Wingham Times, 1890-10-31, Page 3t the Wee
rorty hand
you. neve
hill enynne I
d a viudiie
orks eta* CIO
P r can teak'
in the yards
'I advantage.
hat is to be
t ppring, tG
thero ut ply
• II trot than
g was done
«loan plowed.
king of the
spread thin+
is will great -
Top of grass.
, rhubarb, and
bo bnauttred
to a more
ar, and a large
Only one ex -
In strawberry
lesson it apt
,vth of weeds
her they are
about asenut;ll•
(e8 go9d to the
r to let thv,n.
then give an
ificial fertilizer
D weed seed,
ay, full of weed
iia • mouth, and
d opportunity
cd. the youug
iled before they
crop of seeds,.
dilates, thus fall
led to combat
do liars as per
pig, I can make
slldrts for three
t an extensive
recently. He
Yorkshires, and
•s such returns£
lug. The sl+ove
find endorsed in
Ley from cheese
ice fed with shorts
vele to the right,
good pork and to
f elle peelers i1:
nd legs, the least
of a merketable
near a sheens
abundance, :erre
of their lives if
a a pure bred beef
intern that whey
eve no breed: in
e, alt have certaaa
:heir own, but vee
with facilities at
nrder with a veli-
torous young boar.
s within the reach
in small and thct
large. rifteen of
in purchasing a
pay those hand-
minion feellitiee for
Iian,Live Stock and
t writes as follows i
evilness than by his
Tapers of his place.
11 size, he will re,
re as equally impor-
and equally 11ecesw.
1's prosperity..e
Bcotei of things a
r which it can %weer
Iineration. He will
Or advertising rather
lot°doing so. Xf .he
ihor he will begitti.
;her, after elle- ke
;c•pte by getting oatw.
;trend of advertisin 1
t the _press ss a
but hie aeitnowltdga
nly. 'Were the sortie
atf Or the size of itis
'FENMPERA1' CE COLUMN' Until it wits .evident, unleee Clod. in
0r1NAACr1Rp pY TIM T. W Q+ T. U.
infinite mercy interposed, a oiiee
bright life was doomed to a death of
GfiXipi>ia6a• sll&t}]a- Ott drunkard's k rave..
The drink blit f tale working ,nen No wonder, you, 11ia father, became
of our nation during the past year wits prematurely olJ. and. then yet; witloed,
$1,280,000,000. Tina etlorlgons sunt; l when, deedtoall respect, your own
of looney is annually worse�tlien wet -
I Nutt asserted with druukstl leer, 'Why,
ed, wbethee wages are Iligh or low, you taught the to driuk:
Ilow Lht(Ily you, would now begin
flat is the (litkrrelieta hetero tile- � al withdraw polieeuaan who arrests a drutikaud and, ' righteous caul(+, discard thea poison,
young, old, or middle aged,. ti110 find
tlttaulneelves nervous, week or txtlauat,
ed, wino art, broken down from excess
or overwork, in molly of the
following symptom* Mentes depres•'
slot, premature old age, loos of
vitality, lose of memory, had dreams,
direness of sight, palpitation. of the
heart, etx}issiou, lack of eilorey; pain
le the kidneys, heudakg, pimples on
the faoe or body,' itolliiig or pecfular.
sew, wi ic. raw your sneers at a seeeatiun about the setotun:, waisting
the tetnperal;ce pPop' .'1—Ol'd takes l cheerfully part with all yonpossess if the eyes, twitching ofthe musolest.
she neat away from the drink, and theyour son was a sober man --t1 muoh. (eyelids and elsewhere, b iebfol} ess,
deposits to the urine, loss et will
of the organs, divzlnebs, specks before
others (would) takethe drink away
from the maul, ,
b'ivo boy -traps, sometimes called
derided total abstainee power, teuaernes 9f the scalp • and
The above is nouver drawn picture. spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire
It has been seen only in t plain to steep, failure to be rested by sleep.
