Wingham Times, 1890-11-14, Page 2atiugpmEinio
FRIDAY, ltiovEMB I, 14 188t,
xervo at 1Pteat btaht.
* weave root.
I wonder if he>; heart heatfaste'r
As. I peesed her
Ou the street? '
Vsfiti a tell-tale blush come o.,
ci tuft
If once more we
Chance to meet?
There ie none I'd prize above her,
I would love her—
Her atone.
Q t thee fate would let me call her,
Tier with all tier`
Heart ray own.
Strange how just a glace will often
strangely soften
e;trauger eyes;
Though they meet:maflash and pert we iB
Etna a heart we
Ever prtze.
Live that kfashions ita itsideal
eenong then.
And tee gtauee she gave shall fill me,
.. ,.: .... r ......_
.::.........:,..:.-.....:.....:.r....,..::.r-.,•-,.,».- T1terP *as
saw an earth.
, ►,pv.pxhataleti thy, dyke around his garden ;near his mouth, and Witt as a klurthod expioded the lye, just flue aide of .tba�
In diaggis+ ; tvg ma? work, when, if
had dug a drain neroea the foot a£ of king it down.
, •satin' nae stone wall, and that "w as the lass
itf halos laQeu sae, we naiclit list' batI Lrn she has .been B fl, elle ;atone le picture I ever say'., t' r it was
it is God's. will ! lat. It was aa goad AP a day'>a work aa: Nan,
orb lltlnrntttrticl. but ! lie had clone in his life -time,
and It ;thing but porridge and bend a ', there 1 lost my eyesight, and' I Kaye
p g
zit all that, as he tbf tt;ht on hisg , coma tak' theta. Site hands not to neve nt the icture hitt of :11
{lhad this advantage, that be would. Qt 1 g p
to he sed way of his growing years,..
I nothing for it. Lev?bf+th set forth at ` �,ndra tltxtG she clan tukt+ nttetlling a se.
thirty pounds fruit to pay, and na details of house- ,vc.el but she's deem' on her feet Aurlcit clt f yd a xe Bt t rO you dS4tnrisnt nt;haof the l p he, lengthtits earl a say , aev;.1::,:etonr:eattai galea la a:init And
g - Leezbetlh, find t , ibt$truetP.d a1]' her Ilttla tr ing +vith Pat of C"111F;PC, nw'1 Bovril; g
Of Ilia o treeSes hold work to whiuh she b i 1 Slit's in her bed rte days o, i and t;t,t tt iuttlo t
two trees stripped of their spring , d eel Ow said, 1 has laann lassie's dein" the best site can, pith $hie. foritkaUdr.ln reethtne. aory ilttie tHntrer'.tr.
bIo w , Al,te. It N'tit 1ottiCe atilt! Q
urned, and IN Maggie. 1 1 e ' 9 cana eraitur O ten tnunedintoly. Depend upeu It, mothOn*t there b no
lalosson4 .l,is heart ba buoy day u't; I'd lltta dutlb ^ the Clang; } but
whtlt,ut*o kt'r:uont tt. 1toWeH ncsc,ttarg anri t)tur'rhus:;
'drew the e1"save u£ his cotta ltitstily, t was to be :darts 111 half do 8 Weel, I said t0 the doct,:r: She'll
Yeu l,lat*' the t/t1ARrta soft taewet', anra:a rLi,""ell?gilh:01.
dr riftwitk altat aoltena the 0telt 'rednrr,a tuitattnmatrtse }. ra$a hla eyes. an' v,+i' ltt►lf tl)e Ch'0uble..'l;ut g tOflt.AndOner';:sto hi°ritesystem. "", f,rner Oftherho tune, too want far rota neaebt:are. 1 to led ,T en he reached ells C for she`s been iia i slew'sSouthinq byrnp" Yer nnildren thlWh file wel'e both lha ] slid sa011 n0uild pplOasant tothOtasteiip,l to@hE, Preseripti tor'u1t altoofBi�hG df ltls y I py, to l ne d Fay$ lie' ,___ir. So I the eldestalga boat lana:te6i steZiva ad5':; rl 66
wood where he canis in 4 ,•,.' for a month
h husband at
b hastened to pour the
But this night when he leaked up
.N• 4....... _.. throu¢noul q,ry
cottage door, he looked up for Lt*z' asleep. 13+sunders, y P ibottlO. t3o.durO T44,',
uys aHk Yor "bias, wtssLowlt
to stand in the lighted Three d�'s later Saunders was ask yell telt' a stn ower t • oo ie seorlttxri 9rlaur, +ndtakonn�therkind
Oruisie, an, pt the carrier to ring
' wine wi' him the moru.
