Wingham Times, 1890-10-31, Page 4O. E. WILLIAMS: CZMUST • -------iiir":1-Z=7,':•171--7-7-7"— tA, ••-• ••••"7"77r--" : • or•-•aft..1,1, Tbe liewlek•eounell wett) Brown's I The rtlemen here who hats rea bas envie remarkable exertion zo, aeca- ululating items for the retre. Par- ticularly we have iu view his produce, • f the tenth instaut. The DRUGGIST Jaotres, seconded by Mr. Robertson, haw, 00st the enthor gonsidereble aril, liftlifty hy wiis U, Thomson v ore brought out every tiny is wniii):4 • . • 11.011401t - hotel, Forttwich, on the 15th Ootober, pursuant to adjeornment. Members preeeett—Mesarte Jacques, Robertson awl the Reeve. Minutes of last meet- (weicped Into a correspondent 1 Zt.* 'WY PttlEtladt Zatene;ler :.,3,ay ttlerev:.Ols. A pipaaing event tO k Place on 4°0"1 Wog* go WOW/ ui,,stut are day (mating hug at the reeidence of that mitten, inerteranag dee Mr. Geo,'Ilatbey, when the aletnbers "1 aa monitor, .weat tod. Tlity are 'pre the Society of Chrietian Bodeavor ..psriob, for ool wititturis work • au,* and O'er froub in the,gb,°6°°° altimeter now tray on y have %Nieto. met together to 612'"ha e"°"4" en" 25 are et work, ititend to keep 60'; lag read end approved. 137 -law o. tug. Thronp,h the woe of the event' I for we welter tto the Beavei 3 rend mid Pasoed• gloved W., collection of these prOdtletione rug the following eildresei was read to mine ereigs ow wee:mimeo Leat — AND— " • that Joe. Neil's' aecottat for grevel mental exerciae. Think of the lofty we, the members aral edherents of about 43UU0 tire II -elver mine te' pled aud tout the Clerk notify the thought that paid tinough his brain the Society of Christian Endeavor, nod 'etiTioys mote TiET AGENT I • OA lieek . * etsing their pte;portiou for gra*. put d between Howiek • ti ' 1 ee have met togetiler ("hist ; men than the ileaver• seenoey rucnberry comma to remit to George Strtrag, Treasurer, Gerrie 0:, $4, lately fationk pone to atents; think of eonnutinity-embraoiog, tee eve of your departure from animet k around tier 4ttedger nits trot „ of yam kindnes8 toward na as a anee. ultietent trues of trfeer and varied -- k eveu to hie frier -As and theo try to tromplee us, to express to you the tteprectatato „woe (4 hums ,,o0 various shsiti,",,,ti oontributions end 411 his witte colviee liend the wonderful clooko 1' ety, during the past year. N a t 10,110,,e8 of iii 1 413 4 . 1 'Argiws as IL WA TELEarilAill al Tureberry alla paid fur by llowiek to Joseph Neil---Carried. Moved by Mr. Abili ies of the newly tledged ‘%llitee. we are great ly indebted to bolal Y"1:1 tele oireedied wild country seetie •• laOtiSol Jectinee, seeeuded by Mr. liabertsone 0aereit meteor, Do- wreath fur benuty tool grunduer is net 'that tire Ceunty Treasurer's 1 -otter, es • Min • would you not strive tO ninth?. you not aduure aud Mr. Raby fur the hospitality a al easrly deacribett.—The P. D. W. .1.1.,sv read, ni reference to sale of tima kindly welcome withal. have been tr,,x.. patented turd for taxes in Vordwiell, teude'd to us••so often la tile peat. itv e !RAH wily is is.41,14, popie.,4 rqr., ask you tO accept or this Parse ae„ warel, The rend ts graged 'up ta let laid over Lintel eav oext meeting token of the good wid end e-Tatetnillittie heyoucl ver Monter-en, ttiel Out e Autgbam (into ooromai 31. 1890. aleafarro vs r. lost of Ire, Barin ere around here are eteeite-t1 in facing up their turuips, teeter, rppear to he an excellent crop Cats teer.