Wingham Times, 1890-10-31, Page 2c
while list flattened hl Bait: agafnrt one
'Kidd c'rvomit a casket of diemonda er aura. au gazed upon the
It waa'ii't neither, mitigator, wild scene without. which wee hgl.te
your benuheli up a !%Lehr chaser to the u b the lassoes when it as as teat, hides
Ore, and >C Will tall. you what it vvas' den h the wild ruck hurrying swiftly
They complied. with iiis reciw at Y
cheerfully., for through the ()Waits in acroea its face, •
the well the tempest found its way in I hope Dick is safe too-night,said the
tl old man, with a silt so deep that it
Ai1t ��rn�c:
t Draw of toe upper p p g e
A 'i ccs I
I<<ryl:tl A.I* 0: CoREii, 81, ltiMO..
;the eountryeatetett-ra a bright. with bloom.
;oil game. 44ra come etealiteg through,
Mama with native wild perfume
Ot h.ltu awl mutt met tweey-dew,
krf44 a t, su3 mime, er's radiant sinal
tt„m euF's dreamy habil.
. ev•ytcln, nook;~ thea asters gleam,
�iWle,lipr1ngbysthe diene streas dance above m sod,
TieI ecte the hue of gulden -rod,
rehat flower where, opts a dusky
With sometirint.;..nlite .suu.g y
J'1ie grapesvtue ee,a,ubata o'ertlie� hedge
I golden festoons; sumacs burn
Latae tot -often on . tt s distant ledge,
Ur light the lo, a M etery turn,
Lad ivy riots where
lea bicua-ruee ua,. ors vu the air.
A purine wcst ai areagraut taint
..i,wilersthe f users, drifting out
t fostering corners, and its tint,
As loaf of cheer auti half of doubt,
Ia like the dear ueligbtful leas
'Which roues ti.i hills then' autumn days, that he did not rates on to the rucks cr
ly Hast' get buried in the quicksands. She
a,wek e..ntTl news a lea i fi d, for they )reached the litre of Nell e.`iti •spite of
backs.. old T were tete roaring of the sterna,
had, got Tutu atarted,aud they were . I bo he is, uncle ; but the know
sure of the story which they had coeur a not whether lee Ile living or dead. The
thrnainh the darkness 'atilt storm to sea may hove churned lion for its own
hear.lbn;f before this..
Old Tout gazed for a moment, or 1�o11'f talk like that, Nellie, l'e e
two into the fire willed) blazed elteeeily
upon the heath, as though trying to ialweys felt he+ 'would ounce back to us
awl then ee 'egaitt. k3nt, hark 1 What was Wel
gather his. wits together,
1 heard nothing but the roaring of
began : � tiles storm, uncle. Situ Boors, shah be got •to be Your Pars ought to be butter Haan
u onC in years, awe hail tatted meet of wino Nellie. I'm sure I heard else
his voyages, was not like. toe, cast on shouts of men borne iu upon the gale,
ashock where there was net avail sit The next minute told thein that he
sight. He hada clipper little craft The
not been tnistaketn. The wild the spout. There, said he, puwp these
Nellie were spiiced, and three happier
inortela there never was than those
three whieb the roof of the old cabin
TOgot sop.
Farmer ()rime, who lives over ou the
town line, Les some very unique
methods of exelninitiit the men .whoa
apply to hiiu from time to time for
One evening a tall, big booed fallow
in his shirt seetves, asked. (Irene if be
had any work to do,
1 don't know, said the farmer, cat.
you tend hoses I '
Yes,. Weedy. I've worked about
bosses eH my life.
Come around here to the lunula,
said Crane, nod he led the way to a
common sucker rod pump mar the
barn, Going inside he got a long,
narrow piteher and placed it under
shuddering luvnlunterily at the idea
such n pharmeeorreitc in such' hand
with drugs like those do y o,t. reeve
happen to---ahent 1—to kill anyone w
VI 1 I .echoed d'ehn, with at vindie•
tiveene'gy to which un works eaui clan
justice, It will lea lung ere I can teak*
up for Flodaeu l•—Harper's Magazine.
whish kept bent well in sight, to see sties and shouts of ensu sotindedplti%u
ly iir;ther ears.
Aly Cr' od ! eexl:utned old Sim, exoct•
edly, there is a ship upon the rocks,
and the poor fellows are drowning like
so Many rats in a tub. Light the glint,
Nellie, while I get into my Bou-weete'r,
We must go down to the beech, and
perhaps we can salve -the life of some
poor fellow.
I'm afraid the wind will blow you
off the rocks, uncle, said the girl, but
she made ready the light.
Don't think that I'm so fair gone,
girl, that I can't stand a bit of gale
like. You must think that I'm a land
lubber and nothing else.