f`e`te, no angry wi' me, are ye Saute,
Angry l shouted Saunders in�a
tone that made Leezbeth's heart jump
who used
her ing for another job:, and tit the end
doorway expecting eth sent blagtxie about ant a bottle o w
ythe week Leesb ,
whose signal she as.
porridge, that was their evenitig meal. her business. g No e the w returned
p t n given
for the change, but
to their old way of life; Leezbeth had
dge ready at five to the thorn-
Thrill me, till we
llxeet ai+tein. l
Are ye no' it time to lows
for the nicht, Saunders 1 Andra 'f'i'at
there was no light in the cottage and
uo Leezeeth in the doorway.
Saunders a heart beat
with sudden
for forty
fear' bilis had not happened
years if his wife were well, and int ins
trouble he inuttered_Gin 1 tine Leez-
beth 1 tine •a`.
When be cane in Leezbeth sat by
an empty grate, there were no sages
e of . supper, and she was t tears
Leezbeth are' ye weer 1. he asked in
t I t antes.
terror, but Leezbeth. burst ou
aatd.x Sobbing as she rose she got the oruiilie•
one evening at th down and lit, and; pointing tti'a
try dyke.
'tl v,. deed. ay, Andra, man, the nichts
o his neighbor, as he passed him
e bill -head, where
Saunders tltlan was busy building >L letter on the triahtelpiece, she covered'
the porn
ing, and Saunders !shored from .dawn
till dark, with as. much dilneence ae
ever. On the way home, tno,.be fell
into his reveries, troubled : hitueelf
about his debt. said poverty, end when
heawoke with a shook to the know»
ledge tlntt he was a. rich men; it did
nothing to dispel the pilin of"tpoverty
which had taken up at' abode iu hie
Another bad begun to work as late
and early as Saunders. did.` Andra
Watt, whose cottage was ,three.hun-
yards down the hill ,frog • Saunders'
had had much distress of ltfrte. His.
wife was threatened with a d�ctine,the
doctor had ordered wine anti nourish-
ing food ; but all that; Andra, could
give her was porridge and milk. Hes 1 in debt, but I never kent till this
wife pretended she liked nettling Let- merit hoo pleasant it was to hae twee
her face with her apron.
Saunders took it down with a
are' ceourin' door on us noo ; hut use trembling hand We are to be ralpit
winder 1 The season's weel on, an the i' the. tang length, i suppose, he. said,
beeches are as omen as a neer back; sadly. Then he added, after a pause,
ant' quarter o an I he the . mast
bot 111 see for q ' during which
Hour yet, :and so saying the speaker, piece for his spectacles, weel, we heir
an old, hent Carle,` stooped down fora doily, oor best, sad we are in Cud's
•atone, Andra beldon his way mutter
ing : Fie's an eydeut 'traitor, Sandy,
and he has huen a saf'r faa it a'his
dtlys, k for
In a sham time itwas ,
hands. 1
With•,$rembliflg band he unfolded
the letter, and slowly spy -lied it out.
a dot o It was from Leezheth's brother, who
to � thirty years before had Bothe t
Saunders to do more ;, so terhug 1e 1•hirt fertile, and whom she had.tihougbt tang
li�lnullc'r and trowel among the bracken !dead. Ile wag now a man stricken in
• w 4iich, too, had become as llrnwnrts a pars, but had prospered in this
rod's back, he t h on his moleskin world's -good, •and, on alae occasion_ of
` jricket, and with !;slide clasped behithd his only daughter's wedding, had sent
his book, and his head far inad himself home to bis sister a graft of five ban.
of the rest of Lin,, (as he •him e � dred pounds as a portion to her dangle,
deciarced his bend eying haste yet 'ors if she had any ; and, if she bad
Coit -
saved by Sarletne.