— dr. Basel and het gene ore tea -tin oa their rounds packing the winter truit for Nle Spartiug. Soule ef •th•- farmers are biting their finger craft,- because they sold so early and therefore too cheap —OE late some of the caseete along this or the next line lieve beer) very obliging to their neigh - here in- carrying away a toimber of tlreir fowl. After catching the fowl, they were taken to the houee recetaly veceted by Pocock,where the eatable portiona of the stolen property.were appropriated to the wants of the hiller man and the remainder left strewn abolit the floor. Oen it be the desire tor fan or the leek of food at hotnein- dimes these fellews to take pert bisect) depredationt—The Misses Ritchie, of ; were the guests of Miss Bella Wylie, lest week.—Mr and Mrs Alemphell have returned from North East Hope —Mr, end Mrs. John Me - Berney, accompanied by John and Wylie,sperit Sunday with friends ; in Wawatiosh.—Elow about oreanizing a Literary Society on this line A eight each Week might be spent with pleasure and profit to all if the young people would onfer take the matter hi heed and have one organized. The fallpwing are -the nantee ofthe pnpils in S. S. .No. 9, Tnrnberry, who were successful in the proinotinn ex 1161110.0,min he d Oct. 17th. Vronor tion to Junior. Fourth Maxinnim No of marks 800; required to make a paes—Torn J. Powell,- 580 mares: .lane Weir, 557; Willie Oatopbell,539; Lzze Vanttone,526; Minnie Higgins, 4-15. Promotion to Senior Second.— Maxinatun 880 ; required to make a ,ass—Tan( i Watcher, 310; Maud. Higgins, 275; RohttA 242•; ]'rank Powell; 220; jeasie itleDenald, ; W Illtagins, 190: Result of written examination held same day— Mehlinum 366 •,e -.4 counted as pass mark—AE Fortune. 318,- Nellie Wilson. 296 ; Maggie Fortune, 2484! .Andrew Getnmill, 217/-; Mem. Genr- oell, 2454; Mary Higgins, 1974. W. T. F`mintt, Teacher. bile ; is trot your ambiteon to -ie igt hind He seems to pos'seas a vague turd conceptton. of twilit news is, No doubt this ia beoause he is not an expert with his ipapieinent, the pick, which would be better etupleyed in the hands of a farmer, He is uold, very cold, exceediegly co d ; and hie rates tiro present year, itild that it .rte 1 congealing influence has a nettaai law?), p•tsSe,l, for th° eun+'—t-trri!"1' affect upoo his temporary associates aroand Lim. No word of encourage- -Carried.— doved Itr Jacquee, feeliug of the Sooietry, which writ truek is laid up to :ex artless wit:it hy Itoss tet the 0 elector for the Western low you to your etew home, and though 1 of stauk,y park, mi,,, i,ouilo,, Dtveriou mei Gem, Homy be collector we wIll greatly miss you front autolig 1 sosaie to tali, au ao Iva part, jo ite4uper. tteeniattel by lAr. Robertoon, that R. for t et 6 stern Drywall, to oolleot the us, ,?,.ve trust that He who has guarded : Your intertete tu the pest ed 1•11°t* "lYone mile from Sliver alountain tEtteitt'a i vision. There will be 4 Stetion taunt blees y'ou and, your family, but make( too, I), Thie will bring the via:torn'. here. For the teat few years they you a blessing to others, It. C ICITTsoN, have been eta:heti by t. e bad mires hto• Ettc1Itasox, and ilea, y expetosel.—Periips your 13. Teelvasuli, • readers way like to hoar a few wortis S. PEVrox. about the White Fent Lttee, It is a After refreshments were served mid I boa,/ at water ai,,,ut tiuma by sevell, some time s' -pent in social entercoarae, mites, rather irregular in shape, aud' th"0010131111Y disPereed•-- Mr. (-.4r°• the railway will eert it un the %vestal Rabey and family moved into Lower ewe. It is a lovitiy retreat. uspeciaily for aportiug gentlemen. for tbere are Winghttal this week. The Entioavor tame nuinuera il woo. Amok. and game Society, who frost been heeling vote. meetings in part of their house,ingtend to. f ctifferp • ut keels there. This lake. -- is 60 miles Wen the bouts iinte— - Tee farfuens atound Oitvsr *reel Pa. poonge are having a heavy mop of po- tatoes thir• yeer. Prico at pruseitt is 50 cents,e—One ef the 0. P. it. eieva. tors at F -rt Wriliatn is s ettaly motto - lug toe ands tire Kalinin:Amp. liaver:: • It is buat on the teve,r's edge. bot G. 0. , If .No. read mil passe -1. Ac. con /ALS • firs Noti, $13 30, fur gravel ; Jtl-t $ lit, for caivert, can 1 1 ir 10 ; 'delay Gra -.ger, $1, for opeotiee drain, tut '28,oeu 2; Iltos Magnate $125, for culvert on dowIck And Watiaa, h•Aindary ; Win Pylte, $2.25, for gtevel ; beret -Amu '11! hatill: $5,for culvert ou were and W al i ace • bouudary ; Johnatou, 62.25, for gravel ; J $1.75, fur gravel ;.! J 0 Bell, $1,'for spikes for riardwich bridge; Ouwaie ,.