Wingham Times, 1890-10-31, Page 5• 1.30 041 loft Aro Ung the Thil are inter'a work awl on y havoae tend to keep 60' v.eit to the Beavei ivatatioit that 019, ely day illworlli 4 Beilver tobte I$ ud employs tame vor. The scenoi y • has ' been very' rodeos shades mid trf.es and varied, •. 1 •taie makes even country a senile lid grandam nut The I?. W. opi.11y pushed for. te giaocil ta or UotliatLth, mid p CO Silt tulles meet Mr, tamale, M. P., .t ive purt baits duper. LI he a i3tatiiiii 141tuut tver Moutitain brulg tbis few years they i by t. e bad mhos your to hear it few words Few Laite. It is a ,ut toren by seven Aular ui slittpe, an& ,irt it on the west'4. .1y retreat especially lemon. for Otero are woo umek and game s there. 'rhis lake." the boundary iine.- • tad Oliver and Pe- et a 'wavy mop of poe pciLto ut presont iS of the 0 13..11 eleva, Iiaiu is s ightly 10/ liter's edge. G. 0. ihzdea.vor. Ohrtatitin enideaVer ' 3 of Oaten° held its 01:1 at tiatnilton lest 'following officers were - ident-R, J st Noce president --Bev. Galt ; seeond vice - W 1? +Alison, Torouto; • Irer-E A Hardy, B • taut 110ori1tArie4,•- ^ Hamilton ; Mit Car- 'Tortnito reported 40•' • a membership of 2,000 ; a a inetubersinp of 50'2 ,-.. Hamilton, ten, with • St Oatherines, Merri" oro.d, eight societies ; societies, 95 active ilethatn, four eocietiee ership of, about 500; )(lieges ; Trenton, One a memborshap of 96 ; • e sooteties, just formed ; vete sooieties and. 138 .rtotford, four soeietiee, it• N pantie, ono ksociety num ; itrockvitle, two ' leagues ; Grimeby, one tive members ; Ort1.4.Iph Kingston, ten societies abets ; Palmerston, one .peler one society with t, The convention wil year at Peterboro" atime, (if Chicago, Ill., a journal on ecitiine .top - following compliment W 8 last iSSIIe , an exaggeration to sty s of our States is the breed- beCOMing p3Otilfir iy estii13- %king greater comparative present than in Gonada. eat is general ail along tbo the sandstone headland trashed by the Gulf of St. to the boundless pleins of Lone Land.. Many parts tau provinces are as admit:. .1(1, to the breeding lansiness wee of'OuLario, the better which ,in agriculture wiR avoidably with any of the tide of good blood has oured across the borders, iniost every county in the ' bee its well.bred stallion, fly Nobs are gIlt edged 11.11111. 1. good tracks road gond train-, ree in Canada, and progress tale in this regard before speed be seen in the That progresS will he sure Never wns there ug in Canada as during the t elosittg, Itrod gond Weeks treiriers are but natural dee s 101rAcing, Nelson and Ve shpwrt that grt speed goduced in lands that are III winter aim no doubt in r MiMwiIl come acroes the now that our neighbors ara vith tam bigsd, that o rn ZUICIA WANOV.414 R. a. 0.01$4.010:rgit 1101.4114.$, 0$0104Vra AC •wlir '1,1,14ratOVISIODAI, 1/VARD• For the last foor Wooks has been inciting, the Sioux Indians in Standing Bock vicinity to an uprisine3 rrepoiaticas have IWO Illaae to check any movement in that direction, ajOUriled g of tlie G & The TIME% Will be sent to new sob. ,A.n it " • 'W'AdilWay Was heal 004 2001, li31)t) seribots ilitita now tilt .the end of 1891, for PreSeitt-J T adil'ovv,v1 U 000,1villie, V1.00, 1:1011.108 liorton, 0 °rabbi ‘01 Ley, 1? Tee 'Iuttleipitt Aet is amended by jordan. .3ib1 to councils in• villages. 'rite ul1.r1n1Ln produeed the btook i.ou 013.1 toad ui les for prulnl,ntion wliolly ur in part of barbed wire, or any hook, 'signed by : W. J. R. Tioltaelg, 300 shares ce30,000 lower barbed mattirini, along 'streets Isaac F. Tows, 203 2,20,,te1t.100 or public places' :Yrilieph Beek, 20 shares Dudley Holmes, a.) shares., 3,010 Tile Ontario Governinent hits insti.. gator), lioluies, 170 slutres 3000 toted ordinal enquiry into the proceed J4113.08 IL .13urni4, BLL -.108 2000 ilogs 140(1 wethotte of the Lieu. Provi receipt was prieltmed from 110' deat Life and Leve Stuck As.Aciation, ii,ank of OtillliDeree showmg a deposit 1 The fesult of coin, OE $6,000 had been Peel 01. irl pidolte LILO 11 vVo i)"tlll 014detoetilting anoe with the 'tam!, 1)001, .11)';':, ut ale the ou-Aitess methods of the coucern. Males TO ifetintes.