Wingham Times, 1890-10-10, Page 3Et )RING, HINE STREW( NTARIO. car oxi adVanee Ps 1 a moII I .. 1 War— : Oa I2 es G 00 I7 Ou a 00, 2 00 1 00 meats.80. per lite Mr each subamMent. 0, 10e. ler first in Iheegnent bisection ss than Strayed, ituatIOns, kt exceeding 8 Bi* exete fing 8 three,, trent month lered to rtieereente, or for e directions, will he ie ordingly. Tran" 11d in auvt.nco entente must be in in order to Appetit* CT :TOIL AND IUBLIsrlsa GET, ONTARIO Surgeons, Ontario. if Huron—, Wingham, Ont. its University, anti} kine anti. Surgeons of f Centre and Patrick , Bethune. . ONT. It, Etc., Etc one titlo,rest rates I. Nen ages, town ht and yid. • (M, ONT. brC INSON, E. A: ,its; .te., Etc., So eonlifdesiuners for team, Town and olar Ad. Money (prtvute eat' at f,j per vont, ons, upon the beet ae3 expense to tea itt.ba auu the North. 0. E, w410UUAAt, ag Celluloid Plates of the hesttnateria r can°bo got in the work.'warranted.ed tel the painless 0 andsthctic knoan. tee or 25 cents IeekA opposite the 1D 1' J 11 , INeuAlt- ite, Celluloid, Alloy, etc., Plates, ranging ,00 upwards per: set ,dgoty ork. Teeth ex by the use of Vital ut, side entrance op - ally (Sundays except. be at Blyth ovary nth -:-°nice at Milne e lays Of each month— his to cents. C AGENT CLINE, 'Olt THE COLNTy of the Co. Chaty;'e. fA14 TIDE CO'0hTV On' Mico pro}nptly at .end It x79Ed.RIBRON Ari► and on the Sltoete* lotion Gdaranteed. 'fan be1made et tb, 045 ice__ n1JN8 ND CIvn, I17Eteniss 1NOIIML a the '1oisswill re tit , lseotax or MAD alga., i*K' • .t OASNECIIV aDON'T$. DON'T DRINK, DON'T SPP' •MATE. DON'T ENDORSE --TIBC IRON MI MAIER'S ADVICE You are. about to start. in life, and It is well that ,young nein should iregin at the beginning and occupy the most Rubordinate posittous. Many of the business men of Pittsburg bad serious responsibility ttn'ust upon them ixt the 'very thteliold of their career. They were introduced to the broom and spent tire, f1rst hours of their business life sweeping out the office. 1 was a sweeper myself, and who do you suppose were my fellow -sweepers 4 David Mcoargo, now superintendiut of the Atlef;hany Valley railroad ; Robert Pitcairn, superintendent of the Pennsylvania railroad; tmd Mr. tXore lamed, city attorney of Pittsburg. Begin at the beginning, belt ain high. 1 would not give a fig for the young than who does not already, see himself the partner or, head of an im- p >rtant firm, ' lrii.,re are three dangers in your path: The first is the drinking of Liquor; the seeond is sl)ecuiatien, and the third is enduring, When I was ft, telegraph operator in Pittsburg, I knew, all the men who speculated. Tiley were not our eitb- zens of firs' repute; they were regard- , ed with susptwiou. I, have lived to See all of thele . ruined•—bankrupt in looney,. and bankrupt in character, Tjiere.is scarcely an instance of a man. hg s who has made a fortune by speculation and kept it. The man who grasps the morning (tapers to see how his speculative ven- tures are likely to result tu.fits himself for the calla o•)nsidteration and solution of business problems with which he. hs to deal later in the day, and saps -i, P souceeS of that pt'rsistent and con• eantrated energy upon which depend the permanent liuceess, and very often. very safety, of his main business. The thorough man of business knows that only by years of pttieut, unre- mitting attention to.atl'airs eau he earn his reward, which 1:+ the result, not of chance, but of wtt1; devised mentis, for the attainment of ends. Nothing is more essential to busi- Iless mien than untarnished credit, and •9 iiOthiF-ig kills c.'edit sooner than the a ,14ttowledge in any bank board that a sotto egg igen . in spectmlation, liow Can a man be credited whose resources may be swept away in one hour by a (lemic among gamesters. 1 £tesolvo to 1.8 business nen but speculators never. The third ,danger is the perilous habit of endorsing notes. It aptears to your generous instincts and you say, Row can 1 refuse to lend my naiad only to assist a friend ? It is lteetause there is so much that is true and coin: amendable in .that view that the sprees tice is clangorous. If you own any using, all your capital and ill your effects • are a soiemn trust in your Lands, to be held inviolate fore the security of those who lime trused you, When a roan in debt endorses:for an- other, it is not his own credit or his own capital that he :• risks, it is the money of his own creditors. There- fore, 1 say that if you Are ever called upon to endorse, .never do it unless yot. have cash means not iequired for your