Wingham Times, 1890-10-10, Page 9sr ter me tot yo 04 ening penile are u and Rt, a, It :is Tata attest ill a these at• of horse ed by of A t the eau every icond 1 16 axing hibit• 1s same rs till >1 tin :r. g of !f c3e• alined ter, have A) zn.t old etyee in er o£ away self ►e. 1obler our., ytl)1otY can ; ne or ,fenny easy BS5ary t waist' roving id will agoing; aortal- llizp" , tnsalf. es can oty. n the ion of. midst drops t plc u what• d coin - 08 aro 1 like own ars, till tl•1 tilt DANCE COLUMN ooancorxn Iry Tr['" T. W. 0. T • ak to '"lin Kindly. 7i'oi1l'iiMed by alcohol, blue�eyed and illy orad (Inning his fate as he shuffles along, Crushed and bereft of the Once earnest will be had, Vernnil'esR, homeless, jeered by the thr,trij ; ode have agsi,ted him, pastors have rayed with him �• leo hes been lost' and reamed o'er and o'er; at do not Rive 1'kirit up—pull from his ltps the cup, -- peek to him kindly and try him once more. Tlto�'tis disheartening never to thrive im Sad his relapses from virtue to sbanie Give hire) not hupleeely up --if you wive with him Some spark of fame maty be fanned to a me. Sorrrb potent rnernory--haply a mother's nee; Tc ng been virtue and wiedorn of yore, May e reealleci to his ear by another's voice; Speak to him kindly Mud try him once more, Obrist in Ills charity taught those who came td il'ira Ill deeds should be pardoned seventy times seven, Succor the least here and you do the same to Hitt These are the precepts of earth and in Heaven. li! then,when laboring hard for humanity ever believe that you labor hi vain ; iudness will conquer the drunkard's in. sanity. Speak to nim gently and try him again. Francis 0. Snaith, in N. Y. Weekly. clippings, Lord Randolph Churchill says each eneration of .English people are be. tinting niore and more a.lcoholized,yet he government does nothing to stop he,t,17e in drink. 'No liquor attires, no tobacco stores, Oberlin, Chin,and the use of tobac" o in any form is prohibited to the ,200 students in the famous college, f one tnwu can rig itself of Vibe coo tores why not another? arner's Pledge Hello, Bide who are you, exclaimed oofTom Atether'sreap„rs, asasee eri- ar old boy one noon appeared among em, 1' ala papa's temperance pledge, (4)1 1, paps}'; piped out the jolly litte p. You are! W t:11, then, 1 hare a od mind to pitch yeti into the middle next week, if it i; you who are keep. .' illk.cpcln having a comfortin” drop of hisky and water, said a reaper. Yes, itnae, ,laugh.d little Dick in h, glee ; and if you want ` to know era papa signed me. I'll show you; d as proudly as any soldier display. his sears the little boy pulled down collar of his calico ,shirt, showed'a greet, shite sear on the alder. reailliing; up toward his oat ; then espying a load of straw ting fol' tier baro he sped off f,.r at P. es, boys, raid Tom, that little ow is my pledge,. Ri1(1'1 eigtied hitn, ugh he does not know whist that Ily ore: us, You know it isn't linens that makes nee refuse you liquor which. other fanners deal for 1 agree to pay you more wages. it ,hatred of the accursed stuff, trd for your real good. . When ugl'it this farm tan years ago 1 did know the taste of rum or whisky. ryone. took alittle,as1fou ud,iuhar- times,and when work was pressing, fell into the sanie way; a drop if _ether was hot ; a little if it was bon ; a long drink at noune if T s`t work. Once in a while of a ityi in the old meeting -house, he choir was' singing a hymn soother nand to 'sing, 1 had an on feeling that 1 was slipping; ttown 1 always !tot' hard liquor in my r ; All nay work• hands had it, and ole way the fame began to run , too. Summer before last it was hot, and I whir not very well ; n having chills. When tlwy ma1 thought nothing helped me t a little -nor a't greTt deal of Otte noon r:. the field 1 Was :t ; the dinner -horn bail std atid-I l icked up fitly jjng a 1on,g pull. 