- Are iod dieturbed a) ias.ht and broiren of your rest by siesosile wagering MAO tr,ying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If No send et onoe and gat a bottle of Al Alni.Winslow'a Soothing, Syrup' for Children Teething. Its value Is linvalml. able, It will relieve tile poor little euffeter invinediatelY. Depend, upon it, inothere; there is no dvietake about it, it ogres Dysentery 11114 Diarr11034, roe diateli the Stoinach and Bowele„ cures Wind Violin, - 1404411410 t110 launie. reduces Inflammation, and ithive tone and energy to tho whole system. A' Mrs. Win. elow'e Soothing byrup " for children teething to pleaeant to the 1409 1184 is tin/prescription of one of the oldest and but female physicians and norms to the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout Oie world. Price twent,v-Ave cents 11 bottle. Ile stare ad n41014 for "Mao. V,AnitiboWs tioordino Sraua snd take no other kind abov'e suoscribed stock. , 1 ',-.4.T.iin Tnuns to new subseribers, tit. Moved by ,C Orelib, tiectInti id by e '131st'Decomber, 1003, for no., or $1. til II: Oolhortie, that W J B lionues bay. o8L31 Qt Leoi_oabb. , ing complied with the resoution ltiq , 1 ,. rue foot -ball itatn tell oSaturday 't .our last meeting by procuring t -11'1 "()" Rail vvoeli Seitfortit and Berlin rbetilted and matting tho neeessery deposit in Ion the defeat of the S'eaforth club by. the Batik of Otelimerce, 0118 ineetiog 1 a ,0,0,8 of $ Iv 2. Tile Boain,1 are aeeepts the subeeriptintis AIM , . m,ettle:as 1 new champions of the Weetern the proper notutes io beelven 03 "g Assooiation, but liav13 to defeat the top stoic heidere together for tee I, 17o1uit3.o Soma before they became ,eleetiou .cif direeturs-Oarried. ola.alpitate of Ott oviia. • j. T. omutow, e. Joni:vat, Ohairrami, 14-T7in Titans tonewsubscribers till St'e'l'etAt'rY. 14)ucembr, 1,893; for .ftio., or $1 till 1onday al‘ernooti Mr. Slake cloeed God o1 1801--Cesit. A Warning SIX1.4311.'t 1:11),06113, MOOMONartlamwalonlOroor.pialower020491..”..01....,004.0.M1V6 Chester White Roar for Service. TOE undersigned wishee to intimate that he has 101 tierViee a Thorough Brod Chester Whitefloar. Boar. T811111 Slat time of, service, witiv privilege of rcturni AltOS TIP LI N 0, Lots 7 and 8,1st C'on., • Turnberry, NEW BOTCHER sritoe. M 'Prof.'1,1obertsou,the Ouminion cow. foilowiug line argu Lent 31.1 i• ply-ia the great oase. mismoner, • thinks chat the 1 of Clownte . vs. the Otteactina Pecitie 1;°Ideneles "P"94:° ula"c"11°: PA". Ii,eilikey Company; the 'hearing Of \ maneut wocees w. out. cheese /X14.411,b4 SITAW Wishes to intimate to the people of Wingham vicinity, that be *1141* commenced the Butchering lewdness again, anti has opened out in the old Stand, a few dome Bertha. the Brunsiviek 4I01,1441. STEAL Ito. per ; try: which has lusted for sixteen days bd.., fore the Court of Appeal. It is eot. 1. The employnietit of inexperienc. l fiiuconipetent wen to manage he 1Pru1'3)1e that ' 1 gmt will be given inside work of the factories. before J enemy. next, or at Iowa the 2. The etniemencelemsoutting down I 6"11. "1: Lie''''"'ber• of the renameratien of toe inakere, 1 OrTaa Trans to new subscribers till mail the able wen are letiviug the 131st Decem_ber, 1890,.for 1tio., or $1 bill on. d of 3891 ()ash. LAME, 1.00. per And other Meats in proportion, some as low as So per pettnd. SAUSAGES, Sm., alwaws on baud, g•I ts delivered to any part of the town. --.