own debts; end nevergutiorse be• yond those means. ,Ifnrlois xo Itiemi n is --Are you disturbed at tnght said broken et you rest by a elekehild suffering and trying withain 01 Cutting Teeth'.' If so amid at once andgeta bottle of " Mrs, Wlnatow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething, Its Value Is Meal ml. -able. • It will reliefs the poor little suffer,* immediately. Depend open it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. it cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stormy It and Bowels, cures Wind Celle, . softens the Ganite, reduces Inflammation, and given tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething Is pleasant to the taste and is the pres.n.ption of one Of the oldest and beet female ph+bsieians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughoftt the world, Price twenty -fire come a Bottle. Ile aura and ask for "Iles. tvl:,slaws. dungaree Srnt:e' did take no other kii:d A. CHANCE 14tflq t/AJ1 e KN MI:l.l L ,i'lel,es to intimate to the people Wingham and surrounding country that. he hes purchased the harness business -lately carried on by Mass,s. J. J. Honlutb. & Son, and will conduct it In the building one door eolith of Air T A Milks' ` store, DOUBLE AND S- MOLE IHAIINESS heavy or light, trade to order, A full line of Horse Blankets, Sleigh hells, Whips Curryoonba, Brushes, stet, alwt<yson hand, Repairing nu promptly do The patronage of the public solicited, and • lonin work and ut.aterlal guaranteed, ' O.•' KN.'r•--vHTEL Wingham, March 4, 1800. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. A'n will buy the ODELL TYPE WRI- TER with 78 characters, and $16 for the SINGLE CASE ODELL. warranted to do better work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, ease of operation, wears longer without coat of repairs than any other machine. Has no ink ribbon to bother the operator.. It Is neat, sohatantial, nickel plated, perfect and adapted to, all kinds of type writing, Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two or ten O Ales matt be made at ono writing. Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days, We offer $1-,00 to any operator who can equal the work' of the. DOUBLE CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special nducements to Dealers. For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, Eco„ address ODELL TYPE WHITER Co., 85 and 87 5th At e. ' ' CRICAGO, ILL. The barn of Andrew Reid, eon. '7, lot 1•I, Hallett, was on Wednesday turned to the ground, with all the °entente. About 606 bushels of wheat, besides oats, barley, .peas and (, were destroyed, ss wits alb° a fat The fire was started by children yang with matches at the straw.. .rip. The ilfearatuee is smart, LATEST NE W.s. WE MAY HAVE TO PArc', Two Nnt POD:fir :. Duty on ehort]y eif when sending to theeUnited States. HHad you not bettele" bring it to the WINGHAM; TANNERY tat once, and get-We/highest prige IN CASII ' Qtrjtde for it? ;:1,4at your' HIDES,:',SIIEEP S ((INS, l7ALFSKINS, TALLOW, &e., the same way. IL you rogbire anything special in Br EAVY '. ` GLOVES, and see. .. Harness, Sole, tipper and French LEATHER AND FINDINGS always kept in stock for Shoemakers. W. 3. CHAPMAN, Wingham. Su;: vous debt an improve. equaled meth letter: Send toms and age stat:. Epilepsy. rsfrotn orar are s n 11 ac dress, in s for answer. HY8IEA artier," We sand ner- ely cured by absolutely un - Treatment by mit of spirts. sing pabt- WBS IitiroilWoolig M11�S WVreden Mills In A1I. run public that we and hail this wont sire special attention to CUSTOM OM WV ORK sin all its branches, and will keep in stock al clues of drat•eleas goods, such as rl"weeds,. Flannels, Btoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns,, &c., &c., (matte from pure weed Only) cheap for cash or ex• change for wool. Customers from a distance can have their rolls home with them the sane day. £?'highest market price in cash for Merchantable Wool, INGLlS ai: 00'Y.,. Wingham MATTHEY/ AMBLER, HARNESS MAKER ltae on hand a large ate of HORSE BLANKETS, CUM M1''COMBS , ;s.i1 SHES,, • W ntPS, TII.UNIiS, VALISES etc. Which will be sold at bottom price*. IIAItNNESS, double or single, made to order on short notice, and satiefacution guaranteed. d8YA call solicited. OP.