Wingham Times, 1890-10-31, Page 6..eeeeeelt s t‘tese ti steel e; orrte Sigrol* Whoa the treeeara broqii end bare ; Neytieni the flowers ;and birds are goue Whae the frost king's lace -work. rare t t*Imehosi steals at tardy dawn 'Whim the needing leaves lie deep elle the hollow tar and near: %Viten the breezes tiWcept Antanin'a here. Also and likewise When the weal men haughty grove; •Witten the oluo-poifit's Rept in stock When 'we Imo our heavy °Lathes Which our uncle boo it« hook; .When we wade through muddy streets; When it ritios most eery day; Anfl when any roan who treats Tea cents for s. drink must pay ; Mien the ohurch.feir footle &fewer; When our taxes ail r all clue „ When election bets prove dear; When the air catered blue By the pooch of burning leaves; Wnea man liwears most in the year, Then it ;a ,that one perceives Autuine's here, setriot• and proe4 rhoott Lay Ai it Ms been determined perinnent, it wilt cost to feed. aviug hen one dollar ie yeatan turn She Will usUilly yield a p the same atnountelepeuding lar breeding and management. Co ing the importance that has attached to breeding in useful in the raiding of other douieste Male, ie iadeed surp'rising that attention is net given to the set atid liite breeding of poultry. The mere feet that the points „Wood layer are not very dist ettewe may in part Amami. this, Observation, however, show that the best layers, as a or individually, are the most a ift ternperarnent, A. good scrat hen, tte it has been said, is most erally a good layer. Besides her py dispositicin, which finds vent joyous cackle, it may be said there is a sprightliness in appeara bright eyes and clean plutnage, mob and +wattles, that are stri attributes Of the layer, The inti)ortstite. of breeding in to layers, is founded' on sound 'se By 80/eating the best laying 1 and mating them to A male. of lay. strains, good layers would res It would be upsetting one of the fi stalehtheri rules of breeding if the o e come developed otherwise, At this season of the year the fl inakeie thinned out to better adva age than at any other time. In m a elite', of pullets the sem sho be to select those that ere active temperament, full in form, and vigorous vitality. They should II feathered and possess the mark n we typical of the breed. As the earlie hatched, pullets are the first to beg to lay; nodule% as a rule, the fine he ready to set in the spring, •it do,Sirable to choose them air far pessible. Ogee& to the cooker the ceief malcieraecei are to not • thee he sad in every wa shows the c hara:ptortsitles of the breed Osndian Inyp, Stock 'and -Par Journal for October, le/Intents The followiiig from the Chicago Can - mike iftearkee: Ulf Crerar was alive again for tett minutes he would lean what the bewspapere have been trying to teach mankind for ageneration, and that ie the utter futility. of leaving large sums of tnoney by will to be disposed of for philliethropie purposes. aohn. Corer left fleet 1 , to be used in dant y oed re igloo, among other things to build theelohn' Crater Libraryenamed tor/lira- self, of coaree. 'But hie heir, some of whonelive in Chioagof itthere Ontatio, Ate of the opinion that Charity begins at leame. A number 9t lawyers who etc) micorls to aoe strict betide done will ferlit the bequest tor the leers. By the time justice is done tocethe lawyers whit is Iott of ,that'attee ' era. by « a good d r mat of gelyou nsider ieeorne strains ani - more action of a inctly t for wilt breed ctive Ching gen. hap- in a that nee, red kiug tine use. iens ing ult. nest nt- ock nte ak. in of be st pat., ul 111 d to is as w. To trylolatal *Meet maims. To Plant wore 'acres than Oan be taken eareeof Te work 'With poor tootle end to sow poor ewe: To hey at public shies what is not neediel, because it sells clump. It le shiftless to keep boor sto poet' cow oats as Much RB a goo '0 lounge about stores and gr when