$168.e. balance of contract ou ti ling at Sandersotas bridge Moved by Mr jaeques, sece ouded' by air. Robertson, that the council do auto adjonlor to meet in thee township hell, Goma, 6u the third Wednesday in Novernbere-Oarriect, \VIA. Oierk. Your correspondent happened to enter into a conversatiou uu Orenge comet escapes his cold. pi-tn. No wa etrengtheniug Sympathy is exoreasett for teie imperfect, but warmer heigh. bore. Strange that BlICh a COM Mall ' should have even a wartu temper!. Ile has forgotteathat there is no perfec- tion in mini and in stating. that the nyinph8 and swain's Were defective in musical cultivation lig not assorted anti he 1.11.inSeltis also defective gram- meticaely. A true critic . notes the 'excellencies, as well as the defecta, but he sees only the dark sides of toe pica threat and therefore we conclude that be is not a competent critic:, nor a neutral judge. As a public authoreve would advise hito to strive to promete all that is noble,. true and -good ad retard. all evil, even tole bearing and he will comenue betterin the end add will achieve. more popalerity. The i802 with Mr. 1)eallel pu111°P, 0 1 •trhouldalso seek not to stamp so vivid' k Signed on helial of the Society, 2iid. line. Mr. Dunlop pitied 1.1 0 L, 'ey his owe narrow.. mind upon his No 717, in Tyroue, Ireland, slaty -fuer ,peges. Ile must remember that words ears Kea. Atter coming, to this 'fay spoken aro like apples of gold in coautry,"he joined the lodge in advert ton, of weich he is Still a member. So Howlek clams the oldest Orange- man in the Province. If anyone thinks he let us hear from him —Mr George Gregg has gone into the apple. bueolesaa He.isenakiog quite purchase throughout the township. Prices void are, $1,50 and $2 per barrel.—Sertnous to Oraagemea will be preached next, Sunday m Gerrie hy Rev Mr Torrauce and in Ford vocti by Rev. Mr. Priug Adam Faust. received a painful wound on his fore. head, on Sunday, from the kick of a horste—Mrs kliston, of Guelph, re- turned home on Saturday, after spending a mouth with her brother, air Mark kves. pictures of silver. hoe ROT . continuing' it the same lamer, - 15 Peltou attended the convention 111 connection With Foreign .Missione ut the Baptist Olturcit, in Brantford, iasi, r.:05o Tilomson is away to Exeter on easiness, this week. The apples are still comiog in. in large quantities. It is. believed we are getting more than our share', on account of apples being drawn 'from near Winghamaon one side and-Iatuvrt- now nu the other, No doubt oar very aceounnoaating tatioa acteirt,NlialKew, has someehing to. do. w4 it, as' lie is always ready to leird a hand end' do anything that lay' iris power to • further the iliterests:the • (* T R and air villagte---Oure grain bnyers ere rather diettory.• it is hoped they will get to work soon,. before • ell the grain is sold.—Mr Beaton haserrang- ed with Messrs Button & Fessent, of evereharn, to buy and eneasar'e logs for them in tins. pIrtetia this winter. ' Very likely Pilestirs .Found & Gaunt Wroxeter - The eaatatires all the talk, and the prospects aro good for a full house ou Thanksgiving a%teniute—Mr. Stewart, the piano tuner, has been sampling soirie of the photos in town this week. •-e-Mr. Stealth, of' the Bible Society; lectured in the Methodist Church Tuesday last —There -et, Mr Cameron, ofHarriston, fill --d the pulpit in the absence of •IMr. Davidson, on Sabbath last, the latter being at linmiltoe et- tentimg the Christian Endeavor meet ing, as a delegate. The interest taken by the voung.people of the , town iii the temperance 05050 15 maprececlented,1 enanew. membeas are being initiated' ..seeeoies, .w jai., ippinbership ot 2,0 at tr •Pridav's meeting.