Beasts are easily alarmed by t1s
unexpected The Italian's organ , a
monkey, which saved itself nom the
oil its enp. evident, n b
;,king p
bund g y
in into hia +;y seemed to the oreature that c -old
The tears had been dropp g ,
porridge, for it was a sad story to hien. (pull off its own bend. A. strasaager inw
tied he`;and 1°,r'ezheth lis• I stance is related by an African lame
Row often
ted to the saute tale, Get wine aria ter who had returned.from the Hot:
plenty of nourishing food, .for their tentot o'untry, where lust he
bad n
p and theytrapping for
.own children, who lay dying, pp afterneot
could get nothing Dotter than Hamburg,
a'ome ofHthe e as out natives,e preparing
d said milk and often
porridge ,
enough of that. .Angry, gudwife, he a bait in a rocky ravine.
exclaimed. I wad hae cause to be We had built a stout pen of rocks
e hadnae been ready to and logs and placed tt calf as a bait.
angry gin
help.?never trent till this meeuit The.sun was nearly down as we
what a bleasin' it was to be weeletoedo ed for camp and no one had
m e loon mybonnet, an' let roe 'suspicion of the preeence , of drouanger
ate m
off to the Urulsie; and when t come until a lion, which. had been crouching
hack '1'11 threw the neck of the black beside .a bush, sprang out and knocked
the me down.
, "reedy t
mak' k t y
hen, e
• fills...
Yhis r
, a
an'In s ran g hp
on a
traitor. Eh, it's awful to bopF
or tiger friths as he 'reizea. This
blow of the paw, if it, falls on the
right Bildt disables the visor at nonce.
I was so near this fellow that b
simply reared, seized me by. the shoul-
der and pulled me down, 1 was flat
on the earth before I had realized what
had happened.
1 was on my badk and h
both pans on my waist, facing
natives and growling savagely. The
men ran off about three hundred feet
and then halted,. which was deubtlesrr
the reason why I was not ferried off
at once
I can say 'without conceit that I was
fairly cool. The attack had 4,tue ori
-suddetlly that I had not had time to
get rattled. 1 had been told by tin
old hear hunter, Oat if 1. ever found
mybelf in such a eredicittuent as. thin
I ;float appeal to eke Borne fears.
Had I moved my arm to get• emy
pistol the beast would have lowered
his head and seized my threat So
long as 1 lay quiet lie 'reasoned that 1.
was dead, and gave his attbntion td
the natives. •
Suddenly 11*rked like a ring,' .tole
lowing the hark with a growl, and the
beast jutiiped twenty feet in bis sure
prise. lie tonne down bet'seen Wr'
and the datives, and 1 turned onoteh
to see that his'tail was clown,
1 uttered mere barge and growl$,
hut without moving a hand, and the
lion; after makistg. a (Arnie emend me,
suddenly bolted and went -off with a
scare thitt would last him a week.
if yeri bad picked up a -stink and
ouv,o .
b y
do just ail the hen did. Ile supposed
he had palled down a mat.' The
man turned into a dor.. Ile botild
not understated it and it frightethe
baste ye, and tris heels nae burry,) 'he
trudged along iu drep thought. Saun
dere was, when in presfnc,t of others,
taciturn and ahsentluinded ; but as +
ter, but she could not tate them; and or three bawbees..
Andra knew he was losing her be-• That was the happiest night the two
cause he could not get wliat:> ere
ever spent, and, when Andra tried to
necessaries of life to bele rhe
nous, she was to turn the gift to such
account as she thought best.
The old man sat down in his arm
two thank Saunders, that worthy said --
Non, Andre, band your tongue; an•
rib haver. 1:'m sairer behauden to you
than ever you can be to me; so we'll
say nae mair about it.
The two were really 'comfortable at
last ; . they found they had riches when
a door opened to tpake use ofthein.