saloons, to every ohurch throu;huut reality time and throe again, 111ty, °enisiipatioo, dullness of hearing, Lose
this country, Ohuroh doors open one then, are there those who will uphold of voice, desire for solitude, exon
bility"• of temper, sunken eyes stir=
rounded with LCAD.I:N OIROLE, oily
looking skin, etc., aro all symptoms
of nervous debility that ted to isaoity
and dead useless cures, the spring
or vital power hnviug lost its tension
every fuuotiou wanes in consequence,
Those wee through° abuse committed
in ignorance may be per,nanentely
cured. Send yoar addresa for heel
on all diseases peculiar to, iliap
Address M. T. ri,oWBAN, 50 Prout St,
E , Toronto, Oa, Books sent free
sealed, ;heart disie lse, the symptoms
day in seven. Saloon doors opeu
seven daysin the week, but swinging
the widest et nigh' No need of Tem-
perance eduuatiou! -Our Union.
Bard ? .nes.
11 (roes seem to '. e, if those who are
reeking iutox carni•:, liquors. could only
see the great tuisery and woe which
they are bringing upon 'their fe+low-
hien, they would ail quit the business
at once, We are quite sure that, if
it were not for so many saloons, there
would not be so many drunkards.
Now the way to get the saloons to
stop is not to visit thorn, Drunkards
are not the plies who keep up these'
saloons. , Those who are called moder-
ate drinkers are the fuain support for,
all' these' drinlciug places. ',Saloon*
keepers are a dangerous set of fellows
the failaly of moderation ? Surely
they are frinatics1 Every drunkard
was a inoderate drinker. For one
who hats the exceptional power never
to allow the wis, cup to show its in-
tlueuue, there are thousands who have
felt and do feel its dreadful thraldom..
Our desire and prayer is that iutoxi=
cants be driven from our Midst; that
'parents wisely touch not, taste riot,
handle not the Ilnelean thing,
God speed the day when tie mann- of which are faintspells, pnite lipe�,
factoring or using strops drunk,
the 1uuntbness, pal pita tinn, strip beats
tnost insidious enemy of the family
pewee, will be banished from oar midst_
never to return. •
Ottawa, 1st Sept., 749p. J. B, H.
illtO Old R,o1 't le,
in these days of humbug, it if: .it reliefi.xo
hear of something that can be depended,
Upon. Wilson's Wild f.Cleniti has been
not flushes, rush of, blood todie heard,
dull'pain in the Heart tvitli beats
strong, rapid and regular, t1.e secon
heart heat quicker hon] the first, pan
about the brensit lints, eto,, cab
positively be cured. No cure, no pay.
Send for hook. Address M. V.
LUBON, 50 From. Street East,
Toronto, Opt.
brit there IS' one good th'i'ng about tested as a remedy for 1a oure of all lis: ; U. P. R. TI"1B rCr1I3LL.
thtein, they db net come to its to sell, nearly t entynv ars Cwith uta h Aucees for
Trains arrive and depart as follows r
but we' go to them to buy ; so if we to earn for itself the norms of..•Thc Old Re-
. liable cure for Coughs,Colaii Croup 4stlima, 5:865. m ..........For Torouto
will only stay away alley'will soon all Bronchitis and other aftections of the re: 2.01);11,
quit the business and erha• s will tryspiratory a s=tem. See that you get the L 0011.:m.,.,.......,ror7`ecswator
p $ Y y 10 (0 t1r
to make'a living in some inure honor•
able way.My advice to nee` and all is to
keep away from all such places. How
iriauy`thousands of men are miserable
today who would have Leen happy
and blessed had they only stayed
away from saloons 1 Therefore I say,
yeiing weu, keep away from all zilch
titleoes. If you do i'ot get into the
tidbit of visiting thein while young,it
is not likely that you will ever go near.
thlaal•—J. Dornlnire.
Before the young man was born,
you boasted you could take wine or
Leave it alone ; had a contempt for
any who feared to tamper with the
hidden danger ; regarded as fanatical.
those who threw around the weak that
strength of total abstinence, and
prided yourself on s'o controlling tiie
appetite for alcohol that it never gain
ed the mastery.