—Our cider! Leteten 0, with tt inettiberehip of 502 ; Press, operatea by Mr. Allan' Bong. - I . Christian einonassr, The Society ef Christian Endeavor • ' fur the Premee of thitario .held ite annual couvention at diunilton lash week, when the followleg officers were • emoted; Preeetent--11, J Oolvele, Yeterbero ; neat vice president---etev. J A R Dreltsome Galt ; second vice- president—Rev. W ilSOtt, TONlat0; • secretery-trertsurer—B A Bully, B • A., Lindsay eesiataut eeortit.riee•—• Thus Morria, jr, flatnilten ; Mese Oar - son, •Lorictont Torwito reported 8,0"'• is in frill blast ut preseht, and the' mar goes tonne stniiing, mid 3vith' •Inerabers ; (Mettler'', four BooletieB Blrttb.. . and a membership of. about 500; On Sueday morning neit Rove Gat Galt, three societies ; Trenton, one society, with a nimbi:rally of 95; • 'Oaledonia, five sotneties, just formed ; W. Battey intendepreaohing in Trinity Peterboro, five, Benetton, ten, wit 975 members ; Catherines, Meth. • ton and Thoro.d, eight socieeiee ; more juiee than he expeetecl, tt Lindsey, two sismettee, 35 active church 13lyth, a speetal baryes IOStOWel• will give these gentlemenebo0 giving sermon —Quarterly. meeting is Genrge Fletcher, provision naerch- it before they get through._utirg aic. to be held in the IVIetiiodist Church on. ant, Liverpool, Was in Listowel recent- Kenzie, of Whiteehurcie is expeeting Sunday next. Oondiretor Snider 'is ly. He 18 on a trip through Canada, his daughter ad her husband home to occujoy the pulpit both morning aacl littiag largely interested in cheese w .: froth Dakota to put in !the winter. ' and evening.—The opening services of and fami Mr ith the name Listewel , seems the Winter in those countries is the veer Methodist church, Blyth, willPociety, 80 eat ve members ; One p es a cheese market came up to see it, too much for Our tender Oanadiens. ::be held on November 6th, Rev. John three societiee ; Kingston, ten sometiee He ,is a large ,shareholder of Grand Mr James Martin'eold a s t 'Potts D. D,Toronto, will preach at witl' 600 membera ; Palmerston, one . pan o 1 • - society ; liespeler tone society with Trunk stock, arid owns aii itsterest in a . 2 30 p. m A thanksgiving dinner Chicago pork establislimerit. While • 100,members. The convention wit in Listowel he bought a. shipment of be bent next rex at Peterburo" flour from Hay Brothers, with the Woodstock, three SOOletleS an41 members ; Brantford, four sobietiet, 400 members ; Nepanee, one rociety with 91 tnetnuers ; Brockvitle, two ' soaieties. two leagues ; Grimsby, one Cutroce• . Th. Directors of the fkirose.Motaal Fee Insuranee Cotnpany met, in the town hall. Teeswater, 25ih Octe1890. Membere all present. President it, the chair. The minutea of previone meeting were read and adopted. Cla.rk--Artnstrong—That applicaa tome for instirence be laid before the Deroctors for extenteation—Oarried. Meteon— Beal— That .havitig ex emitted nine applicitrione and'foentl heal setiefaetory, the Preonient and very „fine horses to aleeswate.r gentle- man. Price obtained, .$275.—Miss L Killer, of Donnybrook, ie spending. a few weeks at IrlirCalriek's, church.—The direotore of the Whitee otter& ereameey niside .shiptnent of hatter last week, at • per- lb. They intend Closing the fectott out singly to some week, for the season. NO doubt the young ladies patrons will be all well. satisfied with seeiuded/place, taking a hendfill of theie r•torns.