He threw open the doc,r and stepped
outside, followed by the girl. For n
moment it seemed that the blastwould
hurl them upon the stones, but they
stood up bravely against it,aud slowly,
made their way down . to, wher' the
edge of the water or seething anees of
foam lay out spread before, them,
covered with wreckage whin?a he' eoniis
in from thedootnet. skip.
And strange 'rod grc%wtlts are new
Oita tluun's bo'• little praised of yore.
Like seine old j Net well retiet,. a wordh n;aueeu t,etose,doek.
brilliant in Ise &mune,' seedwee 1,
Is b
The cricket and the ku.ty did
Pipe low their bad prophetic tune,
,Though airs pulse «arm the leave:, amid,
pea played round the heart of June
leo minor strains break ole the heart;
Voretettiug age ata years depart,
The sweeI:cid story of the year
Is spinning onw.ai4 to its closet
"% et suunds as welcome ou the ear
Aa to the time of oprning rose
play life for all as -sweetly wane
ill a ices the Batuule hose again
•—..arper'a Bazaar'.
was his cousin's daughter, and he bee
iug long dead, and there tieing no one
to take care of her, etre had come to
live with him and ire his housekeeper,
and fur a dozen years she had made a
good one. There was nut a cabin any-
where along the coast that was kept
so neat and trim, and praises of her
as a housekeeper were on the tongue
of every good dame along the coast
who knew her good points.
O.d, t3cul had a son of two or three
years older than the girl, and every-
budy said they a ould make a match
OUT OF Tfilti WATERS. of it souse day when Kellie slums be
a little older. A good pair they would
Tell us a et.rry,x'oau. There couldn't 1 have been, and there was no doubt
but that they were food of each other;
but ,one day the young chap and his
father quarrelled. !What it was about
1 don't remember now. The oid man
had a will of his own and the boy
Dick was ashigh-tempered as he. So
what did he do but go off to the next
port -and ship for three years on board
a iicerchantmen bound for the East
When the three ears were up, lie
did not come home,aud in all this time
they had.uot°liid a single word from.
#rnn,and did not know whether he was
tiving or dead.
Old Sirn had long since repented of
his hasty words, and.would have given
all that he had in the world to have
Lite battik again. This he had said
over and over `toNellie, and more fre-
quently of late, now that the three
y'ears,for which the boy had shipped
wane goiie past by several mouths and
there was no token of his returning.
In her heart Nellie yearned for him
as slie alone knew. The secret of her
girlish love she had kept locked in her
ecvn breast. It did seem as though
her heart would break when Dick wont
away in his wrath ; but no ono gueee-
ed it. Sae had gone on with her
household duties the same at: liefore,
and tried to fill the place of both son
and daughter to the old fisherwan,who
seethed to be fast breaking up; like
sortie old hulk upou the rocks.
One terrible stormy night, much
sueli a one as this, only the wind and
waves were higher, old Sint and Nellie
sat before the blitzing pines' much as
we are doing now. For several minutes
neither bad spoken,but with their eyes
fastened epon the flame seethed to be
watching thetas us they darted up the
wido opeit=niolthed chimney. The
roar of the ocean, close beside them,
Wail so deafening that it would have
been hard to hear the voice of with all your aright. We'll bring him etc; bring You beret I sent hien out to
other had they tried theh best td do round a little, ant then Bet him u fetch ore a doctor.
sea 'Weep fceplted John, with qttiet
be a better Rig'''. to hear one. Hark 1
hear the wend shrieking ever the rooks,
and round about the cabin and the
Bee, ;,:. juSt listen to its roars The
waves. ace rising fast. Its goiug to be
bed night aloin the'coast. 1 hope
110 S1st) 13. close. iia Iwo - to -night, uini•
less it is sure; of making. a good har-
'l: nese words were spoken by a tislner-
lanaim of middle age, who, with two or
three others, had wade a call upon
old :tutu Greggs, who, on account tf
old ane and stiff' joiner had been laid up
fur a year or two ; stranded like any
t,tliet hulk upou the aauds-or rucks, ata
lie expressed it, ani ee ailing f ,r surae
high Sea. t0 set him afloat again, Or to,
l,ury titin close to the spot where the
eabiu stood which had sheltered, hits
f it so wavy nights iu the j ears which
Lad gone so bwiftly past.
Old Tont had for some years dwelt
saline. Ile bseu tunas, d, but his
wife had tong slept iu rue old mosso
n graveyard inland beyond the
'Alf. To cheer his solitude Gaud listen
toe yarns he could bpin,oftem brought
j ntigubors to his cabin. On such
•uccasiens the old luau's face would light
up, showing plainly that he was glad
to see those who climbed the rocks to
is htatca'i a anode.
