Wingham Times, 1890-10-10, Page 10i it he macylit Dr. " ow'ler's Drug,$%' MtititeiloPe andpopular Prescription* aacuratpi}. eoutpounded. Pure ., ?runs and Monk zk 118 a specialty. -.A114111110 ok Toilet Atticies, Permutes, sponges,— ,,, Spertaclea, etc, alw+rain stook— WILL :r3ilT ZPI}lONg 04 'TtiA.I4 Ofsh T(;1;:,. OrganSttte tuald aNII Tatum 7G YN TICKET C • - Qnt, • Whigltttnt, . te Ung am Cinto .Ct'R Dd,i, OCTO 3Ei 10, 100. WIt aiteclr.ul'ohe A: nttiulier of the people of Wldte- churehsod. viaiuity who visited the Toronto exhibition, . havrtag returned, ?wing well eatiatir:d with their trip -- )1r a thaeudereou and his sot, Charter went. to Ltn tkvu last week. Lharley tuterads takiurg a term at the busiuese atollege, Oeathum, before returtt.ng home. --It. le rumored urourrd here that Mewers A flowiltorr tit 0 Gillespie are r:urx,•g to buy grain in thia.;s village, It is supposed they have rented a builditig ti n'the C .'I I3,.(ia . t$uu,e,. thing if#si3' ibis is w-ry much needed in t'sls p144), u.ud w_e hopethe euttrpt is• egg gentlemen will succeed., Lo doubt they will pay prices eat t,?.Wii,t{litaut. er Luol now, on both sides of no, Obainpiun—Millar--At the rnsiden e of the brides :father, Detsu'furoolt, on the 24th, A:lr; Fetid Champ ou, of Denny;bruuk,,to .Slits Mtattha )iller,of same place, After the happy couple were foisted t..getlier,,a ,.,umber of ttat guests drove to 5111itt'olSurula int ball a drop at the lirid''a brother it►•iuw's, Mr xis"-• txou'a—S1r J;dwe.s Martin,; %4lritechuitsk. P 0, is shipping a cat load of large peas to Philadelphia, at SSU cents; per bushel on hoard ear at �1'hlteciiusalt, Wo utrderstatid that these are to very prutitahle pea to raise, and would advise fanners who cotsid-. 'or their °wit interests to secure seed from Mr Careen before lie dasptiays of all, Iris stuck ---Mr John L'augpbel; hat - soul liis.t litre year old driving cult t.. Afgiiiaitiiuei rVVE:.Iwood, of•N,iti,ham Prim( obtained was $POO. 119r Oatilp- bell *as not tong in securing urine another horse by dealing cue of tease genuine Loddon toggles, arcade by Nast) & 00, Loudon —Our village pokey, SlreArio Geilespits, has recently been trainuig tire c:e,e»rated trotting mare awned by rflUWillot:, This mare is well itieuwn in NN iugbatn, its L)r McDunalo drive lien tor a n+rtuher of years. r1'lr Gillespie thinks site eau disuuiscti any • of the.trottang. stock of this neighbor. hood.—Thoiii.gi ug ire toe Presbyterian yihurch hasefattly been very uusatisfrtc- tory.,aud w r'e very sure if our minis ter Were to ask Mr R Thomson to lend, no doubt the efti; er.tl,t:mau would be glad to do so; and , it would relieve soave of the young penple thin iii"e less eipablt;, though very w,iliing to de the best they tan. -0o t111ure .day night of lust week tie people of V'hiteolrnerchthought thsy were taken. About Edo/ persons and a utanber of teams loaded. dowtf.with oafs,potatues, apples, buffalo coats tend rugs,. dr've tliruugti our toWA and halted at the Meese. The Rev "Ur Geddes with great ;q uprise when im attar tine uu,uaaling the coatente of the rigs, as +a token of respect to him fur his faith. fa 'Reda ill pt'ettetiitt; tie gospel theui, the people of (3alvrtr thumb, Elin It estilW raai'r wd wr+refavored with ax viaat front Eat► tlr Andante,, of Clod, emir. In the eve=ning, be delivered famous .acture on -"Church teare t es," to a fair ttudie»Co, As he w peertor t,f the Presbyterian ehureb he_ for a period of Raven and one lrr}lfyearti, cal woe held !n high isti•ens the rev gentleman 'tray mist *usurer.' that a iYor•ri weluoine always awaits him ekLe i eitecetustancee permit iaie ragtime feutrnget us —Alt it is next to impose twble for trig weirs of *'vuti tt tempera*. show to heti" tet tiler lluuis, web could elltraudly advise tit married erten nol tali he to tach in. auusrtutirig to aid in „ohm r Week, Tota Tons lit r02, •,�A y' a the Trealegreeeer is Hard. AND BULL .CVT'rll%'ti it A p7a #i4 13T,,To ,Pt, LB., . tit