it is possible to be doing thing itheet home. To raise to end mosoeitos front yard. le have a, old wail the road near the gate.' - To allow the bogs end she wander et their own sweee wii their owileee and ' his ueie To allow the barnyard to drai the publio rdaci, dr into a strew good .may faeinere aro guilty of To cut the wood for the kiteles i;y day and theeL um it greet] •It is worse to leave it for the wite to out To let the cottle fodder themselves at the haystack le eaves a little labor bet the weeteewill make. their OWIlOr poor. To have the privy and well uear each other. t They should never he less than 200 •feeteipart The privy t eave belOW, not (wove, the 3woe r ltooliqdreany kind lying tlie welithe're' to' put the unopened, Vetto: Irian them to shift and careleseleighbors. ; To turn thiPcettle uut into the bare fiee(s in cold weather when there is nothing for them 'to eat there, and Ilhey lOse Oesir lillivering in the.col • I sshiftless to allow weeds to occeipy tnj'pertion of the fetins and very shiftless to allow bushes td occupy several Aids of ground along therein' rows. • Toplant au orchard and then allow cattle to browse the trees • leave vacant places in a young Dohn to allow a young orchard to remain grass. it ie a thotightless and a ve dangerous thing for a farmer to. 'p his name on any paper preseateft ley straeger. Also, to go oil thee 'notes friends and neighbors •' It is reckless to buy trees of utter strange).; also, groeeries, spice and snub artieles as kcan be 0718 adulterated. Nine times out of to ow Will dee'elleated by so dome. It it's; 811iftlefis trick to employ tl 4 Wo. their own Alma Th 1 The Chicago Coltunbue Tower,whieli le to be erected for the World's Bibi Lion, *ill be 1500 feet higli by 4,80 at the Wipe, constructed of steel and iron and supported by 16 arched legs. The areloteetere is of 4 tuoderu Ileamise untie style and wes desie»ed by Meseris Eineel and Petit, of Oinuage ,witl reoeitle ilver 7,000' tune 01 steel end 6,000 tone of iron, Ifa etfeneted coat ifs $2,000,000. oentre will he is large dome 200 feet wide mid .200 feet big!). This is euloulated for ;i014-• esti and teeatriesal porpoees, and will cit. A15 it one ogeries some- - ' onlvtliine ep to I over hbor's have a eeeting oapeeity of 25,000 people, The wel:s and eatiopy e be n into. 1. thie. n fire r011118eS. 4 " • • riehiy decoreted in oriental style. Eighteen elevetors with a capacity of BO people each will make twelve trips au hour, Only two elevators will run a diateetee of 1250 feet. Mane will taieraavantage of tho tap. .1 naiiieey will seeure peseage,for Atli; a shore joartiey elei direction wI all wonld lied to travel.At the land will be a large restaurant where revellers can rest and lunch Tef eturning to earth again. At the . 1 ere Set, ing the ore pex will' he's great globe of 38 feet in diameter, provided with 16 pewerfol etc stric lights,which ob servable 50 miles distant. Admission fee' *ill 26 cents ; 50 cents to 410 feet and $1 to top, eompleted' it erill be 600 feet higher than Vie Eiffel Tovver in Paris, ati the greutlest archligetur- al construction erected in thoyistory of inan. It will be. the pride of our nationfand one of the most attractive feal 1.4es of the great exposition; out iva les's to rel; 1 iii I anVrokon of your rest by a sickohlid suffering and, 1011 TO MOTtins.-ra you distimberl et mght tryin,g with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at' 0000 mat get a bottle of " M. Winslow's Roothing r7 Syrup" for Children Teething. Its Value is incalsal- ttb Iti„bile. rt will relieve the poor little sufferar nodiateiv. Depend upon it, mothers ; there fie no a mistake about it, It cures Dysentery and Diarr cea, ulates the Stomach and Bowels cures Wind Cotio, of `«l'ions UM Gums, reduces Drilami:ation, and ores_ tfi)onv,,atid mfierg,y to the whole*syst in. '‘ Bre. AVipf. an ;lea ssanpri,00ittionfastrat:Ipd 70 tipc.rheisladjoir3luotneeolflons' r „,„ , ,, thro.