The old man shuark his head in it
precatt'try sort of a way.
I don t.know anything worth telling
nigbt,l3en, �.uu've heard about all
stories 1 eau reutetuber, hood and
But you roust toil us one; his. visite
s all clamored in chorus. Do you.
ink= --that we've clambered up here on
ueh st night as this, and going book
Ith oar labor for our pains.
1 thougltt you event up here to make
e e. friuti4ly call; I didn't know that
uutoxpeete4aty for it. t
itt we do, said another, Seth y..
ley ea:aa nt. Bear the tempest out -
ran exesiieritete.
If there hinny. scutum in the yards
now,it cbrl 1)e used to eel advantage.
If spread upon the laud that is to be
flowed and planted next a-pprittg, it
will euriult the soil more thoroughly
and more evenly in all its 1) errs than
it woulat it; the manuring was done
next sl,riug, which will, when plowed
under, assist in the enriulting of stili
soil. A coat of etaauire spread this
wo'ath upon mowing lands will great-
ly' inerease sleet pewit crop of grass.
Tlie Inds of asparagus, rhubarb, and
the small fruits, all can be maimed
this month with a view to it more
vigorous growth nextyear, and a large
Wo't'oas° of the crops. Only one ex.
eelrtion need be noted. In strawberry
beds, manuring at this season it apt.
to promote an early growth of weeds
in the spring, rind whether they are
left or hoed out they do about as•titut:.h
injury as the mature does good to the
crop. It may be better to let them
remainuntil scaring and then give an
application of some artificial fertilizer
which dope not ()entail, weed seed
But if the land is already. full of weed
seed, manure it early this, mouth, and
those seeds may find opportunity
to gertnite this fall, and. the young
pitcher full of water. The laig boned
fellow complied,ctuefu•ly pumping the
pitcher full without spilling a single
That'll de,. said Crane. Go inside
and get ready for supper ; VII give
you a job in the morning.
About a week crater the big boned
fellow asked Create what pumping the
pitcher full t.f wester had to do with
bis getting a job.
Well I'll just tell you. This is
mighty dry weather, and water is get-
ting scarte. You must have thought
'that: far, fur you.didn•t spill any water.
Ii you hadnt pernped hard.the water
evonld have weir spilled, and if you
had pump too hard the water would ' weeds will he winter -Misled before they
have g0tie over the pitcher. Now, the have pertacted another crop of sands.
There Inas no sound of human Dorie=s
now, only the roar of the mighty oceon.
filled their ears until it almost deafen-
ed diem. '
Slowly they made their way along
the sands, ever and anon getting wet
to their knees by some Witte stronger
than its brothers.
Sbddenly Nellie cried ill an excited
tone :.
See, uncle ! There is the body of a
man coining ill.
I see,' said old Sire. •I3lere, hold the
glim. 1"11 have hint ashore in a
moment.. Perhaps there tnay he life
in him yet.
He waited until the body was a little
Moser in and thein plunged into the
Water, and uta fell moments had it oil
the sande out of reach of the waves.
Then he bent doyen, and, tearing open
the bosotfi of the man's shirt, placed
his ear above his heart.
Hers alive 1 he cried. Qljick ! give
me the brandy.
Here it is , uncle, she said, its he
raishd the head of the insensible man
upon his knee.
As he did so the light of the lantern
felt full upon his face.
Welty of heavens 1 site Cried. It its
Dirk 1
Old Sim looked at the upturned
face, and for a Moment it seemed as
though. he was turned to Stone. Then
he grasped the flask held out to hint
and 'Owed a few drops down this
throat of bis long absent Sone
Beer a hand Nellie. Itub his idlest
I ly ie l,Iowiug a perfent gale.
n}a�u. us a eerie or wo 'Will be
Ai .su W e this e1i1 s in lees then
res w'n: xfrll.tei el''' your. doiaii#' that' i omit, and hurl it down over the chess's.
You won d sot lees an olu 1 Diel sane got upon hes f eet,.,ti4Ytug loud.
r, me all alone•, in such a gale
. I know jou too well for that,
bled a night as the bore
�eiml, i.anBtoorrsfoutida,istreastile
wry, I segue is this; If a fellow don't
putup hard enough he won't work hard
encluse. If he pumps too hard he will
work too hard for a little while, and 1
don't want either kind to work for me. 1:
You pumped exactly right and you got
a job.—Tolebo Bh de.
A. lardy VOaiige once.
The eminent political economist whb
defined murder as a tialutary check to
the over population was certainly
hdvanced theorist in his own way; and
so, too. was that famous surgeon who
kpoice of the battle of Waterloo as a
bolossa1 example of uaasoient•ific die.