—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton, MATTHEW AMBLER{,' ngham, Feb. Eth, 1800. (.1 -Tow. is the time to paint your houses, and RUBBER I; PTT --is the— BST in the. WORLD, None genuine unless stunned "Rubber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio," We also have the best Re4i7 higts, You can get any shade you desire, in quantities costing from 10 rents up, For Whitewashing and Xfalsomining, ask for ABS. I N,. and don't take anything else. Ptiso's Remedy tor Catarrh Is the Best, Easiest to (lee and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by malt, 60e. T. Hazeltine, Warren, 18a., 17, S. A. Z:TGAND SAW MILL • GEORGE THOi SON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, Virst-class Shingles,. and Cedar Pests. Car toad Orders a SpeoiaUUY. 'WOOD delivered to any part of Wingham. award dby'ntall prompt y attended to, OEOEGE THOMSON, WinffhNel P.p HALD WARE MEaOHA.NTS, .Winghatn, WINGHAM riAnBLE WORKS! dicing a retrospect of fay thirteen or fourteen ars buatneas.in D. ingham 1' desire utoatlteartily to nder my thanks to my friends and the public gen. erally foe the liberal patronage extended to me in the past. I may also state that I am in a position to offer better hiducententa than over to those requiring anything in the lino of Grate or Stone Monu'rnents, HEADSTONES, WINDOW SILLS, STONE: TltIrAIL'IOS, FOR FEGNCING, die T wotiLJ bo pleased to have those a of pro curing any articles itt my line to en In examine foods, commit prices and leave t:: tr no , curet the goals now be seemed and mer, ,,1 early in the sea+on. 'pion can selert froth; the latest designs acid obtain the finest wo• ktnattrhip at the moat favorable prieet Most rrttpecttully, yours, WM. SIvIVVIH,. Wfeilharn, Ont. MRS, HERDSMAN Ilia hfrr stock of Vali Good* to hand, and opened out. It is roost 600E. plete and has 'wen purchased in the hest Foreign and Home Markets, for cash, and will be sold at lowest possible profits. Feathers, flowers Ribbons,. Laces, Silks, Satins, Brocades, Plush and Velvet Mantle ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO MANTLE MAKING AS USUAL HATBAND BONNETS TRIMMED IN LATEST STYLE, GOODS IMPORTED DIRECT. EGGSTAKEN AS CASH. Mrs.-Ilerdsrattri. WIxrlitAlVf, Aug. 2 tb,1890. Geat �i —UF -- T. E S L J E S. Hating bought too largely, in order to reduce and make room for fall importations, nearly 200 pieces 0 goods, especially TWEEDS, will be sold at cost othandling; some lines less. Strictly for cash. Goods ant any length to suit purohasers, As the goods are of a superior quality, bought for cash, there is extra value. —COMM A.N'D EXAMIMT — Come early as we expect a rush. Can have them well and fashionably made by best mechanics. or sold by. piece. This is a genuine Sale, commencing on Saturday, 28th Juno. C4RRIACES and BUGGIES WM. e DOEp (of the late firm of Nickel & Dore), MANI'FAC'rnlErt Ot— Top and Open Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, Cutters, Phaetons, Road Carts, &c. Special Bargains will be given in Top and Open Buggies for the next two, months, All kinds a work made to order by first-class workmen, wider the super- vision of the proprietor. Repairing, Painting, Top Building, &o., done on short notice. Those in need of anything in our line will save money by calling before purchasing. WM. DORE, Wingham, Ont, .. 0 FOUNDRY,. U R R A Y' r Co., —Successors to R M Robinson, nanufacturerers of— AGRICULTURAL IMPLE NTS.. 0 We have the patterns of it. AI, Robinson and can supply repairs for all kinds of Implements. 0 12,MP.A.i t t —Ci- OF" �T1V =?S A 813.7.1CTAy'2'-Y'.: • The p3? nage of the public solicited. 111TERAY tl co. In connection with the above, wish to Ray that 1 have leased my foundry, to the above firm fora term of years. They come to Wingham highiy recon>mended as first -elan mechanics, having had extensive experience in mill work and repairs. I would ask for them a continuance of the patronage extended to In during the past eighteen years. Rt Ai ROBINSON, Wingham, ,luno t5th, ib00. ED. �11�S�Y`S 1��tuGflY MT4131311MNT Has a most complete assortment of the Liam, Citoiei sr, and MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goods, OV Clitttgli `' ATs b. � 9 ''" CLOSE ATTEWrION OrV>,:ri To 1 P.'1',A.IRmO, ,AND %VOillc ALL 1r'V'ASILINTED. GO IIIG1iT TO (MEN'S t1LOOR FOR YOUR MWEtLEDY, WTHOUSANDS CF BOTTLES giVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Cure I do not mails nil merely to stop them for At time, *wither; bawl them reternagain, 1 MEAN ARADICAL °LIEU. nave made the disease of'F, Epilepsy or Foiling gloknefM a lite -long study. I wrrrwrft my rsrmady to Cure u1, worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now - shier a ea e. Seed a co for a treatise and a Freie Matto of mf 1 nfali»l,ii learned Cave l ae s o Office. It costs ycm nothimt fora trim and tt will cuyou "—Mr; Brigooh OM'oot FOlI NifiSf�71.•P I14 tl iT, TO