(118d 8. till: ftsetdage best female plkftsIcians and nurlek. i ushout The 8:41(11. 14f.:31%tyty!'illy,(11418tns -' bottle. Be sore and ask .for "Mas. Wiffsilifsw II II Soonftso Smut,' 4nd take no other kind .A. ie !teitehor who will work for the least ''wageil: It is as bad to leave a family of boys and girls to grow up withent good books and- papers. To vid.« through mud to the barn. and outbuildings when good dry paths can so easily be made. To pay heavy, dOOtOr'S bile for wife and chi.,clren because their feet became wet through lace of good paths. It is a heartless thing for a fanner to allovv his wife, to work sixteeti or eighteen hours, when his own work -is completed in ten hours. On the tarns as elsewhere husband and wife should be equal partners. To have no garden tied to buy stale vegetables of a huckster.: It is neftrly as bed to have a mitereble 'hale gar - which the good wife and tier girl • ly weed,andeenere a few stunt-. let ne you 0)311 120 it in your hat.'` eteetat old eft the Mills : %sea you weet'a thing done de it ereereelt, Wilson's Will Oherrylits been prepared ity A rah tie Wilson & Co., Who resale .1)rog. �I*, a !remittent foreieerlytweety yser, Not the ottee of eemehe. Oalds croup, 00, LI 11 e vegetables, wheil large croes cou'd be had' with little trouhleof tie garden Were (Mitigated by Lorsepotrer. &Tragedy on !Ake iittron. SArola, Oct. g0. -The propeller Annie'Young of. the Lake Superior Transit Company, from Buffalo for Duluth, left here' this mornin t 9 o'cletik, A.heue Were later off ii'exington srie WPas Game l'hottaht end.ths sett natter, than the writ -M. Lew« rules his keugdoin withnut, a sword. • Judge no man until you !note etCod The heart which easily -loves also easily forgets: • Pf. • in his place. ••• ' Al! powerful sotiic have kindred with each othet - ' The path of duty is near, yet pea,. t pie seek it afar (eV The way is widee it is not hard eo Mud. The i.'oses of pleasure seldom last Jong enough to adorn the brow of those who pinch. them. Live so that at. thy last moment all around thee may Le in tears, while thou alone hast -no tears to shed. There as noheautifier of cornp)ett 'ion, or forne'."or behavior, like the Wish to meter joy and not' pain around wee Every position,hewtiv er huinble,ariv gift, however small, contains within it a germ, which, cultivation, can be made b.. yield • something good and noble, • eiff fire aft, The flames spread rapid. In the depths. of the sea the water ly ark' 10 of the crew in.:helium the 's the'lwayiest4r‘lef is borne' fdat8 took to one of the small beetle 81 « the deepe.st love films which they ieueelied, het• net through Oa. vies 'aid touch ; tho Oleei'' oil the tope's after lowari« purest joy le unspeekible, The 'mate ehtnbed eft' to adiest th,• iNVII.thont dlecretion, learning is ropes and, t114 sinall. boar; bet on )?P1)1•1•t" "r"vit-11111)er"u'qiev' ; virtu° look•ine"clown at the slits teeti,"looks like Wakose ; the beat had swamped. 5.1h mon wore 0 parts mile. rotai;fy man to bis more owned. Phe retnitiudr ot 1141 ete w . • ..SPieglitly in 'errors, aud active to his 17 In number,. iverot rear:Ilea, beteg ' owl; project:co. Se itty sayenee aro *4 easily lust A Port Huron today about noon, Teel lal4 a '.‘)e•I ""1"1111"6 -18 E")(16t1 IS fithY ibIliblifig itheilt 01) I;Akt• even When Ciroppeti by obitiletst spriuga I taken oft tho hurtling ste 'nenir fiv 'the barge Edward. •. They were elided in- • • peeele eeppeig eiY a hrokon string; beat burned to the evateed edge and spoken in 'vein. It is a *teed whiel), Eluron 15 miles from Hurou • ' • • Tha drowned are AlcItlenerd of up IMO- ovosr,, Port If , J,, Donnelly, 3. Crosby, T. Gallagher, J, Coneelly and three leek hands, 1161310S Ala residelices u k tt The !gang was of 693 tol:at . le trees in the appieS t Ynu may tot 4, war' bouud -4........ fpof,‘ ocir#6.'" of 41 Q ThA greatest part of all the tuiliebis Wpottcl, Cdar Posii, Smallness often teo« dieguise the inflitite. ''OU may Cont the apples on the free, but 'Ulla Call 0011 lit • ey e ad- r taken to build a tower, and spend ne wore labor on the foneilation than Would be necessary to Piller hut. --IS Mitt; IieV4BeZ Olt tie TlIVIE5• OFF10C, JO$EPiliNE Mole MISS NELLO MokIARDY, - ONTARIO. ‘..1r Pupil of Sir. iitiward Fisher and Mr, W ita tram& end field Medallist ot 'Whitby Colleiro. eubsiortotionorteceetPrrYeat'lbt a dVatiinif •4'w. SP4CV yr. n MO. I 8. nio. 1 ' Lind 11 or, op to on * It YU ifarrlsen. plane, organ, Voice Culture anti MO, olony. Rooms in Beaver .Bloek, 1 oYERTIfoil RATES; AZ T,1 S 1 O. ono oceuire 456 teireeo ve et Iserneenees oe Prawn Ago Osu..01 Atop owes • ft 6 du 00 X 00 0 no 00 1$ tin 7 flu 4 0 For particulars regarding terms,.eto, idease (MIS at Local and ot for casual mil ertimements 8c. nor INN my home, corner Er mete and Patrick stfeetm. PTA:WM.4 SPARLINO. THE MISSES --...., INSATICIFE!,rtui(r)invyo.11 on Piano, Organ and Violin stl.leeertlerfee en Gomm' of Josephine and atria 44•444.4.444144444.4444.1444....4444444mwsee444, El P, (4IAPMAN, XA( ISSUER, or MARRIAGE MORNSES, NOTARY , Nati°, CONVEYANCER, Ely Orrzos.--4 nig' Bookstore, RIPLEY, Orr. Money to Loan on Yarm Security at Low liAtcri of Interest. No commission charged. D A. V I 0 IS oFFottNor 0 -4. . 4.1.:. pze.....-,..... - . ., a"." -44„.Weiser 1:%=tca=r.-.Mm.ai-4- .... . AT VERY LOW ftATE'S. SMM I OFFICE-OPPOSITV THE MARKET, WINDHAM. 00Tol3Vit 1.8811 AIMED SCOTT 18.A.1\TICM Jpephine Street Alban), Ont. .--_,... J. A. FLAWED,J. W. $COTT, &fount Foram. 1 Listowel. Deposits Ileodiyed and Interest. .Air8vred. ''' Money Advp.no-ed to ParMere and •' ' -)311ginesalY10117 On long or shot time, on endorsed notes i �r collateral 401.1ritY. iihilb lictes bought 1 ab a fair valuation. 011 Cy remitted to u41 I. parts or Canada at reastmable charges. I Special Attention Given to Col.- , I looting.Accounts and Notes-. Agents in Canada -The merortutzte Boma or Canada. , o'.: A . Malt i.),.. -.-4...2.,n», Office,liours-Trom to .!$ Ao. m. . ),. -, - ... ' Agent. Carpenter ag Builder, d 0 HIT STREET, WiNallAM, ONT,,, OpPosite tloyd'sj'itctory,) SASH, DOORS PRAMS, BLINDS, 43zo., Reuse & Shop Aekairigg to, WJNGLM L HY. el444 & Soul Ppoes,1 Manufacturers of and Dealers In PINE, HEMLOCK' BAROVVOOD LT/ MEER, qp d Cedar .1„ISTGLES nurden and valued at $20*04M. rile reckon tile acorns ao tte oak, butntt, = ' j nate Wee Veky btany I.,intied :etiout k . --Also-- , he face and band ts rpm , 'Lath, Staves Heading 8arrels this oft the scorn. ' StBneral iner.ohandie for Eaanabe ;IA the world arlieft f a equal Tsk ' abeeteute but Et141! eeett geirttiae seith whit. Wrapperre • A • •.s 014d1140h ' rani tbe feet tbei t ot: jottliotentty tuition ;114/oluitutli.!. It. •, A 1,1*.loslvt„ Sip trierg irt I A: 64 ; • -,,••••111,4111. . e . `• YeetiC 'et« • i teNefeieeili. Ilieeteeeet esr test maertien, and ifo, per fine hooch subsoultent Insertion. Loral notices, in nonpareil type, 10o. for fhat in surto:hand fic. perm«. tor lhieh 0111.10414004 imierttcr. !Oval llotiOu wlfl 4n: enurgrci ivati thus au Advertisements of host, liound,litrayvaLSituatfonn and Business -Chances IV ant,M, not, exwevlink 5111104 wmPareif, Si per month *louses and Palms for Sale, not exceeding S , $1 Mr dist month, 5,10. per subsurpoint mouth These farms will no stlictiy adhered to pefial it for =guy advertisements, er rler iouger 41404004.1 Ad% erusefuouts without specific directions, inserted till forbid and etufr'Aed oonotninlY, bk. fittOry a4geor41$4n4*tiltb most he pain Ill AtMti 011.0.ATE. fin VOntrueD Ad% crtioutuouts ma lit' the odice ny Weaueeeay 0104,11,, in order 40 Vest' that week .