Section. But lloth these acltnirable
men have been completely thrown in
the shade, by a. humbler professor of
the same school w1 o fagured'in an ad-
Every, seed that germinates. thee fall
will be one the less weed te combat
next year.
Spits aa, money rdctkeraa.
Even allowing two do liars as pur=
.chase money for each pig, I call snake
pork with whey and aborts for three
cents per pound, sant an extensive
dairytur.n to is just recently. He
raises Berkshtree and Yorkshires, and
of course only expects such returns
through summer feeding. ri`he aloi;e
assertion others will find endorsed in
their experience. jvhey from chees0
factories, or skim milk, fed with shorts
is cheap feed, and given to the right
sort of pigs, will yield good pork and n
large profit, Fed to elm peelers it
that befell no less a person runs to hair, su,,nt and legs, the least
valuable of nil parts. of a marketable
than Sit Walser Scott. her. Any fernier near a ulieeoe
During one of the great novelist's! factory with. whey in abundatiee, ecce
durneys through the north of England nralttng the mistake of their heves if
he was attacked by a slight indisposi- they do not pnrehase a pure bred boss' '
tion while hafting in a .small village, and raise grade pigs to turn that whey
near the Scottish border, and sent out I into money. We have no braes; in
his servant 10 quest of ti doctor. Tile particular to advocate, all have certain
man soon returned, and ushered in ft distinct qualities of their own, but vie.
stout elderly person in whom Sir would urge those with facilities at
Walter recognized, to his no acusis Band to plaeo'their order with a reli-
surprise, a Fortner servant of his own, able breeder for a yigorous young boar.
Why, John, cried he, is this really The raising of pigs is within the reach
you 1 ' of all, as the outlay is small and the
Ay, it's the, Sir Walter, answered returns quiche and large, Fifteen or
the visitor; j'tn versa glad to see ye twenty dollars sunk in purehasing a
again. I hae gotten soots 0' thee pedigreed }soar will pay those hand.
[those] ,story -books o' yours yet, and sotrioly wli9 have com:non fucclities for
there jilt grand 1 Whiles (sometimes] pig raisingCanaclian•Live Stock and
1 canna sleep, and then 1 jist tak' awe Farm journal for October.
o' you books o' yours, and read a wee
bit, and wow 1 Fin fast asleep i' five ' Sotvto size 'ens.
minutes 1 An old journalist writes as follows 1
Well, said Scott, ]ttughin,�, good-An
Can size up'a business than by his
huinoredly at this rather d»tibtful attitude to the newspapers of hie place.
compliment, I'm very glad that any If he is of a certain size, he will re-
book of mine can do you so much good. gard the newspapers as eenally itnpor-
But, tell tile, John, how t tttne my man tent with railways. and equally tiecese.
sary to the people's prosperity. Ile
will tecognite the :motes of things as
newspaper does for whish it can never
receive direst 'reultineraticn. He will
think out reasons for advertising rather
than reasons for pot`doiiig so. If be•
is of the other ealiher he will begin
to calculate Whether, after elle Il@
mightn't waves Cel ;elite by getting out
a few circular? inewed of advertising' 1
He aclniewledges the _press as a
the cabin.
At last 'whr'na blast More awful than
they worked with a will, Ana to dignity I myself am jcat .the doctor
any which tt. id conte before rocked the their delight they eery he was coming here.
cabin as though it Meant to sweep it Sir Wolter was thunderstruck, as
round fast, well he ilii ht be, knowing as her did
from off the rocks upou which it was A !'tele atter they managed, tel ,tet l# g
him uptotr ,
1 \\ hat was 'that? Dill
tri guid Mt Captain
This la a terrible night, Nellie. I
hole theta is no toil:API along the coast
liuc what has plenty o spa room. .
1f i l l Ain't
la l 1 r tl er
the light in
e uabtu sad it stili not
that Johq was as ignorant of medicinelong befnrb he had 40 far recovered
that he knew those who well, iso ten..
derly strivltigtto britig`laint batik to
Li, aVtnti(aw pr i tilt a t
thin. 1•uy girl t 1'ii l ' a is litho in'dre to tell, boys:
1 w 11 sere. unulel 'she tttswered, risme r Dick never akttin wart tailing that
in fib* her isle t tad tins( toward its wide OHM eve's',, before lolttg leg mit i
is of Chinese..
should hardly hale thought of
roe turning doctor, 3oltta, said he at
length. Pray what drtigs do yhtt use� modern tieeereity, but bis ite1 nawleddg•
boo ,hist two of thein, Sir Waller neat' is in wards'ghly. Were the souls
calom i and Iodomny tealernbt and of sell btceiress mien of the site of hi>tl
lriudanui>a ) tllfilb sctatflti llo i#b ribtitM a tat
31tt, case+ iltlbti t obits Mita IbU p
1 •
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of taow
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