'J heft. with the along it on an empty stein. itch, the whisky flew to my hood as never before. I cut the grain every way, the ground rising up Anti going flown under me, and the fart shifted till the points 44 the compass wore all wrong. Yon just saw that boy of mine! tie iq my only one ; his mother's idol, And ---well, T would dila for the boy Any day. Tltc Iitte chap had taken his puppy and wandered oft: to where I was working;, it was hot, He wits only five years old, and what slid he da but lie.riglit down ,~here the tall gr,lin would shade him, and go to sleep with the puppy oudtllidlg dovvti and doing the same. Well, the clzzfer 1 got the more recklessly I swung. around, and suddenly I slash, d out with that sharp tit tiel and ---good heaven, boys! Just you fanny it ? ins poppy never yelp- ed, his throat was cut so clean ; and that boy of urine 1 One great gash down his soft, white flesh, right up to his tender little throat, but escaping it, for the pnppy nestled there 1 I do nos know much about the rest of that esy, nor the time until I heard the boy would not die But when old.Dr Kin ley said he might live, I just held him up to God iv my arms, and I said Here, Lord, is lay temperance p'edge ! 1'11 never touch one drop of liquor while 1 live, and this boy whose life has Been spared, !lever shall either it prayers and example and teaching can prevent. And so, boys, 1 oitir't treat you, for T have signed my pledge in blood. There was no more murmuring on that farm after that,—.4. L. Noble, in Temperance Banner. ' A' Grain bolt/. A case of considefable interest to grain dealers and others was decided in Stratford last week before Judge Rose, ll1essrs. Hoy Fres. bought last April about 4000 bushels of wheat, at 84e, p. r buahel, from McGary, Luele now. ticGury shipped'1000 bushels' to Listowel, wheat advanced to about 68c. and he refused to deliver' the' bet; once, claiming not to have. S )ld'' any ;bore. Hey Bros. t )oft an notion to rtibover tl,'e difference in value on the 3000 bushels. Evidence was given showing that he had told parties that he had sold all his grain and • flint lie ordered cars for it all to Listowel and cancelled them afterwards. 7 udgnient was given for the plaintiffs for '$270 arid 'all costa. 'J'oo often have dealers r'epu'diated tlietr sale on' a rising mark, et and this case should be a warning to such to fulfil their ngreetnents.— Listowel Banner, WINGHAM FLOURING MILLS1 Thettndarsigned wish to tender their hestthanim for the liberal patronage given to out Arm' during several) ears prior tq,the burning; of our mill by in. emidiarism, During the past season wo have re• ,noddeiled the tow,* "mill to the latestapproved sys- teas of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling., We be have wocun now give better accommodation than ever before, We offer Prompi, Dispatch, Fain Retiirns, QUALITY SECOND TO NONE IN'l'IiLS SI OttOr hAnd ope 10 be sagainr ran tenal d tw Cil a tothe eby csiness all old triends and many new ones. Yours most respecttcily, HUTTON & CAII1B Wingham118111, Oef, 23 INV. Phrenology; Physiognomy 'and Physiology. Sena photograph of Yourself or 'Friend with $1, and I wilt send you a Written Statement et your Character and aha Pursuit you aro adapted tor; also stating \;lot pw•son you should marry to be happy. Photo, rmturiu:d with t. Oe Coievs rhranologist, bturillo1', 0. via Pot Arthur, Ont. Late of Maximus. Frank Wilkinson, a greia buyer et Men- ilton, rays ; 'rl used aeveratl medicines and found no relief until 1 tried Wilson's Com. an Ole bottle cured him of a long stund Syrup, Wild Cherry." anding )g m tand painful cough, with tightness of 'cheat and short breath, Bold by nI1 druggists. AU Ment. young, old, or middle aged, who 'find themselves nervous, week or Exhaust" ed, who aro broken clown from excosa or overwork, resulting; in many of tha following symptoms Mental depres, tion, premature. old age, loss of vitality, lose of memory, load dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission, lank of energy, pain in the kidneys, heedake, pimples an the face or body, itching or pecular sensation about the euretell:, waisting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitehingg of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderues of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby remotes, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excita- bility of temper,' sunken eyes stir - rounded with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are sill symptoms of nervous debility that led to inanity and dead useless euros. the spring or vital power having 'lost its tension every function wanes inconsequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be Pernianentely cured. ,c,'end your address for took on all diseases peculiar to rutin. Address 111, T. LUBAN, 60 Front St, E., Toronto, Ont, I3ouks sent free sealed. .heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint' spells, purple lips, numbness,' palpitation, slcip beats, not flushes, rush of blood to the head, ?'ul:l pain' in the heart with brats strong, 'rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be esured. No cure,. no pay. Send for book. Address 111. V. 