Tl.e creed then adopted has Leen
f itlifully adhered to, and you have
lied contentedlyiii this fool's para-
is it strange that your boy, having
such an example, and coining in eon -
tact from infancy with the accursed
thing, should.grow up fearless of its
potency 2 When a child you gave
him drink, and all through th'e years,
from then, to early manhood, it was
riveron your table, enticing hitt near--
ear And nearer to the precipice you had
by a happy aecident avoide4•
Scorning the poor!•rl, holding
him up to derision ss. a weakling, you
nevsr for a moment supposed that
your son could fall so low.
4Vitt1 such .surrouudin„s and so
educated, the young man of fond hopes
left the parental roofs,
He too felt stere of aiiltilar restraint,
Ogee his less fortunate friend who:
drank to excess, and with self•confi
denee imagined he enjoyed a glass in„
nrodoration 111 For a long time all
was well, the precept and practice.
[peak in utfisnn, batere long, crime f1•
wide awakening, when, out of .leis I
slumber, he found the ehaint alowely
shutsurely dr mu Moser incl closer.
l4c on conipani''na teal Inti on, the ruby
Winntrained its attractiveness, until
iq t»ibered aiitoug its viettu a, he tno
retuned the fearful lesson th.o. till tla.
i&*t, tit bitetlt idle a serpent and sting.
*44111t4s rli naxl r' fetanrin pd.
1. (1 1b,svimed, toil. al
•01; } ,) y • • .irl rare 4 ..
gequine, In white wrappers. bold by all j •
druggists. I G-] A. DTD TRU NIC R' Y:
,Hurst 1 A, 0, STRATHDEE, Amon, WiaanAM.
If you went knowledge you
1 Through tickets to all points in America -North -
toil for it ; if food, you must toil for Woet,•eaeine coast, etc., viatho shortest acid all
opular routes. Baggage checked through to
it; and, if pleasure, you mint toil l dpestination. Lowest freight rates to all points.
for it. Toil is the law. Pleasure I . 1W
' LEAVE wt\Otl.tet. \.1E1.
comes through toil, and not by self a.m.
i c 80Toronto,Guolph,Pelmoraton, eu. 8:30 p.m.
r 11:10 "•+ ARRIVE AT 101P1:10OL(•`
U1duleence and indolence. hen one 3.10to " •' Clinton "
5:86 a, m
2:0 pan
10:80 '
7 25 Palmerston, taxed., . .10:16 a.m.
s;et5 to leve` work 1115 life is a Happy 1 filVI)u.,n ,.....London, sc.. 11:00 ..1 •8:40 p.m. .:au p.m.
i 11:10 a.m.. itinenrr$ino, Sac ........ 6;80 a.m.
i 8:30 pan 11:10 "
10.1x1." .. 6:50 p.m
Prank Wilkinson, a gra-%n buyer at Ham-
ilton. lays; '`I tPted several madioilfes and
fqund,00 relief Until I tried Wilson's Com-
pound Syrup, Wild Cherry," LPRs than
one bottle cured tzim of 14 long standing and
painful cough, wills tightness of cheat and
stria breath. §,41.14 by. all druggists.
lrt3LTna new subscribers; till
O,Ist Deoembelr,;1800, for 15e., or e1.. till
red of 1891—t' ,5h.
4 Z 1 G 1-1 A- Iva:
Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $450,000.
President—Jong STRART.,
Vice•Presldent—A. G. RAnsAY.
JOHN PROOTOk, CriAe, GURNEY, Oso Roam, A. -T
WoOn, A. B• Les (Toronto).
Oashior—J. TURNBULL,
Savings Ba ik'houre,10 to 81, Saturdays, 10 to
1. Deposits of $1 and upwards rcooivod and interest
Special Deposits also received" at current
rates of interest.
D. afts oh Great Britain and the United States
bought andeold
1i233"A'E:IR,�e DIOXIN SON,
F:»OUfliNG Vitus,
Theunderstgned wish to tender their best thanes
for the liberal patronage given Ovum limn daring
several rears poor to the burning 6ff our ndIl by in- tr(Io 1� gt">t nt Jtl'FJ
^oond11440m, During the }oat season we have re- . ddtd3a�54+tki j 8t lt4 trio✓
nicddctled the tows mill to the 1atestapgraved sys.
r- Process tit lIh •. We he
Phrenology, Physiognomy and
1 Send Photograph of Yourself or Friend with $1,
and 1 will send you a Written Statement of your
Obaractsr and tha Pursuit you are adapted for; also
1 statin]••what pr -son you should marry to be happy -
Photo 841turnod with chart.