$r 14, EIALIOTT • paorgurron. Asa rutiosnia DR, 1.1A0DONA4,D, JSOIIMIINE STREET. Wifirou$0, • . A • ONTAIOO %VIL TOW 1.ER. lieinlict° dollop Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, • ,;--Coronorfor County of ninon-- . 00 "TWA Pitaastscr WIngbant, Ont. • nxt. 3. A. IdELDIIUM, LI Bonin Orativato of Toronto University, 0r,..9 Member of the College of Physicians anti ourseuras ot Ontario. Office and Beek; ence -Corner of Centre and Patrick,- streets, fonnerly out:aided by Dr. Bethune, Wisonatt • - •- - 1-) VA.VSTOBE," BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Rtl, Etc • Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rit*o intOtedt. AO tounniseltm charged. Mortgagee, towo, 4104 form properlyt)OUzItt Oud SOW, O1011-eueever moot«, WINO11.01, OAT, J. A. MORTON BARRISTER *a., Wingham Ontario 4. 14 tree se: DICKINSON, H.' W. C. May, C. fk.L,. Di6losisoN, A, BARRISTERS AND SOLIDIToltfiekittsBM., So Hinton for Dank of ilamilton, Commissioners for taking adidavits for IdaMcona. Vertu; Town and Village property bought and sold, Stoney (private funds) loance on mortgage 014041141j.4' 148 4 per cent., Bondy invested for private persons, upon the bekt mortgage securities •• wirlunis any expense 80 the . west. lender. 1.ands for sale lir Meelteetl. We. the North",„ 01110o--tOnt'S Bleck. Wingluvm. S. 4SROME,%Vixen/of, Is manufacturing Celluloid PlaidsVolcanitepltes of heu ' - as cheap.as they can be got in the Do1111.1.3911. All work warranty, :Vole,gc.table Vapor administered for tile »414 extraction of teeth, life only Wife ancothetie.in °von., Thin Norion.--I will extract teeth or i4) made • OitPICE In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Rota, g..e;AOIJOBEALTi. Wisoinat •• Maker of 'Vulcanite, Colt*41id, ARoy, 114 »l'i*40R 00 Silve. Cold, etc., etc.,Pilites,ratihig Ilite4.46a m Sao() ueeeree 1)4'e erowong and bridgeworkTeeto ex' trhotss 'without the least pain by the tgie of Vital ised Alt ' Head Office, Wingliatn, side 'entrance op. posit° the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except., ed) from ii a ni to 0 p in. 1Viu be at Tilyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday of eliclonentli-Oiliceat Milne is . hotel; Ocorie: 1st and 3rd Mondays of each mon** Mice at. Albion hotel, .filtratitizar 2a cents. JCIIN outon • okaggnAt. INSILRAN0 AGENT .14rINGLIA311 ONIAP46 ROBERT CUNIslINOITAU, •40•,. • • •• mstntexon. ?IRE AND MAI4NE, • 1.10 DEAR, WinetuAti4 MIENSE'D AUCTIONEER YOB TDB 011 litrY IltBION, Moderato. Bales attended in any part- of the Co. Charge-, J01111 CrlititItW/NOTIAM, thitssarr atiozromgrat rah Trig cOnSTY ;Wit Blintot. .M1 ordure left at the °nice promptly at end od to, Tories reasonable, JAMES FIEND ERSOh ideissinin Aocrtokrian Yoe Commis hose* Aisit Banos. Notice, All gala attended -to promptly and On the Shorts* Charges Moderate and Satisfaction duaranteed. Tube? otHee Ali necessary arrafigenientS 0440 be made -4 • • WINOIlikali 014 • SOLT02f #c IIMVXXNS .. , ... 0. D. 1 lissyStosa Ass elvit, lealtesa US- OWE?". Ass %INDIUM. Atli:Islets 104 a the. whoa et Molls* wilt r4 Wye presepo attention , • . EV. l'AtItRSOR, . .. .4.: i • ,. Aare/ Of Malan 84 000tt, ES4014,0 • :ila tbaX0/111. 0.'" -' he' iSixra/ro '1* Igo 04441111 'se 44teleAL Tee Itt At Vow rient ret to lay wail bo got there were fife depot ti AttiOna the olftteted tt . Waal«) ovei from the et« sevea or 04.4 sited grizz: way throng 0, wild eye, Was evident it weetere ti nr d down 41 when tie toe e passeng, dultioe sit ee we let and asked : • Mietha in 'thole No sir spouse, as the qnestio Oh 1 ezot theme clay to a oat ? Oat I (J with snub No, tie] waked you ion Whin I ti me bek at I My de win my Meeing UAVe you woolen 1 you woul Look I he cattle away I - i D I 1 1 t" d I am 4 No w Beal Von • 1 slim elews, tor- ef eo tear rd. Woul finnouet ktwo IZSY hi ' Botl , Tha hitra os tiellts Apo Ive a dot It Don But An when ilt-Id liistiu man' with huira pi:Ai 4 wart wor iti Hake I do low his c