Nellie so011 emir, stone ag,ktin, and
years after Peter showed he had nous
under his boniret.
$o Saw the Guns at Gettysburg.
(t'orttdhd Telegram.
Daring the national encampment in
Boston an old cotarade with silvery
hair was led into .the cyclorama of
Gettysburg by •a K brigheeyed little
miss. The old man sat down, while
the child clescrihed to him the features
of the picture. Occasionally he
risked her ti `question and slowly shook
his head as it an doubt of the accur-
acy of her account. She had deserib-
ed, in her way, thee onrush of Pickett's
men and the band•'to-hand conflict tit
the ston)wall, where the brains veter-
ans meet the charge of the southerners,
when he asked
But where's this artillery. Nay 1
Oh, you mean the big' guns 1 They
are over there on the bill; in a row
All in a row ? lie asked.
„Yes, she replied.
Ile shook bis head. Look around,
ThereMust be some that
said he,
Etre not in line.
Yes, she said; there are some more
down here, but they are all upset ; 1
guess they re heisted,
is that where the leen are coming
over tile wall1
Yes, grandpa.
is there agrove of trees ?-
Yes, it beetles to 1'e full of teen, but
tltttstooks thick you ditn't Else
Olt,1 see them, be died.
It was then noticed by se?vetol cern
lades who were standing near Hull
that he was blind. - The little girl
replied, ole, no, grandpa, you can't tree
were a silent company as they trudged
hopie ward —the one troubled with his
poverty, the Other shrinking'frow the'
sorrow and desolation that were al•
ready casting their 'shadow over his
Ay, Saunders observed, itwaking
o'nt of a Ioug silence with a sigh, -ay,
.Andra, an' ye We senilis' wee Pete to
herd Bill Nicol's con. lie's no an auld
man of begin his bread-winnin'.
No, said Andra; but what's a body
to do t Whar there are 80 mony moo's
it's ati uneo job to fill them.
Ay,deed ay, Ahdra ; I ken that.
An' the gudewife's far frae stout. But
he's a smart taed, Pete ; an' gin he
got his share o' Lear there's nay sayin'
What he .mictit be. There's nous
sheath hie bonnet.
Ay. but ye see— And Andra
ended with a sigh.
Man, Andra. 1 ken a' abnot it;
Seuntters said, vethemently,and Mesh-
ed to the roots of his hair. Ye dinna
need to mind rne; 1 hae kent poverty
a' my Maya an' mon a nicht bae I
come Name w1 a hairt like to break
an' the anxiety 0' poverty hire so hurri-
ed into me that even yet, i' the hame
icomin', 1 think l'm the putt man 1:
t/as,An' hae the sold #Neta at the anld
sorrow to warstle wit as hest real.
Non, Andra,dinna
ye say
a wird,
yell: let me gie ye 'a help. Send Pete
to echnle the morn, au' T.'11 see til the
ways alkyl means. Noe, Andra, no to
wird Gude-nioltt, Etude -nicht 1 he
electaitned, and berried up the path to
his Cottage door, while Andra plohged
into the young stance weed through
whit% his path Illy. IfSaiuntlers was
a happy linen that night, Andra nine a
sorrowful o»et•
Leezttetli *niched her husband at
his porridge with .a compla.cetat snide.
She wished to Yet} his something, but:
did net know exactly how to login.
1 deo; Andra Watt'll no wtnt•hia
d tl t I
chair and covered this face with• his
his a;ttp'oYnfent left him for the most bands. Tie was dazed and beWtlde.ted.
hart solitary, he was meet' eriven to
himself, In his absence of mind be
thous;tit continually of one subject,
awl when ne chose to converse with
himself it was on tit It tI"u,e. This
'eight's homeward walk was no excep•
riot. to the rule, for lie wag once more
#,Mind in de'•p and painful reflection,
Ye are joist -cit'your way halve,
'ehienders, a paeeeng,'r' said,, meeting
lite in. the darkness. •
Ay, ay, he said, startled ; its a fine
richt. fie lead only beard it, vnioe,
Volt was too absorbed with his own
"thou'ghts to catch the sense of what
was said, so he answered at . random.