ptatiaber Orr Priilay.U1ti r=es .Dusinar'teitn, aura. for iu the, waiter of the estate of George Stewart, insolvent furniture dealt:,.,„ of . Dtarltecal and 0ttawik,,. arrived in St Juhlt, "Yesterday Ul;igh cotrt.tablo ihssonnette, of iVfonretai, arrived with the %varf'ant issued byi Jtitage I)esttoyerta,, eherrgirig Stewart whirl utikitr; awitz,wsith property to defraud lits oretittors,. .A, police utegie trate endorsed. the warrant and Stewart was arrested acid lode la geel, Hp. offered::tt go..to Alontreat nut Destuartesu,atuuld not risk tukisgg him visa the short. line through Mame. He will be taken b*l, xe a pollee wetgistratei to -.morrow and then ta' eu. to aloutreal, fie is ,alleged to have foiled for $65,000, and atrutak, the Hank of British North, Auter•ine, f9r $25,1100. lde has recently opettedatka aroanottut, roan itt tide title,, `.rhe following is taltea frpin;, the Monteral Star of recent date high Constable ktibsormette returned, from SVuodstoek this morning, where he has riot, as the western uewpaaper Wen aurrniat+d, visited to gaits pointers from the Pireiiall trial by which be •.height ootitietue tlieolues in the IEifnbcer case, but to at rest Mr Jtanies Hay, juu., one of the largt•sts furniture =nettle.e' Curers in Canada, whose name has been mixed up with the George Stewart failure, Mr. Hay was absent on W101114,48as in New York, but us soon as he beard from his uterk that he war, wanted in Mouteral, he left, arriving here this morning and ap, peariug in Court accompanied by his attorney, Mr z N Greenshielcis, where :he furnished the ;leue.airttry bail, it"11e uharge laid against him by Mr 'Desnlarteau, curator of the estate, is ,that, (4 lia%ieg assisted Stewart to 'tiiepose of his stook in Ottawa, there ;by defrauding his creditors...... Eben the above, wp pre,,n,ne that 'Mr ,gas Eiiy.: will have his has full shaking o13.tuese Zi?rer,uh ()Austrians, to avoid roaming with iii$' Geo Stew. art, and not have any thine to itrjirre Gilchrist, Green bi 0a's trade by the, honer of,false circulars to their. hi;;laly eeteetatid cpetumers.-Ad. Matte Tants to now subscribers, till Met December, 1890, for ,.5c., or w1 till, encs of .1891 Cash. Zetland. Mr. G. Wilson. 'while threshing otww day last week, fell through a hole its the mini floor and dislocated h!» i;d- er.•--il:r. G. Thtimsou'a dieter, Paul, died on Thursday of last week It is a great los to him as she was hard to beat.— Mr W. IE't ntiedy, who had Mr. 13url.e's p'aoe for the sutinner, has now parted with it —It is reported that Mr .l, Tervit, who has been occuypiog to bachelor's hall lately took unto him- self a partner in the person of 1Sl.iss Annie Hugged, of S ` iuglaatn, this %took, P1e preople of this viutuity Wish l thein a happy and prosperous like to- gether. ---Mr. G,.TThouison is at present away looking at some timber limits, Iiut the will here is busy chopping for the neighbor's around.—Miss B. Thom tort is s owly recovering from her longi; ttttautk of La Grippe. It certainly took ra grip oil her, and held on well, too. -•.- A number of our Christian Ei.deavor people; eft here for Whitechurch on Tuts; lay evening, to attend the lecture delivered by Mr A.uderson,of Gaiterioh to the Thideavurpeople of Whitechurch. 19h,,y rennet a good attenattoce and a apleradid lecture, SWAN, : Oiti W x—In Winghani, on Thursday, iihq 2nd filet,' th wife of Mr 0.Y tlrit�tn, of a daughter. McGutan-1n N Ingham, on Saturday, the dth lest, the wife et Mr Jae Sfe0uire. of twins,, Saturday, n1'r1aa—):n Wingbauu, on Monday, the Oth!net, the wife of Sir Thoteiiite eer,'ef A sou. tr r>far—Metitil0Y.—At the residence of the bride's father, Oct. lst, by the Rev, Mr. Walkti, Mr, ha J. Moffat, of 7.Urnberry, to Miss Jennie McBride, fourth daughter of Mr. *libels McBride, Bintirook, County Wentworth. 