRIVE. AT WW$G1IAM. 0:30 RAE :Toronto.Guelph ,Palmerston, &e. 8:80 p.m, 11:10 " " " " 10:10 n !1.40p.m. " " Clinton, " No .matter what season of the year, 've always have flies with' us. In the warm weather they are house flies, in the cold days snow Ilies,and perpetual. ly time flies.—Boston Rera{d. Just imagine -your wife not being' able to speak tor ten days. What a change there would be .iu the hoose 1' what au unnatural. silence! A. case of thin kipd omitted in l'Iarnilton some time ago, and one bottle of Wilacsl's Wild Cherry cured the afflicted lady`, in four days: This medioiue has no, equal for the cure of. (louaias, Golds. Whooping Cough or Croup. Sold by all druggists. It's all very well to say, nsver judge a pian, by that chat he wears. but 3*oli eau tel[ a genllernatl by the way he wears it —Boston Traveller. Parisian Elem. ii, delightful perfumed preptitatitre Chapped llamas, (harked Lipa send 1ta 'r. I netts of the tate. Only "ii`r onsite kit L the druggists, - llealtll is the heel plait on *tri iotYtint whble mental nlach[ne yirdy re t ei altiilgt work, If this be erxrkwd or Ms, a'r tall the nieehanit;istrt thstt staiadtIi* ijoiti, Will be jfttr*tl rind dlitttrtir4 iiierd lifer itt likt'tlit 1 . E ; STER'S COLLARS, CAPS V LARS, CUFF3,7 44q. Cheap for KAS' . —AT — WEBSTEI 'S 7:25 " Palmerston, itlXod......10:15 a.m. 0:45 a.m..... ......London, &u.. 11:00 " 3.40 in 11:10 a m.. ......Kincardine, &c 3:80 p.lh' SI 10•)0' The old Reliable 0nre for all dieteantrn'nf the Threat, Chest slid Bunte, Sold ti' ilii abyrin, aYi. drttggiets, llor xor'roas. 7:45 p.m. 0:30 a.m. 11:10 , 0:50 p.nr Phrenology, Physiognomy and Physiology. Send Photograph of Yourself or Friend with 81, and 1 will send yo0 a Written Statement of your Character and the Pursuit you are adapted for ; ale, stating what person you should marry to be happy. Photo. returned with chart. G, 00e511st Phrenologist, Mnriilo.P, 0', via Pmt Arthur, Ont. Late of \Vhigham. Property Tor dale io B r ere. o NEW PATENT -TOP ic CANS, CREAM CANS, MILK �.JPAILS, SAP BUCKETS and MILK PA.NS.. Everything in the n airyir Liao. EA V E -TRO GHIiW G A SPECIALT di. Y The undersigned offers for sale a desirable pre petty in the village of Behnoro, consisting of a. gond dwelling house, otiiee, stable and driving shed, with one. acre and a -half of laud in connection. Splendid garden, with all sort* ot fruit trees. Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars. apply to FREDERICK 000K, Behnoro. BARBER SHOP. MR. R. MAL' OLM Mc DO111;ALD, (LATS OP BMWs) glaring purchased the ba.-bering business, of Messrh. Sebastlui,-Bros., ie•prepared to give all old customers and as ultahy new 00e8 as patronize him, 8atistaotion in nil 1Inae of the profession. SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are niy specialties. t* Give me a mall at the old stand, opposite Gordon aid .lint n ty ro; s store, M. MCDOJNALD.' B�iNK ©X' k ,A,MXXT® ' I H • Capital, $1,000,000. fleet,.$450,000. 0 Provident—JntlN STUART. Vice. Peedldont--A. 0. 1(AnsAY. Dtles0 O •S .touN PROCTOR, CRAB. GIiONEY, Ore hoist;, A, o WOOL, A. II. LEE' (Toronto). Cashier --Y. TU1lfi3UL... Savlflge Bank houre,10 to 8; Saturdays, late I. nopcsits ot 01 and upwards received and inter,.tt' allowed, �r e Special Dbpos)its atso received at current' A EIC" 3i1g to Every Household, rates 01 Illtoraat. , >u,:a on Greet Britain and the Mihail States i ] ONTMENT.bought andeoidO iti A ' I,0 AD 13.1•'V1LLtitJN', A.oitNY'. DXCIiIN13C)N, Repairitig be Promptly Done. NLEY 3VYL?bY LEADLIEMENT Has a most complete assortment of the LATEST, CIioIoESr, and MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in Watches, Gloc is, Jewelry and Silver Goods. BUT AT B,Uft:MI'S. Ci0osi ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING, AND WORK ALL WARRANTED. GO RIGHT TO GERSTER'S OLD STAND I+'OR YOUR JEWELLERY. .T S S' toO , t.re W N A,m, ONT. Large Stock and Low Prices. .0 TI B T'DI'1'(' Please Intbrr your reader* that t hive a!tont!+e realest), foe the above ;semi'. Er Its ttmaly nee to :tisanes of hopeless eaao1 have heart perinsaeeetly"cured. t ,,read to ysnd two bottles rf toy remedy PRiM to any er'*oar readers syke iui o .. ' toil! rend me their Rom, and poet office Address R ...:. NI.4414411akialt ,Adds 1mMAG Mar vOitRN'1IN OTS r These romrctee have steed thstost o*f Afty years tuner/undo, tu ne l i e, and as pronounced the host bbol(elpes too 1.,JB iKi rit! the bloat, correct all borders of the L1ttilt, fl'rlrit, t U, ittlllttltS AND DOWELS tog act Invaluable to all Complaints Incidental los imolai; or all ogee, T J e...JIfL'Vi T JLC�t+..JC1.I t�V its the fitly reliable rola for bid legs, sons ulcers, and old wound%, Felt ettONcrrI.1 `1Itt0N 5, CIt'tf119, rinl,3)8, 0000, RtEt131A'.t*SM, tILAflUtytt SW*T.L1NGS AND A btaEA$88 IT IlAs NO EQUAL. 3fanuterturel only at 'is, Now dittoed. Lata 5mq), Dittoed Serest, Le deb, WA sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the send. :'Puritlasera should look to thss Label on the Ilexes !fad roes, 14. the Wisest* ;Oxford ititreet,Loadoa, %hey ata *pinions.