—Mr Thus Foenci has hemp seed which they scatter along sold his driving mare to Messrs Cline the rood soiree. ',Homo seed, sow & 0o, of Wingliam. ime supposed thee, hemp se .., tee', ; 11. who to be $145.—Mr Hendry' Ham boat • moved in Mr Geo Oottle's 011 lintter Milk steed. There 18 no more houie8 to let now, all heing; filled up, wig be held at 5 o'clook, after winch addresses will be delivered by Rev. J. Potts, 13:111, and others. THE Iloaseratal, of Cinoago, Ill., a icletraof developing a Canadian trade. conservettve journal on equine ,top- , . • . ela a.s a terming totintry.—T, A• taus ice pays the following Geri:mill:tient to Canada' in Its lust issue t fie h favorably impressed with Cana - tin, formerly of laistowel, has nowXt "It is not an exaggeratioti to so charge of the Pacific' and Mexican that in none ef our States is the breed- .• National Express 'Co's office at Laredo,ing interest becoming morelfirmly estab- Mitchell and Listowel football clubs fished and making greater comparative ' will elayet Lietowel for the 011(1,01 pion- •proeress at present than in °anode, Tito tnoveixient is general ail along tiro Texits,—It is expected that the .eiip of the county' on Thanksgtving line, front the sandstone headlande?. Day.—Mr. Woolfe has uought the brick store occupied by hint in Lis. tiatvel for $2.000. At the stale of the -^, ' EVe. That will be this (Friday) evening. This is the eve upon which lovelorn is to be my try., , emiaar low on show dine," It is also the eve upon 1 thee are waehed by the evalf o Secretary are' hereby itietateted to" eertiee property $1,200 was Ind on the. Prettere a,ied tett' polones for same— Cerried.' tle.—MeKagee----That leo iew h.. introduced' awl read S. first anil second time for tiro purpose of raising the snout levy for defraying expenses in 1890 end 1891 no for in ereaming the reeetve fundeetlaeried. hotel, hut it was reserved at BItle•Yaltie Mr Oen Churehill is seriously 111 with inflammation- of the limes and prearisy.—It is suppoeed thet an at. tempt has been made to butte Nir Larrateicte. (catmint)) OUV or peSt 11MM) Weddings !everywhere but at Litoge sideaat tin immense quitting took place the other day._ -Messrs: John and 'Tames Taylor, tteconopauled hy Shint) Ileinpitrieo, left foe , the Michig tn. k bY law li"tullt'red 18 was th"11 in't Wastnanle blecksinith Piker, on b,ttele lumber woods litst•weidr, The evelliug trOidtieed and teacl a firat and etteotol clay night or Suatitly tot ' Whoa OA provioos -to their tieparture;a large num• time. Meltattuts—A.rmetrong,—"Vnat tire was aturta;c1 in the forgo .011 M°11- I ber aseelithled at their betties to bid to meet 'lank' I" day morello the side nf '1-10 banding taea, edit-IL—Misses Mere -art and e leetl"fettir thwh ilalithh OW last Bator' near tile forge oeught tire,havieg been Fisre. r, ot. Witigiottte. Immo, a few days this. bortrd Adjourn y of Nretaber, at 2 o'elock p. ea—. saintetted with treat oil In WItt3 pat fit Xelvin. 'Greve Partn, hurt Week. ed out before donut any damage The eacrament of the Lord's sapper Asx Am:oleo/I; Secretary. TtirilhGrry• Mr. J. NV; 'lettings has lately been - .learehasinir cow wog broil Litieester • pliteei.v He parch let tl from P,•ter blerstitait, cif Doinfrte4, er Ayr, etieree for triente.f and two for ItIr J. Saiticatis, near Belmere. The animele fine OWN Artri are !rem imported Our farmers ere paying a CtoOtt ogent,Ing to Oleg Trailing to 407.4 '"'•• John Bdreess IS aafferine from o very will de t tap, . 'lettere (mid —The folloWing oftieera church Sandal/ cuorniug,NoYember 2101 were elected at the last meeting of at 10,00 et0100e. 1 Court Dow:tins, No 27,0anadieu 0111,4. of ForesterA : 1.1 N Deif, 0 It i Areh - The Birchell mete lo now etigaein Onuspliell, V 0 11; Jae Elliot, 1"' St J i tits attsnti.m of the Minister of Jeetice Bargesa, R S ; Oen A.tehistoil 'rreas ; : The belief prevails at OttAW1. Ulla tit 5 Thoa Jetvitt, Chap ; 0 \ion' •tt, S W ; law will he allowed to take its ceurse, A MeEtten, J W.