'MoAtnirtt •Mate°rrn,-`-At the residence of the brlde'e brother. Sulphur Springs, near Dundee, on the lotot October, er, by the Bev. Mr. McClang, Mr.. wlu McAlpine, of Rapid City, Manitoba,to Miss Oaf - .t. Martin, of Sulphur Springs. . . tiv.r-HUnoAH-rn Wingb'am, on the 7th Inst by he Rev J lacott M A, John:lervit, of Zetierat,to Mies' Annis,daughter of Andrew kJ uggau of this town, lrftoontg;.•-1n Morris, on Friday, October Ira, Ar. thin Stanley Lindsey, youngest son of James and IC11en MoOuire, of Whighata, otfed 14 months and 125 s. WINGl8AD1 MAPJi(k1TH. • WiomlA i, o'er. 6th, its60 Cotreeptsed Lir P. D *ger Produce Denier. so n ental par t 100�birsltsl ddpring 0 18 to 2 50 to2 900 nal W , • 24 to 25 25 RI 17 la Par 'Min. Hariuy' Poe,. Rutter, tub de &M,, pop Tont drnran et ord per cord., 221,4 per sem, I'. {0 Whit a Nak . 0.t 11 ad aiitthere love ' e3ur .r aaa � 'Oa eieDatiQ a , o til op • . } 11 LU G at PA P _t Elif Very Complete with all the LATEST N ITEL TIE , I ,.Every Person Invited to Inspect Our Buick ` and g'tt PaC pesR., C, 0 .5 CSS ! (s i7anted 000n fE, of 1,",�kinds of1iard- ,heft .PRICEc' G 11 particulars as regard lengths, c.,, appIy t; IL HIT, WEE & G,}1 A PLA1NG MILLS WINGHAM a FOUNDRY. <Mn U Vii. A ' C3 ---Suctessars to It M 1Robinson,..manufeeturorers of -- "`N WATT, AGBICULTIIIIAL11 fan --Manufacturer of BUILDING. MATE IALof all kinds, n4'4$Il" .0001 1S, t3Li Di3, rUAI PSi Zito, i"laot i r,.Sid1n hottest notice. etc., dressed CO or on the {We nave over ;041,000 feet of O y Lumber iu our yard, and t•au sup, sva+mcd'ktutf of till kinds. 1 ply R °hefted. JC EIN WATT. ahem, June 001,1890. • AGENTS W ANTED. 11 you want to make mono, take hold and aril our choice Nursery stock. Now is the time • write us at cher for terms. MAY mWtuTrttOlih, Nurserymen, ltoehestet, tins doloaic, bet wen oesrlano of Turnbetry, a �• Overcoat. The AVM irax it to This Gi>;a8, or -clef, i4 Riga, We have the patterns of it, At, Robinson and can supply repairs tot all kinds of Imp!ehaent's, SAW GUMMING i El X14-(31- 'Q- o+ .�3.��.w .A 1�3i�✓ The patronage of the publlesolicitcd. MURRAY " St fo. In connection with rho above, 7 wish to say that T have leased my foundry to •the above Arm for a terb1 of years, They none to Winghamn hl h lyroconprended As firet•class mechanics, having had extensive experiencewCrit and repairs, i NoHld ask for theta a continuance of the patronage extended is to during the past eighteen resit, It M ROBIIVBOB, Wieighatu, Juno 26th,1b96, , .A. Hr . IG jw TAI 140 Ft PU..OD I Et�r'Lt .KEN IN EX0HANNene A. ZI. GRI G, Jetstrpiners M't, wtrisima, SA, S SLA. The understood nffars ter tial• ale isrm, hein south teat of Lot 46, concession 12, Rest Veal nn easy townie, '�e farm onnsists of 100 5c -res, ad of which ,.it 4 od and in a good stave of u nation, taw bit betnfi low, wet lend On Premises art frame imuaa. eont*irri', 9 roc and good oil ; Lank barn and scone st irtinit; wells of gelid water ` two segment ids6srnp} A orchard. The tame Is well 11ro.5. R small resideegqes in Wit Yuan ars he aars,d tenon, rot tares, tr on the prem sss, or to Wsot W seand*1S, Jute 150 221114 • 4) 1.4. chi We are ti Mena Stlit'i. If you new'. tar collie and. We have a 43CJ41rrr rs,t7 'Alt CA I ii Twi ejtlbttoe, nt 1 atte dial; i'irder:;': AWN' have the i5nfeotion ITBlvifivEi. Severai,m assisted the a31. Qf the Blyth --Gash for g Mansel Gkocer Salve, i --The Ek'reboogs have been "A/nerioati fii11'e city ilia •-...This appe newspaper or asttignege -tht builtlus ttriut 32. �+tour .. )o td LY jntveli!r- t,oY. --To the' s+F the tttieyt t0%vti h all, w {^� seated to t i"sooiety for ei lay you, I.Ie Beaucl dollars; fine dollta>;s; at tl --Mr Phil yketuruett fra ,p,'ietou. 1'• rot Mrs Mottib ea that Mr and itis pot ttuolt longe Call tar; tire' .�iauralr Gerstei , are e-nzaiter of rxirisf's Ir76C1 to'furuiela ilt•ay be ' , through ler lierer Large ' t4 khd Star troves, eros most rail. o gt'owa as'i tltudiuoUS aua make rtroieltills l.rgest st . tecta and def Ibe li (kn Pit $ eye the for>.t reetaura who spent Xtaartag at lsebtr Wiitl ausioeaef°u wish him of thet lei) for blm ry.b.