- TII atronage 03 3110 public solicited. 0E10. SHAW. ALLAN LIN53 ROYAL NAIL SITAVESILIPS, CHEAP EXCURSION3 to MOPE. Montreal or Quebec, To Derry or Liverpool. 8 The inevitable peuny wise and 1 In the anuual report of the becre-. pound.foolish polioy of using factory Itary ofthe• B cl of. Health of furnishiugs of poor quality, simpy I Massachrtete 5 la giippe' is treated of Apply te n. & A. ALLAN,'Montreal, or 1 at leLativ. A.s a result of his iuvesti HENRY DAVIS, WINOSA1YX the Secretary reports the' t occupation. $ 9 0 1.4 co 4 14 s io 0 2,4 ,54 GORDON Lr, bloiNTYRE • are daily RECEIVING LARGE SHIPMENT CABIKAATEB, $1,0,$50anil$60, Single and $1101nuuro, agoordia4 to location,of Staterooms. NO CATTLE CARRIED INTIMMEDIA'PE, otawavd so; Prepaid MO.' Steerage at lowest rates. .• —OF- 11'..A..,T_ITA 0-0 S because they happen to ue It 1 So much additionel trouble, loss, humeri iutereourse ie as potent in • rice , worry and disappoifittneut rertirt froin 1spreading the disease t..s atmospheric tne putting of men' without uptitecte eommunieatiou. fle estitnates that dr experience in charge of large face 730.000 wage eartieri in that SEate cries that 1 strongly Urge., says Prof.1 took the disease, that 191,000 of the' -ie ' Robertson, the proprietors to enrols° bad to leave work and than the time the utmost care and uaution, and in lost was 9135,600 days. variably to ittforin themselves as to Statisticsiurtn.ilidd by correspond- . the fitnees of an epplicent by euquiry i eras of. the Forney, Beam, orneago, fript a reliable expert or cheese -buyer. I s0*ow , T i• d• I ri• , ni . . ..,.. .,. , I S410W t0Ett 144 .4,1,11.14)1, .11...1441)41, -310, .I N1.681/111-144111tUOky,I.Cantias, lieVi•aska, '' eto rectory shdeld incur neediess tux • of 108S of reputation, of patronage, oflowti, Yv iseonsin and Dakota this year •-;prestige,'oPirice or of profit. . the potato drnp will be 48,84,000 butiliels-almut one-third less tban last year, 'rite other States will yield About 73,796000 -total 122,731,000, against 233,701,000 last year. mte;Tite Turns to new subsoriloers till 31et Deoetnber, 1890, for 15c.,lar $1 till Mid of 1891 -Cash. The Rev. Elwin Radcliffe, B. 0. L.. redtor of St. Palls church, Mount Forest, placed his resignation in tile hands of the church warder's, Messrs. Wood and Perry, 1:let Sinadav week, quilt °mamas 5,009 patches, a uve to take ef6ett the latter part of thE, seamed. month of November. Be'.'. Mr. Rad. The other day Nfr.Jos Clerk packed, oliffe• has accepted the curacy of iti the orchard of Mr. James Reynolds, 1 Z.viallningford, near Marlborough, in ' the 'county of,Wiltslitre, England, IA which his uncle, too Rev. E. Everett, IA. A. iti tue rector. ' • -The finest amain candies in town, 30c, per lb ; ohm:dilate drops, 200 ; nice robaul candies, for fair week. lt Linz, Toronto Street Market'" East 'Vrieravgronash., Arch. Robertson has recieutly licen adding to his eiready line tlOck stiestr. Last week he from.< a noted breeded near Gelb. • . Ilnrotaterna. • Mrs Osborne tOwnsbip, aged 79, has niVrte a silk patched Quilt courpoeed of 1,000 ..:blocks and whole31 A. H. GRIGG T Q- FA.RM. PR,ODUOE K.EN EXCHANGE. A. EL GRIGG, Josetylilne St, Wingbam. in all the Latest Designs and Newest Shades known to the trade. As these Goods have been purchased at a small, advance on the original cost, our customers and the public in general will find GENUINE BARGAIN 3 in every department. Money to Loan on Notes. Note1)isommted iluitet, a barrel of beautifulnot1i, spy apples, that were expressly intend lid for the Right Hon. W B Gladstone, Louden, Eng, R S. Williams and wife recently walked from Godereila to London just fur the fun of the thing. It was pretty tidy pedestrian fent, and brave. •Receipts of grain on the street ly undertaken at a time of year when