And what had Saunders Allan to
think about.1 Only too Muth. Be
had . been so almost
was in debt,
• till his life, Elis days had been a long
.tetrdl;;zle s' �:ll distress and poverty,
rn,nd each year proved to all but hiur-
ktelf teat he was fighting, ra timing
'kettle. Ito and his goo. wife, Leel
herb, were threatened with that ill
r.,ntatelhed pair—old tete and want.
And wile was to blame I 1'Ot the
„eee•d conpie tine tsel�'es, but the battle
en,' •lt they hint to fight Ile was it
w : c+ful and steady workman, and Stitt
t , ten parisbee coui(1 you have met a
l• •ire managing or thrifty housewife
-I in heezheth. They had bad a
.t•,►erotte fancily, end so 11%X11 distress
1 It for more than twertty yoare the
t;ror lead been a weekly visite? et
,t e'lr home. Only three Months hey
fore the.conversatinn already narrated
erauders 'followed tee the grave lila
lust iretneinitig child, his favorite
daughter, who bad just teaehed
• •sartrnan''g eatate. 'Thus it lhappett&&
"thtat'Sstinder$ and 7,ee:.beth,butli eve'£'
!threescore rises rind 'teff►,, 'sere deeply
elebt i 0l*11+dl r#, Lorl�n.tietaasw he
cella Orbit itt i `
Then they were not to be roupit oot :
they were comfortable; kieh. He
struggled with his perplet ;ties, and at
length .teat sorrow rose in. his heart
Ile h•ad not kuowkl the agony of being
childl'es$ with ell ire force till now.
His bitter poverty had itt a meatture
reconciled hint to his children's death,
which' i»oked •.lits a kindly release
from is terrible btkrden. Bat now that
Leezbeth eked he avere rich, the riches
had come too late for all whom they
Would have rejoiced to see raade happy
by them had been taken away. That
night Saunders did not touch his per.
ridge, and for many a day the two
were as pitch troubled as though a
fresh calamity bad befallen theta.
Six weeks after the arrival of their
her own
speaking .
f f
mind and Saunders' to fir his
thoughts had been running in the same'
direction, said to hint
Deed, Saunders, 1 see alae USA its
oor trauehlin' oorsel's as we do, Suint
tip early, and working late, when our
debts are tiaid. are we hae stller. 1
think we ntielit take the remainder 0'
oor trays calnily, .an' nittke life a fecht
to the very end.
Whitt 1 hae hetet thittliin' trlyeel',
Leal -Seth. My "jet' nt the hillAlinad's
Anne; and I'll no look not for enitlter;
au' yell get a servant leash.) to do .your
work i' hoose; ills' be you Mistress as
'?e oeht to be.
It was sr d:tpittil arrangement, and
both felt It t'dtltd be carried tot to per.
lection. o Satinclers paateked shout.
the doors, and Leephetl, carefully ins
htrtieieti her new rl m eta in the *aye
of the bonse.
O! ceutal Elt1'j' WON %'erj, litipi`�-'- ai pear err, c
tilts Arid def. ,l�fttar th went +in herd t though hi. Bard "nterld bra ietie workkik That fvttN the last +•itlu 1 wvelr j, ll tiAii�ic
th"iy t **Witt tilio4Pt;p,6Eaal.I.'titt eX l Ise g wit tete Itlit;t,'I ici:"li a
The story is told of a &,mous BoaE°
lawyer that one day, -after intvj
slight discussion with the d ncig'
aeilberately� turned hie batik upon t}1
personage, and started to walk off:
Are you tr`ying,eir, to show l'otrt slept:"
for the courtl asked the jtidgte,sterntr.
No, sir, wall the reply; 1, am trying to
t conceal it,
eotiuvcr5P ur rtra V: w. O. r u
le is statod thin; Sir. W. S, C
itat$tidit to devute farce months
winter to the promotion of the tel
anew niovahueut iu LILA.