—The Preshyterian !None of th• petitions in his favor tett meoting will ba he'd on Irtitlay I have reached the Department. • tiliTam TIMM tc iSittY Subsotibers tilt evening first. 'Every preparation hal. I ,arapriatie, tlifoloPt 04 . I the Methodist which young lads do not go out singly, hut in attired*. and kick up dog gear ally, with -rat any particular invocatiert to the saints. _Baptist laistitons. Lawrence' to the boundless plains tbe. Great Lone Lancl.• Many parts cif the Eastern provinces ttre admire ably adapted to the breeding lonsurese as the prbvince of'Ontatio, the better sections of rebirth in agrioalture will At the.' 000'01360n at Brantford a°°mpare favotably- with any o t the other day, the foreign missionary. report of the Baptist OLOreli watt read.: The contributions amounted to $20, 042; the expendituro$10,007.86 ; the. helmet*, (added to that of last year), $1,684.23. The statistical report hovved a staff' of nine male mission- 1,itatett. A tide of good bloodeta steadily poured iteross the borders, and now Milli/St every county in the • 4)oatinion has its well.bred and on ir any frame are gilt edged mat. sons. But good tracks end good train - ere aro scarce in Canada, Mid progress A.ries, eight wives of the saute, threelemst be rata& in this rettard befoe evateteliats, seven Bible wonien and 1 extteme speed will be seen in the Northland. ' That progreire will be c; mede is setre le fiver was teeie its reech raring in Canada as during the semen- just elositig, and gorei tracks and good treiners are but natural de. velopmenee recitig. Nelson and Alvin levee ohewn that grot spwa can lis produced lends that sr.ii ittiOut Sitia itt wtntev and tee doubt in time; other Alvinnwill come ecroes Hie •thirty.fone tesebers These ave travelled 850 days, visited 800 towns and villages and baptised 805 con - verbs. They have lo the oversight of eiehteen cherehes, with 2 393 eaten hers and it seminary with eighty fi ve tangents An appeal wits Merle for more laborers, who ere equally 11 not more necitesery thee money, and the hone Me etpressed• that tile Briptiat a worthy manner the approaching con. not. idle Witti blvd. that WO` h,'en m"4", and a Seen Wee lei' be it wombat iBtki, for 150, o,$1. till, boay should, take steps tri Celebrate in • hue t° iie • 16,04.44104 show that oar neighbors arp itlOe,leA et foreie tatitiaioela colOzatokt 011101$40,7kila Car( Too! • An adjourned "AIW..Nailway WAS 11 EloPrratittlit—iortjo'tit.4;1 jorilen. 'The chairtaite:1 book, signed. by W. 3. R. Holmes, Dane F. Tomo.% :YoSeph Buck, 11) Dudley lioltues,; TY..c);:thatu'rn13' it,1 gjaillAut°es receipt wait Bank of Quintm Of $6,000 had lel ance with the le Moved by i05 aotnploed '0 our last nteetint and makine this the Batik 01Oir aeleletsopr4 tti„eus,uI tioi toe stoic holl **lecithin of dire J. T. GAcitow, Alarcon Prof. Berber Inoi1 lsde Loneee, ores all matient aceek try: The ein ed, tucompett inside work o The 0(1 of 2tire mail the abl oocupation. 3, The 11 41'1 pound-foolis ft:ter:ashti il:e' thew lower in pri woSroryintinitedh • .t1,0 pottaio: Alt rTegsPethri:t!':'11! •‘11ti lnt b erra°on8 .vitiatitts.inyeit5so fNeiTefliacLeria of ioBe of rf ‘LP:ost1\;a:g* Ar .,1ddiu ;:ti,c4redaiet(,) • Mrs acogtPrclip7o1 quilt coot Searctudheii,;ti ire the ore nuloiertt' 18 spy apple edf London, If. S. aelaarlIctehdef • pretty ti itunder teweal • 4.1re. atttigilte ed intisi ft6oraT (18,1 their ti tnany a1 eus, sp rg'witl le. In hi TOonti W6tpl:till(fV4.)1,1.1d1,11,11:8,:: \ ` tplItcr.ti: ttli Sweiltiellrootil wets nil itlillitt:.:anreet;:i weeks not gi YOti 4..l have 1 13.,iel Zan L.