Wednesday were fair and prides tut, the weather is so uncertain. obatleed. Barley steady With sales 4.1re. 0.. Sage, of Walton, and her 01 3,000 busnels at 52e to 61. Wheat dangliter, Miss Annie Sage, the talent firm, 300 bushele at 05 cettts for fall. ed Musicians and iungioal glass per- 93e for red wham*, 88e to 906 fin fiirtners, are now on a profossioeal spring aila 7.6e for goose. Oats firm. tour through the United States, and or, 200 bushels selling at 42c to 43i,e. their many home freinds will be Peas Hold at 6'3e to 61e for 100 bush- . I-ei.sed to lettrnthat they are meet- Os, and a load of re at 68c.- Drt:ss- long with greet saccose and retteivim, 3. ed hogs Pasta, seiang at $ . 5 to laudits ' from the Attie' wan ‘13,90. AT RELSOft/IBLE.. RATES. money advanced on Mortgages at 6 per cent, with , privilege of paying at ate nun o any year. liotea and accounts collected. 3. 1#e lead the tr de in CHOICE TEAS. Trya, sample lot and we feel con.vinced.that you will become regular customers. WOES 1110IND00t oerios.-Btaver Black. Winghain, Ont. , • TEN POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS TRIM OF IT I As a Plesh Producer there cau bo no quostion but that GORDON. & McINTYRE: people. In his seriatim in Bowl street church, TM•onto, mot Sttuday recently, Rev Dr illgs 19 uarG, including 16 loads held Wtld s oltri of the 40 yogi.rs e 14 preach. over; uturaet very elow and lower for a good thippers* four loads being • ot. tie whieli lie bud j1ldt GOIDPIAPAl. , told lioW whorl a young man ho' Wag 1 Warded ; la" limit l3a01d8; sales buten., ere! stool( at 13.1,0311, former pi ice.tt ; sent out as a. missumary to Godertell, .. where he hail 6250 a yunr salar2Iwilie'l3 gooa 1,170 'to 1,525'lbs. Kam AR co we was mostly paid in farm and garden brought $2 80 to $3 36; poor cowe, Produco. "Al y people tilong'at f aged 1St?. to a-50 sti,e, ,,,ffit Lambs- , tnri3I1)4 and oabbag.”1,33,) they emit wo'lN• copts, 9 wads and 10 108318 helo over; market for sheep and +enrolee plenty of thent. They also sent 11141 meat when it was very Owen. 1 WA8 idialie good ; heavy unmtda Lambs, ,, tn.re dartos the famine in ilaron Au -t1 witieb tow were 7 loads on tatit• Bence, I never W1141 any brood f ir silt iDguer ; eitlee (mention to good GM weeks At tneenti of iny year I o 'iliaI min iambs, $0 15 to $3.40; extra IR: nat got toy 0250, 101r. only 200. So OA tium.ace. ',i3b.11(); oninnion to kV, Vou twe 1 have. itni my troubles and I 00' ilPi 04.'0 10 65 tior0 -it '5e113. have nil to rough it, and noWt thank. 26 4)4(16 told 2;3 10108 1181t uv' toy t his gr,„,1 itoo(1 [))140U 3.11.1 Market *node lower for X odor,. ii,m3i sweet 10 oottnnuli LC beet Yrlit,r6 ta or, I *4 W.) ' tuPdiam t r au ,,i4 20 3 ltiVrail Tants to new enneeribers, till .,,,i u,1 ' 4 ,. ,i,A j; ' 'dr', A tles Deoeinber,1900, for J.11.1., or 41 tid w-' uu ; g"- `1"111 c?“'`' t° l'''''° - .11/40, 4ill 6u 04 *t 1,1.--Ob.4$ LiVe Si:oak eldrketa, EA vr BureM.,o,Oot 20-0attle,O,fer C Pore Cod Liver 011 and tlypophosphltes Of Lime and Soda , without a rival.. Vial& have gamed a grm& a day by tho row of it. It autos CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, BRONcHITIS, COUGHS AND COLDS, AND ALL FORMS OF WASTING DIS- EI3.SES. 40 FALA.1rAB.L11) 48 =Lir. Genuine made by SOD & Rovine.Belleville.Salmon Wrapper; at all Draggle% M. add $1.00. i rt. L 4 MO (341a' AY EXCURSIONS British Colnmhiai . Washington Territory, Oregon anti California, .Leuve Toronto 11 p, to.1 ; 11»c 12 28. Ltiostnag tin:Liege to Veacouver mama; clieuhe. 3'0t Bertha and an iniortnetion apply te easy Abtatc of the wnpany,011 weite Nit, U. ()WWA'S!, 2 'Z&t St. aloronte. Read the ad. in rr,.7 SI. 0 X --HAS TILE- - OP Largest Stock of Motet goods in ..;:LronaTii And is bound to,clear them out if pride..: ;t -.fl do it. (11 J •