In Great Main there are nevi
001) Bawls of !lupe and
eta) temperance societies, with s
ewe lellituu members. 'rite Soo
Utilise alone has 600 societies
130,000 members.
Tire London Weekly Times and
says that live buudred ebiluren, t
tett years of age, were taken
eu.;tody year in Loudon, as
find ineapttule.
Frt.m Senator Blair's book
'Temperance Move went ;
lie who puttetlt the cup ofitltoxlS
to his neighbor's lip; tido It bc,r
tieoessary for those en >iged it
foul work to examine their oeeui'
for their own good. , . The
j.sct is broad and high and deet
isupon the Arnerican people true
polo the attention of the whole
It caauot t,e evaded. Poston,
even is no longer possible, and
were, would but aggravate ei
evils end multiply the diflieu.
their reinuval.. The operation
te. 'Pifer wed,
The ra,ages of drink are mors
ly and devastating than war,
louse and famine.
If you see a brother fall
Lend a hand.
There will some time come to
Error's fall or sorrow's moan
Live not for yourself alone,
Lend a hand.
Triple Pledge.
Three tithes sod out. This
old saying and very apropos a
t Alcohol, tobaceo, profanity.
, companions— 0
n Oal i
' ee n
ally Io
all at once, and be "out" forev
The ipevll's blt,,astonary 7Eatori'
All the i'essels bound for W
South Africa, coming from
end America., stop at Madel
nate week the enormous anlo.
-l.liquors, detailed iu the follow
passed through
` 1060,000 cases of gin ..... .
AP ..4,000 butts of rum.., .......
.000 oases of brandy
,000 " Irish. whiskey
000 demijohns
146,000 barrels of rum
u00,000 cases of Old Tom :. .
15,000barrels of albsitrthe ......,,
40,000 eases of vermouth
The tropics are being set al
Joseph Gook. Only the new'
flan exist in the'regions where)
falls. The white man fa,�
;Vbere the snow falls there is
';Ile white faun rules where tl�
'.flake fall ; tuereforA, if the 11
taloohnl burns out the hope.
fixture of the (linter races, t
af•the Vast regions of the gen
of oar planet -will peci6i1 in tl
to e.
gum and the clergyel
t;ho strongest lei
By "f r ,�
14e tut; a the season is the tI
el the"iirwpe•r of the New Yori
that four fifths of the 5,1)01
ti nt
reach tliei 'ity de'ad•.iloul
bear are scot the=re by drtu
The jelly feltesys who make 1
.,anti -liquor agita.tiot,, as they
bars find drink good wir
curse na other kutd is so
<only the br'ginuings of what
filo; bat the rough -pine box
with what puce was Molo11
latight eyed hennanity, are
directly the work of drink as
fan ia. Tltere•tuay fav oitieein
Where suet eau drink spirits
injury to body and brain, -1
"'fork is not one of them. 1
here everybody, from the
the thy 1, borer, Is being Cali
repelled to begin more wet''
eau finish, whatever inereasell
,mental excitement is a�
eke, The morgue's (seen
egret this winter, she :said a lest, 3iartst>tilatnklli.
was dont spin' Nellie alien the anOtar i delillbtful perfumed preparation f
them. Chapped Hands, (hacked Lips arid lie's
was there, an' It Writs tin tiuld story,
13atlntlers t L' eezbetly tread tint got 0n Yes,1 eon, cried the bid soldier. 1 nees of the shrift, iuly '4,1 otiot1 ie6 i
on see the Mello alta ttroVu, and the druteeste.
any further-•-tt was au old and bitter broken the M tl lying raeultt. ll:cattlt llle heel plat on
stnrr to them -Port rritle and. p1Pn`ty . wltble mental i* in
';'fie child leaked xt,leiin int innortoat Wade, e thin he erxrkri or t9te t
c1 e f ttaeh l food, dial ken ebttp alt'
nurprlso sttd acid : Yoe are jokingt
beef fetch sin snarl, i all the riieehaniliiacm that etan4i
Elapnders *eat at lila itnrtitlXb WI grtwidprt, s Will bei'r'd rthd diaturtiipd
N tl ioc�tlitt oltj iitgtk:jg