G, Cozens Phrenologist,
Murillo P. 0. via Port Arthur, Ont.
Lath of�Wingham. •
Property Tor 4,Ie in Delmore.
The undersigned off,;rs for sale a desirable pro
perry in die tillage of Bettiiore, consisting of a'good
dwelling house, office, stable and driving sheet, with
one acre and a -half of laud' in connection, splendid
garden. with all sorts of•'fruit trues. Will be sold
ata bargain, Por particulars, apply to
(LOS 61, h1PLRY,)
Raving purchased the basboring business of Messrs.
Sebastian Bros., Is prepared to give all old custemere
and as many new euro as patronize hien, satisfaction
in all lines of the profession,
ar14, my specialties.
v,Give mo n Ball at the old stand, oppoekto Gordon.
and lutyre'sstarl,
thin of Hungarian Roller Pro a of the wt wham Brick Yards, have on hand a largo
Have wecan now give better accommodation than stock of tiles foe draining purposes. from 14 inches to
everbotere, woo$or 1C Moho in size, WO will be sold cheap, and on
Prompt, DisDateh muse favorab10 terms, Farmers .ntending to drainf 8110014 see our ilce for themselves before deciding
Pair lEi�tlli^Y1131 iii use luiubor, `.
,C ar�p�ry�tt
And fig 610ee personal atteentidn to the business
II' IRSt�+ aatASS ata ,
to bfav aro d with a 11 sal by all olde owo4 n ,
wi 14 41
boos e again on hand, and will 00old at 10%00 livi g pro
friends and many tioi'ones
Yours frost respectfully,
IlOfT9N Ai t`ARIt
Winarham *Illi, not. '10 1$380.
T:H1 EOrre .ti . .
ale idolsyour tendert thI! /MTh Apoeltle�s remedy For the Ibo,e
rrtt '1
Mlily its timelyrise t . *mode orhopsless �aison MVO been psrntennntly Cured
't gNtd Iv ited too hof'Ii i', or • ; r• irdlr AMR to anyof a'cnr�readers orhei hu
t`. Y..6et . ,�..,y, , . • ,,:..,1 •Petoir
- i.el.aet4 '
.: v eft ..:„ • rL' i �, , ♦ • 0, x,.0.;11
R,r,' 1+P"'ir " u w ?
Cheap for KASH.
ifti (Ai 1dd 46kpoi
\d ly;J.�,llrir OANS,
i g 9 I U
mm � . in t e Dairying Lin
Repairing- willbe Promptly Dori
CEN! 4.
Of Canada. It; is made only by MoOULL KILOS. & Cu., Toront
CYLINDER OIL needs only to be used to he appreciator,
Beware ofthose who imitate Lardine. Get only the genuine.
T _ . __:
Laraie,Stock and. Low Prices.
A leasing to Every. Household.
•- These remelt* have stood the test of fifty year experience, snit ata pi•Ogounhed ih, best Stediolltes"1
tatnlly use. - •. r
rutUy eke b1o0d, Ct6Teot all disorders of the MICR, `STni1AOtt, ICID2.1111% n ?,rdf t.I roam
invaluable in all oomplatnts Incidental to IMAMS or sit Rx$. , 11 5.! g
C:).ri\rrzrin ITT
1s rile only reliable tethedv for bad lege, awe, insert, and old *Sonde. lh'1P tuttittotai
DIRT*A�8E5 IT HAS NO liQUAL, Manstaetured only, at 74, Naw Oalord. late 6811, 0eM°itd &wrearle
Ind gold by alt dedlelne Vendors tbreughout ibe world.
r,t,w.h,...`f,..enaa... elle 1 look to the LOW 10111 ;tM Bsxlslt• 0144 tow -sits
t1 may:- ..... i .., . !Y ' .i ' , "a