'LUBON, 60 Front Street Beet, Toronto,' Ont, •L, P. B,. TIME TABLE, Trains Arrive and depart as follows: LISAn'136 ARRIV7Nm 2:uup.ui " 2A0p.m 2:00 p. m For Teoswater 2.00 L0:30 p. in 10:80 .' C3'�A L`TD Z'' A. 0, STRAT11hEr3, .Amine, WINertaMM: Through tickets to ell potents in America—North• (rest, Pacific Coast, etc., vin the shortest and all popular routes. lia•,r;ag, checked through "to >:35 a. to ....., ..:.rot' Toronto ..... ..5:3G a m c loation. Lowest freightrites to alt points, - TIME TABLE. 'GRAVID w1XmtJA3e. 211131 8 AT w,\GUAM. 0:30 a.m.'oronto, Guelph,palmorston, &c.8:80 pan. 11:10 " "10:10 " 2:40 p.m. " , Clinton, " 7:25 " Palmerston, Slixed.... .10:15 a.m. 6:45 n.m....... —.London, &o..........11:00 " 8:40 pan. " 7:46m. 11:10 a.m.. ., Einnardiwo, &o 6:80 a.m. 8:30 p.m . ' 11:10 " 10.10 6:50 p.ni Properly Tor Sala in Belmore, The undersigned offers for sale a desirable pro pet in the village of 'Delmore, eonsf„ tint; of a good dwelling house, office, stable and driving; shed, svith one acre and Omit of land iu connection: Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees. Will bo sold at .a bargain. For particulars, apply to FREDERICK Cn'1I;, ielnto e.' BARBER SHOP. Mit. MALCCL11 MCDONALD, {CATs ar an'LRY,) }Lasing puiohased the barbering business of tlessiw. Sebastian Bros., is prepared to give all old customers and 54 many new ones as patronize him, satisfaa.ion in all lines of the profession. SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are my specialties. tt:,Sire me a call at the old stand, opposite Gordon and McInty re s store, sti M. 3beDGNALD. TILES, TILES. of the WI wham 'Brick Yards, have on hand a large stock of tiles for drainmg purposes, from 1J inehea to 10 inches in size, which will No sold cheap, and on most favorable'terms. Farmers Astonding to dimity should see our Tiles for themselves before deciding,; to use lumber, A lame quantity of on hand, and will be sold at lowest living profit, J OR THE BESTIT 1J' ,E1 . , -TN _ - • R .. iED CLOTHING, HATS, ,(;t) 'r ().....�-_,a. k/i YM t7[WY0.7I.� - APS Sanas, COLLARS, CUFF 3, Cheap for A.S . �.T E L3 S r -Tr' j p I L '. S 0 It ME PATENT -TOP ILK CANS, CREAM CANS, MILK PAILS,. SAP BUCKETS, and MILK FAN.. t 1_1 Irair 'l EAVE-TROUGHING A. SPECIALTY 0 Repair; i ig will be Promptly Don. k , HAS BECOME FAMOUS AS THE GREAT Ct1 Of Canada. It is made only by McOOLL BROS. & Co., Toronto. 'OCXEJD'S CYLINDER OIL need, -only to be used to be appreciated. Try it: Beware of those who imitate Laraine. Get only the genuine, AT 00 A WINGHAM, M, O T.. Large Stock and :Low Prce;:4.. Ale si g to Every Household.. ELLIOTT BRUSngham HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND ' OINTMENT. mets!nitr ts. a trar.rrac ormczo 0 TIUX,::rf 1)IT4".tr Please Wont gar reader. that X hove a positive remedy for,the abo* ' • t tesa•N" . By its timely use tb 'usal..is of hopeless ::Rees have been permanently cured. 7 glad to dead two bottles of my remedy PRE* to any of your neadere who have c I. iurpptlon if they seal send me their Etsprets and Pot 0 se Addres&. 1Respoctht.l ?, Iva .A. 6600117 ti M.Q.t MO Was* A diP*1df. *UK TORONTO* ONTAX'p. ... These rcmecles have stood the test of fifty yeara. exprrience,..end aro pronounced the best Medicines fot Pinole us.. Purity the blood, Coterect all disorders of the LI`'Eit, St"MACH, lilDNEyS AND 13OWRLs ,ata are Invaluable lin all eomplalnte Incidental to Imitate nt all age's. Ts the only reliable remedy for had1egs, sore, ulcers, and old wound:, VOR tIRCNCi11118 B.41., THROATS, Corell:, fitiLl)8. 00178, iat•'SUBATISM, oLADt`t,Ate $WT t.T.I . rs ANDALL $S13 DinS1ASI23 IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 73, It' w Word. WOWS, oxford Street, Loudon, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. tarPnrhassrs should look to the Label ou the I;oxaia and Tota. It tits 'Arm Oxford Street, London, they are epuriour.